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US 20140281.

(19) United States
(12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2014/0281889 A1
Treibach-Heck (43) Pub. Date: Sep. 18, 2014
ORGANIZER (RDCO) CPC .................................... G06F 3/0484 (2013.01)
USPC ........................................... 715/234; 715/771
(71) Applicant: Yash Treibach-Heck, Foster City, CA (57) ABSTRACT
A data source. Such as a web page, a locally retrieved docu
(72) Inventor: Varda Treibach-Heck, Foster City, CA ment, user-entered information, etc., is made visible to a user
(US) via a display, Such as a computer monitor or touch-screen
tablet or smartphone screen. The user selects data of interest
(21) Appl. No.: 13/831,838
y x- - - 9
from the display and indicates its type to a collection routine,
which runs either overlaid onto the frame as a template being
viewed by the user, or in the background. The collection
(22) Filed: Mar 15, 2013 routine then automatically associates the data with the corre
sponding field of a database. A later user may then view not
Publication Classification only the current data record, but others, so as to see an orga
nized compilation of information from multiple data sources.
(51) Int. Cl. The collection routine may also enable multi-user and multi
G06F 3/0484 (2006.01) Source input.



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FIG. 18


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US 2014/028 1889 A1 Sep. 18, 2014

RESEARCH DATA COLLECTOR AND columns or number of features being researched becomes a
ORGANIZER (RDCO) hindrance and significant time-taker. Copying images and
HTML into client-side software also may cause formatting
FIELD OF THE INVENTION and functionality problems. Using existing Software and
methods, the search process is often disorganized, and there is
0001. This invention relates to a method and system for the often no way of managing multiple people doing research on
collecting and organizing of data from web sites, web, phone the same topic. For example, if there were four Human
and tablet applications or other installed and/or client-server Resource professionals all looking for suitable candidates for
and/or internet-based software programs, which allows for the same job, who all posted their curricula vitae on different
easy searching and retrieval, as well as collection and orga websites, there is currently no good way of managing this
nization of observed and/or unobserved data. process, including organizing the resulting data, keeping
track of the discards and making Sure the researchers are not
looking at the same candidates and duplicating each others
0002 Significant research is done on the internet, either efforts.
through open web-addressable content, web, mobile and cli 0005. Currently, if an online researcher wants to create a
ent-side applications, through Subscriptions or in other ways. report of her findings, she needs to create that report herself
Computers, phones, tablets, PDAs (personal digital assis from Scratch, using a word processing or other document.
tants) and other electronic devices are of course commonly This requires a lot of custom formatting and may not even be
used to do this research. Research often involves multiple possible if the report needs to include images, documents, or
Sources and when the screen size allows, multiple screens. large blocks of text (such as source code, or long links etc).
Research is done for work and pleasure, for personal use and 0006. Some web sites allow the user to click a “compare’
out of necessity. Some examples of the innumerable types of box and compare several products, such as cell phones. This
research conducted every day include shopping for a product, is helpful, but data compared may or may not be the data that
medical research, finding people, comparing candidates the user wants to compare. Also, there is usually a limit of four
(such as when hiring), patent research, comparing dentists or or five items that can be compared at one time. A solution is
physicians, problem-solving, knowledge seeking, literature needed which allows a user to research information in mul
searching, etc. Because of the vast amount of information tiple web sites or applications and easily manage, save, orga
available on the internet, virtually all research is now done nize and retrieve the data collected.
wholly or partially online.
0003. Often when doing research of almost any kind, the
researcher wants to keep track of what was seen, where value 0007 FIGS. 1-7 show sample researcher screens.
was found, where there may be a resource for later use, where 0008 FIGS. 8-17 show sample customer/designer screens
time was wasted, etc. For example, ifa researcher is research 0009 FIG. 18 illustrates a system that implements various
ing mobile phones with the intent of purchasing one, she may embodiments of the invention.
want to compare screen size, weight, features, appearance,
accessories, phone service availability, etc. Some of these DETAILED DESCRIPTION
sites may, moreover, be useful to revisit when the researcher
decides to buy a tablet computer and wants to make Sure all 0010 Merely for the sake of succinctness, the system that
the electronics work harmoniously together. implements the various common and optional aspects of dif
0004 Another example would be doing online research ferent embodiments of this invention is referred to as the
about different physicians. For example, perhaps one has just “Research Data Collector and Organizer (RDCO system)'
moved to a new city and needs to choose a new primary doctor system. As is described in greater detail below, the RDCO
or specialist. One would want to compare factors such as system here solves the problems associated with researching
years of experience, location, Schools attended, specialties, several different, and unrelated, web sites and/or software
insurance accepted, perhaps languages spoken, reviews and applications. The RDCO system allows a researcher to layer
complaints (such as on Yelp, or through the American Medi an interface on top of any web site or Software application,
cal Association or Better Business Bureau, for example), which allows the user to easily collect information, store the
perhaps the physicians interests, even the physicians information in the RDCO system, and review and organize
appearance if the researcher wanted a provider of the same the information in a flexible report for later use. If desired, the
sex or a younger practitioner for new approaches or an older data can also be mapped, formatted and exported into other
practitioner for years of experience. The researcher may Software systems.
come across names or fields of practice that are not needed at 0011. The RDCO system may be configured to collect and
the moment, but may be needed in the future. Bookmarking a store all data types, including, but not limited to data items
page is ineffective and inconvenient if the page content such as formatted or unformatted text, SMS, chats, emails,
changes. What is needed is a single window data capture faxes, screenshots, images, source code, videos, documents,
mechanism that does not slow down the user but memorial form field inputs, URL or location, time accessing the site,
izes the search process and grabs the data as it is indicated to time on the site, user, whether data is collected, in short: any
have value. Currently, it is not possible to capture this infor data item that is information in digital form that is presented
mation and organize it in a way that is easy to use, sort, filter, to a user in Such a way that the user can select it for storage.
store and share. One might select, cut, and paste information The data may be collected in an easy, and sometimes even
from a web site into a Word document or Excel document, but automatic, manner. For example, the URL, user, time access
this is tedious and time-consuming and requires a split Screen ing a site, Source code, Screenshot, etc. can be collected with
and/or switching back and forth between applications. If the out the researcher doing anything since this information is
data captured were organized into columns, the number of available to Software from the browser and operating system.
