Comparison Between Underground and Over Head Power Line in The Distribution of Electricity in Middle and Low Voltage
Comparison Between Underground and Over Head Power Line in The Distribution of Electricity in Middle and Low Voltage
Comparison Between Underground and Over Head Power Line in The Distribution of Electricity in Middle and Low Voltage
INTRODUCTION.................................................................................................................................... 5
CHAPTER 1 - GENERALITIES ON ELECTRICITY DISTRIBUTION ..................................... 7
1.1 SYSTEM OF TRASMISSION AND DISTRIBUTION........................................................ 7
1.2 ITALIAN ELECTRICITY TRASMISSION NETWORK..................................................... 8
1.3 FEATURES OF ELECTRIC LINES.................................................................................... 9
1.3.1 Electric over head lines................................................................................ 9 Conductors for over head lines................................................................. 10 Guard cable............................................................................................... 11 Insulators for over head lines.................................................................... 11 Supports for the lines................................................................................ 12
1.3.2 Power lines in cable..................................................................................... 13 Funtional characteristics of the cables...................................................... 15 Nearby, parallelisms and intersections of power lines with the national
highways and other roads...................................................................................... 28
2.5.2 Second case: conduits in which single-core cables are laid..................................... 43
2.5.3 Conclusions 46
CHAPTER 3 - RISK REDUCTION SOLUTION AND DISCUSSION..................................... 49
3.1 VEGETATION MITIGATION................................................................................................ 51
3.1.1 Nature of mitigation measures.................................................................................. 52
3.1.2 Methodological considerations-applications............................................................. 52
3.1.3 Recovery of ecological network elements in the agriculture field............................. 52
3.1.4 Considerations in planning mitigation works............................................................. 54
3.1.5 Choosing the best technological solution................................................................. 55
3.2 ENVIRONMENTAL FRAMEWORK.................................................................................... 56
3.2.1 Atmosphere and air quality....................................................................................... 56 Summary report of the impacts.................................................................. 57 Mitigation actions...................................................................................... 57
3.2.2 Aquatic environment................................................................................................. 58 Summary reports of the impacts............................................................... 58
3.2.3 Soil and subsoil.......................................................................................................... 59 Summary reports of the impacts............................................................... 59
3.2.4 Vegetation and flora.................................................................................................. 59 Summary reports of the impacts............................................................... 59 Mitigations................................................................................................. 60
3.2.5 Fauna and ecological networks................................................................................ 61 Summary reports of the impacts............................................................... 61 Mitigations................................................................................................. 61
3.2.6 Noise......................................................................................................................... 62 Summary reports of the impacts............................................................... 62 Mitigations................................................................................................. 63
3.2.7 Landscape................................................................................................................ 65 Summary reports of the impacts............................................................... 65 Mitigations................................................................................................. 65
3.3 CONCLUSIONS.................................................................................................................... 67
CHAPTER 4 – THE COMPARISON................................................................................................. 69
4.1 TECHNICAL-FUNCTIONAL AND EXERCISE ASPECTS............................................... 70
4.2 ASPECTS OF ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT..................................................................... 72
4.3 ECONOMIC ASPECTS........................................................................................................ 73
REFERENCES........................................................................................................................................ 77
Smart cities are a global concept which is spreading in each case study of modern city: new ways
of communication, transmission of data, waste management, water supply and treatment, etc.,
parallel universes with a unique goal, sustainability. It is an easy adjective in the case of “beginning
from zero” centers, but what about the old ones? Is it possible to transform an old city in a smart
city? From this word, sustainability, I thought, up to all, to the integrated mobility, and the electrical
mobility: then I went upstream, to the network of electricity distribution, a capillary system of
cables, pylons, conductors: are they sustainable? How many losses are there per linear meter?
