Practice Papers MTH 401

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1) The subscript notation of the equation Ax2 3.ay 2
+ y = =0 is

(a)yk+2 (3h +2)yk+1 + (2h2 + 3h + 1)yk =

(6)yk+2 (2h + 2)yk+1 + (2h2 + 3h + 1)yk = 0
(c)yk+2 (3h +2)yk+1 + (h + 3h + 1)yk = 0
(d)yk+2 (2h + 2)yk+1 + 2h + 1)Vk 0
(2h =

2) The value of 2x2as factorial polynomial where h = 1

(a12x2+2x(1) (b)2 x2)- 2x(1) (c)2 x2 +x1) (d)2 x2) - x(1)

3) The value of E (4x


x*) for h 1 =

2x xá (b) 3- 2x -

x2 (c) 3+3x -

x2 (d) 3+2x + x
(a) 3+

4) The solution of yn+1- Yn = 3" , yo =2 is

3+1 c ) y =3+3
a)yn3+3 b)yn 3 d) Yn C1 t

5) The method of undetermined coefficients is useful

in finding
a) Complementary function b) Particular solution
d) constant coefficients
c) Trial solution

6) In the method of undetermined

coefficient when the right side R(k) 1s p* P(k) then the trial solution is

(Agk" + A^km-l + ---Amk"m) b) (Agk + Ak1+ -

a) B"
c)B(Ak" + Akm-1 + -

-Am) d) "(Ao +A1t- --Amk")

7) If Ris reflexive, then
(a) xRy and yRzxRz (b)
xkr (c) xRy= yRx (d) both a and b

8) 1f S-(1,2,3) is a set and R={(1,1) (2,2) (3,3)} is a relation,then R is

(a) Reflexive (bJsymmetric (ctransitive (d)All of these

9) The relation R is defined on the set of natural numbers as (*,y):x=3y. Then R is given by

(a){(1.3).(2,6)(3,9).. (b){(3.1).(6,2).(9.3),.
(c) R is not defined (d) None of these
Registration No.:
10) A complete graph with n vertices K, is
a)2-regular graph (bn-1 regular graph (c)n-regular graph (d)n+1-regular graph
11) Total number of edges in the Complete Bipartite graph Kmn is
am +n (b) m - n (c) m.n (d) mtn-2

a) n
Total number
of edges in the Wheel-W, is
(b) n +1 (c) n-1 (d) 2n

13) Which vertices are the child of the vertex b in the following tree?

(a) B,c
(b) b,e
(c) e,f
(d) b,f

14) A tree is
(a) Connected graph with circuit
(b) Connected graph with no circuit
(c) Disconnected graph with circuit
(d) Disconnected graph with no circuit

15) A tree has

(a) Self loop as well as parallel edges
(b) Neither Self loop nor parallel edges
(c) Selfloop nor parallel edges
(d) None of these

16) In a Binary tree eaçh vertex can have

(a) At the most 2 children
(b) 5 children
(c) 4 children
(d) None of these

17)Thelinear combination of ged (117, 213) =3 can be writtenas

(a) 11*213 + (-20)x117 (b) 10x213 + (-20)x117
(c) 11x117+(-20)x213 (d) 20x213+ (-25)x117
18)The multiplicative inverse of 3 modulo 7 is
(a) -1 (b)-2 (c)-3 (d)-4
19)The multiplicative inverse of 19 modulo 141 is
(a) 50 (b) 51 (c) 54 (d) 52
20)Which positive integer less than 21 are relatively prime to 21?
(a) 18 (b) 19
(c) 21 (d) 24

Q2 a) Solve the difference equation PART B

yk*2-6yk+1t 8yk=0 and find the solution such that
OR and y=2. [ 10 Marks ]
b) i) Determine whether the set of functions 2*, k.2*, k4* are
Gi) FindarI 3x-8» linearly independent or dependent. [5 Marks]
5 Marks]
Registration No.:
) Answer these questions for the POSET ({3, 5, 9, 15, 24, and 45), I).
Find the maximal elements.
) Find the minimal elements.
c) Is there a greatest element?
d) Is there a least element?
e) Find all upper bounds of {3, 5}.
)Find the least upper bound of {3, 5}, ifit exists.
g) Find all lower bounds of {15, 45} .
h) Find the greatest lower bound of {15, 45), ifit exists. 10 Marks ]
b) (i)Let X b e s e t o fa l l real n u m b e r t h e n c h e c k R ( a , b ) b e a relation on X s u c h t h a t " a is g r e a t e r t h a n b " is p a r t i a l o r d e r e d

[5 Marks
(i)Let X be set ofall human being then check R(a,b) be a relation on X such that "a is older thanb "is equivalence
[5 Marks]
Q4 a)Find a bijection between the vertices of the following graphs and prove that these graphs are isomorphic to each other.

10 Marks ]
b) (i)Find the chromatic number of the following graph

Also check whether this is a bipartite graph?

(i)Determine whether the following graphs has a Hamilton circuit. If t does, find such a circuit. If it does Marks]
give an
argument to show why no such circuit exist. If no Hamilton circuit exists, determine whether the graph has an Hamilton
path and exhibit the path.