US 2014/028 1889 A1 Sep. 18, 2014

Other data items may be collected easily, using known selec phone manufacturers and service providers. She may be inter
tion techniques such as copy-and-paste, drag-and-drop, a ested in specific features, such as cost, service provider,
simple button, indicative HTML elements and manual entry. dimensions, appearance, camera resolution, weight, Screen
0012. The RDCO system may overlay a single web site or size, battery life, etc. To do this using the RDCO system, the
application that it is accessing for searching or collecting data user would navigate to these various sites within the RDCO
items or multiple screens or sources so that it forms a single system, and find the pertinent info for the various cell phone
frame on the screen. The overlay may optionally be associ models. The RDCO system then allows her to easily enter (by
ated with a particular template chosen as being Suited for the copying-and-pasting, dragging-and-dropping or other known
current search criteria. Common templates may be pre-con manual entry or selection methods) this info into the RDCO
figured and made available, or could be customized or created system, and ultimately into, the RDCO system database. The
from Scratch. The overlay may be opaque, transparent or database may then include all the information for each of the
semi-transparent, and either fixed or minimize-able. The phone models in which the user is interested. The database
RDCO system may be a parent frame, where the researched may also include the Uniform Resource Locators, or URLs,
web site or application is a child frame. Ideally, for conve from which the user collected data and the URLs from which
nience, the RDCO system and the web site or application she did not collect data. In other words, the RDCO system
being researched are on the same screen and visible at the may, if this option is selected, keep track of everywhere the
same time, making data collection much easier, especially on user visits, as well as whether the visit was productive or not.
Small-screen devices such as tablets and phones. This feature, if implemented, would inform the user to avoid
0013 The RDCO system may have several functional lev visiting sites where she did not find useful information.
els and several user types with different roles. For example, 0018. The resulting data can then be either exported or
the RDCO system may manage pre-existing templates, cus displayed to the user in any meaningful way. For example, the
tomized templates and projects. User types may include a user may want to see the information presented in a spread
designer role, a researcher role and a report reader role. Other sheet or chart form which she can search, sort, and otherwise
roles may exist, such as customer, and these roles may overlap manipulate the data to her liking. The user may also want to
or totally coincide. export the data into another application for further analysis.
0014. As used here, “templates' are configured sets of data The user may also want to allow another person to view the
collection fields configured either by the RDCO system or by report, either on the web, on their phone, via email or by other
a customer or administrator/designer. A custom template is a CaS.
customized set of data collection fields that are set up by the 0019. The various aspects—common and/or optional—of
designer. The designer may create a customized template the RDCO system are described below in greater detail with
from a pre-existing template, or may create a customized reference to an example of an embodiment that is shown in the
template from scratch. A customized template can also serve figures.
as a starting point, or a template, for future templates. A
project is a set of one or more templates. The “designer is the 0020. The RDCO system may have several functional lev
user type who sets up the customized templates and, possibly, els and several user types with different roles, as mentioned
a project. The “researcher is the user type who collects data above. For example, the designer may perform the traditional
by interacting with the data label portion of the template. The functions of an administrator, and may also set up a new data
report “reader' is the user type who ultimately uses the data collection project and assign users access to it as well as
collected within a template, or project. choose, customize and identify access privileges for the
00.15 Privileges are generally set by the designer at the project. The designer preferably also defines what data is to be
template level. Privileges may be set at other levels as well. collected and assigns any rules to the data collection process,
Data is collected by the researcher at the template level. The Such as which data is required and which is optional. The
data may then be stored in a database for storage, retrieval and designer may also create the report format(s), possibly by
reporting. The database is preferably unstructured, or open, dragging and dropping collection field buttons into columns
so that it can store different data types easily. However, the and determining filter criteria for the reports. There may also
database can be any common or commercially available data be a customer, a researcher, and a report reader, as well as
base. The database can be separated from the user-layer soft other possible user types, as described above.
ware or can be fully integrated. 0021. As used here, the “customer' will generally be the
0016. The data can be exported and/or encoded, for user who directs and oversees the project. The customer can
example, using Extensible Markup Language (XML), XML also be the designer, but preferably with the power to remove
based formats or other open standards markup language or a designer from a project once it has been created. For
schema systems for the representation of arbitrary data struc example, a customer/designer might be a recruiter who has
tures over the Internet so that the data can be used in a form, several subordinate recruiters. She may then want data col
a web service or a configuration file for processing, or used in lected on different candidates for an open position. She, as a
any other Suitable way, after entry into a database. customer/designer, may then set up a new data collection
0017. By using the RDCO system, the researcher is able to project and assign users access to it. She can define what data
quickly and easily collect useful data from a variety of dis she wants collected and assign any rules to the data collection
parate and separate Sources so that the data can be used, for process, such as which data are required and which are
example, to further business objectives or help make personal optional. The customer also has access to, and control of the
or other decisions. For example, if a person wants to research data as it is being collected. For example the customer may be
different cell phone options, she can open the RDCO system able to view reports of the data as it is being collected, as well
and then indicate what template she wants to use and then as who is collecting the data and how quickly. The customer/
visit the sites/applications she wants to research. For designer can also add researchers and report readers and
example, she may want to go to various web sites of cell define their privileges.