A lot of questions I had to answer, and I started to combine different questions in order to diminish
the number of variables: I started looking for the best effective technologies against losses:
ceramic superconductors was the answer. Is it feasible to replace the whole distribution network to
the suppliers, in medium and low voltage in preexisting centers? No, it is not due to the high cost of
investments which do not justify the savings.
Professor suggested me, in order to be a practice engineer, to consider an argument that concerns
to reality, for example considering a reality easy to understand and where was possible to have a
check. With these preambles the idea of a comparison was born between two technologies
consisting in different laying typologies: an older an well known one, the over head distribution
network, and a newest one, used up to all in the case of high voltages, the underground wiring.
The thesis is structured in four chapters: the first one describes the electricity distribution network
systems, with components relative to the over head or underground solution, and the reference to
the italian legislation. The second chapter consider an indirect effect of electricity distribution, the
generation of electromagnetic fields: research was focused to low and medium voltage, the range
of human daily exposition in their homes, offices, and recreational places. Only hypothesis were
evidenced of the effects on the human healths, cause the only sure effect are visual sensations
and micro sensations, in the short term, while on long term exposure there is already a lot of
uncertaintes. The third chapter will treat the remediation strategies adopted in order to reduce the
impacts of the networks, especially those due to over head networks, which have the higher visual
impact. A general overview will be done in order to show the reasonings that public administrations,
private companies, etc. have to do in the planning phase of such opera. Finally a comparison will
be done, considering the different impacts treated in the third chapter: a life-cycle assessment has
be done, due to the complexity and the different time scales of the effect. What is the best
solutions? It depends on the goal that has to be preserved! It is not a definitive answer, but shows
the variability of the solutions and of the effects, according to the most complex system ever
existed: nature.
Chapter 1
• Low Voltage distribution: V < 1 kV;
• Medium Voltage distribution: 1 < V < 40 kV;
• High Voltage distribution: 40 < V < 150 kV;
• Extremely High Voltage distribution: V > 150 kV.
The distribution of energy stands in medium voltage distribution, which in Italy is generally
carried out at voltages of 15 and 20 kV, and a low voltage distribution LV (usually in cable),
in areas of high density of users. The various configurations of networks vary according to
the voltage levels. For medium-voltage networks are of the ring type, ie the lines and the
cabins are an open or closed loop on itself so as to ensure that each cabin can be fed from
at least two parts. The low-voltage lines can be radial or meshed: in the first case the
network of each cabin is separate and independent of the other and between them are
only possible emergency connections, in case of failures. In the second case the cabins
are interconnected with each other, thus having the advantage of a greater continuity and
security of supply and a better distribution of loads between the different cabins.
An additional classification for over head lines is established by the norm IEC 11-4, made
law by decree DMLP n .449, march 21 1988:
1. zero class lines: lines are telephone, telegraph, signaling and remote control in service
of electrical systems, which have all or at least part of their support in common with
power lines for transmission or distribution and those that, while having no support in
common, have been declared to belong to this category in the authorization phase;
2. first - class lines: transmission and distribution lines of electricity with rated voltages of
1 kV, and cable lines for street lighting with a rated voltage of 5 kV;
3. second class lines: transport and distribution lines of electric power whose voltage is
higher than 1 kV but less than or equal to 30 kV;
4. third class lines: transport and distribution lines of electricity with rated voltage above
30 kV and with tensile strength ≥ 34340 N.
owns the majority of the national transmission grid and a large part of the distribution
networks. Over the past three decades, electricity transmission lines at 380 kV increased
from 250 km to 9.000 km, while the distribution network from 300.000 to 900.000 km. The
FS company manages a network of approximately 9.000 km power line of which 6.300 km
of power voltage ≥ 132 kV. The primary stations are currently more than 1.400, while the
secondary are over 300.000. There are also 83 transformer stations at 380 kV and 116 kV
transformer stations at 220 kV. Most of the consistency of the Italian electricity network is
constituted by lines in medium and low voltage (voltage 40 kV), which represent the final
stage of the process of production, transmission and distribution of electricity and which
occur therefore with a density significantly greater on the territory compared to the lines at
higher voltage; the average km of lines with voltage 40 kV represent about 5% of the total.
