Ch01 - Ten Principles of Economics

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Ten Principles of
Interactive PowerPoint Slides by:
V. Andreea Chiritescu
Eastern Illinois University
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• What kinds of questions does economics
• What are the principles of how people
make decisions?
• What are the principles of how people
• What are the principles of how the
economy as a whole works?

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Ten Principles of Economics
Resources are scarce
• Scarcity: the limited nature of society’s
– Society has limited resources and cannot
produce all the goods and services people wish
to have.
• Economics
– The study of how society manages its
scarce resources

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Ten Principles of Economics
• Economists study:
– How people decide how much they work,
what they buy, how much they save, and
how they invest their savings
– How firms decide how much to produce
and how many workers to hire
– How society decides how to divide its
resources between national defense,
consumer goods, protecting the
environment, and other needs
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How People Make Decisions

Principle 1: People face trade-offs

Principle 2: The cost of something is what
you give up to get it
Principle 3: Rational people think at the
Principle 4: People respond to incentives

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Principle 1: People Face Trade-Offs
To get something that we like, we have to give
up something else that we also like.
– Going to a party the night before an exam
• Less time for studying
– Having more money to buy stuff
• Working longer hours, less time for leisure
– Protecting the environment
• Resources could be used to produce
consumer goods.

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EXAMPLE 1A: Society faces trade-offs
• The more it spends on national defense
(guns) to protect from foreign aggressors
– The less it can spend on consumer goods
(butter) to raise its standard of living
• Pollution regulations: cleaner environment
and improved health
– But at the cost of reducing the well-being
of the firms’ owners, workers, and

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EXAMPLE 1B: Society faces trade-offs
• Efficiency: Society gets the maximum
benefits from its scarce resources.
• Equality: Prosperity is distributed uniformly
among society’s members.
• Trade-off:
– To achieve greater equality, we could
redistribute income from wealthy to poor.
– But this reduces incentive to work and
produce, shrinking the size of economic
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Principle 2: The Cost of Something Is What You
Give Up to Get It
• Making decisions:
– Compare costs with benefits of
– Need to include opportunity costs
• Opportunity cost
– Whatever must be given up to obtain
some item

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EXAMPLE 2: Opportunity cost
• What is the opportunity cost of going to
college for a year?
• Tuition, books, and fees
• NOT: room and board
• PLUS foregone earnings
• What is the opportunity cost of going to the
• The price of the movie ticket
• PLUS the value of the time you spend in the
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Principle 3: Rational People Think at the Margin

• Rational people
– Systematically and purposefully do the
best they can to achieve their objectives
given the available opportunities
– Make decisions by evaluating costs and
benefits of marginal changes
• Small incremental adjustments to a plan of

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Active Learning 1: Thinking at the margin
A. As the manager at the local Save-a-lot, you
are thinking of hiring one more cashier that
would increase sales revenues by $400 per
week. The new cashier would earn $300 per
week. Should you hire the new cashier? Why?

B. You pay $12/month for access to Netflix,

regardless of how many movies or TV shows
you watch in a month. Should you watch one
more movie (or episode)? Why?

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Principle 4: People Respond to Incentives
• Incentive
– Something that induces a person to act
– Can have unintended consequences
• People respond to incentives
– Because rational people make decisions
by comparing costs and benefits
• An increase in the price of doughnuts:
– Consumers buy fewer doughnuts.
– Sellers produce more doughnuts.
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EXAMPLE 3: Incentives
The government increases the gasoline tax by
$1 per gallon.
• How do consumers respond?
– Drive smaller or more fuel-efficient cars
– Carpool
– Use public transportation
– Move closer to work
• How do businesses respond?

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Active Learning 2: Applying the principles
You are selling your black 1967 Chevy Impala.
You have already spent $2,000 on repairs. At the
last minute, the transmission dies. You can pay
$1,400 to have it repaired, or sell the car “as is.”
In each of the following scenarios, should you
have the transmission repaired? Explain.
A. Blue book value (what you could get for the car)
is $14,500 if transmission works, $11,200 if it
B. Blue book value is $12,300 if transmission
works, $11,000 if it doesn’t.
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How People Interact

Principle 5: Trade can make everyone

better off.
Principle 6: Markets are usually a good way
to organize economic activity.
Principle 7: Governments can sometimes
improve market outcomes.

