DLL - English5 Q2 Week 12

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School: Grade Level: V

DAILY LESSON LOG Teacher: Learning Area: ENGLISH

Teaching Dates & Time: Quarter: SECOND WEEK 1&2


A. Content Standards The learner listens critically to The learner listens critically The learner listens critically to The learner listens critically The learner listens critically to
different text types; expresses to different text types; different text types; expresses to different text types; different text types; expresses
ideas logically in oral and expresses ideas logically in ideas logically in oral and expresses ideas logically in ideas logically in oral and
written forms; and oral and written forms; and written forms; and oral and written forms; and written forms; and
demonstrates interest in reading
demonstrates interest in demonstrates interest in demonstrates interest in demonstrates interest in
to meet various needs. The
learner listens critically to news reading to meet various reading to meet various needs. reading to meet various reading to meet various
reports and other radio needs. The learner listens The learner listens critically to needs. The learner listens needs. The learner listens
broadcasts and expresses ideas critically to news reports news reports and other radio critically to news reports critically to news reports and
accurately in oral and in written and other radio broadcasts broadcasts and expresses ideas and other radio broadcasts other radio broadcasts and
forms; demonstrates confidence and expresses ideas accurately in oral and in written and expresses ideas expresses ideas accurately in
in the use of the language to accurately in oral and in forms; demonstrates accurately in oral and in oral and in written
meet everyday needs; and reads written forms; demonstrates confidence in the use of the written forms; demonstrates forms; demonstrates
independently and gets relevant confidence in the use of the language to meet everyday confidence in the use of the confidence in the use of the
information from various text language to meet everyday needs; and reads language to meet everyday language to meet everyday
needs; and reads independently and gets needs; and reads needs; and reads
independently and gets relevant information from independently and gets independently and gets
relevant information from various text relevant information from relevant information from
various text types. types. various text types. various text
B. Performance Standards The learner listens critically The learner listens critically The learner listens critically to The learner listens critically The learner listens critically to
to different text types; to different text types; different text types; expresses to different text types; different text types; expresses
expresses ideas logically in expresses ideas logically in ideas logically in oral and expresses ideas logically in ideas logically in oral and
oral and written forms; and oral and written forms; and written forms; and oral and written forms; and written forms; and
demonstrates interest in demonstrates interest in demonstrates interest in demonstrates interest in demonstrates interest in
reading to meet various reading to meet various reading to meet various needs. reading to meet various reading to meet various
needs. The learner listens needs. The learner listens The learner listens critically to needs. The learner listens needs. The learner listens
critically to news reports and critically to news reports news reports and other radio critically to news reports critically to news reports and
other radio broadcasts and and other radio broadcasts broadcasts and expresses ideas and other radio broadcasts other radio broadcasts and
expresses ideas accurately in and expresses ideas accurately in oral and in written and expresses ideas expresses ideas accurately in
oral and in written accurately in oral and in forms; demonstrates accurately in oral and in oral and in written forms;
forms; demonstrates written forms; demonstrates confidence in the use of the written forms; demonstrates demonstrates confidence in
confidence in the use of the confidence in the use of the language to meet everyday confidence in the use of the the use of the language to
language to meet everyday language to meet everyday needs; and reads language to meet everyday meet everyday needs; and
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needs; and reads needs; and reads independently and gets needs; and reads reads independently and gets
independently and gets independently and gets relevant information from independently and gets relevant information from
relevant information from relevant information from various text relevant information from various text
various text various text types. types. various text types. types.
C. Learning Competencies/ Compose clear and coherent
Compose clear and coherent Compose clear and coherent Compose clear and coherent Compose clear and coherent
Objectives sentences using appropriate
sentences using appropriate sentences using appropriate sentences using appropriate sentences using appropriate
( Write the Lode for grammatical structures:
grammatical structures: grammatical structures:grammatical structures: grammatical structures:
each) aspects of verbs, modals and
aspects of verbs, modals aspects of verbs, modals and aspects of verbs, modals aspects of verbs, modals and
conjunction EN5G-Ia-3.3 and conjunction EN5G-Ia- conjunction EN5G-Ia-3.3 and conjunction EN5G-Ia- conjunction EN5G-Ia-3.3
3.3 3.3
II. CONTENT Composing Clear and Composing Clear and Composing Clear and Coherent Composing Clear and Composing Clear and
( Subject Matter) Coherent Sentences Using Coherent Sentences Using Sentences Using the Different Coherent Sentences Using Coherent Sentences Using the
the Different Aspects of the Different Aspects of Aspects of Verbs the Different Aspects of Different Aspects of Verbs
Verbs Verbs Verbs
Composing Clear and Coherent Composing Clear and Coherent
Composing Clear and Composing Clear and Coherent Sentences Using Correct Modals Composing Clear and Coherent Sentences Using Correct Modals
Coherent Sentences Using Sentences Using Correct Sentences Using Correct
Correct Modals Modals Modals
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Material pages 10-43
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials
from Learning Resource
LR portal
B. Other Learning Audio-visual presentations, Audio-visual presentations, Audio-visual presentations, Audio-visual presentations,
Resources pictures pictures pictures pictures
A. Reviewing previous Lesson What are the aspects of verb? 1. Give examples of verbs. Checking of assignment Checking of assignment. Weekly Test
or presenting new lesson
B. Establishing a purpose for Directions: Copy the following What are the things that you Compose coherent sentences. Read the following words.