The two arbitrary constants of integration C1 and C2 should be determined based on the
coordinates of the starting and ending points of the span. In other words, given two points
in space, and a value for the parameter of stringing k, there exists one and only one
catenary passing through the given points and has the value of the laying parameter. The
active conductors, current carrying, are usually arranged in groups of three, to constitute
three-phase form of triads in which the potential difference in the three conductors results
as amplitude equal to the nominal operating voltage, but shifted by 120° from one to
another. The power lines can be arranged in single or double triads.
For the calculation of the drive section and the electrical resistance for bimetallic ropes is
considered only the aluminum section, because the current conducted by steel is
negligible; in fact the electrical resistivity of the steel is much greater than that of aluminum
and the section is about 5-7 times smaller. Therefore, the electrical resistance of the steel
will be much greater than that of aluminum: the case of resistors in parallel, the equivalent
resistance practically coincides with that of aluminum. For the computation of the breaking
load are taken into consideration both materials.
perforation in the case of overvoltage and the consequent necessity of a substitution;
• high surface development: (vanishing line) obtained by suitably shaping the insulator, so
as to increase the voltage required to produce surface discharges.
The types of isolators are manifold; a first distinction can be made between the normal
ones and those made to operate with salt and fog, which have a greater line of flight and
are used in areas where particular environmental and atmospheric conditions favor the
onset of electric arcs. A second distinction concerns the type of insulator and the manner
of attachment to the support, which leads to distinguish two types of insulators:
• rigid insulators, which comprises an unique element and are rigidly fixed to the support,
subjected to the strains acting on the conductors; these elements are normally used for
airlines with tensions lower than 20-30 kV;
• suspension insulators, formed by one or two chains of individual elements coupled
together, in Italy are used exclusively hood and pin insulators: they are constituted by a
bell of porcelain or glass that widens at the base, where it has a certain number of
undulations, and a hood of malleable cast iron or steel to which is fixed the insulating
element. Each insulator has an upper cavity, said orbit, and a lower pin which engages
into the orbit of the one below. The two elements of the chain are fixed respectively to the
support and to the conductor: given that among the various elements there is a certain
freedom of rotational movement, a connection is made flexible enough. The number of
items making up the chain of insulators is determined according to the operating voltage of
the line. The main constituent materials insulators are tempered soda lime glass for
insulating parts, cast iron malleable for hoods, stainless steel for the pins. All materials
must be corrosion resistant or made so by means hot-dip galvanizing. The glass is much
preferred to porcelain for the lowest cost, the more control the homogeneity of the mass of
the isolator and the total evidence from the ground fault along the line.
1.3.2 Power lines in cable
Electrical cable means a set of conductors gathered together (can also be a single
conductor), each isolated from the other and towards the outside; each conductor with its
insulating constitutes a core of the cable. The cable lines may be aerial or underground.
The aerial cable is a well established technology for low-voltage lines, and following the
resolution of structural problems resulting from the greater weight of the conductors, has
recently become feasible even for medium voltage lines. The three phases, covered with
insulating material, are intertwined to form a single cable that is supported by a pole; such
a configuration eliminates the electric fields and drastically reduces the magnetic fields.
It does not require safety distances for the protection against electric shocks and therefore
better suited crossing of forest areas, thus avoiding cuts and relevant pruning to the
environment. For low-voltage lines Enel normally uses the aerial isolated cable in
suburban and rural areas; for the medium-voltage the usage generally occurs in areas with
particular environmental requirements, such as forests.