US 2014/028 1889 A1 Sep. 18, 2014

0022. Alternatively, the customer role and designer role 122, downloadable Document 126 and a form field 128 in
may be separate: The customer may direct the designer to set which the user can enter data manually, in this case, a proX
up the project in a certain way and simply review the results. imity preference indicator such as a Zip code. RDCO system
In this case, the designer would be responsible for setting up screen area, or frame 102, includes buttons 106 where each
customized templates and projects as well as, depending on data item being collected corresponds to a data label having
the situation, for setting up privileges. the appearance of a button and where each data label repre
0023 The researcher is the user who collects the data. sents a different data fieldbeing collected in the database; and
There may be any number of researchers on a project, includ indicators 108 (shown as check marks) that indicate which
ing only one. The researcher may or may not have access fields have been collected and which have not, Formfield 110,
privileges to add new data which is to be collected. For which in this example is a text box for Notes, and tabs 114,
example, if the researcher has these privileges, and notices which, in this example, allow the user to toggle back and forth
that several of the recruiting candidates she is researching for between data collection mode and a report mode. A Send
an open position have interesting hobbies, she may add a data email button 132 is illustrated to indicate an option to allow
field to the project, on the fly, by simply creating a label, the user to send an email from the screen. For example, the
“Hobbies'. If this happens, the customer may be alerted and user may want to send thoughts about important data col
may be required to approve the addition. The researcher may lected from a particular web site immediately to the customer
or may not have access privileges as a report reader to the for the project.
project reports or be able to edit data that has previously been 0027. Different elements on the RDCO system screen area
collected and is present in the reports may be made visible or not visible depending on how the
0024. The report reader is the user who ultimately reviews template was set up by its designer. For example, here, but
the results of the research project. In many instances, the tons 106 and form field 110 represent some of the data fields
report reader may be the same user as the customer. However, the customer/designer has specified as important for the
the customer may want to give report-reading privileges to project: Name. Address, Phone, Specialty, Image, Import/
others, including researchers, or other individuals. In the Insert, Screenshot, Document, Source, and Notes. Other data
example of a recruiter evaluating candidates, the project cus for “hidden fields (such as system time and the current URL
tomer may want to give report-reading privileges to the client FindAGoodDoc.com, etc.) may be collected automatically,
doing the hiring. The customer may also give the report reader and, as a result, may not need to be displayed and are therefore
access to only a portion of the data. In this case, the customer not visible in this example. Some of these fields may be
would customize the reports and control who accesses which required by the project, and some may be optional. Whether
reports. the field is required may be indicated by color or other graphi
0025 FIG. 1 shows screen 100 of one possible embodi cal indicators.
ment of the RDCO system and represents what a research user 0028 FIG. 2 shows the same researcher screen as FIG. 1
type might see after logging in and choosing a research where the specialty “Primary Care' has been highlighted or
project and template (if she is assigned to more than one) and indicated or otherwise selected. Highlighting a word or area
going to a website for research. Keep in mind that the lay-out can be done in any known manner, such as by using a select
and data and information fields of the example illustrated in ing device to slide the cursor over the word while holding
the figures are purely by way of example—designers of dif down a button, single clicking, double clicking, left or right
ferent research projects will of course typically prefer differ clicking, hovering over the area, using a finger or stylus,
ent templates. User and Template and Project info 112 is mouse, or other selecting devices. A highlighted word, phrase
shown at the top left. In this illustration, the research project or area may or may not show shading as shown in FIG. 2. For
is called “Find Doctor” and the custom template is Dr. cus example, a single click may show only a cursor, some other
tom, the user's name is Jane Smith. There are two primary indicator, or nothing at all. Selection of features in a displayed
screen areas, or frame areas shown: 102 and 104. Screen area screenis a well-known operation and any preferred method(s)
102 is controlled by the RDCO system and may be made may be specified and implemented. Here, for convenience, all
scrollable to be as long as necessary to house the data fields such methods and areas are simply referred to as “selection”
(scroll not shown, but well know to application designers). or “selecting and as being “selected.
Screen area 104 is controlled by the site or application from
which the researcher is collecting data. In other words, Screen 0029. Once an area has been selected, the user may want to
area 104 may in most cases be the window that the user's enter the information into the RDCO system. In FIG. 2 this is
selected browser displays for the web page the user has navi done by identifying the selected area 118, and then using the
gated to or otherwise found. Screen area 104 may, moreover, mouse or other pointer to click the appropriate entering
be a web site in a frame (such as for the example web site mechanism or button or selecting device 202, which in this
FindAGoodDoc.com) within frame 102, which may in turn case is labeled “Specialty”. In doing so, the text “Primary
be a web site (illustrated as www.researchdatacollectorga Care” will be entered into the RDCO system in the “Spe
nizer.com) used to implement the RDCO system itself, or cialty” field, indicated and controlled by input feature 202,
within a displayed frame created by a client-based application which may be any desired graphical or text-input tool such as
that implements the RDCO system locally for later data a button, a link, a textbox, select list, etc.