the lesson sentences on a separate sheet usually do during vacation?
of paper. Once done, 1. Can
underline the main verb used in 2. Could
each sentence. 3. Must
4. Might
1. I would love to live here. 5. Should
2. The acrobats can do
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somersaults. Use it in a sentence.
3. Brando might win the lottery.
4. You may submit your answers
to my email.
5. A long time ago, people could
travel to other countries
without a passport.
6. William will host a new show
on Channel 700.
7. The applicants shall undergo
an interview.
8. Hercules can lift a rock as big
as a mountain.
9. Children should avoid eating
junk foods.
10. You must pass the entrance
C. Presenting examples/ Directions: Study the sentences Identify the action words in Directions: Fill in the blanks with Directions: Compose clear and
instances of the new in Activity 1. Then, encircle the each sentence. the correct modals. Choose your coherent sentences using the
lesson. word that comes answers from the word pool correct modals in
before the main verb. 1. I am reading this sentence below. Write your answers on a responding to the given
right now. separate sheet of paper. questions. An example is
What do you think is the 2. Laila and Shyla were provided as your guide. Write
function of the encircled word in shooting a new movie in our 1. My aunt called us up to meet your
each of the sentences? ancestral her at the airport. She answers on a separate sheet of
You will learn it through this house yesterday when the __________arrive this paper.
module. director decided to change the afternoon.
location. 2. __________ you solve a Rubik’s Question: May I visit you
3. The wind is blowing gently cube in five seconds? tomorrow?
today. 3. Everybody is busy right now. Answer: Yes, you may visit me
4. We are praying for your You __________help clean the tomorrow.
health and safety every day. house.
5. Many students will be 4. When we were younger, we 1. Should we wear a mask
learning the lessons virtually. __________ run up the hill when going out?
without stopping. Answer:
5. The herald announced the ______________________
king’s proclamation that reads, 2. Will Maja like this novel?
“All noblemen Answer:
who wish to marry my daughter ______________________
__________ pass through a test.” 3. May I see the map?
can could may might must ______________________
shall should will would 4. Must people in coastal areas
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evacuate when there is a
strong typhoon?
5. Can you help me solve the
D. Discussing new concepts Directions: Read the short but The Progressive Aspect What are modals? Give examples Study the different modals in
and practicing new skills. inspiring poem below. Take note indicates continuing actions of modals and use it in a sentence. the table below. Take note of
#1 of the verbs and (e.g. am reading, were the highlighted
identify one word which is shooting, is blowing, etc.) that modals and the underlined
repeated many times. uses present participle form of verb in the examples.
the verb.
You Can The Simple Aspect expresses
events that are deemed as
You can give, you can live complete wholes
You can reach for your dream which happened in a single
You can learn many things block of time. Notice the word
You can dance, you can sing “simple” in the heading of
You can hear, you can see each column.
You can smell, you can feel The Perfect Aspect is used to
Yes, you can! show that actions which began
You can do wonderful things! in an earlier time
Directions: Read the short but are still connected to a later
inspiring poem below. Take note time because of prior
of the verbs and experience/activity, prior
identify one word which is events
repeated many times. that are completed, or prior
conditions that may not have
You Can ended yet. Notice the word
“perfect” in the heading of
You can give, you can live each column. In the sample
You can reach for your dream answer given, the word “had”
You can learn many things was added to the verb “gone”.
You can dance, you can sing “Gone” is in the past participle
You can hear, you can see form of the verb.
You can smell, you can feel The Progressive Aspect
Yes, you can! presents verbs ending in “-ing”
You can do wonderful things! with an auxiliary verb
before them. It expresses an
action which is continuing or
“in progress.”
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E. Discussing new concepts Directions: Read the following Aspect refers to the flow of Modals are special. They are not Directions: Write True if the
and practicing new skills sentences carefully then answer time. It gives us additional like the regular verbs whose statement is correct and write
#2. the guide questions information about function is to False if it is wrong. Write
that follow. a verb by telling us whether indicate an action or a condition. your answers on a separate
the action or condition takes They are used together with the sheet of paper.
I can dance. place in a single block main verb. When
I will dance. of time, is completed, or occurs placed before a verb, each modal 1. All modals have the same
I may dance. continuously. The following are can provide a different meaning to meaning or function.
the aspects of it. They have 2. “Could” expresses an ability
Guide Questions the verb: different functions such as that only existed in the past.
1. SIMPLE ASPECT expressing ability, permission, 3. To express a future action,
1. What do these three The simple aspect is used to obligation, possibility, use the modal “will.”
sentences have in common? express events that are necessity, and suggestion. In this 4. All modals can be placed
2. Do the three sentences have deemed as module, you will study the only at the beginning of a
the same meaning? Why? complete wholes and confined different modals such sentence.
3. How do the words can, will, to a single block of time. as can, could, may, might, must, 5. The modal “may” expresses
and may function in the shall, should, will, and would. In both permission and
sentences? Example: order for you to use modals possibility.
I eat fruits every day. correctly.
You have noticed that the three
sentences have different Example:
meanings even I ate fruits three hours ago.
though the main verbs are the
same. In the first sentence, the Example:
speaker says that I will eat fruits again tonight.
he/she knows or has the ability
to dance. In the second, the 2. PERFECT ASPECT
speaker says that he/she The perfect aspect indicates
will do something, that is, to that actions or events which
dance. Whether the speaker started at an earlier time are
knows how to dance or not, still connected to a later time.
he/she simply intends to dance. Example:
Finally, the third sentence I have seen several
indicates only a possibility. The episodes of my favorite
sentence indicates that the anime.
speaker may dance, or not at all.
I had eaten breakfast
before I left for work.