The use of underground cables is the best solution from the point of view of the visual
impact, even if it has impact problems during laying and maintenance because open
trenches have to be opened, with consequent disturbance of surrounding environment
and circulation. The underground cable is used in urban areas for low-voltage lines; it has
also been adopted outside urban centers in those cases there are particular reasons or
constraints that require the burying of the line. In the case of high voltage lines the
technical, economic and environmental difficulties increase enormously; for these reasons
the lines at 132-150 kV are carried in cable only in urban crossings to reach the primary
substations. For higher voltage lines (380 kV) the technical problems, the environmental
impact and costs are such that the buried cable cannot be a solution. In no country in the
world in fact is used underground cable in transmission at 380 kV, unless for very short
connections and in particular situations. Underground utility lines are made up of three-
phase triplets with various geometries placed in a special underground trench.
The most used cables are single-core ones, propeller coated and mono pole cables with
copper conductor and rubber insulation. Typically the cables are buried to a depth of 0.8 to
1.20 meters from the ground level, unless a greater depth in the crossing of special works.
The cables can be laid directly in the ground in the trenches and linearly arranged on the
same plane (flat triad available) or in other configurations of installation, for example, can
be arranged in a triangle (available in clover).
Fig. 1.1. Laying cables: a) flat triad b) clover c) with phase separation
A first distinction can be done, according to the number of cores, in single-core cables,
three-pole and multi pole, depending on the presence or absence of the protective
conductor for connecting the ground. Moreover, depending on the type of insulation, the
cables are distinguished in:
1. insulated cables with impregnated paper, in which the insulation is made from thin
layers of pure cellulose paper, impregnated with thick oil or appropriate mixture of oil-resin,
wrapped around the conductor. They can be used for low voltage up to 60 kV.
2. cables with solid insulator, consisting of thermoplastic resins or elastomeric material,
consisting of mixtures based on natural or synthetic rubber and silicone rubber, such as
ethylen propylene resin (EPR); insulation is arranged in a uniform and compact way
around the conductor, by means of extrusion process. There are butyl rubber cables for
voltages up to 20 kV cables, cross-linked polyethylene and EPR cables for voltages up to
132 Kv;
3. oil fluid cables: cables are of mixture type that replace the dense oil of cables with
impregnated paper, oil fluid, at low or high pressure, while the insulator is still consisting of
layers of paper; cables are used for high voltages up to 380 kV.
This technology has been gradually abandoned due to the complexity and cost of the
laying and operation conditions: deepest considerations will be explained later. The
insulation is a key part of the cable; from its characteristics depend largely on the
performance of the cable in terms of isolation voltages, current transmitted, thermal
behavior. In multi core cables of high section a filling material is present, generally
consisting of textile fibers, which serves to fill the interstices between the cores, giving to
the cable the round shape.
For cables with a rated voltage of ground insulation greater than 3.6 kV screen is required,
it consists of a thin copper strip coiled and is applied on all the souls individually or around
the insulation of each. The shield serves to modify the lines of force of the electric field that
are formed within the cable, in order to decrease the stresses on the insulation dielectric
and confine the field itself between conductor and screen.
In fact conductor and the screen can be seen as the two plates of a cylindrical capacitor:
the lines of force of the electric field will develop in the radial direction. The presence of
unwelcome tangential components for the insulator is thereby avoided; a cable of this type
is called a radial field.
The outer insulation (belt), the metal armor and the outer jacket have the task of protecting
the cable from environmental agents, from mechanical influences and interference. The
wires are generally copper or aluminum, with a prevalence of the first; may be either single
wire or string. The copper conductors may be bare or coated: the coating consists of a thin
layer of suitable metal, such as tin, tin alloy or lead alloy.
Fig. 1.2. a) Single core cable - b) Three-core cable for underground MV lines
15 Type of laying
The laying conditions are of crucial importance in the design of a cable, as regards both
the determination of the scope of the cable itself, and the protection from external
stresses. It is possible to perform the following types of installation:
• direct in the ground: it achieves a trench in which the cable is deposited, surrounded by a
layer of sand and clay. Above the cable is put a layer of bricks or a concrete slab for
• in channels: it makes use of the available channels in the soil of cement later filled with
• in solid elements: an excavation is made where to place the clay or concrete element.
