Flexural Behavior of Partially Fiber-Reinforced High-Strength Concrete Beams Reinforced With FRP Bars

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Construction and Building Materials 161 (2018) 587–597

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Construction and Building Materials

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Flexural behavior of partially fiber-reinforced high-strength concrete

beams reinforced with FRP bars
Haitang Zhu a, Shengzhao Cheng a,⇑, Danying Gao a,b, Sheikh M. Neaz c, Chuanchuan Li a
School of Water Conservancy & Environment, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou 450001, China
Henan University of Engineering, ZhengZhou 451191, China
School of Civil, Mining and Environmental Engineering, University of Wollongong, Wollongong, NSW 2522, Australia

h i g h l i g h t s

 The behavior of partially fiber-reinforced high-strength concrete beam was investigated.

 The optimum thickness of FRHSC layer was 0.57 times of the total depth of the beam.
 The addition of steel fibers only in the tension zone reduced the ductility of the beam.
 A simplified calculation method for predicting the moment of inertia of FRHSC beams was developed.

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: In this paper, the flexural behavior of partially fiber-reinforced high-strength concrete (FRHSC) beams
Received 23 March 2017 reinforced with FRP bars was investigated. A total of 12 beams were tested under four-point bending.
Received in revised form 17 August 2017 The effects of the thickness of FRHSC layer, steel fiber volume fraction and FRP reinforcement ratio were
Accepted 1 December 2017
studied. The failure mode, flexural capacity, deflection, crack width and ductility of the tested beams
Available online 12 December 2017
were investigated. The results showed that adding steel fibers in tension zone is an effective way to over-
come the large deflection and large crack width of FRP bar reinforced concrete beams and reduce the cost,
however, the ductility of tested beams decreased with the addition of steel fiber into tension zone. The
Partially fiber reinforced concrete
BFRP bar
optimum thickness of FRHSC layer in FRP bar reinforced concrete beams was 0.57 times of the total depth
Steel fiber of the beam. Higher FRP reinforcement ratio provided better flexural performance including higher flex-
Flexural behavior ural capacity, post-cracking stiffness and ductility and smaller crack width. A simplified calculation
Numerical calculation method for predicting the effective moment of inertia of fully and partially FRHSC beams reinforced with
FRP bars was developed. The beam deflections calculated by the proposed method match well with the
experimental results.
Ó 2017 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

1. Introduction In recent years, Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP) bar is consid-

ered an ideal alternative to steel reinforcing bar [3]. Compared to
The durability of reinforced concrete structures is regarded as a the traditional steel reinforcing bars, FRP bars have the character-
major concern due to the corrosion of steel reinforcement. Reduc- istics of corrosion resistance, high specific strength and superior
tion of mechanical strength of reinforced concrete structures and manufacturability [4]. However, the stress-strain behavior of FRP
poor bond behavior between steel and concrete are often caused bars is linear without any obvious yield point. Also, FRP bar rein-
by the corrosion of steel reinforcement. Significant efforts have forced concrete members fail in a brittle manner. Furthermore,
been devoted to in recent years to overcome the problems associ- compared to steel reinforcing bars, the modulus of elasticity of
ated with the corrosion of steel reinforcement in reinforced con- the FRP bar is significantly low and the bond between FRP bar
crete structures including the use of galvanized steel and concrete is relatively weak. Thus, large deflection and large
reinforcement [1] or addition of rust inhibitor in concrete [2]. crack width are often observed in FRP bar reinforced concrete
structures [5]. Due to the linear stress-strain behavior and low
modulus of elasticity of the FRP bar, the design of FRP bar rein-
forced concrete structures is usually controlled by the serviceabil-
⇑ Corresponding author.
ity limit state requirements [6]. Hence, the high strength of FRP
E-mail address: [email protected] (S. Cheng).

0950-0618/Ó 2017 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
588 H. Zhu et al. / Construction and Building Materials 161 (2018) 587–597

