The document summarizes the Solow (Neoclassical) Growth Model. It discusses:
1) Solow introduced a neoclassical production function that allows for more flexibility than the Harrod-Domar model.
2) The basic equations of the Solow model show that output per worker depends on capital per worker, and the change in capital per worker depends on saving, population growth, and depreciation.
3) Technological change is introduced to explain sustained growth, as it allows output per worker to continue increasing over the long run.
The document summarizes the Solow (Neoclassical) Growth Model. It discusses:
1) Solow introduced a neoclassical production function that allows for more flexibility than the Harrod-Domar model.
2) The basic equations of the Solow model show that output per worker depends on capital per worker, and the change in capital per worker depends on saving, population growth, and depreciation.
3) Technological change is introduced to explain sustained growth, as it allows output per worker to continue increasing over the long run.
The document summarizes the Solow (Neoclassical) Growth Model. It discusses:
1) Solow introduced a neoclassical production function that allows for more flexibility than the Harrod-Domar model.
2) The basic equations of the Solow model show that output per worker depends on capital per worker, and the change in capital per worker depends on saving, population growth, and depreciation.
3) Technological change is introduced to explain sustained growth, as it allows output per worker to continue increasing over the long run.
The document summarizes the Solow (Neoclassical) Growth Model. It discusses:
1) Solow introduced a neoclassical production function that allows for more flexibility than the Harrod-Domar model.
2) The basic equations of the Solow model show that output per worker depends on capital per worker, and the change in capital per worker depends on saving, population growth, and depreciation.
3) Technological change is introduced to explain sustained growth, as it allows output per worker to continue increasing over the long run.
Growth Model The Neoclassical Production Function • In 1956, Robert Solow introduced a new model of economic growth. • He recognized the problems that rose from the rigid production function in the Harrod - Domar model. • Solow drop the fixed-coefficients production function and replace it with a neoclassical production function that allows for more flexibility and substitution between the factors of production. • In the Solow model, the capital–output and capital–labor ratios no longer are fixed but vary. • Like the Harrod - Domar model, the Solow model was developed to analyze industrialized economies, but it has been used extensively to explore economic growth in all countries around the world, including developing countries. • The isoquants that underlie the neoclassical production function are shown in the following figure. • Note that: The isoquants are curved rather than L− shaped as in the fixed-coefficient model. • In this figure, at point a, $10 million of capital and 100 workers combine to produce 100,000 keyboards, which would be valued at $5 million (because keyboards are priced at $50 each). • Output could be expanded in any of three ways. 1. Constant Returns to Scale: So that a doubling of labor and capital leads to a doubling of output (point b on isoquant II). 2. Labor-intensive Method: The firm could use more labor and less capital (point c on isoquant II). 3. Capital-intensive Method: The firm could use more capital and less labor (point d on isoquant II). The Basic Equations of the Solow Model • The Solow model is understood most easily by expressing all the key variables in per-worker terms (output per worker and capital per worker). • To do so, we divide both sides of the production function in equation [1] by L, so that it takes the form: Y / L = F (K / L, 1) [12] • Where: Y / L: is the output per worker K / L: is the capital per worker • The equation shows that output per worker is a function of capital per worker. • Lower-case letters are used to represent quantities in per-worker terms 𝒚 is output per worker (𝑦 = Y / L) and 𝒌 is capital per worker (𝑘 = K / L). • This gives us the first equation of the Solow model, in which the production function can be written simply as: 𝑦 = f (𝑘) [13] • Solow’s model assumes a production function with diminishing returns to capital. • With a fixed labor supply, giving workers an initial amount of machinery to work will result in large gains in output. • But as these workers are given more and more machinery, the addition to output from each new machine gets smaller and smaller. • The first equation of the Solow model tells us that capital per worker is fundamental to the growth process. • In turn, the second equation focuses on the determinants of changes in capital per worker. • This second equation can be derived from equation [6], we begin by dividing both sides of equation [6] by K so that: ∆K / K = sY / K – d • Then we focus on the capital per worker ratio, 𝑘 = K / L. • The growth rate of 𝑘 is equal to the growth rate of K