ABAP Programming Guidelines

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ABAP Programming Guidelines

Separation of Concerns

Follow the separation of concerns principle. Model your applications strictly as service-
orientated applications. It is especially important that you separate the logic of the application
layer from the logic of the presentation layer, the persistency layer and the logic for
communication with external systems. Encapsulate the repository objects of the individual
concerns in separate packages.


The SoC principle identifies the parts of an application with a specific purpose and
encapsulates these parts in closed units. These units only communicate with each other using
specified interfaces. Thanks to this principle, the software - which would have otherwise been
overcomplicated - is divided up into manageable components. As a result, the software is:

 more stable

 easier to understand

 easier to reuse

 easier to transport

 easier to maintain

 easier to test

Regarding the last point, it would even be true to say that following the SoC principle is a
prerequisite for executing isolated, automated module tests.

Bad example

The following graphic shows two examples of an ABAP application that do not follow the SoC
In fact, the two bad examples here are the programmer models for reporting and dialog
programming that were propagated by SAP for a considerable length of time! To be more
precise, the example is not bad due to the reporting or programming of transactions itself, but
due to the way in which these applications are usually implemented. The mini report in the
following source code is a typical example of how different concerns are mixed together in a
single program unit. Both the data declarations and the implementation of the functions are
mixed together. Access to persistent data, data processing, data presentation and the
associated declarations all occur in one single unit.

REPORT z_non_soc_report.

PARAMETERS p_carrid TYPE spfli-carrid.


      alv     TYPE REF TO cl_salv_table,
      alv_exc TYPE REF TO cx_salv_msg.

       FROM spfli
       INTO TABLE spfli_tab
       WHERE carrid = p_carrid.

IF sy-subrc = 0.
  SORT spfli_tab BY cityfrom cityto.
        IMPORTING r_salv_table = alv
        CHANGING t_table = spfli_tab ).
      alv->display( ).
    CATCH cx_salv_msg INTO alv_exc.
      MESSAGE alv_exc TYPE 'I' DISPLAY LIKE 'E'.

Of course, it would be too much to insist that concerns should be completely separated even
in short programs like in the source code above. However, real applications are usually very
long ABAP programs (executable programs, module pools), in which all concerns are handled
at the same time. If modularization was performed, it was usually restricted to reusing
functional units and was rarely focused on the actual available layers. In addition, large
volumes of global data were usually created that were used in different procedures and layers.
As a result, all the parts of the program were inherently dependent on each other and could
not be tested individually. We are convinced that the quality of these programs can be
improved not only by following naming conventions, but also by changing the paradigm for the
procedure used for programming tasks.

The following source codes proves that you can implement the SoC principle using classic ABAP
procedural methods (in this case, subprograms). This source code has the same functionality as
the source code above. However, all the concerns are implemented in separate procedures
that are assigned to layers. As we have already mentioned, this type of implementation would
be too much for a simple program. However, if you needed to test the concerns in the above
source code individually and independently of each other by using module tests, the only
possibility would be to adapt the source code as shown below. The program of the following
source code can now be easily assigned test methods in ABAP unit test classes, which test the
individual procedures.

REPORT z_soc_report.


PARAMETERS p_carrid TYPE spfli-carrid.


DATA: carrid TYPE spfli-carrid,

      table  TYPE spfli_tab,
      arc     TYPE sy-subrc.

  PERFORM get_carrid CHANGING carrid.
  PERFORM get_table  USING    carrid
                     CHANGING table

IF arc = 0
  PERFORM sort_table    CHANGING table.
  PERFORM display_table USING    table.

* Presentation layer

FORM get_carrid
     CHANGING value(carrid) TYPE spfli-carrid.
  IF sy-subrc = 0.
    carrid = p_carrid.

FORM display_table
     USING table TYPE spfli_tab.
  DATA: alv     TYPE REF TO cl_salv_table,
        alv_exc TYPE REF TO cx_salv_msg.
       IMPORTING r_salv_table = alv
       CHANGING t_table = table ).
     alv->display( ).
   CATCH cx_salv_msg INTO alv_exc.

* Application layer

FORM sort_table
     CHANGING table TYPE spfli_tab.
     SORT table BY cityfrom cityto.