bars cannot be fully exploited and hence the engineering applica- the bond performance between FRP bars and concrete. The
tions of FRP bars are still limited. mechanical properties of reinforcing bars are shown in Table 1.
To mitigate the disadvantages of FRP bars, new FRP bar and FRP The fibers used in FRHSC are hooked steel fibers. The properties
reinforcement system were investigated in a few research studies. of the fibers are reported in Table 2 and shapes of steel fibers are
For example, hybrid FRP bars were fabricated with different contin- shown Fig. 1. In the experimental program, five concrete mix pro-
uous fibers. Herris et al. [7] reported that stress-strain behavior of portions were designed and used, as reported in Table 3.
steel can be simulated by hybrid FRP bars which combined different
types of fibers. The ductility of hybrid FRP bar reinforced concrete 2.2. Test specimens
beams was found to be close to the corresponding steel bar rein-
forced concrete beams. However, the complex fabrication process In this study, a total of 12 beam specimens were cast and tested
and high manufacturing cost of hybrid FRP bars have limited the under four-point bending. The specimen dimensions and reinforce-
engineering applications of hybrid FRP bars in concrete structures. ment details are shown in Fig. 2 and Table 4. All tested beam spec-
A new reinforcement system consisted of FRP bars and steel bars imens were 2100 mm long with 150 mm  300 mm cross-section.
was also proposed in Qu et al. [8]. It was reported that reinforcing The clear span of the beam specimens under four-point bending
concrete beams with both FRP bars and steel bars was an effective was 1800 mm. The concrete clear cover for the tension reinforce-
way for improving the serviceability and ductility of FRP bar rein- ment was 25 mm. Each beam specimen was reinforced laterally
forced concrete beams. However, the corrosion of steel bars was with 10 mm diameter steel stirrup at a center-to-center spacing
not fully mitigated in the proposed hybrid reinforcement system of 75 mm in the shear region. Compression reinforcements and
in Qu et al. [8]. Hence, the corrosion of steel reinforcement still stirrups were not used in the test zone (Fig. 2). It is noted that
remains a critical issue for the hybrid reinforcement system. the test zone is under pure bending moment without any shear
Recently, in a few research investigations, it was observed that stress. Although the length of the steel fiber is greater than the
the deflection and crack width of FRP bar reinforced concrete thickness of concrete cover, the distribution of steel fibers in the
beams were restrained and the ductility was improved by the addi- pure bending region is not significantly affected by the concrete
tion of randomly distributed fibers [9,10]. It is well known that the cover. The steel fibers with 0–2% by volume were added to the
influence of fibers on the deflection and crack is mainly achieved FRHSC (the depth is 90 mm–300 mm). Eleven beam specimens
by the fibers in the tension zone of concrete beams. The addition were reinforced longitudinally with FRP bars having the diameter
of fibers in a partial depth (in the tensile zone) of concrete beams of 12 mm and 14 mm and one beam specimen was reinforced lon-
can not only achieve the full effect of fibers but also can provide a gitudinally with steel bars having the diameter of 14 mm. The lon-
considerable cost saving [11,12]. Therefore, the addition of fibers in gitudinal reinforcement ratio of the beam specimens varied from
a partial depth of FRP bar reinforced concrete beams may be a pos- 0.56% to1.65%. Meanwhile, the standard specimens with the size
sible way to improve the flexural behavior and to reduce cost. The of 150 mm  150 mm150 mm were used for compressive
positive effect of fibers on flexural behavior of fiber reinforced con- strength test and splitting tensile strength test. Prisms with the
crete (FRC) beam reinforced with FRP bar was investigated in the size of 150 mm  150 mm300 mm were cast and tested for mod-
literature. However, the flexural behavior of partially FRC beams ulus of elasticity. The specimens were made of two types of con-
has not yet been investigated adequately. Thus, the flexural behav- crete, i.e. plain concrete and FRHSC with the target compressive
ior of partially FRC beams reinforced with FRP bars needs to be strength of concrete was equal to 60 MPa.
extensively investigated. In the specimen identification in Table 4, the first character
In this paper, the flexural behavior of partially fiber-reinforced indicates the longitudinal reinforcement type, where B represents
high-strength concrete (FRHSC) beams reinforced with FRP bars BFRP bar and S represents steel bar. The second character in the
including flexural capacity, deflection response, cracking response specimen identification indicates the steel fiber volume fraction,
and ductility was investigated. In total 11 FRP bar reinforced par- where 0 represents 0% by volume of steel fiber, 1 represents 0.5%
tially FRHSC beams with various thicknesses of FRHSC layer, steel by volume of steel fiber, 2 represents 1% by volume of steel fiber,
fiber volume fractions and FRP reinforcement ratios and one tradi- 3 represents 1.5% by volume of steel fiber and 4 represents 2% by
tional steel bar reinforced FRHSC beams were cast and tested. The volume of steel fiber. The third character in the specimen identifi-
tested beam deflections at service loads were compared with the cation indicates the steel fiber reinforcement form, where A repre-
beam deflections calculated according to ACI 440.1R-15 for short sents fully steel fiber reinforced and P represents partially steel
term service load deflections. Considering the positive effect of fiber reinforced. The forth character in the specimen identification
steel fibers on beam deflection, a simplified method for beam indicates the longitudinal reinforcement area, where 1 represents
deflection has been developed which was based on appropriate 2U12, 2 represents 2U14, 3 represents 3U14 and 4 represents
calculations of the effective moment of inertia of fully and partially 4U14. The fifth character in the specimen identification represents
FRHSC beams reinforced with FRP bars. the thickness of FRHSC layer in partially steel fiber-reinforced
beams, where 1 represents 90 mm, 2 represents 130 mm, and 3
represents 170 mm.
2. Experimental program
2.3. Test setup and measurements
2.1. Materials and mix proportion of concrete
All beams were simply supported and were tested under the
River sand with a maximum particle size of 5 mm was used as four-point bending, as shown in Fig. 3. The load was increased
fine aggregate. Crushed limestone with the size ranging from 5 to monotonically until beams failed. Before the appearance of the first
20 mm was used as coarse aggregate. Type Ⅰ Portland cement and crack, each load stage was 3 kN and after the appearance of the
fly ash (FA) were used as cementitious materials. Polycarboxylic first crack, each load stage was 10 kN. All the deflections, strains
acid water reducing agent was used to improve the workability in the reinforcement and concrete, crack widths and crack distribu-
of concrete. Five types of reinforcing bars were used in this exper- tions were recorded after 3 mins of sustained loading. The deflec-
imental investigation: steel bars with diameters of 6 mm, 10 mm tions at mid-span, at two loading points, at two mid-points
and 14 mm and basalt FRP (BFRP) bars with diameters of 12 mm between the center of the beam and the loading points, and at sup-
and 14 mm. The surfaces of FRP bars were deformed to improve ports were measured by seven linear voltage differential trans-
H. Zhu et al. / Construction and Building Materials 161 (2018) 587–597 589

Table 1
Mechanical properties of reinforcing bars.

Bar type Diameter (mm) Modulus of Elasticity (GPa) Yield strength (MPa) Tensile strength (MPa)
BFRP-1 12 43.26 — 1034.1
BFRP-2 14 41.79 — 1030.6
Steel-1 6 202 320 465
Steel-2 10 232.96 485 610
Steel-3 14 196 506.8 686.2

Table 2
Properties of steel fiber.

Type of fiber Tensile strength (MPa) Modulus of elasticity (GPa) Length (mm) Diameter (mm) Length-diameter ratio
Hooked steel fiber 1345 200 35 0.55 65