export. 0030 Associating selected data with any of the data
0026. In this sample screen, the web site being researched labels/input and collection fields 106 may be accomplished in
is called FindAGoodDoc.com. In this example, the researcher any of many different ways. For example, assume the user has
is collecting information relating to different doctors. There is selected “Primary Care” and wants to associate it with “Spe
information on the FindAGoodDoc.com web site includes cialty’, such that “Primary Care' is entered into the database
such typical fields as doctor Name 116, Specialty 118, Image as the specialty for Dr. John Doe, MD. One way would be to
130, general information 124. Address 120, Phone number select the text and then to click on the “Specialty” button, as
US 2014/028 1889 A1 Sep. 18, 2014

mentioned above. Another way would be to select the data may select a full name, such as “Dr. John Doe, MD. When
item (“Primary Care’) and then "drag' this to the “Specialty” the user enters this information into the RDCO system, by
button. clicking a button or otherwise, the RDCO system may auto
0031. It would also be possible to display a temporary matically break the text down into the following fields: Prefix,
drop-down menu after “Primary Care' is selected, with First Name, Middle Name, Last Name, Suffix, etc. Skilled
selectable options corresponding to the data label buttons programmers will know how to implement such “intelligent”
106; the user could then select which field to associate the data extraction/organization such that the RDCO system will
selected data with. One disadvantage of this method is that it know which part of the selected or indicated text goes into
may obscure too much of the screen during the process; which field: “Dr.” would go into the Prefix field, “John” in
moreover, it would in many cases be redundant given the First Name field, “” in the Middle Name field, “Doe' in the
“active” buttons 106. Nonetheless, such alternative associa LastName field, and “MD in the Suffix field. The same could
tion methods may be useful in some implementations and fall be done for other commonly entered fields such as dates,
within the scope of what a skilled system designer might phone numbers, addresses, etc. Of course, manual resolution
consider. of the different names and separate selection and entry into
0032. An example of one such implementation in which it the appropriate element in the entry field 106 may also be
may be preferred not to have a fixed, visible display of the implemented.
RDCO frame 102, or at least the template “label/collection 0036. In one embodiment the RDCO system may intelli
area/button 106, along with the frame(s) showing the data gently select data for data entry. For example if a user clicks
Source(s) would be in the cases where the user is using a on the screen between the “o' and “h” of “John', the RDCO
device Such as a Smartphone or tablet, with limited viewing system may “look” at the information near the click and
area. Displaying all the information in both areas 102 and 104 determine that the text clicked is part of a name. The RDCO
might in Such a case make it difficult to view everything at system may automatically select the entire name, or auto
once, requiring frequent Zooming, scrolling and sliding of the format the name text as described above. Other examples of
total display. If, after or before data item selection, the various intelligent selection include clicking on part of an image to
entry fields 106 are instead presented to the user in the form of select the entire image, double clicking anywhere on the page
a drop-down menu, pop-up tool, or similar temporary graphi to collect a screenshot etc. Essentially any indication with the
cal input tool, more of the limited display screen could be selecting device can be intelligently programmed to create
devoted to the active data source frame 104, thereby allowing certain actions in certain environments. This behavior can be
the RDCO utility to remain wholly or partially “invisible” to set by preferences in the customized template or automati
the user while still having full functionality. Of course, this cally performed and can be implemented using known tech
variation could also be implemented even on large displays. It niques by skilled programmers.
would also be possible, using normal techniques, to allow the
user to “toggle” between the RDCO frame 102 and the current 0037 Refer now to FIG. 3. After the user has finished
data source frame 104, which would make it easier for the entering data with selecting device 202, a corresponding data
user to see, for example, the data presence indicators 108 or presence indicator, check mark 108 may be displayed to
click or other RDCO control icons. indicate that the user has added data to the Specialty field. The
0033. The system could also work in reverse, such that the user may then review the data item, for example, by hovering
user first selects the data label from the RDCO system, and the selecting device over, or clicking, button 202 and viewing
then selects the research area that is to be associated with it. the entered data item in Such display tools as a balloon or
For example, the user could click on the data label/button (for popup window 302. The user might also be given the option to
example) 202 to select “Specialty” and then select the data deselect the check mark 108, for example, by double or right
item “Primary Care” in area 118. In either case, the data may clicking, to undo and later re-do the entered data item. This
be entered into the database at this point or reside in a buffer may be because the user finds the entry to be incorrect, or
to be entered into the database later. simply wishes some other entry. For example, if Dr. Doe has
0034 Local buffering of collected data may also be used to more than one specialty, the user may wish to choose to store
enable an "offline' or “real-time-updating embodiment. In a different one instead of the one first selected. Data can be
this embodiment, the RDCO system, which may be config re-entered by repeating these steps and the new data can be
ured as a standard application or as an agent, sends buffered viewed in the same manner that the originally entered data
data to the project database when triggered to do so. One form was viewed. As one option (not shown), the RDCO system
of trigger event is that the user has completed the association frame 102 could include a button such as “Commit” or “Con
of a data item with a data label; another could be that the user firm' to indicate that she accepts the data that has been
entered into the various fields and wishes to move on to a
selects an RDCO control such as “commit” or “upload” or
“finished' icon (displayed, for example, anywhere desired in different frame 104. Depending on how the database is imple
the frame 102), or simply when the user exits the RDCO mented, this could also signal that the captured data is to be
system. Another form of uploading trigger could be any edit moved from a local buffer to actual inclusion in the database.
to the data associated with the fields 106; this would imple If the user is so privileged, she may also be allowed to view the
ment a form of "synch-ing with the remote database, as is data on the Report tab.