* Persistency layer

FORM get_table
     USING     carrid TYPE spfli-carrid
     CHANGING table   TYPE spfli_tab
              arc     TYPE sy-subrc.
         FROM spfli
         INTO TABLE table
         WHERE carrid = carrid.
  arc = sy-subrc.
However, this separation of concerns using subprograms shown above does not create a good
impression. The following source code shows how the separation of concerns should be
implemented instead using methods in concern-specific classes.

Good example

The following graphic shows how an ABAP application should look that follows the separation
of concerns.

After the concerns have been identified, they are implemented in ABAP object classes. The
concerns shown in the graphic are the main tasks that are usually performed in ABAP
application programming:

 Communication with a user interface (UI) using UI services

 Actual application logic

 Access to persistent data using persistency services

 Communication with external systems using proxy services

These main rules can be subdivided further, which is often necessary.

The boxes for the individual concerns in the graphic represent packages. All the repository
objects (classes, data types) belonging to a concern should be located in corresponding
packages. The package concept (encapsulated packages) supports this separation of concerns.
In encapsulated packages, repository objects in one package can only access the objects of
another package using package interfaces, which is checked by the syntax check. A package
can restrict the usability of its repository objects even more by using access control lists.
Subdividing the separation of concerns in a package is a concept supported by subpackages.

For example, encapsulating all database tables of an application in a package for persistency
services prevents any program, that does not belong to this package, from accessing these
database tables. The reverse is also true. For example, programs in the persistency layer
cannot communicate directly with components in the presentation layer, such as a Web
Dynpro ABAP application. You should prepare the package encapsulation (by choosing Package
Check as Server) in the package properties. These packages have package interfaces, A package
check is performed during the extended program check.

The following source code shows how to adapt the separation of concerns from the above
source code for classes local to the program.

REPORT z_soc_class_report.
PARAMETERS p_carrid TYPE spfli-carrid.


CLASS presentation_server DEFINITION.

      get_carrid RETURNING VALUE(carrid) TYPE spfli-carrid,
      display_table IMPORTING VALUE(table) TYPE spfli_tab.

CLASS presentation_server IMPLEMENTATION.

  METHOD get_carrid.
    IF sy-subrc = 0.
      carrid = p_carrid.
  METHOD display_table.
    DATA: alv     TYPE REF TO cl_salv_table,
          alv_exc TYPE REF TO cx_salv_msg.
         IMPORTING r_salv_table = alv
         CHANGING t_table = table ).
        alv->display( ).
      CATCH cx_salv_msg INTO alv_exc.
        MESSAGE alv_exc TYPE 'I' DISPLAY LIKE 'E'.

CLASS application_server DEFINITION.

       sort_table CHANGING table TYPE spfli_tab.

CLASS application_server IMPLEMENTATION.

  METHOD sort_table.
    SORT table BY cityfrom cityto.

CLASS persistency_server DEFINITION.

       get_table IMPORTING carrid TYPE spfli-carrid
                 EXPORTING table  TYPE spfli_tab
                           arc     TYPE sy-subrc.

CLASS persistency_server IMPLEMENTATION.

  METHOD get_table.
          FROM spfli
          INTO TABLE table
          WHERE carrid = carrid.
    arc = sy-subrc.




  METHOD main.
    DATA: carrid TYPE spfli-carrid,
          table  TYPE spfli_tab,
          arc     TYPE sy-subrc.
    carrid = presentation_server=>get_carrid( ).
    persistency_server=>get_table( EXPORTING carrid = carrid
                                   IMPORTING table  = table
                                             arc     = arc ).
    IF arc = 0.
        CHANGING table = table ).
      presentation_server=>display_table( table ).

report=>main( ).

At first glance, the above source code appears to be very excessive compared to the first
source code. But only on the first glance. A real application program usually only consists of 25
lines. The larger and more realistic the application program, the smaller the proportion of the
overhead that is generated from wrapping the concerns in classes. If the reuse options for
ABAP Objects are used appropriately, it is even possible to reduce the amount of source code.

In addition, the individual steps are now wrapped in classes, in other words, real program units
(unlike in the second source code). In practice, wrapping is not performed in one single
program, but in global classes that are assigned to different packages, depending on the layer.
These packages are connected to each other using package interfaces. It is only by using these
interfaces that you can achieve the other benefits of separating the concerns (in addition to
the testing capability achieved in the second source code).

