Pathfinder - Underwater Combat

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Underwater Combat

Land-based creatures can have considerable difficulty when fighting in water. Water affects a creature’s attack rolls, damage, and movement. In
some cases a creature’s opponents might get a bonus on attacks. The effects are summarized on Table: Combat Adjustments Underwater.
They apply whenever a character is swimming, walking in chest-deep water, or walking along the bottom of a body of water.
Ranged Attacks Underwater: Thrown weapons are ineffective underwater, even when launched from land. Attacks with other ranged weapons
take a –2 penalty on attack rolls for every 5 feet of water they pass through, in addition to the normal penalties for range.
Attacks from Land: Characters swimming, floating, or treading water on the surface, or wading in water at least chest deep, have
improved cover (+8 bonus to AC, +4 bonus on Reflex saves) from opponents on land. Land-bound opponents who have freedom of
movement effects ignore this cover when making melee attacks against targets in the water. A completely submerged creature has
total cover against opponents on land unless those opponents have freedom of movement effects. Magical effects are unaffected except for
those that require attack rolls (which are treated like any other effects) and fire effects.
Fire: Nonmagical fire (including alchemist’s fire) does not burn underwater. Spells or spell-like effects with the fire descriptor are ineffective
underwater unless the caster makes a caster level check (DC 20 + spell level). If the check succeeds, the spell creates a bubble of steam
instead of its usual fiery effect, but otherwise the spell works as described. A supernatural fire effect is ineffective underwater unless its
description states otherwise. The surface of a body of water blocks line of effect for any fire spell. If the caster has made the caster level check to
make the fire spell usable underwater, the surface still blocks the spell’s line of effect.
Spellcasting Underwater: Casting spells while submerged can be difficult for those who cannot breathe underwater. A creature that cannot
breathe water must make a concentration check (DC 15 + spell level) to cast a spell underwater (this is in addition to the caster level check to
successfully cast a fire spell underwater). Creatures that can breathe water are unaffected and can cast spells normally. Some spells might
function differently underwater, subject to GM discretion.
 Creatures flailing about in the water (usually because they failed
their Swim checks) have a hard time fighting effectively. An off-balance creature
Attack/Damage loses its Dexterity bonus to Armor Class, and opponents gain a +2 bonus on
attacks against it.
Condition Slashing or Movement Off Balance?1 2
 A creature without freedom of movement effects or a swim speed
Bludgeoning makes grapple checks underwater at a –2 penalty, but deals damage normally
when grappling.
Freedom of movement normal/normal normal/normal normal No 3
 A successful Swim check lets a creature move one-quarter its speed as a move
Has a swim speed –2/half normal normal No action or one-half its speed as a full-round action.
 Creatures have firm footing when walking along the bottom, braced against a
Successful Swim chec –2/half 2
normal quarter or half No
ship’s hull, or the like. A creature can only walk along the bottom if it wears or
k carries enough gear to weigh itself down: at least 16 pounds for Medium creatures,
twice that for each size category larger than Medium, and half that for each size
Firm footing4 –2/half2 normal half No
category smaller than Medium.
None of the above –2/half 2
–2/half normal Yes

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