appearance of the first crack. Thus, the first crack point obtained
from load-deflection curve was observed critically. The cracking
load was defined as the load when the slope of load-deflection
curve suddenly decreased. The summary of test results is reported
in Table 5. The fibers in tension zone carried a portion of tensile
stress leading to a higher cracking load with the increase of fiber
volume fraction and thickness of FRHSC layer. The cracking loads
of the specimens with different reinforcement ratios did not vary
significantly. This is because the modulus of elasticity of FRP bars
(43.26GPa/41.79GPa) was similar to the modulus of elasticity of
concrete (41.6–43.9GPa). Hence, the FRP bar reinforcement ration
did not have a significant effect on the initial stiffness of the beam
Due to the linear stress-strain behavior of FRP bars, two types of
failure modes were observed for the tested beam specimens: con-
crete crushing and FRP bar rupture. The results show that the fail-
ure mode of specimens was influenced by FRP reinforcement ratio
and the thickness of FRHSC layer. For beam specimens with differ-
ent FRP reinforcement ratios (B2P1-3, B2P2-3, B2P3-3, B2P4-3),
FRP bar rupture was observed in Specimen B2P1-3. When the load
reached to the ultimate load, a substantial portion of fibers in ten-
sion zone were pulled out. At that moment, as almost all of the ten-
sile stress was carried by FRP bars, the FRP bars failed when the
stress reached to ultimate tensile strength. With the increase of
FRP reinforcement ratio, the capacity of FRP bars improved and
Fig. 1. Shape and size of steel fibers. hence concrete crushing occurred before the rupture of FRP bar.
For beams with different FRHSC layers (Specimens B0A2, B2P2-1,
formers (LVDTs). The crack widths at the location of longitudinal B2P2-2, B2P2-3, B2A2), the failure mode due to concrete crushing
reinforcement were measured by crack width comparator. The was observed in Specimens B0A2, B2P2-1, B2P2-2 and B2P2-3.
arrangement of LVDTs and schematic of the location of crack width When steel fibers were added in the full cross section of the spec-
measuring point are shown in Fig. 4 and Fig. 5, respectively. imen, compressive strength, peak compressive strain and ultimate
compressive strain improved due to the presence of steel fibers
[13]. At the ultimate load, FRP bars ruptured before concrete
3. Experimental results and discussions crushing.
FRP reinforcement ratio, the thickness of FRHSC layer and steel
3.1. Cracking loads, failure modes and flexural capacities fiber volume fraction have different influences on flexural capacity
of the tested beam specimens. The test results showed that a
Due to the inclusion of steel fibers, the stiffness of the speci- higher FRP reinforcement ratio provided a higher flexural capacity.
mens was expected not to be decreased immediately at the Compared to Specimen B2P1-3, the ultimate loads of Specimens

Table 3
Mix proportion of Concrete.

No. qsf (%) W/C Unit weight Unit weight Unit weight Unit weight Unit weight Unit weight Unit weight Fiber
W (kg/m3) C (kg/m3) FA (kg/m3) S (kg/m3) G (kg/m3) WRA (kg/m3) (kg/m3)
1 0 0.27 180 480 180 612 998 3.84 0
2 0.5 583 951 4.08 39.25
3 1.0 555 905 4.08 78.5
4 1.5 526 858 4.32 117.75
5 2.0 497 811 5.28 157

Note: qsf is the steel fiber volume fraction.

590 H. Zhu et al. / Construction and Building Materials 161 (2018) 587–597

Fig. 2. Dimensions and reinforcement details of a typical specimen tested.

Table 4
Details of test specimens.

Specimen Type of reinforcement Stirrups Af qsf (%) hsf (mm) Ec (GPa)

Plain concrete FRHSC
B0A2 BFRP C10@75 2U14 0 0 41.6 –
B2P2-1 BFRP C10@75 2U14 0/1.0 90 41.6 42.4
B2P2-2 BFRP C10@75 2U14 0/1.0 130 41.6 42.4
B2P2-3 BFRP C10@75 2U14 0/1.0 170 41.6 42.4
B2A2 BFRP C10@75 2U14 1.0 300 – 42.4
B1P2-3 BFRP C10@75 2U14 0/0.5 170 41.6 42.8
B3P2-3 BFRP C10@75 2U14 0/1.5 170 41.6 41.6
B4P2-3 BFRP C10@75 2U14 0/2.0 170 41.6 43.9
B2P1-3 BFRP C10@75 2U12 0/1.0 170 41.6 42.4
B2P3-3 BFRP C10@75 3U14 0/1.0 170 41.6 42.4
B2P4-3 BFRP C10@75 4U14 0/1.0 170 41.6 42.4
S2A2 Steel C10@75 2U14 1.0 300 – 42.4

Note: Af is the area of FRP reinforcement, hsf is the thickness of FRHSC layer, Ec is the modulus of elasticity of concrete.

Fig. 5. Location of measuring point.

Fig. 3. The test setup.

Fig. 4. Schematic of flexural test setup and locations of LVDTs.

H. Zhu et al. / Construction and Building Materials 161 (2018) 587–597 591

Table 5
Summary of test results.

Specimen Fcr (kN) Fsd (kN) Fu (kN) Du/mm Fsd/Fu Failure mode DF
B0A2 25.04 78.68 215.27 37.09 0.37 Concrete crushing 8.58
B2P2-1 37.23 90.23 219.46 34.93 0.41 Concrete crushing 7.20
B2P2-2 44.77 104.36 225.11 32.47 0.46 Concrete crushing 6.16
B2P2-3 46.21 115.88 229.03 31.86 0.51 Concrete crushing 5.87
B2A2 47.03 117.29 264.13 43.83 0.44 FRP bar rupture 9.20
B1P2-3 44.12 95.16 218.33 37.04 0.44 Concrete crushing 7.45
B3P2-3 51.18 119.87 230.67 30.73 0.52 Concrete crushing 5.45
B4P2-3 53.54 128.47 237.29 31.83 0.54 Concrete crushing 5.79
B2P1-3 43.61 99.76 177.50 30.80 0.56 FRP bar rupture 5.07
B2P3-3 47.33 130.63 273.96 30.84 0.48 Concrete crushing 6.01
B2P4-3 46.31 141.93 290.21 29.21 0.49 Concrete crushing 5.72
S2A2 52.25 – 195.00 48.60 – Steel bar yield –

Note: Fcr is the cracking load, Fsd is the service load controlled by deflection, Fu is the ultimate load, Du is the ultimate deflection, DF is the deformation factor.