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Principle 5: Trade Can Make Everyone Better Off

• People benefit from trade:

– People can buy a greater variety of goods
and services at lower cost.
• Countries benefit from trade:
– Allows countries to specialize in what they
do best
– Enjoy a greater variety of goods and

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Principle 6: Markets Are Usually a Good Way to
Organize Economic Activity – 1
• Market
– A group of buyers and sellers (need not
be in a single location)
• “Organize economic activity” means
– What goods and services to produce
– How to produce these goods and services
– How to allocate them to their final user

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Principle 6: Markets Are Usually a Good Way to
Organize Economic Activity – 2
• Market economy
– Allocates resources through the
decentralized decisions of many firms and
households as they interact in markets
– Proven remarkably successful in
organizing economic activity to promote
overall prosperity

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Principle 6: Markets Are Usually a Good Way to
Organize Economic Activity – 3
• Prices:
– Determined by the interaction of buyers
and sellers
– Reflect the good’s value to buyers
– Reflect the cost of producing the good
• Adam Smith’s “invisible hand”:
– Prices guide self-interested households
and firms to make decisions that maximize
society’s economic well-being.
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Principle 7: Governments Can Sometimes
Improve Market Outcomes – 1
• Government: enforce property rights
– Enforce rules and maintain institutions that
are key to a market economy
• People are less inclined to work, produce,
invest, or purchase if there is a large risk of
their property being stolen.
• We rely on government-provided police and
courts to enforce our rights over the things we

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Principle 7: Governments Can Sometimes
Improve Market Outcomes – 2
• Government: promote efficiency
– Avoid market failures: Market left on its
own fails to allocate resources efficiently.
– Externality – source of market failure
• Production or consumption of a good affects
bystanders (e.g. pollution).
– Market power – source of market failure
• A single buyer or seller has substantial
influence on market price (e.g., monopoly).

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Principle 7: Governments Can Sometimes
Improve Market Outcomes – 3
• Government: promote equality
– Avoid disparities in economic well-being
– Use tax or welfare policies to change how
the economic “pie” is divided.
• To say that the government can improve
market outcomes
– Does not mean that it always will

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How the economy as a whole works

Principle 8: A country’s standard of living

depends on its ability to produce goods and
Principle 9: Prices rise when the
government prints too much money.
Principle 10: Society faces a short-run
trade-off between inflation and

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Principle 8: Country’s Standard of Living Depends on Its
Ability to Produce Goods and Services – 1

• Huge variation in living standards across

countries and over time
– 2017 average income:
• $60,000 in the U.S.; $6,000 in Nigeria
– Average income in rich countries
• Is more than ten times average income in
poor countries
– The U.S. standard of living today
• Is about eight times greater than 100 years
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Principle 8: Country’s Standard of Living Depends on Its
Ability to Produce Goods and Services – 2

• Productivity: most important determinant

of living standards
– Quantity of goods and services produced
from each unit of labor input
– Depends on the equipment, skills, and
technology available to workers
• Other factors (e.g., labor unions, competition
from abroad) have far less impact on living

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Principle 9: Prices Rise When the Government
Prints Too Much Money
• Inflation
– An increase in the overall level of prices in
the economy
• In the long run
– Inflation is almost always caused by
excessive growth in the quantity of money,
which causes the value of money to fall
– The faster the government creates money,
the greater the inflation rate
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Principle 10: Society Faces a Short-Run Trade-Off
between Inflation and Unemployment
• Short-run trade-off between inflation and
– In the short-run, many economic policies
push inflation and unemployment in
opposite directions.
– Other factors can make this trade-off more
or less favorable, but the trade-off is
always present.

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Your university decides to reduce the price of a
parking permit on campus from $250 per semester to
$10 per semester.
A. The number of students desiring to park their cars on
campus will _________.
B. The amount of time it would take to find a parking
place will ___________.
C. Will the lower price of a parking permit necessarily
lower the true cost of parking? (Hint: opportunity cost)
D. Would the opportunity cost of parking be the same
for students with no outside employment and
students with jobs earning $15 per hour?
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• Individual decision making:
• People face trade-offs among alternative goals.
• The cost of any action is measured in terms of
forgone opportunities.
• Rational people make decisions by comparing
marginal costs and marginal benefits.
• People change their behavior in response to the
incentives they face.

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• Interactions among people:
• Trade and interdependence can be mutually
• Markets are usually a good way of coordinating
economic activity among people.
• Governments can potentially improve market
outcomes by remedying a market failure or by
promoting greater economic equality.

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• The economy as a whole:
• Productivity is the ultimate source of living
• Growth in the quantity of money is the ultimate
source of inflation.
• Society faces a short-run trade-off between
inflation and unemployment.

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