We will have eaten the
cake by the time Dad
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arrives from the office.

The progressive aspect
describes an ongoing action or
event that has a
duration. The progressive
aspect is made up of auxiliary
verb “to be” +
the present participle (-ing
form) of the main verb.

Sample sentence:
Many drug companies
are working round the
clock to find a cure
for COVID-19.

Sample sentence:
John was tending his
garden when his
cellphone rang.

Sample sentence:
Many Christians will be
celebrating Christmas
away from their
relatives because of the

The perfect progressive is a
combination of the meaning of
the perfect
and progressive aspects. It
describes an action or activity
that is related
to a prior event and that is in
progress over a particular
period of time.

Sample sentence:
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The creator/editor shall/does not allow/permit any individual to sell this Daily Lesson Log or to share without his/her permission. @lykamaysalvador
My mother has been
tending the garden all

Sample sentence:
Jonas had been baking
a cake when Alisha

Sample sentence:
The generator will have
been running for 24
hours by the time the
sun rises on the
F. Developing Mastery In your notebook, write the Directions: Supply the blanks Directions: Identify the modal in Directions: Identify the modal
(Lead to Formative underlined verb or verb phrase with the correct aspects of the each sentence and write it on a described in each number.
Assessment 3) under the verb. Opposite the verb separate sheet of Write your answers on a
appropriate column for the identify what aspect it tells. paper. Opposite each modal, separate sheet of paper.
Simple Aspect to match the said Write your answers on your identify its function by selecting
verb with the time or notebooks. the letter of your 1. This modal is used to
aspect it denotes. The first item answer from the given list below. indicate one’s abilities.
has been done for you. I (like) 1_______ ice cream. I The first one is done for you. 2. This modal is used to tell
simply could not bear the idea that something has a slight
1. You will need the help of you of not being able a. present ability chance of happening.
parents while studying at home. to eat one. It (start) 2________ b. past ability 3. This modal is used to express
2. I saw a celebrity at the when I was seven. My mama c. permission the necessity or importance of
airport. brought ice cream from d. possibility something.
3. Lita uses her Facebook the town. It was really tasty. e. future action that must be 4. This modal is used to give
Messenger to contact her From then on, I (want) 3. fulfilled by the doer of the action advice or suggestion.
relatives abroad. _______ to eat it every once in f. future action 5. This modal is used to express
4. “I shall return,” Gen. Douglas a while. I tried substituting ice g. advice or suggestion a desire.
MacArthur promised the Filipino cream with ice candy. It just h. necessity or something very
people. won’t do. Years back, important
5. The teachers delivered some my mother (persuade) 4 i. something that has a low chance
modules despite the heavy rain. ________ me to prefer ice of happening
candy for it was cheaper. My j. desire or inclination
sweet k. future action stated in the past
tooth, however, refused to be
satisfied. I love ice cream! I 1. Listening to loud noises can
(eat) 5. ________ it a lot by damage your eardrums. Answer:
the time I turn twelve. can - d
2. My grandfather could lift a sack
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of rice when he was 18.
3. May I use the comfort room
4. Baki should train hard to win
the mixed-martial arts
5. We must exercise health
protocol to avoid getting sick.
6. All the athletes shall undergo a
drug test.
7. You might see the shooting stars
if the clouds move away.
8. Jin and Junjun will help in the
delivery of English SLMs.
9. Dogs can distinguish different
scents accurately.
10. Ilawod said that he would sell
“Surahan” or unicorn fish upon his
G. Finding practical Just like what you did in the SET 2 (Verb – report) Directions: Complete each Directions: Compose clear and
application of concepts previous activity, write and Simple Present sentence with the correct modal. coherent sentences using the
and skills in daily living classify the Juan Pedro Cruz always Choose your answers given modal in response to the
underlined verb phrases in the __________ breaking news. from the choices inside the box following situations. Encircle
appropriate column for the Simple Past and write them on a separate the modal and underline the
“Perfect Aspect”. The first The student ________about sheet of paper. main verb used in each of your
item has been answered for the Solar System during the sentences. Write your answers
you. group presentation. 6. I have another meeting. on a separate sheet of paper.
Simple Future __________ I be excused?
1. Before mother went to work, The TV Station __________ the 7. The caterpillar _________ A. Things you can do by
she had gone to the market. news later tonight. change into a butterfly. yourself
2. The plane had left when I Present Perfect 8. You __________ drink water Example: I can cook eggs for
arrived at the airport. The meteorologist (just) coming from the faucet during our breakfast.
3. I have seen the “Avengers” __________ the position of the time. _________________________
many times before. typhoon. 9. __________ you like more sugar _________________________.
4. Aryanna has practiced her Past Perfect for your coffee?
dance moves since this morning. The security guard __________ 10. You __________ cross the San B. Things that you will do to
5. By the time Thelma finishes the same problem before. Juanico Bridge when you visit avoid getting sick during the
answering her modules, Leyte and Samar. pandemic
Nanding, her younger Example: I will wash my hands
brother, will have slept on the with soap and water regularly.
sofa. 1.