300 300
B2A2 B2A2
250 250
200 S2A2 200

Load (kN)
Load (kN)

150 150 B2P2-2
100 100

50 50

0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 0 10 20 30 40 50
Midspan deflection (mm) Midspan deflection (mm)
(a) Beams with different reinforcements types (b) Beams with different FRHSC layers
300 300
B4P2-3 B2P4-3
250 250 B2P3-3

B3P2-3 B2P2-3
200 200
Load (kN)

Load (kN)

150 150 B2P1-3

100 B1P2-3 100

50 50

0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 0 10 20 30 40 50
Midspan deflection (mm) Midspan deflection (mm)
(c) Beams with differentsteel fiber volume fractions (d) Beams with different FRP reinforcement ratios
Fig. 6. Load versus mid-span deflection.

B2P2-3, B2P3-4 and B2P4-3 increased by 23.4% to 63.5% due to the 3.2. Load-deflection response
increase of FRP reinforcement ratio. It indicates that increasing FRP
reinforcement ratio is an effective way to improve the flexural The load-deflection curves of the tested beam specimens rein-
capacity of partially FRSHC beams reinforced with FRP bars. For forced with steel bars and FRP bars are shown in Fig. 6(a). There
the tested beam specimens which were partially reinforced with was a significant difference between the two load-deflection
steel fibers, the ultimate loads slightly increased with the increase curves. For the Specimen S2A2, the load-deflection curve showed
of the thickness of FRHSC layer and steel fiber volume fraction. This a tri-linear response. The first part of the load-deformation
is because FRP bars carried the majority of tensile stress, although a response represented the stiffness of uncracked beam section.
portion of tensile stress was carried by steel fibers. When fibers The second part of the load-deformation response represented
were added in full cross section, the ultimate load was greatly the cracked stiffness of the beam section. When the first crack
improved and the failure mode also changed from concrete crush- appeared, the stiffness of the beam decreased. With the increase
ing to FRP bar rupture as the performance of concrete in the com- of the load, the stress of steel bars increased until the yield strength
pression zone improved by the addition of steel fibers. was reached. Afterward, the deflection of the beam specimen sig-
592 H. Zhu et al. / Construction and Building Materials 161 (2018) 587–597

nificantly increased representing a softening response. Since there FRP bar reinforced structures, the design of concrete beams rein-
was no obvious yield point for FRP bars, the load-deflection curve forced with FRP bars is usually controlled by the serviceability
of Specimen B2A2 showed a linear response after the cracking load. limit state requirements and hence the high flexural capacity of
Due to the low modulus of elasticity of the FRP bars, the slope of concrete beams cannot be fully exploited. The load-deflection
the load-deflection curve of S2A2 was significantly larger than that curves showed that the reduction of the stiffness was restrained
of B2A2, as shown in Fig. Fig. 6(a). Before the steel bar in Specimen by the inclusion of steel fibers. The loads at all deflection increased
S2A2 yielded, the mid-span deflections of Specimen S2A2 were significantly with the inclusion of steel fibers. For B1P2-3, B2P2-3,
about 45% smaller than that of Specimen B2A2 at the same load. B3P2-3 and B4P2-3, the mid-span deflections were about 23.5%,
Fig. 6(b) shows the load-deflection curves of the test beam spec- 42.93%, 48.22% and 52.33%, respectively, smaller than the mid-
imens with different FRHSC layers. Under the cracking load, the span deflection of B0A2. The comparison between the service load
slope of load-deflection curves did not show significant differences. (Fsd) and ultimate load is shown in Table 5. The service load was
This result indicated that the effect of steel fibers on the initial calculated based on the load at an assumed service mid-span
stiffness of the beam was not significant [14]. After cracking, the deflection limit of l/180. As expected, due to the low modulus of
stiffness of tested beam specimen decreased with the increase of elasticity of the FRP bars, the service load of B0A2 was just 0.365
the number and width of cracks. Due to the presence of steel fiber, times of the ultimate load. With the addition of steel fibers, the
the integrity of the specimens was improved and the degradation ratio of the service load and ultimate load was improved. The ser-
of stiffness was restrained. When the thickness of FRHSC layer vice load increased by 63.28% for Specimen B4A2-3.
increased, the positive effects of steel fibers on the post cracking The load-deflection curves of the tested beam specimens with
stiffness became significant. For Specimen B2P2-3, the thickness different FRP reinforcement ratios are shown in Fig. 6(d). Before
of FRHSC layer was 170 mm (hsf = 0.57 h), steel fibers were dis- the appearance of the first crack, the load-deflection response of
tributed in the full tension zone, and hence the crack resistance the beam specimens were similar. This can be attributed to the mod-
effect was fully achieved. At the same load, the mid-span deflection ulus of elasticity of the FRP bars which was similar to that of con-
of Specimen B2P2-3 was approximately equal to that of Specimen crete. The FRP reinforcement ratio had a significant influence on
B2A2 (the beam which was fully reinforced with steel fibers). For the post cracking bending stiffness of the tested beam specimens.
Specimen B2P2-1, B2P2-2, B2P2-3 and B2A2, on average, the The tensile stress at the cracked section was mainly carried by FRP
deflections were 18.69%, 34.18%, 40.86%, 44.14%, respectively, bars. Hence, a higher FRP reinforcement ratio can reduce the tensile
lower than the deflection of Specimen B0A2. strain of FRP bars at the cracked section and provide a higher post
Fig. 6(c) shows that the stiffness of tested beam specimens was cracking bending stiffness. For B2P2-3, B2P3-3, B2P4-3, the mid-
positively influenced by the steel fiber volume fraction. Because of span deflections were 23.96%, 38.94%, 40.86%, 47.34%, respectively,
the low modulus of elasticity of the FRP bars and large deflection of lower than the mid-span deflection of Specimen B2P1-3.