Inside lies a galvanized iron wire to allow the subsequent laying of the cable, which is tied
at the end of the wire;
• in tunnels: normally takes place inside the transformer stations or industrial buildings to
make it more affordable cables;
• in air: the cables are employed in replacement of bare conductors, almost exclusively for
low-voltage lines.
2. Insulator usually in PVC or rubber: it is used to isolate voltage in the cable, avoiding in
this way the possibility of dissipation or current losses. The thickness of the layer of
insulation around the cable is proportional to the voltage of the cable crossing; compounds
used in this role are:
Thermoplastic (PVC): have the drawback of soften after a certain maximum
temperature, identified by Tmax of 70 ° C.
Thermo hardening (EPR rubber or HEPR) with maximum operating temperature
set at Tmax = 90 ° C.
Polyolefin (LSOH): this configuration has the advantage of having a low emission
of opaque smoke and toxic and corrosive gases in the case of fire.
3. Filling in soft insulating material that conforms to the souls, so as to ensure no gaps
between the insulating layers.
4. Chain to bring an additional mechanical strength and chemical to environmental
stresses (sun, water). It may be made of insulating material or metal (spiral), and become
indispensable for cables laid underground, on suspended walkway (a wire or perforated
channel), in channel without cover, in sight, in the ceiling or under a raised floor.
5. Marking: used to identify the cable.
The representation of these elements is clarified in more detail in the following image:
Fig. 5. Cable classification due to flexibility
Class 1: rigid conductors with circular cross section single wire for fixed installation. Little
used in Italy but admitted in other countries.
Class 2: rigid conductors string for fixed installation
Class 5: flexible conductors for fixed or mobile installations
Class 6: conductors very flexible for dynamic applications, for special applications,
requiring constant movement (lifts, welders, etc.).
While for the standardized sections, the following are the ones counted:
Depending on the type of laying distinguishes the fixed one, in which the cable is not
moved after installation, by the mobile in which the cable is moved with a certain frequency
during its use (power appliances and portable tools).
Another parameter of identification of electrical cables in low voltage is the rated voltage,
given by the ratio of the voltage to earth U0 and the voltage between the phases U; a
relationship referred to the industrial frequency set at 50 Hz; the table below highlights the
different acronyms designation depending on the value of the rated voltage in question:
The burying of the cable can be direct, resulting in intimate contact with the soil, or indirect,
in which the cable is laid in a pipe, conduit or tunnel: however in both cases cable may
come in contact with water and for this reason they must be sheathed. The burial depth
does not have any limit in the case of laying in tunnels, mullioned windows, pipes 450 or
750 N, and does not require reporting; in the case of direct burial or installation in tubes of
250 N, the minimum depth is 50 cm with resulting mechanical protection (tile): the
intervention will be marked with tape unless the cable is reinforced.
In the case of burial under public roads, the depth increases to 1 meter, with the exception
of the lines of street lighting; shallow depths in the case of burial in camping or touring with
the planned use of stakes, where should be guaranteed at least 60 cm and additional
protection with tile; 50 cm are sufficient structures for agricultural or livestock are moved
where vehicles and agricultural machinery. It 'also need to estimate distances from other
pipelines, such as water, gas and other underground utilities.
The insulators and casings are made with petroleum-derived fuels, and then, during the
exercise a cable can cause a fire, due to a possible overheating in the vicinity of a readily
combustible material, facilitate the spread of fire along the route and develop opaque
smoke and toxic and corrosive gases during combustion: fire victims are mainly due to the
gases and fumes that stun and reduce visibility.
In relation to fire the cables are distinguished in:
• flame retardant (self-extinguishing single cable);
• fire retardant (self-extinguishing beam);
• fire-resistant (continue to operate during the fire);
• low emission of smoke and toxic and corrosive gases (LSOH Low Smoke Zero Halogen).