[5 Marks ]1

05 a) Find minimum spanning tree of following weighted graph by using Prim's algorithm?
2 D
3 1 [10Marks]

3 K 3
Registration No.
b) Gi) Define spanning tree and find a spanning tree of following simple graph.

b C

(i) [5M

(a) find root

(b) find internal vertices
(c) find leaves
(d) find children of j
(e) find parent of h

Q6 a)Show that Congruence is [5 Marks]

Equivalence relation.
b) (i)Compute gcd(803,154) by using Euclidean OR [10Marks]
(i)Show that if d|m and d >0 then, Algorithm.
=b mod(m) > a =b mod(d) [5 Marks ]
End of

[5 Marks ]
Question Paper --
Y1. For which ofthe following combinations of the degrees of vertices would the connected graph be
a. 1,2,3 b. 2,3,4 C. 2,4,5 d. 1,3,5

2. Which of the following statements are True for undirected graphs.

. Number of odd degree vertices is even
Q. Sum of degrees of all vertices is even
a. P only b. Q only c. both P and Q d. Neither P nor Q
3. For a connected graph G with v vertices and e edges having no cycles, which of the following
statement is true.
a. 1 = e b. v = e +1 C. v +1 =e d. None

4. Let b e a complete undirected graph on 6 vertices.Ifvertices ofG are labelled, then the number of
distinct cycles of length 4 in G is equal to
a. 15 b. 30 C. 45 d. 360

5. What is the chromatic number of an n-vertex simple connected graph which does not contain any odd
length cycle?
a. 2 b. 3 C. n - 1 d. n

Which ofthe following statement is true for every planer graph

. The graph is connected
on n vertices?

b. The graph is eulerian

C. The graph has a vertex-cover of size al most 3n/4
.The graph has a independent set of size at least n/3

7. The operation of processing each element in the list is known as

a. sorting b. Inserting C. merging
d. traversal
8. Suppose a binary tree is constructed with n odes, such that each node has exactly either zero or two
children: The maximum height of the tree will be
a. (n + 1)/2 b.
c.-1 d. i
9. There several factors that affect the
following is not one of those lactors?
efficieney of lookup operations in a hash table. Wliich ol tC

a. Number of elements stored

in the hash table
b. Size of elements stored in the hash
of the hash
. Number of buckets in function
the hash
10. What is the infix version of the following postfix expression?
x 12 +z 17 y + 42/+
a. (x + 12 +z)/(17+y* 42)
b. x+ 12+2/17+ y 42
x+12+z/(17+y) *42
d.x+ 12 +z/((:7 +y) 42) *

11. The graph shown below 8 edges with distinct integer edge weights. The minimum
weight 36 and contain the edges: {(A,C),(B,C),(B,E),(E,F),(D,F)}. The edge spanningof (MST)
is of
edges which are in MST are given in the figure below. The minimum weights only those
edges of this graph is possible sum weights of all 8


a. 66 b. 69 C. 68 d. 70
12. Consider the following graph:

Which one of the following is NOT the sequence of
edges added to the minimum spanning tree using
a. (b,e)(e.(a,c)(b,c)(fg)(c,d)
b. (b,e)(e,fa.c)(f.g)(b,c)(c,d)
c. (b.e)(a,cXe.fxb.c)fg)(c,d)
d. (b,e)(e.fMb.c){a,c) fg)(c,d)

13. The preorder traversal sequence of a binary search tree is 30, 20, 10. 15, 25, 23, 39, 35, 42. Which
of the following is the postal traversal sequence of the same tree? one
a. 10, 20, 15, 23, 25, 35, 42, 39, 30
b. 15, 10, 25, 23, 20, 42, 35,
39, 30
c. 15, 20, 10, 23,
25, 42, 35, 39, 30
d. 15. 10, 23, 25, 20, 35, 42, 39, 30

14 The value of 52003mod 7 is

.3 b..4 C. 8
d. 9
15. The solution of xi= 3 mod 23 is
a. x = t16 mod 23
b. x Et13 mod 23
C. x = t22 mod 23
d. Et7
mod 23
16. Which of the
following statement is true:
a. A number is rational if
and only if its
b. An integer n is odd if and square is rational.
c. A number is
only if ná + 2n is odd
irrational if and only if its
d. A number n is odd if and square is irrational
only if n(n + 1) is even
17. The number of
primes of the form |n -

6n +51. where is
b. 1
n an
integer, is:
d. 4

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(b) (1) Find the minimum spanning tree of the following figures using Kruskal's Algorithm.

a) b)
[5 Marks]
(ii) Draw all possible non-similar:
(A) binary trees T with three nodes.
(B) 2-trees T' with four external nodes. [5 Marks]

6. (a) Using the transposition cipher based on the permutation a ofthe set {1,2,3,4) with o(1) =

3,o(2) =1, o(3) =4, o(4) 2, =

(i) Encrypt the plaintext message PIRATE ATTACK.

(i) Decrypt the ciphertext message SWUE TRAE OEHS, which was encrypted using this cipher.
(b) (i) Find an inverse of 101 modulo 4620. [5 Marks]
ii) What are solutions of linear congruence 3x = 4(mod7). [5 Marks]
--End of Question Paper--

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