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H. Making Generalizations Verbs do not just express an A verb is a part of speech that Modals are helping verbs used what are examples of modals.
and Abstraction about the action or state of being. They expresses an action and with a principal or main verb. They
lesson also carry the describes an are used to express permission,
idea as to when the actions occurrence or a state of being. ability, obligation, possibility,
expressed by the verbs take Verbs tell when an action takes probability, strong belief, and
place and how they place and how such many others.
take place. an action takes place in
The “when” relates to verb relation to a particular time.
tenses such as those in the
present, past, and There are different aspects of
future time while the “how” the verbs: simple, perfect,
refers to verb aspects that progressive, and
emphasize how the perfect progressive.
action, event, or state denoted
by a verb takes place or extends
over time.
I. Evaluating Learning Directions: Identify the aspect of Directions: Respond to each Directions: Provide positive Directions: Use each modal in
the underlined verb in each question or statement by answers to the following questions the sentence correctly. Write
sentence by writing constructing clear sentences using the correct your answers on a
the correct answer in a separate using the correct tense and modals. Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper.
sheet of paper. aspect of the verb. Use the separate sheet of paper. An
example below as your guide. example is provided as 1. can
1. Marvin paddled his banca Write your answers on a your guide. 2. could
across the Cancabato Bay. separate paper. 3. may
Simple Present Question: Question: Will you help me with 4. must
Simple Past What have you been doing my homework? 5. shall
Simple Future during the lockdown? Answer: Yes, I will help you with 6. should
2. Renka and her sister Karen Answers: your homework. 7. will
live in a crowded container van. I read books. I watch TV all day. 8. might
Simple Present I play with my pets. I also surf 1. Can he draw? 9. would
Simple Past the web. Answer:
Simple Future There are still plenty of things ____________________________
3. We bought some food for that I can do during the ____
tonight’s meal. lockdown. (simple aspect) 2. Will he come tomorrow?
Simple Present Answer:
Simple Past 1. Can you recall your most ____________________________
Simple Future exciting and memorable ____
4. The barangay officials will call activity in school? Tell us what 3. Should I clean my room on
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your attention if you remove happened and what you and weekends?
your mask in a public your classmates did. (simple Answer:
establishment. aspect) ____________________________
Simple Present _________________________ ____
Simple Past _________________________ 4. May I see you at five?
Simple Future ________ Answer:
5. Please check the expiration ____________________________
date of food products before _________________________ ____
buying them. _______________________. 5. Must they leave today?
Simple Present 2. If you will get a chance to Answer:
Simple Past join a singing contest, what can ____________________________
Simple Future you do to improve your ____
6. I have learned to be patient chances of winning?
and kind. (progressive aspect)
Present Perfect
Past Perfect _________________________
Future Perfect _________________________
7. She will have realized her _________
mistake by the time she submits _________________________
her paper. _________________________
Present Perfect ________________________.
Past Perfect 3. What have you observed,
Future Perfect felt, and realized being at
8. You had left when I arrived. home since the start of the
Present Perfect pandemic?
Past Perfect (perfect aspect)
Future Perfect _________________________
9. Bruce Wayne was sleeping _________________________
when Commissioner Gordon _____________
sounded the alarm. _________________________
Present Progressive ___.
Past Progressive 4. I have never seen you since
Future Progressive March. What have you been
10. The DOH is hiring thousands doing for the past two
of contact tracers. months? (perfect progressive
Present Progressive aspect)
Simple Present
Future Perfect I
J. Additional Activities for Answer: Compose a paragraph or Directions: Complete the Write coherent sentences
Application or 11. The country will be paragraphs using the different paragraph below by filling in the using the modals.
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Remediation experiencing thunderstorms as aspects of the verb. Write your blanks with the
the LPA approaches. answers on a separate sheet of following modals: can, may, must,
Simple Future paper. should, or will. Write your answers
Future Perfect on a
Future Progressive separate sheet of paper.
12. The guests had been
drinking all night. You (1.) ________ live without
Present Perfect Progressive food and water for one day, but
Past Perfect Progressive you
Future Perfect Progressive (2.) _______ never live without air.
13. The crew from the City You (3.) ________ avoid toxic,
Engineers’ Office have been polluted, or
installing the cables since contaminated air at all cost.
this morning. Breathing foul, contaminated, or
Present Perfect Progressive polluted air (4.)
Past Perfect Progressive ________ cause respiratory
Future Perfect Progressive problems. You (5)__________ not
14. The band will have been like contaminated
playing music for an hour by the air because it smells bad.
time we get Therefore, you (6.) _______ help
through the heavy traffic. to keep the air clean.
Present Perfect Progressive
Past Perfect Progressive
Future Perfect Progressive
15. We have been praying hard
for your safe return.
Present Perfect Progressive
Past Perfect Progressive
Future Perfect Progressive
Past Perfect
20.The Inter-Agency Task Force
(IATF) is discouraging face-to-
face classes.
Present Progressive
Past Progressive
Future Progressive
A. No. of learners earned
80%in the evaluation.