found in some other commonly used applications. Another 0038 FIG. 4 shows an example of entering an image data
trigger could be time lapse or a time interval, according to item into the RDCO system. In this example, the user has
Some predetermined schedule. Such as at the end of a day or selected area 402, which includes an image. The user can then
hour, or more frequently if the amount of buffered data click the data label button 202, labeled “Image' to enter the
exceeds some threshold. image data into the RDCO system, or use any other option for
0035. In one embodiment, the RDCO system may auto association of the data with the entry field, such as dragging
format data for more logical data entry. For example, a user and-dropping, etc. The image may be entered in an appropri
US 2014/028 1889 A1 Sep. 18, 2014

ate format including TIF, JPEG, GIF, PNG, Bitmap, etc. example, select the “Import/Insert” button in the area 106,
Clicking on part of an image can be formatted to select the which could then either automatically accept whatever is
entire image. currently in the Clipboard as its entry (similar to a common
0039 FIG. 5 shows how image data can also be reviewed “Paste' feature) or it could thenactivate and display a window
in the same way text data can be reviewed, as in pop-up through which the user specifies a file (such as an image file)
window 502. If the user is so privileged, they can also view the to be associated with the field. To ensure localized complete
data on the Report tab. ness of the database, the actual file data itself is preferably
0040 FIG. 6 shows how a researcher can collect informa entered and associated with the field, but it would also be
tion, not native to the web page or application but relevant to possible for a link or file name to be the entry as long as this
the research user entered information. In this example, the will reliably lead to the desired data.
user has selected text, in this case Zip code information, in 0044) Importation of external information into the data
form field 128. Cursor 602 shows that the form field has been base entry of a current, but different, source might lead to lack
selected. After selecting the form field, the user uses selecting of associativity of database entries with the current web page.
device 202 to select the “Import/Insert” button. When the In many cases, this will be acceptable—such externally
“Import/Insert” button is selected, the researcher may then be retrieved data could be simply treated as one of the “Notes',
asked to create a label or find a file, and, data from inside form with no special label or need to alter the data structure of the
field 128 is then entered into the RDCO system with the underlying database. It would also be possible, however,
appropriate label associated with a corresponding database always to store the identifier of the source (such as the file
field, which may be created in any known manner. name, URL, etc.) along with any such imported data.
0041 Although a simple textbox field 128 is shown here, 0045 Data insertion from a Clipboard or the like need not
other form field data can be entered into the RDCO system in be only from an external source One other way for a user to
a similar manner. In some form field types, such as checkbox, select a portion of the displayed screen as data to be stored as
radio button, pull-down menu or other similar type of form an image would be to activate a utility Such as the "Snipping
field, the user may be able to click near the form field, or Tool included along with the Windows 7 operating system—
outline the form field using the selecting device. Alterna using the tool, the user could select the desired portion of the
tively, the user may select the entry mechanism, in this screen area 104 (FIG. 1) and then “paste’ it into the button of
example the “Add new button first, which could then trigger the area 106. In essence, "snipping would therefore simply
a list or menu of the various form fields in the page for the user be another form of “selection', creating an image.
to select. Additionally, the user may want to store the data 0046 Consider now sample screens for the designer or
from more than one form field and this option is also made customer/designer user type. FIG. 8 shows screen 800 of one
available. Possible form field types might include text, pass possible embodiment of the RDCO system. This screen rep
word, hidden fields, text area, date, etc., or the current state of resents what a customer/designer user type might see after
Such graphical tools as a check box, radio button, drop-down logging in to the RDCO system. User name 802 is shown in
menu, etc. Form field data could also be created at a “Create the upper left and tabs 804 indicate, and allow the user to
new template' phase so that the researcher indicates for the choose among, different areas of the customer/designer inter
report reader other custom conditions. face to the RDCO system. In this example these tabs represent
0042 FIG. 7 shows an example of collecting a screenshot. the “Manage templates”, “Manage users”, “Manage reports”
A “Print Screen” function may be collected automatically in and “Manage projects' sections.
the background, or by a user indicating which portion of the 0047 Screen 800 shows the user in the “Manage tem
screen to copy, using, for example, a “Screenshot” button as plates' section. The user has the option of creating a new
shown in FIG. 7. In this example a screenshot is taken when template from Scratch, from a pre-existing template or to edit
the user clicks the selecting device 202, "Screenshot, after a pre-existing template. Other template management tools
which a representation of the screenshot collected is shown in may be presented here.
pop-up window 702 when the user hovers over, or clicks, the 0048 FIGS. 9A & 9B show example screens of how a
"Screenshot' button. If the user is so privileged, they can also customer/designer can create a new template from a pre
view the data on the Report tab. existing template or from Scratch, or by editing an existing
0043. Many programs such as Microsoft Word include template. In the pre-existing example, the user has chosen the
utilities that enable selection and importation of external data template “Find the right doctor/dentist'. AVAILABLE
into a current document. For example, one can import an FIELDS window 902 lists some of the form field types avail
image file into a text document or copy-and-paste text from able to the user. Other pre-configured field types are also
one document into another by copying it to the system "Clip listed here. TEMPLATE FIELDS window 904 shows the
board' and then pasting it from there into the desired docu fields that have been chosen for the current template. Auto
ment. A similar feature may be included in the RDCO system matic fields within the window, shows some of the fields that
to enable importation into a database field from a source other are collected automatically by the RDCO system. The user
than the immediately active web screen, such as from a dif may be able to drag and drop the fields from one window to
ferent screen open in the same browser, a different document another, or the user may use indicators 908 to move fields
opened in a different program, or even an external file. The from one window to another. In this way, the user can fully
data can then be given an appropriate label as mentioned customize the data collected for the project. The user may also
above, whereupon a corresponding icon/button could be choose to have more than one field of a certain type in the
added to the screen area 106. The underlying database may project. For example, the user may want to collect two differ
then have a new field added using known methods and the ent form fields such as a radio button and a list box.