350 350

300 300

250 250
Load (kN)
Load (kN)

200 200

150 150 B0A2

100 B2P2-1
50 S2A2 B2P2-3
B2A2 B2A2
0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5
Maximum crack width (mm) Maximum crack width (mm)
(a) Beams with different reinforcements types (b) Beams with different FRHSC layers

350 350

300 300

250 250
Load (kN)
Load (kN)

200 200

150 B0A0 150

B1P2-3 B2P1-3
100 100
B2P2-3 B2P2-3
50 B3P2-3 50 B2P3-3
B4P2-3 B2P4-3
0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5
Maximum crack width (mm) Maximum crack width (mm)
(c) Beams with different steel fiber volume fractions (d) Beams with different FRP reinforcement ratios
Fig. 7. Load versus maximum crack width.
H. Zhu et al. / Construction and Building Materials 161 (2018) 587–597 593

3.3. Cracking response 35.24%, 45.03%, 44.51%, respectively, smaller than the maximum
crack width of Specimen B0A2.
The load-maximum crack width curves are shown in Fig. 7. For The addition of steel fiber led to a greater number of cracks in
all beams, the development of cracks can be divided into 3 stages: the tested beam specimens. However, with the increase of steel
(i) after the appearance of the first crack (flexural crack), the num- fiber volume fraction, the number of cracks did not vary signifi-
ber and depth of cracks increased rapidly with the increase of cantly. In Fig. 7(c), it can be seen that the cracks widths were effec-
applied load; (ii) the rate of increase of the number and depth of tively restrained by steel fibers. Compared to B0A2, the maximum
cracks was decelerated and shear cracks appeared as the load con- crack widths for B1P2-3, B2P2-3, B3P2-3 and B4P2-3 were reduced
tinued to increase; (iii) the number of cracks remained the same by 22.74%–55.97% by the addition of steel fibers with 0.5–2.0% vol-
but the cracks continued to propagate slowly to the edge of com- ume fraction.
pression zone until the specimens failed. For beams with different FRP reinforcement ratios, a higher FRP
For Specimens S2A2 and B2A2, the number of crack in a pure reinforcement ratio provided a greater number of cracks and lower
bending section of S2A2 was more than that of B2A2. This can be speed of the development of crack depth and width. In Fig. 7(d), at a
attributed to the higher modulus of elasticity of the steel bar and certain load, a smaller crack width was obtained when a higher FRP
the better bond performance between steel bar and concrete. As reinforcement ratio was used. This indicates that increasing the FRP
shown in Fig. 7(a), the load-maximum crack width curve of S2A2 reinforcement ratio is an effective way to reduce the crack width. In
was significantly different from that of B2A2. Before steel bars addition, for the beam specimens with higher FRP reinforcement
yielded, the crack width increased linearly with the increase of ratio, more shear cracks appeared and propagated deeply. This
the load. Afterward, the crack width increased rapidly with slight can be attributed to the larger shear stress corresponding to the lar-
increase in the load. Because of the linear stress-strain behavior ger ultimate load. However, due to the adequate shear resistance
of FRP bar, for Specimen B2A2, the crack width increased linearly provided by the stirrups, the widths of shear cracks were not signif-
until beam failed. Due to the higher modulus of elasticity of the icantly large. For Specimens B2P2-3, B2P3-3 and B2P4-3, the max-
steel bar, before steel bar yield, at the same load, the crack width imum crack widths were 30.2%, 51.46%, 63.15%, respectively,
of S2A2 was 66.67–81.17% smaller than that of B2A2. smaller than the maximum crack width of Specimen B2P1-3.
For beams with different FRHSC layers, a larger number of Table 6 shows the average crack widths and standard deviation
cracks were observed in the beam specimens with a higher depth for crack widths at the load of 80kN, 100kN and 120kN. With the
of FRHSC layer. Compared to the beams reinforced with steel fiber, increase of applied load, the average crack widths and the standard
the depth of cracks in B0A2 developed rapidly and the number of deviation of the crack widths increased, as reported in Table 6. Since
cracks was less. As shown in Fig. 7(b), after the first crack appeared, the modulus of elasticity of the steel bar is higher and the bond
for the increase of load, the crack width of steel fiber-reinforced behavior between steel fiber and concrete is better, the average
beams was significantly smaller than that of B0A2. However, for crack width of Specimen S2A2 was 66.77%–70.87% and standard
B2P2-1, B2P2-2, B2P2-3, B2A2, no significant difference in the deviation of the crack widths was 67.87%–70.85% smaller than
crack width was observed. This was because, as the depths of those of Specimen B2A2, respectively. With the addition of steel
cracks were shallow and the widths of cracks were small, the crack fiber, the integrity of specimens improved and the tensile stress
resistance effect of steel fibers at the bottom of the beams was fully of concrete became more uniform. This resulted in a smaller aver-
achieved while the effect of steel fibers in a higher position of the age crack width and smaller standard deviation of the crack widths.
beams was not implemented. When the load exceeded 100 kN, With the increase of steel fiber volume fraction and thickness of
cracks developed deeper and steel fibers restrained the develop- FRHSC layer, the average crack width decreased by 13.89%–
ment of cracks in a higher position of the beams, hence, crack 86.26% and the deviation for crack widths decreased by 3.05%–
width was smaller for beam specimens with a higher depth of 66.06%. Higher FRP reinforcement ratio led to a smaller average
the FRHSC layer. When the load exceeded 160 kN, a considerable crack width and smaller standard deviation of the crack widths.
portion of steel fibers at the bottom of the beams was pulled out. For the specimens with the FRP reinforcement ratio of 0.77%–
At the ultimate load, the crack width of B2P2-1 was quite similar 1.65%, average crack widths were 8.70%–71.19% and deviations of
to that of B0A2. For B2P2-3 and B2A2, the cracking behavior was the crack widths were 19.47%–69.97% smaller than those of B2P1-3.
similar. This indicated that, for the FRP bar reinforced FRHSC The bond performance between FRP bars and concrete was rel-
beams, the crack resistance effect of steel fiber was mainly atively weak. For Specimen B0A2, the horizontal cracks, which
achieved by the steel fibers which were at the depth lower than were caused due to bond failure, appeared at the location of longi-
0.57 times of the total depth of the beams. For B2P2-1, B2P2-2, tudinal reinforcement. With the increase of the load, the horizontal
B2P2-3 and B2A2, the maximum crack widths were 27.9%, cracks developed continuously. At the ultimate load, two adjacent

Table 6
Comparison between crack widths.