B. No. of learners who

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The creator/editor shall/does not allow/permit any individual to sell this Daily Lesson Log or to share without his/her permission. @lykamaysalvador
required additional activities
for remediation who scored
below 80%
C. Did the remedial lesson
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
D. No. of learner who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
used/discover which I wish
to share with other

Prepared by:
Checked by:

Teacher III
School Principal I

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The creator/editor shall/does not allow/permit any individual to sell this Daily Lesson Log or to share without his/her permission. @lykamaysalvador
School: Grade Level: V
Teaching Dates & Time: Quarter: SECOND WEEK 2


A. Content Standards 1. demonstrates understanding 1. demonstrates 1. demonstrates understanding 1. demonstrates 1. demonstrates
of decimals. understanding of decimals. of decimals. understanding of decimals. understanding of decimals.
2. demonstrates understanding 2. demonstrates 2. demonstrates understanding 2. demonstrates 2. demonstrates
of the four fundamental understanding of the four of the four fundamental understanding of the four understanding of the four
operations involving decimals
fundamental operations operations involving decimals fundamental operations fundamental operations
and ratio and proportion.
involving decimals and ratio and ratio and proportion. involving decimals and ratio involving decimals and ratio
and proportion. and proportion. and proportion.
B. Performance Standards 1. is able to recognize and 1. is able to recognize and 1. is able to recognize and 1. is able to recognize and 1. is able to recognize and
represent decimals in various represent decimals in represent decimals in various represent decimals in represent decimals in various
forms and contexts. various forms and contexts. forms and contexts. various forms and contexts. forms and contexts.
2. is able to apply the four 2. is able to apply the four 2. is able to apply the four 2. is able to apply the four 2. is able to apply the four
fundamental operations fundamental operations fundamental operations fundamental operations fundamental operations
involving decimals and ratio involving decimals and ratio involving decimals and ratio involving decimals and ratio involving decimals and ratio
and proportion in and proportion in and proportion in and proportion in and proportion in
mathematical problems and mathematical problems and mathematical problems and mathematical problems and mathematical problems and
real-life situations. real-life situations. real-life situations. real-life situations. real-life situations.
C. Learning Competencies/ compares and arranges compares and arranges compares and arranges decimal compares and arranges compares and arranges
Objectives decimal numbers M5NS-IIb- decimal numbers M5NS-IIb- numbers M5NS-IIb-104.2 decimal numbers M5NS-IIb- decimal numbers M5NS-IIb-
( Write the Lode for 104.2 104.2 adds and subtracts decimal 104.2 104.2
each) adds and subtracts decimal adds and subtracts decimal numbers through adds and subtracts decimal adds and subtracts decimal
numbers through numbers through thousandths without and with numbers through numbers through
thousandths without and thousandths without and regrouping M5NS-IIb-106.1 thousandths without and thousandths without and with
with regrouping M5NS-IIb- with regrouping M5NS-IIb- with regrouping M5NS-IIb- regrouping M5NS-IIb-106.1
106.1 106.1 106.1
II. CONTENT Comparing and Arranging, and Comparing and Arranging, and Comparing and Arranging, and Comparing and Arranging, and Comparing and Arranging, and
( Subject Matter) Adding and Subtracting Decimal Adding and Subtracting Adding and Subtracting Decimal Adding and Subtracting Adding and Subtracting Decimal
Numbers through Thousandths Decimal Numbers through Numbers through Thousandths Decimal Numbers through Numbers through Thousandths
Thousandths Thousandths
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The creator/editor shall/does not allow/permit any individual to sell this Daily Lesson Log or to share without his/her permission. @lykamaysalvador
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Material pages 109-121
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resource LR portal