current template could be adjusted. Such alteration of the 0049 FIG. 10 shows an example of how a customized
template would however, preferably require a proper privi template can be configured on a more detailed level. This
lege level for the current user. In this case, the user could, for screen shows how the individual fields can be further defined,
US 2014/028 1889 A1 Sep. 18, 2014

including whether they are required or optional, oriffields are 0057 Reports may also involve exporting data, including
dependent on another field. For example, the user may not exporting for otherapplications, exporting in Comma-Delim
want a field to show up unless a response is found or the ited File Format, Field-Delimited File Format, Microsoft
response to another field is a particular response or one of a Excel File Formats, Tab-Delimited File Format, XML File
group of particular responses. Or, the user may not want to Format and other formats.
mark a particular field as required unless the response to 0.058 Reports can be viewed on the internet, in an appli
another field is a particular response of one of a group of cation, on a computer, tablet, phone, or any other appropriate
particular responses. On this screen, column 1002 shows device.
whether a field in field list 1006 is required. Column 1004 0059. The RDCO system may operate over the internet
allows the user to identify whether a field depends on another and/or other network. The system may be client-server based
field. Pull-down menu 1008 lists the available fields used to or web-based or application-based. Devices which can access
define dependence as configured by the user (response crite the system include computers, phones, tablets, personal digi
ria is not shown). The Add new button brings the userback to tal assistants and any other device with the hardware and
FIG.9, should she discover she is missing a field while in FIG. software necessary to view and/or use the RDCO system.
10. 0060. The computing device on which the RDCO system
0050 FIG. 11 shows an example screen of how the cus is implemented may include a central processing unit,
tomer/designer of a template can give different users access to memory, input devices (e.g., keyboard and pointing devices),
the template. The customer/designer is shown a list of pos output devices (e.g., display devices), and storage devices
sible users 1102, and can select which users have access, (e.g., disk drives). The memory and storage devices are com
and/or create a new user. puter-readable media that may contain instructions that
0051 FIG. 12 shows an example screen of how a cus implement the system. In addition, the data structures and
tomer/designer can manage users under tab 1202. Here a message structures may be stored or transmitted via a data
customer/designer can edit, delete or add a new user using transmission medium, Such as a signal on a communication
edit links 1206, delete links 1204, and add new user link 1208 link. Various communication links may be used. Such as the
respectively. Internet, a local area network, a wide area network, a point
0052 FIG. 13 shows an example screen of how a new user to-point dial-up connection, a cellphone network, and so on.
can be added. The customer/designer can further identify 0061 Embodiments of the system may be implemented in
what kind of access and what privileges each user has. For various operating environments that include personal com
example, some users may be given research access, to collect puters, server computers, hand-held or laptop devices, mul
research data, while others may be given report access, to tiprocessor Systems, microprocessor-based systems, pro
view the research report. Users may have more than one type grammable consumer electronics, digital cameras, network
of access and access may differ depending on templates or PCs, minicomputers, mainframe computers, distributed com
projects. User types can be assigned using pull-down menu puting environments that include any of the above systems or
1302. User types can also be managed, and custom user devices, and so on. The computer systems may be cellphones,
privileges set, using other tools (not shown). personal digital assistants, Smartphones, personal computers,
0053 FIG. 14 shows an example screen of how a cus programmable consumer electronics, digital cameras, and so
tomer/designer can manage reports under tab 1402. Here a O.
customer/designer can create a custom report, create a report 0062. The system may be described in the general context
from a template, or edit a report style. Pull-down menu 1404 of computer-executable instructions. Such as program mod
shows an example of report types available from templates. ules, executed by one or more computers or other devices.
Some of these reports may be provided with the RDCO sys Generally, program modules include routines, programs,
tem and some may be created by the user. objects, components, data structures, and so on that perform
0054 FIG. 15 shows an example report screen that a cus particular tasks or implement particular abstract data types.
tomer/designer is reviewing and a report reader might see. In Typically, the functionality of the program modules may be
this example, the data is presented in a spreadsheet, or chart, combined or distributed as desired in various embodiments.
format. Spreadsheet 1502 shows the project data and can be 0063. In the example embodiment illustrated in FIGS.
configured in any way that a standard spreadsheet can be 1-17, it is shown that the RDCO system is accessed online
configured, including Sorting, searching, hiding data etc. through entry of the proper URL such as www.researchdata
Depending on the data type, some of the fields may show the collectorganizer.com and the site of interest is also an online
actual data, and some of the fields may provide a link to the source, illustrated as FindAGoodDoc.com. In other words, in
data. Images and larger data may be represented by thumb the illustrated example, not only is the research being done in
nails with links to more detail, or larger images. If needed, a web sites, but the RDCO system is accessed and run through
report editor could be available to reorganize data after it is the internet, Such as being an application in the "cloud' or at
reported. least remotely. This is only one possibility for implementing
0055 FIG.16 shows an example screen of how a user can various aspects of the invention: In other implementations,
manage projects under tab 1602. Here a customer/designer either or both of these two “parts' the active data collection
can create a new project from Scratch, create a new project source, illustrated in FIG.1 as frame 104, and the RDCO data
from a pre-existing project or edit a project respectively. collection and organization system illustrated as frame 102.