Modern ABAP

ABAP is a living programming language that is continually being developed. Since its
introduction some 30 years ago, new ABAP programs have been developed continually, with
work to advance the ABAP language ongoing at the same time. Developments to the ABAP
language are either extensions of the existing language attributes to implement new
functionality, or the replacement of existing functionality with more advanced concepts. The
replacement of existing language elements with new ones usually makes the existing language
elements superfluous or obsolete. The most prominent example of a development of the ABAP
language is still the implementation of ABAP Objects.

With regard to the ABAP language, SAP has committed itself to a policy of strict downward
compatibility. This means that an ABAP program written for release 3.0, for example, can be
executed on an AS ABAP in release 7.0 or higher - provided that you are using a non-Unicode
system. On the other hand, this also means:

 An experienced developer will have had little impetus to break with old habits and
engage in new concepts. The only exception is the changeover to Unicode systems,
where ABAP programs have to be converted into Unicode programs with slightly
changed syntax rules.
 ABAP beginners get confused by the multitude of options available for the same task.
Where there is doubt, older programs are used as templates, and the obsolete
concepts are frequently still used instead of the new ones.

To remedy these problems, you can use the following simple rule.


Do Not Use Obsolete Language Elements

Do not use obsolete language elements for new developments. We also recommend an
incremental changeover to new concepts as they become available.


Newer language elements are always the better language elements. Obsolete language
elements are only provided for downward compatibility reasons. A statement or statement
addition is declared as obsolete only when a more powerful alternative exists or when the
language element is identified as being prone to errors (in the sense that it invites insecure and
non-robust programming). For this reason, secure and robust programming is not possible if
obsolete language elements are used, which makes the use of such obsolete language
elements out of the question for new developments.

If ABAP Objects is used, the majority of the obsolete statements and additions are already
prohibited syntactically. For this reason among others, we strongly recommend using ABAP
Objects. Outside of ABAP Objects, that is, in cases that are still allowed, you must make sure
that no obsolete language elements are used. Obsolete Language Elements provides an
overview of the obsolete statements and statement additions.

Bad Example

The following source code shows the solution of a task using obsolete language elements. A
procedure is supposed to replace all occurrences of substring in a text with a new character
string new if the substring is not at the end of a word.

FORM bad_example USING    substring TYPE csequence

                          new       TYPE csequence
                 CHANGING text      TYPE csequence.
  DATA: pattern TYPE string,
        subrc   TYPE sy-subrc.
  CONCATENATE '*' substring INTO pattern.
  SEARCH text FOR pattern.
  IF sy-subrc <> 0.
    CLEAR subrc.
    WHILE subrc = 0.
      REPLACE substring WITH new INTO text.
      subrc = sy-subrc.

In the above source code, aside from the modularization with FORM - ENDFORM, the
statement SEARCH and the used variant of REPLACE are obsolete. Furthermore, a character
string operator && is available as a replacement for CONCATENATE.

Good Example

The following source code executes the same task as above; however, it uses the latest
available language elements.

METHOD good_example.
  FIND REGEX substring && `\b` IN text.
  IF sy-subrc <> 0.
    REPLACE ALL OCCURRENCES OF substring IN text WITH new.

The subroutine is replaced with a method. By using FIND in connection with a regular
expression, which is composed using the character string operator &&, you no longer require
any help variables. The WHILE loop is replaced with REPLACE ALL OCCURRENCES, which means
it is unnecessary to use another help variable, and the control flow is moved to the ABAP
runtime environment. The latter increases the execution speed and helps to limit the
maximum nesting depth.


In connection with the above rule, the question on the coexistence of old and new concepts
within a program unit arises. There is only one area in which this is clearly syntactically
defined, that is, the use of the classical and the class-based exception concept in processing
blocks. Otherwise, obsolete language elements can be directly next to new language elements
in a program part. In this context, we recommend keeping the use within a context as
consistent as possible, that is, do not use different statements, such as FIND and SEARCH, in
parallel for the same purpose.

However, this does not mean that in enhancements to existing procedures you should
continue to use obsolete language elements to keep consistency, just because they already
exist. Rather, you should seize the opportunity to switch the entire procedure to the
corresponding new language elements. By using module tests to cover the procedures to be
changed, you can ensure that there will be no unpleasant surprises during the changeover.

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