B. Other Learning Resources Audio-visual presentations, Audio-visual presentations, Audio-visual presentations, Audio-visual presentations,
pictures pictures pictures pictures
A. Reviewing previous Lesson Direction: Choose the letter of Round to the nearest Read and answer. Checking of assignment. Weekly Test
or presenting new lesson your answer from the given hundredths.
choices. 1. Nina cut a piece of ribbon that
1. What is 36.786 rounded off to 1. 17.823 measured 10.504 meters. The
the nearest hundredths? 2. 105.326 needed length was 10.54 meters.
A. 36.78 B. 36.79 C. 36.800 D. 3. 36.232 Was the piece she cut longer or
36.796 4. 12.007 shorter than what was needed?
2. To what place value will you 5. 12.2022
round off 0.924 to get the
highest possible
A. hundredths B. ones C.
thousandths D. tenths
3. How is 37.4386 rounded to
the nearest thousandths?
A. 37.439 B. 37.438 C. 37.44 D.
4. To what place value will you
round off 721.086 to get the
least possible
A. hundredths B. ones C.
thousandths D. tenths
5. Round 0.6893 to the nearest
A. 0.680 B. 0.7 C. 0.689 D. 0.69
B. Establishing a purpose for See the picture. Name the following insects. Study the picture. Describe the picture.
the lesson

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The creator/editor shall/does not allow/permit any individual to sell this Daily Lesson Log or to share without his/her permission. @lykamaysalvador
What is the use of wire?
Do you love travelling? Have you experienced hiking
How far did you travel? on a mountain? Share your
C. Presenting examples/ Dindo was asked to cut five The length of a sample of The milkman rode 0.22 kilometers In the first hour of hiking, the
instances of the new lesson. pieces of wire each one as close different insects in centimeters to make his first delivery of milk boy scouts covered a distance
as possible to 15.125 cm in are 1.47, 0.7, 1.047 and 1.6. and 0.04 kilometers to make the of 3.08 km. In the second hour,
length. The record shows the arrange the lengths from second delivery. How far did he they are covered a distance of
length of the pieces Dindo cut. greatest to least. travel in delivering the milk? 4.25 km. How many more km
Is the first piece longer than the will they hike I the total
last piece? distance they will cover is
12.52 km?
1 15.182
2 15.147
3 15.097
4 15.18

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The creator/editor shall/does not allow/permit any individual to sell this Daily Lesson Log or to share without his/her permission. @lykamaysalvador
D. Discussing new concepts To answer the problem above, Use the word problem. We can also show the sum of 0.22 Use the UPSC method.
and practicing new skills. #1 compare the length of the first Solution: and 0.04 using pictorial models. 1. Understand
piece with that of the last piece. In comparing decimal numbers, What is asked?
all we need to do is to line up - the kilometers that they will
the decimal points and the hike if the total distance they
digits in their corresponding will cover is 12. 52 km.
place values. What are the given facts?
In doing so, we have, - the distance covered after the
Answer: The first piece is longer first hour of hiking was 3.08
than the last piece. 1.47 km.
0.47 - the distance cover in the
To have better understanding, 1.407 second hour of hiking is 4.35
let us study the following 1.6 km
discussion or illustration. 2. Plan
A. Comparing Decimals: 1. Then we compare the digits. Strategy. Working backwards
1. Align first the decimal points We compare the digits in the by starting with the last
and the digits in their same place value. number in the problem.
corresponding place values. We compare first the ones 3. Solve
2. Begin comparing the digits digit. 22 out of 100 blocks are shaded, 12.52-(3.08 + 4.25) = _____
with the same place values from 2. Compare the tenths digit of which is equivalent to 0.22 12.52 - 7.33 = 5.19
the leftmost digits. the remaining three decimals,
3. Use the symbols > or < in since they already have the 4 out of 100 blocks are shaded, Answer: they will hike 5.19 km
comparing the digits in the same same ones digit. which is equivalent to 0.04 more if the total distance they
place values. 3. List the numbers from will cover is 12.52 km.
greatest to least.
4. Check: work forward to
check if the answer is correct.
3.08+4.25+5.19 = 12.52