0056 FIG. 17 shows an example screen of how a cus could be implemented either remotely or locally.
tomer/designer can create a project from Scratch. In the 0064. The illustrated configuration is therefore a “remote
example, AVAILABLE TEMPLATES window lists the tem remote' configuration inasmuch as the RDCO system is
plates available to the user to be assigned to a new project. being accessed and operated primarily, and the data source is
PROJECT TEMPLATES window shows the templates that accessed and retrieved (for example as HTML code and
have been chosen for the project. linked files) over a network such as the Internet, even though
US 2014/028 1889 A1 Sep. 18, 2014

the user interacts with both on her local computer. Such a committing it to inclusion in the database) before sending it to
configuration will be particularly advantageous in situations the database in the remote server.
where the user is doing research using a low-capacity device 0069 FIG. 18 illustrates a general system that can be used
Such as a Smartphone, although it is of course not limited to to implement various embodiments of the invention. FIG. 18
such situations. All four “RDCO/source permutations' are illustrates one user-level system 1800 that interacts with a
possible, however: remote/remote, local/local, local/remote RDCO server 1900 over a network (such as the internet, a
and remote/local. telephone network, etc.), but this is merely for the sake of
0065 Consider a “local/local or “local/remote' configu simplicity. The different user roles (such as designer,
ration. In Such a case, the data capture and/or storage com researcher, report reader, etc.) may have separate user-level
ponents of the RDCO system could be installed on the user's systems, and in Some implementations some of the user roles
computer as an application or as an agent for later communi may coincide; indeed, in Some implementations (such as the
cation with and uploading (or possibly local storage) of col “local/local embodiment), the user-level system 1800 and
lected data. This local application/agent could be launched in the RDCO server 1900 may be found within a single entity
any conventional manner, whereupon template creation can and even a single computer, with no need for an external
be carried out as described above. The user could then open network connection at all. For some roles, not all of the
the data source, either as a locally stored file (local/local components of the user system 1800 as shown in FIG. 18 will
operation), or by accessing a web site (local/remote) as above, be necessary, as one will understand from the description of
which can be presented as a frame within the RDCO system the various user roles above, for example a report reader may
frame and searched as described above with reference to not need an input/selection device.
FIGS. 1-15. If the database is implemented locally, collected (0070. At the user level, system hardware 1810 includes
data can be stored as above, with no need (but with the option) one or more processors (CPUs) 1811 and one or more volatile
for uploading to any "cloud' service or remote server; and non-volatile memory devices 1812, which may be used to
instead, the data can be sent to the local database, which may implement the local data buffer if this design feature is cho
then even be implemented as a component of the RDCO sen. The system hardware will typically also include I/O
system itself. cards and controllers 1814 as needed to communicate with
0066. A “local/remote' or “local/local configuration, or and control such input and selection devices or routines 1852
combination of these two, might be preferred by organiza Such as a mouse (or trackball, joystick, etc.), keyboard (or
speech recognizer, etc.), touch-screen sensor, etc., as output
tions that often carry out large-scale data collection and devices such as a display device 1855, which may be a sepa
research projects, especially if they, for reasons of confiden rate monitor, incorporated as, for example, a tablet or Smart
tiality and security, prefer not to store their research results phone touch-screen display, etc.
outside the organization itself. In other words, if a group of (0071. System software 1820 will typically include some
users want to use the RDCO system often, or when not con type of operating system (OS) 1822 and various drivers 1824
nected to the internet, they may prefer to install and runa copy that are used for software control of physical devices; note
of the RDCO system as a resident application. As one hypo that the drivers 222 are typically installed in the OS itself. A
thetical example, a law firm might often have infringement graphical user interface (GUI) controller 224 is also often an
projects and wish to research online materials such as the integral component of the OS.
infringer's online information (to look for evidence of 0072 An application/user software layer 1830, which
infringement), as well as case law presented by services Such
as Westlaw and patent texts such as on the USPTO web site. typically runs at the user level, is usually installed to run on
Of course, even in situations where some data is sourced via the system Software 1820, although many applications, espe
the internet, other data research could be based on locally cially on virtualized platforms, nowadays are executed from a
stored files such as drafts of briefs or memos. The database remote server in an arrangement often called "cloud comput
that stores the accumulated research results could then be ing. There are of course countless applications and it is these
implemented on the firm’s own server, or stored and later programs whose operation is most visible to users. One appli
uploaded, for example, as a batch, to a secure server, includ cation is a browser 1885, which, as is well known, is used to
ing a virtual "cloud' server that includes a database. retrieve, interpret, display and interact with content accessed
over the Internet.
0067. In a “remote/local configuration, the RDCO sys 0073. An RDCO software module 1880 is included in the
tem and associated database are accessed and run via the user-level system 1800. This module 1880, which may be
network, but at least some data source is on the user's local programmed using known techniques, carries out the various
computer. Such a configuration might be advantageous for tasks described above, such as transferring for display the
users who expect to do few projects, and so do not wish to selected template, interpreting user selections and commands
have to install any software locally, but who have a large (which she may enter using the input/selection mechanism
number of locally stored documents that they would like to 1852), sensing, accepting and formatting data that the user
examine and compile information from. Coupled with con has selected and entered, and mapping, exporting, encoding
ventional mechanisms for optical character recognition, Such or presenting schema systems for communicating with the
a configuration would allow the users to selectively and effi RDCO server 1900, either via the network 2000 or internally
ciently extract useful information from the documents and if this component is included in the user system 1800. As
store/archive it in electronic, searchable form. mentioned above, the RDCO module may be implemented as
0068. Of course, many implementations of the invention a typical application, or as an agent.
may well be a “hybrid of these different configurations, with (0074 The RDCO server 1900, or equivalent user-level
Some local data sources to be researched and other sources components, includes a validation module 1910 to perform
accessible as web sites, and possibly with local, temporary Such tasks as identifying which user is connecting with the
buffering of collected data (making it easier to change before RDCO server and what privilege level the user has so as to
US 2014/028 1889 A1 Sep. 18, 2014

prevent unauthorized accesses and edits. A template module 7. A method as in claim 1, in which the database is located
1920 stores the various templates, and interacts with the remote from the user device.
designer (who will be at some user level connected to the 8. A method as in claim 1, in which the database is co
server 1900) to create new ones. A data extraction module located with the user device.