minus the growth rate of L: ∆ 𝑘/ 𝑘 = ∆ K / K - ∆ L / L • With a little rearranging of terms, this equation can be written as: ∆K/K=∆𝑘/𝑘+∆L/L • We earlier assumed that both the population and the labor force were growing at rate n, so ∆ L / L = n. • By substitution we obtain: ∆K/K=∆𝑘/𝑘+𝑛 • Note that in both the first equation and the equation just given, the left-hand side is equal to ∆ K / K . • This implies that the right-hand sides of these two equations are equal to each other, as follows: ∆ 𝑘 / 𝑘 + 𝑛 = sY / K – d • By subtracting n from both sides, we find that: ∆𝑘 / 𝑘 = sY / K – d – 𝑛 • By multiplying both sides by 𝑘, we find that: (∆𝑘 / 𝑘) 𝑘 = (sY / K – d – 𝑛) 𝑘 ∆𝑘 = (sY / K – d – 𝑛) 𝑘 • We Know previously that: 𝑦 = Y / L and 𝑘 = K / L, accordingly, Y = 𝑦L and K = 𝑘L ∆𝑘 = [s (𝑦L / 𝑘L) – d – 𝑛] 𝑘 ∆𝑘 = [s (𝑦 / 𝑘) – d – 𝑛] 𝑘 ∆𝑘 = s𝑦 - n𝑘 - d𝑘 or ∆𝑘 = s𝑦 - (n + d) 𝑘 [14] • This equation shows that capital accumulation depends on saving, the growth rate of the labor force, and depreciation. • This is a very important equation, it states that the change in capital per worker (𝒌) is determined by three things: 1. The ∆𝒌 is positively related to saving per worker. • Because s is the saving rate and 𝒚 is income (or output) per worker, the term s𝒚 is equal to saving per worker. • As saving per worker increases, so does investment per worker, and the capital stock per worker (𝒌) grows. 2. The ∆𝒌 is negatively related to population growth. • This is shown by the term - n𝒌. • Each year, because of growth in the population and labor force, there are nL new workers. • If there were no new investment, the increase in the labor force would mean that capital per worker (𝒌) falls. 3. Depreciation erodes the capital stock. • Each year, the amount of capital per worker falls by the amount - d𝒌 simply because of depreciation. • Therefore, saving (and investment) adds to capital per worker, whereas labor force growth and depreciation reduce capital per worker. • The process through which the economy increases the amount of capital per worker, 𝒌, is called capital deepening. • In some economies, however, the amount of saving is just enough to provide the same amount of capital to new workers and compensate for depreciation. • An increase in the capital stock that just keeps pace with the expanding labor force and depreciation is called capital widening (referring to a widening of both the total amount of capital and the size of the workforce). • Capital widening occurs when s𝒚 is exactly equal to (n + d)𝒌, implying no change in 𝒌. • Using this terminology, equation [14] can be restated as saying that capital deepening (∆𝒌) is equal to saving per worker (s𝒚) minus the amount needed for capital widening [(n + d)𝒌]. • We can summarize the two basic equations of the Solow model as follows: 1. The first equation, 𝑦 = f(𝑘) simply states that output per worker (or income per capita) depends on the amount of capital per worker. 2. The second equation, ∆𝑘 = s𝑦 - (n + d)𝑘, says that change in capital per worker depends on saving, the population growth rate, and depreciation. • Thus, as in the Harrod - Domar model, saving plays a central role in the Solow model. • However, the relationship between saving and growth is not linear because of diminishing returns to capital in the production function. • In addition, the Solow model introduces a role for the population growth rate and allows for substitution between capital and labor in the growth process. Technological Change in the Solow Model • The Solow model, is a powerful tool for analyzing the interrelationships between saving, investment, population growth, output, and economic growth. • However, the worrying conclusion of the model is that, once the economy reaches its long-run potential level of income, economic growth simply matches population growth, with no chance for sustained increases in average income. • How can the model explain the fact that many of the world’s countries have seen steady growth in average incomes? • Solow’s answer was Technological Change. • Accordingly, a key reason why high-income countries have been able to sustain growth in per capita income over very long periods of time is that technological progress has allowed output per worker to continue to grow. • Technological progress is a key driver, but not the only driver, of productivity growth. • In developing countries, the productivity-enhancing effects of technological innovation have played a smaller role in driving productivity growth than in developed countries. • With these important limitations, Solow introduced productivity growth into his model using technological progress. • This type of technological change is referred to as labor augmenting. • As technology improves, the efficiency and productivity of labor increases because the same amount of labor can now produce more output. • Increases in Technology can result from: 1. Improvements in technology in the scientific sense (new inventions and processes). 