Essential Skills of Scrotal Examination: A Step-By-Step Technique
Essential Skills of Scrotal Examination: A Step-By-Step Technique
Essential Skills of Scrotal Examination: A Step-By-Step Technique
pathologies. Furthermore, a common testicular assessment1 and 62% of their clinical confidence in scrotal
scenario faced by GPs, surgical primary care providers have little/no examination. We hope it facilitates
trainees and emergency clinicians is formal training in scrotal examination. clinicians’ confidence and
having to rely on their examination However, structured training can competency in examination and
skills to assess whether an acute significantly increase confidence in diagnosis of serious and common
scrotum is caused by testicular scrotal examination,2 and can be scrotal pathologies. It includes an
torsion, therefore requiring facilitated by simulation models. outline of the pertinent anatomy and
exploration and fixation. Several robust models exist indications of this examination,
Most scrotal complaints present (exemplified by the ‘Limbs and followed by a step-by-step
first to GPs and emergency Things’ model CMPT Mk 2 in our examination approach aided by
departments, making initial images), with low-fidelity alternatives photographs using simulation
examination crucial for appropriate also available.3,4 models. The standardised structure is
onward referral versus reassurance. This article is especially useful for used: preparation, inspection,
Studies show that 28% of UK GP doctors in GP, emergency, and core palpation, auscultation, special tests,
trainees feel uncomfortable in surgical training who want to build followed by a list of important
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