Combining the number of shaded

blocks will give us 26 out of 100
blocks, which is equivalent to 0.26
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The creator/editor shall/does not allow/permit any individual to sell this Daily Lesson Log or to share without his/her permission. @lykamaysalvador
Answer: the milkman rode 0.26
kilometers in all.

Without illustrations, we can solve

the problem above by following
these steps:

1. Write the decimals in column

form. Align the decimal points.
2. Add as in whole number. Add
the digits belonging to the same
decimal place.
Write the decimal point in the
E. Discussing new concepts and Arranging Decimals: In comparing decimals, we line Subtraction of decimals without Subtraction of decimals
practicing new skills #2. If we know how to compare up first the decal points and regrouping. without regrouping.
decimal numbers, then we can the digits in their
easily arrange them from corresponding pace values. 1. Find the sum of 0.235 and 0.4 2. Find the difference of 0.235
greatest to least and least to Begin comparing the digits wit and 0.4
greatest. the same lace value from the Solution:
leftmost digits. Use the symbol 1. Write the decimals in column Solution:
1. Arrange the numbers > or < in comparing the digits in form. 4. Write the decimals in
vertically. the same pace value. Take note 2. Put zeros to the right of the column form.
2. Compare the digits from left of he first pair of digits you see decimal (if necessary) to have 5. Put zeros to the right of the
to right. the differ; the decimal wt the same length. decimal (if necessary) to have
3. Continue comparing until you bigger digit is the pair is the 3. Add like adding whole number, same length.
find the digits that are different. bigger decimal. then affix the decimal point in the 6. Subtract like subtracting
sum. whole number, then affix the
decimal point in the difference.
Addition of decimals with
regrouping. Subtraction of decimals with
Add 0.67 and 0. 42 Example.
Steps: Add 0.67 and 0. 42
1. Align the decimal points Steps:
2. Add like adding whole numbers, 1. Align the decimal points
then write the decimal point in the 2. Subtract like subtracting
sum. whole numbers, then write the
decimal point in the difference.