Specimen Average crack width (mm) Maximum crack width (mm) Standard Deviation of the crack width
F = 80kN F = 100kN F = 120kN F = 80kN F = 100kN F = 120kN F = 80kN F = 100kN F = 120kN
B0A2 0.684 0.820 0.900 1.100 1.150 1.400 0.221 0.243 0.295
B2P2-1 0.269 0.539 0.775 0.460 1.010 1.130 0.135 0.228 0.286
B2P2-2 0.227 0.348 0.503 0.470 0.720 1.260 0.125 0.124 0.249
B2P2-3 0.189 0.314 0.481 0.370 0.660 0.920 0.091 0.127 0.168
B2A2 0.201 0.270 0.339 0.360 0.700 0.820 0.093 0.121 0.161
B1P2-3 0.275 0.378 0.509 0.650 0.770 1.300 0.131 0.185 0.21
B3P2-3 0.151 0.233 0.307 0.450 0.580 0.820 0.113 0.129 0.171
B4P2-3 0.094 0.162 0.227 0.270 0.500 0.720 0.075 0.116 0.164
B2P1-3 0.207 0.368 0.545 0.800 1.300 1.600 0.113 0.243 0.353
B2P3-3 0.100 0.126 0.166 0.250 0.360 0.580 0.059 0.083 0.112
B2P4-3 0.080 0.130 0.157 0.180 0.300 0.400 0.049 0.075 0.106
S2A2 0.059 0.079 0.113 0.080 0.140 0.220 0.027 0.039 0.052
594 H. Zhu et al. / Construction and Building Materials 161 (2018) 587–597

vertical cracks were connected by a horizontal crack, the concrete ultimate strength. However, the deflection and crack width
cover spalled off. For the beams reinforced with steel fibers, no hor- decreased and service load increased significantly. In general, the
izontal cracks and the spalling of the concrete cover was observed. beneficial effect of partial steel fiber reinforcement in service load,
This indicates that the bond performance between FRP bars and deflection and crack width is approximately similar to the benefi-
concrete was increased by the addition of steel fibers. cial effect of full steel fiber reinforcement. In addition, the cost of
the partial steel fiber reinforcement is 40% lower (the optimum
3.4. Ductility thickness of FRHSC layer is 0.57 times of the total depth of the
beam) than the cost of the full steel fiber reinforcement which is
Since there was no obvious yield point in FRP bars, the tradi- a considerable cost saving. Therefore, at a certain steel fiber vol-
tional theory of ductility cannot be applied to the structures rein- ume fraction, partial steel fiber reinforcement is recommended
forced with FRP bars. Vijay and Ganga [15] proposed a new over full steel fiber reinforcement.
ductility index, deformation factor (DF), for concrete structures The amounts of steel fibers in B2A2 and B4P2-3 are approxi-
reinforced with FRP bars. It was defined as the ratio of the energy mately the same. Compared with B2A2, the service load of B4P2-3
absorbed at the ultimate load to the energy absorbed at the service increased by 9.53%, the deflection and maximum crack width of
load. The service load was taken as the load corresponding to mid- B4P2-3 decreased by 15.07% and 24.88%, respectively. Although
span deflection limit of span/180. The ductility factor (DF) for the the ductility of the specimens partially reinforced with steel fibers
tested specimens are shown in Table 5. is lower, the ductility indices DFs of the specimens partially rein-
For beams with different FRHSC layers, the DFs of partially forced with steel fibers exceeded the minimum requirement [13]
fiber-reinforced beams were smaller than the DF of Specimen of 4. Therefore, at a certain amount of steel fiber, the combination
B0A2. The DF decreased with the increase of the thickness of of high fiber volume and partial steel fiber reinforcement is recom-
FRHSC layer (hsf 170 mm). This can be attributed to that for the mended over the combination of low fiber volume and full steel fiber
beam specimens partially reinforced with steel fiber, the deflec- reinforcement. However, for the structures with the requirements of
tions were restrained by the steel fibers in the tension zone and higher ductility, full steel fiber reinforcement may be required.
the ultimate deflections were smaller and service loads were larger
than those of Specimen B0A2, while the ultimate loads were not 4. Theoretical study on service deflection
significantly different. However, when hsf was equal to 300 mm,
the DF of Specimen B2A2 was larger than the DF of Specimen Due to the low modulus of elasticity of the FRP bars, the design
B0A2. This is mainly because the compressive strength and ulti- of concrete beams reinforced with FRP bars is typically governed
mate compressive strain of compressed concrete improved due by the serviceability limit state requirements [17]. Therefore, a cal-
to the addition of steel fibers in the compression zone. Hence, culation method for predicting the deflection of concrete beams
the ultimate load and ultimate deflection of Specimen B2A2 were reinforced with FRP bars is needed. The effective moment of inertia
larger than those of the beams partially reinforced with steel fiber. method is used to predict the deformation of the bending member
This indicates that the improvement of ductility of FRP bar rein- (i.e. beams) in ACI 440.1R-15 [18]. ACI 440.1R-15 [18] suggests that
forced concrete beams can be achieved by the addition of steel the effective moment of inertia can be calculated by Eq. (1).
fibers in the compression zone. Thus, the addition of steel fibers
in the full depth of structures is necessary for the structures with Icr
Ie ¼  2   6 Ig Where M a P M cr ð1Þ
higher ductility requirements. 1c M cr
1  IIcrg
For the beam specimens with different steel fiber volume frac-
tions, it can be observed that steel fiber volume fraction is negatively where, Ie is the effective moment of inertia, Icr is the moment of
correlated with the ductility of the beams which were partially rein- inertia of cracked section, Ig is the moment of inertia of gross sec-
forced with steel fiber. Hence the addition of steel fibers in the ten- tion, Mcr is the cracking moment, Ma is the applied moment, c is a
sion zone was not beneficial for the ductility of the beam. factor (c = 1.72–0.72(Mcr/Ma)) which is related to the loading and
For beams with different FRP reinforcement ratios, the FRP rein- boundary conditions.
forcement ratio influenced the ductility of the beam specimens. It ACI 440.1R-15 [18] assumes that before the cracking of con-
can be observed that there was no significant difference in the ulti- crete, the section is homogeneous and the contribution of rein-
mate deflections of the beams with different FRP reinforcement forcement to the moment of inertia of the gross section is
ratios. However, for Specimens B1P2-3, B2P2-3, B3P2-3, the ulti- negligible. The moment of inertia of the gross section can be calcu-
mate loads were significantly improved by the increase of FRP rein- lated by Eq. (2).
forcement ratio and a higher DF was obtained for a higher FRP
reinforcement ratio. Comparing Specimens B4P2-3 and B3P2-3, bh
Ig ¼ ð2Þ
the rate of increase of the ultimate load was not higher than the 12
rate of increase of the service load, which led the DF of Specimen where, b is the width of the beam, h is the total depth of the beam.
B4P2-3 slightly smaller than the DF of Specimen B3P2-3. This Based on the assumption that the concrete contribution in the
was similar to the result reported in a previous study [16]. tension zone can be neglected after the cracking of concrete, ACI
440.1R-15 [18] suggests that the moment of inertia of cracked sec-
3.5. Discussion on full and partial steel fiber reinforcement tion can be calculated by Eqs. (3) and (4).