2. In terms of human capital, such as improvements in the health, education, or skills of the workforce. • An increase in either Technology or Labors increase the amount of effective labor and therefore increases aggregate production. • Example: An insurance sales office can increase its effective workforce by either adding new workers or giving each worker a faster computer or better cell phone. • An increase in Technology differs from an increase in Labors, because the rise in aggregate income from new technology does not need to be shared with additional workers. • Therefore, technological change and productivity growth more broadly allow output (and income) per worker to increase. Strengths and Weaknesses of the Solow Framework • Strengths: 1. It is a more powerful tool for understanding the growth process than the Harrod - Domar framework, although it is more complex. 2. It provides more reasonable flexibility of factor proportions in the production process, by replacing the fixed coefficients production function with a neoclassical one. 3. It emphasizes the important role of factor accumulation and saving like the Harrod - Domar framework, but its assumption of diminishing marginal product of capital provides more realism and accuracy over time. 4. It departs significantly from the Harrod – Domar framework in distinguishing the current level of income per worker from the long-run level. 5. It provides powerful insights into the relationship between saving, investment, population growth, and technological change. 6. It does a much better job, of describing real world outcomes than the Harrod - Domar model. 7. It provides a simple powerful insights into the role of technological change and productivity growth in the growth process. • Weaknesses: 1. It Specified productivity growth as exogenous (that is, determined independently of all the variables and parameters specified in the model). • It did not explain exactly how it takes place or how the growth process itself might affect it. • In this sense, productivity growth has been called “manna from heaven” in the Solow model. • This is an appropriate concept for the purpose of explaining the theoretical role of technological change. • In practice, policy makers in developing countries need to know the sources of this manna. 2. The model helps us focus attention on the more fundamental influences on the growth rate, but it does not provide a full understanding of the precise pathways through which these factors influence output and growth. 3. Certain characteristics of the neoclassical production function embedded in the Solow model lead to one of the model’s broadest and most problematic empirical predictions—that initially poorer countries will grow more rapidly than initially wealthier countries and eventually catch up. Beyond Solow: New Approaches to Growth • A new generation of models takes off where Solow left off, by moving beyond the assumptions of an exogenously fixed saving rate, growth rate of the labor supply, workforce skill level, and pace of technological change. • In reality, the values of these parameters are not just given but are determined partially by government policies, economic structure, and the pace of growth itself. • Economists have begun to develop more-sophisticated models in which one or more of these variables is determined within the model (that is, these variables become endogenous to the model). • These models depart from the Solow framework by assuming that the national economy is subject to increasing returns to scale, rather than constant returns to scale. • Increasing Returns to Scale: means a doubling of capital, labor, and other factors of production leads to more than a doubling of output. • To the extent this occurs, the impact of investment on both physical capital and human capital would be larger than suggested by Solow. • How can a doubling of capital and labor lead to more than a doubling of output? • Consider investments in research or education that not only have a positive effect on the firm or the individual making the investment but also have a positive effect on others in the economy. • This beneficial effect on others, called a positive externality, results in a larger impact from the investment on the entire economy. • These models can explain continued per capita growth in many countries without relying on exogenous technological change. • Moreover, they do not necessarily lead to the conclusion that poor countries will grow faster than rich countries. • Because growth can continue in these models without relying on an assumption of exogenous technological change, they are referred to as Endogenous Growth Models. • For developing countries, the new models support some of the main messages of the Solow and Harrod-Domar models, as they show the importance of factor accumulation and increases in productivity in the growth process. • The potential benefits from both of these sources of growth are even greater in endogenous growth models because of potential positive externalities. • The core messages of saving, investing in health and education, using the factors of production as productively and efficiently as possible, and seeking out appropriate new technologies are consistent across all these models.