The creator/editor of this DLL does not claim ownership over its contents such as (pictures, illustrations, stories, etc.). This DLL is only intended as reference for teachers.
The creator/editor shall/does not allow/permit any individual to sell this Daily Lesson Log or to share without his/her permission. @lykamaysalvador
F.Developing Mastery A. Compare the decimals by Answer the following. A. Add the following decimal Answer the word problem.
(Lead to Formative writing >, < or = on the space numbers.
Assessment 3) provided. Last Sunday, Camille jogged 1. 24.05 + 31.583 A pair of sports shoes costs
1. 8.5 _____ 8.05 768.453 meters while Maylene 2. 18.325 + 0.374 + 45.006 308.35. wally has saved only
2. 256.75 _____ 256.8 jogged 867.209 meters. Who 3. 217.801 + 3.027 + 441.7 189.50. how much does he still
3. 62.06 _____ 62.006 jogged farther? 4. 43.112 + 65.23+ 0.274 need to buy the shoes?
4. 7.5 _____ 0.75 5. 216.420 + 11.234 + 61.100
5. 0.057 _____ 0.57
A. Finding practical application of B. Arrange each set of decimals Answer the following. Answer. Find the difference of the
concepts and skills in daily living from greatest to least. Eric practices swimming three 1. 1. 0.275 following numbers.
6. 34.238, 5.14, 10.836, 34.107 days in a week. Last week, he 41.23 6. 16.640 – 3.13
7. 9.1574, 34.06, 423.216, 3.225 practiced 1.38 hours on + 4.507 7. 856.2 – 1.756
C. Arrange each set of decimals Monday, 1.308 hours on 8. 371.624 – 22.065
from least to greatest. Wednesday, and 1.3 hours on 2. 2. 57 9. 75.453 – 23.32
8. 141.504, 89.687, 114,040, Sunday. In what day did Eric 0.867 10. 42.01 – 8.154
67.540 spend more time last week to + 49.21
9. 83.281, 132.6, 0.0632, 38.182 practice?
10. 62.572, 42.829, 24.257,
B. Making Generalizations and Fill in the needed data or words To compare decimals, we need Direction: Fill in the needed data Sum is the term that is used to
Abstraction about the lesson to complete the mathematical to: or words to complete the name or describe the result in
ideas. 1. Align first the decimal points mathematical ideas. adding numbers.
1. When comparing decimal and the digits in their Difference is the term that is
numbers, ________ the decimal corresponding place values. When adding or subtracting used to describe the result in
points and digits in their 2. Begin comparing the digits decimal numbers, make sure that subtracting numbers.
corresponding place values. with the same place values the ______ and the decimal points
2. Begin comparing the digits from the leftmost digits. are properly __________. Insert
with the same place values from 3. Use the symbols . or , in ________ in empty decimal place
the _______ digits. comparing the digits in the values.
3. If we know how to compare same place value
decimal numbers, then we can
easily - __________ them from
greatest to least and least to
C. Evaluating Learning A. Compare. Write the correct Arrange the decimals from Write in column form and add. Direction: Answer the
symbol >, < or = in the box. 1. Greatest to least following. Choose the letter of
1. 1. 235.56 255.605 1. 0.48+0.009+0.23 your answer.
2. 2. 123.64 113.406 2. 0.01+0.947+0.022 1. Compare: 123.64 113.406
3. 3. 5.615 5.650 3. 0.008+0.62+0.3 A. < B. > C. = D. no answer
4. 4. 7.389 8.394 4. 0.09+0.87+0.006 2. Use >, <, or == to compare
5. 5. 70.900 70.90 5. 0.756+0.843+0.95 5.615 5.650.
A. < B. > C. = D. no answer
3. 78.749 is greater than 78.79.
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The creator/editor shall/does not allow/permit any individual to sell this Daily Lesson Log or to share without his/her permission. @lykamaysalvador
A. True B. False C. Maybe True
BOARD D. Maybe False
BOARD THICKNESS 4. 45.674, 45.687, 45.689 is
NUMBER (in mm) arrange from greatest to least.
1 0.531 A. True B. False C. Maybe True
2 0.422 D. Maybe False
3 0.454 5. Arrange each set of decimals
4 0.594 from greatest to least.
5 0.568 I. 34.238 II. 5.14 III. 10.836 IV.
_____ _____ ____ ______ 34.107
_____ A. III, I, IV, II B. IV, I, III, II C. I, IV,
2. Least to greatest 6. Arrange each set of decimals
from least to greatest.
I. 141.504 II. 89.687 III.
114,040, IV. 67.540
NUMBER (in mm)
1 0.01
2 0.12 7. 10.285 + 0.749 + 526.007 =
3 0.026 ________
4 0.019 A. 703.757 B. 537.041 C.
5 0.02 537.001 D. 573.410
_____ _____ ____ ______
_____ 13
8. (49.2 – 7.21) + 37.112 =
A. 93.522 B. 158.412 C. 79.100
D. 79.102
9. 40.426 – (0.072 + 25.146) =
A. 1 520.8 B. 152.08 C. 15.208
D. 1.5208
10. Increase the difference of
87.583 and 46.210 by 32.42.
A. 41.473 B. 73.739 C.73.793 D.
D. Additional Activities for B. Arrange the decimal numbers Read and solve. Read and solve each problem.
Application or Remediation from least to greatest order. 1. Write at least five 3-digit 1. Alvin walked 0.30 km to Fred’s
6. 27.024, 10.372, 0.987, 27.127 decimals less than 1. house, 0.48 km to Dino’s house
7. 0.407, 0.429, 0.400, 0.048 2. Write at least five 2-digit and 0.50 km to the school gym.
8. 367.463, 307.623, 695.473, decimals less than 1. How far did alvin walk?
54.9687 3. What is the number exactly
C. Arrange the decimal numbers between 9 and 10.
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The creator/editor shall/does not allow/permit any individual to sell this Daily Lesson Log or to share without his/her permission. @lykamaysalvador
from greatest to least order.
9. 359.625, 536.9, 396.463,
10. 76.827, 0.728, 68.702,
A. No. of learners earned
80%in the evaluation.

B. No. of learners who

required additional activities
for remediation who scored
below 80%
C. Did the remedial lesson
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
D. No. of learner who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
used/discover which I wish
to share with other

Prepared by:
Checked by:

Teacher III
School Principal I
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The creator/editor shall/does not allow/permit any individual to sell this Daily Lesson Log or to share without his/her permission. @lykamaysalvador
The creator/editor of this DLL does not claim ownership over its contents such as (pictures, illustrations, stories, etc.). This DLL is only intended as reference for teachers.
The creator/editor shall/does not allow/permit any individual to sell this Daily Lesson Log or to share without his/her permission. @lykamaysalvador

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