As mentioned in section 1, the deflection and crack width of b 3 3 2 2

Icr ¼ d k þ nf Af d ð1  kÞ ð3Þ
concrete beams reinforced with FRP bars are usually large and 3
the design is controlled by serviceability limit state. For the con- qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
crete beams reinforced with FRP bars, the enhancement of the ser- k¼ 2qnf þ ðqnf Þ2  qnf ð4Þ
vice load and stiffness are more important than the enhancement
of the ultimate strength. Thus, the main purpose of the addition where, d is the distance from the extreme compression fiber to the
of steel fibers into FRP bars reinforced concrete beams is to centroid of tensile reinforcement, nf is the modulus ratio between
increase the service load and decrease the deflection and crack the FRP bar Ef and the plain concrete Ec, Af is the area of tensile rein-
width. The partial reinforcement with fiber did not increase the forcement, q is the reinforcement ratio.
H. Zhu et al. / Construction and Building Materials 161 (2018) 587–597 595

For the conventional FRP bar reinforced concrete beams, the The influence of steel fiber on the property of concrete is depen-
concrete contribution in the tension zone is usually neglected after dent on the distribution and orientation of steel fibers. The distri-
cracking. However, in the case of FRHSC beams reinforced with FRP bution of steel fibers can be described by nonuniformity
bars, as the tensile stress can be carried by the steel fibers in coefficient of steel fiber distribution gv. The orientation of steel
cracked section, the contribution of steel fibers in the tensile zone fibers can be described by steel fiber orientation coefficient g0.
must be considered. Therefore, prediction of the service load Zhang [19] reported that the total area of steel fibers in the section
deflections of FRHSC beams reinforced with FRP bars by the equa- can be calculated by Eq. (7).
tions suggested in ACI 440.1R-15 [18] may not be appropriate.
Asf ¼ g0 gv bhqsf ¼ gbhqsf ð7Þ
4.1. Moment of inertia of fully FRHSC beams where, g is the effective coefficient of steel fiber and qsf is the steel
fiber volume fraction.
Since the distance of the centroid of each single steel fiber from Gao [20] reported that for hooked steel fiber, the effective coef-
the neutral axis of the beam is unknown, the area and moment of ficient of steel fiber is between 0.16–0.33. The effective coefficient
inertia of a single steel fiber cannot be calculated. To obtain the of steel fiber g is taken as 0.16 herein.
area and moment of inertia of steel fibers, the steel fibers can be The moment of inertia of gross section of fully FRHSC beams can
considered as a whole. In the fully FRHSC beams, the average dis- be calculated by Eq. (8).
bh 3 i
tance of the steel fibers in compression zone from the neutral axis
3 2
is considered 0.5 times of the depth of compression zone and the Ig ¼ x0 þ ðh  x0 Þ þ ðnf  1ÞAf ðd  x0 Þ
average distance of steel fibers in tension zone from the neutral
nsf  1 h 3 3
axis is considered 0.5 times of the depth of tension zone. The con- þ Asf x0 þ ðh  x0 Þ ð8Þ
ceptual diagram of gross and cracked sections of FRHSC beams is 3h
shown in Fig. 8. The cracked and transformed cracked sections of fully FRHSC
The gross section and transformed uncracked section of fully beams are shown in Fig.8(e) and (f). There is a significant difference
FRHSC beams are shown in Fig.8(a) and (b). According to the con- between conventional and steel fiber reinforced concrete beams.
dition that the moments of area of compression zone and tension According to the condition that the moments of areas of compres-
zone are equal, Eqs. (5) and (6) can be derived. sion and tension zone are equal, Eqs (9) and (10) can be derived.
1 2 nsf  1 x20 1 2 1 2 nsf  1 x2cr ðh  xcr Þ
bx þ Asf ¼ bðh  x0 Þ þ ðnf  1Þ Af ðd  x0 Þ bx þ Asf ¼ nf Af ðd  xcr Þ þ nsf Asf ð9Þ
2 0 2 h 2 2 cr 2 h 2h
ðh  x0 Þ rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
þ ðnsf  1Þ Asf ð5Þ
2h ðnf Af þ nsf Asf Þ þ ðnf Af þ nsf Asf Þ2 þ 2 b  Ahsf ðnf Af d þ n2sf Asf hÞ
xcr ¼
bhþ ðnf  1ÞAf d þ nsf21 Asf h
b  Ahsf
x0 ¼ 2
bh þ ðnf  1ÞAf þ ðnsf  1ÞAsf ð10Þ
where, x0 is the depth of compression zone in gross section, Asf is where, xcr is the depth of compression zone in cracked section.
the total area of steel fibers in section, and nsf is the modulus ratio The moment of inertia of cracked section of fully FRHSC beams
between the steel fiber Ef and the plain concrete Ec. can be calculated by Eq. (11).

(a) Gross section (b) Transformed uncracked (c) Gross section (d) Transformed uncracked
of fully FRSHC section of fully FRSHC of partially FRSHC section of partially FRSHC

(e) Cracked section (f) Transformed cracked (g) Cracked section (h) Transformed cracked
of fully FRSHC section of fully FRSHC of partially FRSHC section of partially FRSHC
Fig. 8. Calculations for gross and cracked sections.
596 H. Zhu et al. / Construction and Building Materials 161 (2018) 587–597

Table 7
Comparison of experimental and theoretical deflections at service load.