1940 evaluates records received from the RDCO component 9. A method as in claim 1, further comprising providing the
1880, which in turn will have got them from users (in par data-collection Software module as a network-accessed util
ticular, researchers) interaction with selected data source(s) ity functionally overlaid on the user-layer software.
and a current template. A field association module 1950 then 10. A method as in claim 9, further comprising running the
ensures that the data in the various fields is in the proper user-layer software as a frame within the data-collection soft
format (if this isn't already done by the RCDO module 1880) ware module.
and enters it into the appropriate field and or record of the 11. A method as in claim 1, in which the data item may have
database 1960, corresponding to the current project. A pre an arbitrary format and the database field is configured to
sentation module 1970 is preferably included to retrieve store data of the corresponding format.
requested database records and present them for viewing and 12. A method as in claim 11, in which the arbitrary format
analysis by the user, such as the report reader. includes an image format.
0075. It is not necessary for there to be only a single 13. A method as in claim 11, in which the arbitrary format
database 1960; databases could be distributed based on size or includes an indication of the state of an on-screen graphical
project demands, or hosted in the “cloud' and distributed as input tool.
part of the business model. It is also advantageous to store the 14. A method as in claim 1, in which the trigger event is the
research data in more than one database, for both security and sensing of the indication by the user of selection of the data
redundancy functions. One instance where this might be label and completion of the automatic association of the
desirable is when one's database is highly sensitive to hack selected data item with the respective database field.
ing (such as a law firm’s or government agency) and a copy 15. A method as in claim 1, further comprising buffering
would be made and periodically compared with the local the data to be exported until occurrence of the trigger event.
server copy to ensure that data had not been tampered with. 16. A method as in claim 15, in which the trigger event is a
Essentially a copy—is hosted remotely, such as in "cloud user-initiated input action.
storage', not only forback-up, but also to ensure ongoing data 17. A method as in claim 15, in which the trigger event is
integrity. that a pre-determined time period has elapsed.
I claim: 18. A method as in claim 1, further comprising automati
1. A method for collecting and organizing data comprising: cally associating at least one system data item with a respec
sensing, by a data-collection Software module running tive database field independent of user selection.
within a user device, a selection by a user of at least one 19. A method as in claim 18, in which the at least one
data item displayed by user-layer software; system data item is a URL of a current web page displayed by
displaying an input template; the user-layer software.
sensing an indication by the user of selection, for each 20. A method as in claim 18, in which the at least one
selected data item, of a data label of the displayed input system data item is system time.
template; 21. A system for collecting and organizing data compris
automatically associating each selected data item with a ing:
respective database field corresponding to the data label; a data-collection Software module running within a user
upon occurrence of a trigger event, sending data to the device and provided:
database for storage corresponding to the selected data for sensing selection by a user of at least one data item
item(s) according to their respective database fields displayed by a user-layer Software entity;
in which: for generating within the user device an input template:
the data-collection Software module runs simultaneous for sensing an indication by the user of selection, for
with the user-layer software and operates between the each selected data item, of a data label of the dis
user-layer software and the database; and played input template;
the data-collection software module is presented to the user for automatically associating each selected data item
as a graphical user interface. with a respective database field corresponding to the
2. A method as in claim 1, in which the network is the data label; and
Internet. upon occurrence of a trigger event, for sending data to
3. A method as in claim 1, in which the user device is a the database for storage corresponding to the selected
telephone. data item(s) according to their respective database
4. A method as in claim 1, in which the user device is fields
chosen from the group: telephone, personal data assistant, in which:
and tablet computer. the data-collection Software module runs simultaneous
5. A method as in claim 1, in which the user-layer software with the user-layer software and operates between the
is a browser and the data item is displayed as a portion of a user-layer software and the database; and
web page received over a network and rendered by the the data-collection software module is presented to the user
browser. as a graphical user interface.
6. A method as in claim 1, further comprising displaying 22. A system as in claim 21, in which the network is the
the input template only upon user selection of the data item, Internet.
such that the data-collection software module otherwise runs 23. A system as in claim 21, in which the user device is a
substantially invisible to the user. telephone.
US 2014/028 1889 A1 Sep. 18, 2014

24. A system as in claim 21, in which the user device is

chosen from the group: telephone, personal data assistant,
and tablet computer.
25. A system as in claim 21, in which the user-layer soft
ware is a browser and the data item is displayed as a portion
of a web page received over a network and rendered by the
26. A system as in claim 21, in which the data-collection
software module is further provided for displaying the input
template only upon user selection of the data item, such that
the data-collection software module otherwise runs substan
tially invisible to the user.
27. A system as in claim 21, in which the database is
located remote from the user device.
28. A system as in claim 21, in which the database is
co-located with the user device.
29. A system as in claim 21, further comprising providing
the data-collection Software module as a network-accessed
utility functionally overlaid on the user-layer software.
30. A system as in claim 21, in which the data item may
have an arbitrary format and the database field is configured
to store data of the corresponding format.
31. A system as in claim 30, in which the arbitrary format
includes an image format.
32. A system as in claim 30, in which the arbitrary format
includes an indication of the state of an on-screen graphical
input tool.

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