Specimen Fsc (kN) De (mm) DACI (mm) Dt (mm) De/DACI De /Dt

B2P2-1 88.66 9.78 11.49 8.94 0.86 1.10
B2P2-2 98.40 8.95 12.17 9.04 0.74 0.99
B2P2-3 103.08 7.98 11.93 8.64 0.64 0.88
B2A2 100.00 7.20 16.10 11.63 0.60 0.84
B1P2-3 88.38 8.70 10.22 8.60 0.86 1.03
B3P2-3 110.00 8.19 12.71 8.12 0.65 1.01
B4P2-3 118.18 9.16 14.64 8.35 0.63 1.11
B2P1-3 94.29 8.73 13.33 9.25 0.75 1.08
B2P3-3 146.15 12.12 14.80 11.88 0.84 1.05
B2P4-3 160.00 11.93 13.83 11.53 0.87 1.04
Average 0.76 1.01
Standard deviation 0.12 0.09
Coefficient of variation 0.15 0.09

Note: De is the experimental service deflection, DACI is the theoretical service deflection calculated by ACI model, Dt is the theoretical service deflection calculated by the
model suggested by this paper.

b 3 2 nsf  1 nsf 3 The moment of inertia of cracked section of fully FRHSC beams
Icr ¼ x þ nf Af ðd  xcr Þ þ Asf x3cr þ Asf ðh  xcr Þ ð11Þ
3 cr 3h 3h can be calculated by Eq. (18).
b 3 2 hsf nsf 2
4.2. Moment of inertia of partially FRHSC beams Icr ¼ xcr þ nf Af ðd  xcr Þ þ nsf Asf h  xcr  þ Asf hsf ð18Þ
3 2 12
Since there is no steel fiber in the compression zone of partially
FRHSC beams, the calculation method of moment of inertia and 4.3. Verification
depth of compression zone of partially FRHSC beams will be differ-
ent from the calculation method of fully FRHSC beams. The gross To verify the calculation method developed in this paper, the
section and transformed uncracked section of partially FRHSC service load deflections of tested beam specimens were calculated
beams are shown in Fig.8(c) and (d). According to the condition by Eq. (19) considering the second moments of area calculated by
that moments of areas of compression zone and tension zone are the recommendations in ACI 440.1R-15 [18] and the method devel-
equal, Eq. (12) and Eq. (13) can be derived. oped herein.
1 2 1 hsf PS
bx0 ¼ bðh  x0 Þ þ ðnf  1ÞAf ðd  x0 Þ þ ðnsf  1ÞAsf h  x0  D¼ ð3L2  4S2 Þ ð19Þ
2 2 2 48Ec Ie
ð12Þ where, D is the deflection, P is the applied load, L is the span of the
  beam and S is the shear span of the beam.
bh þ ðnf  1ÞAf d þ ðnsf  1ÞAsf h  h2sf The maximum allowable crack width of FRP bar reinforced con-
x0 ¼ ð13Þ crete members, ACI 440.1R-15 and CAN/CSA S806 recommend 0.5
bh þ ðnf  1ÞAf þ ðnsf  1ÞAsf
mm for exterior exposure and 0.7 mm for interior exposure. There-
where, hsf is the thickness of FRHSC layer. fore, the service load (Fsc) was defined as the load at the crack
For partially FRHSC beams, the total area of steel fibers in the width limit of 0.7 mm. The experimental and theoretical deflec-
section can be calculated by Eq. (14). tions at service load are shown in Table 7. It can be seen that the
effect of steel fiber was not considered in ACI 440.1R-15 [18] and
Asf ¼ gbhsf qsf ð14Þ
hence the deflections were significantly overestimated. The mid-
The moment of inertia of the gross section of partially FRHSC span deflections calculated by the method developed in this paper
beams can be calculated by Eq. (15). agree very well with the experimental results.
b 3 3 2
Ig ¼ ½x þ ðh  x0 Þ  þ ðnf  1ÞAf ðd  x0 Þ þ ðnsf 5. Conclusion
3 0
hsf nsf  1 2
 1ÞAsf h  x0  þ Asf hsf ð15Þ This study experimentally investigated the influences of the
2 12 thickness of fiber-reinforced high-strength concrete (FRHSC) layer,
The cracked and transformed cracked section of partially FRHSC steel fiber volume fraction and FRP reinforcement ratio on the flex-
beams are shown in Fig. 8(g) and (h). It can be seen in Fig. 8 ural behavior of partially FRHSC beams reinforced with FRP bars.
(g) and (h) that in the cracked section, the concrete in tension zone Also, in order to predict the service load deflection of FRHSC beams
failed and the tensile stress is carried by steel fibers in FRHSC layer reinforced with FRP bars, a new calculation method for the
and FRP bars. According to the condition that moments of areas of moment of inertia was developed. Based on the experimental
compression zone and tension zone are equal, Eqs. (16) and (17) and theoretical results, the followings conclusions can be drawn.
can be derived. FRP reinforcement ratio significantly influenced the flexural
  capacity and failure mode of tested beam specimens. Increasing
1 2 hsf
bxcr ¼ nf Af ðd  xcr Þ þ nsf Asf h  xcr  ð16Þ FRP reinforcement ratio was found to be an effective way to
2 2 improve the flexural capacity of partially FRHSC beams reinforced
rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi with FRP bars. The effects of the thickness of FRHSC layer and steel
h  iffi
ðnf Af þ nsf Asf Þ þ ðnf Af þ nsf Asf Þ2 þ 2b nf Af d þ nsf Asf h  h2sf fiber volume fraction on the flexural capacity were not highly sig-
xcr ¼ nificant. However, for fully FRHSC beams reinforced with FRP bars,
b the flexural capacity was significantly greater than that of partially
ð17Þ FRHSC beams. Also, the failure mode changed from concrete crush-
H. Zhu et al. / Construction and Building Materials 161 (2018) 587–597 597

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