At the moment there are no flame retardant cables ... who knows in the future!
In the definition of the current flow of a cable, are taken into account the thermal energy
dissipated by the Joule effect in the conductor, WT, given by the product of the resistance
R of the cable by the square of the current I passing through the cable. The resistance
value R is given by the product of the resistivity r and the cable length, dividing finally to its
section; another factor is the WDispersed, equal to the thermal energy dissipated to the
outside of the cable, and finally the working temperature conductor, TLav
Fig. 1.6. Energy flux in a cable
WT = R.I2.t
With IZ0 equal to the flow rate at 30 oC with a single cable installed, K 1 the correction factor
for ambient temperature different from 30 oC, K2 equal to the coefficient of reduction for
groups of cables in a bundle or layer.
The condition of laying depends if the cable is provided or less of sheath, the type of hose,
the number of cables inside the same conduit and the ambient temperature.
1.3.4 Medium-voltage power over head lines: types, positioning and construction
The lines in medium voltage (MV) are for the most part consist of bare conductors. The
insulated cables, in which the different phases are isolated between them and are in turn
contained in a further protective outer casing, are used by less than 5% of the lines. More
significant however, is the portion of the buried line which, with regard to Enel Distribution,
is equal to a little less than a third of the total of 335,135 kilometers of development (Enel -
Environmental Report 2006).
The supports for the medium voltage lines routes are constituted by both metal towers,
both from centrifuged reinforced concrete piles or steel, the latter are fitted in kind of
concrete or metal shelves that support the insulators.
Even in the case of medium-voltage lines the insulation is obtained by means of glass
insulators, ceramics or composite material; insulators used can be either rigid or
Fig. 1.7a. Simple supporting insulator Fig. 1.7b. Double supporting insulator
The anchoring insulators also represent a very common type, and both are mounted on
supports of concrete or on metal towers:
Fig. 1.8a. Rigid anchoring insulator Fig. 1.8b. Reverse dead neck insulator
Achoring is a rigid support that has the function to maintain the conductor stretched. The
interruption of continuity of the conductors is exceeded by a dead neck, a length of cable
slack left between two insulators. The dead neck can be reversed. This type of solution is,
however, less common.
Fig. 1.9a. Suspended insulator Fig. 1.9b. V shelf Fig. 1.9c. Boxer shelf
Two typologies with suspension insulators are often used, the V shelves and Boxer
shelves, both considered among the safest models for birds.
The arrester devices have the task of protecting the line from surges, dumping at the
ground when the voltage on the line exceeds a predetermined limit. These devices are
mounted on supports such as terminal and at the input of transformer stations.
Disconnections allow to interrupt the supply of a line section. The circuit breakers are
operable manually from the base of support.
Fig. 1.11a. Disconnection Fig. 1.11b. Terminal
The terminal supports represent the end of an airline and allow the passage of the cable.
These structures, in addition to understanding the arrester devices, present the bare
conductors that converge toward the end of the cable. A similar situation exists in the case
of transformers on a pole.
Fig. 1.12. Transversal section
The maximum load factor allowed by the cable must not exceed 50%. The bending radius
should not normally be less than 8 diameters.
In environments with the possibility of collecting water or outside buildings, the pipes must
not be a way to convey water to the electrical equipment.
The completion of the cable ducts covers the use of fittings, derivation boxes (condulet),
couplers, nipples, reductions in glass and nipple, nuts and locknuts, locking joints and/or
drainage. The ducts are laid at a depth of 60 cm with path near and parallel to the
structures, with supports at intervals such that any bending of pipes and still spaced over a
length not exceeding 2.5 m. The width of the trench depends on the number and diameter
of the cable ducts.
In order to allow an easy laying of cables is provided the installation of wells in CLS
provided with ductile iron manhole positioned along the pipe (at a mutual distance of up to
30 meters in straight line), in the changes of direction and in correspondence of light
centers leads.
The wells should be large enough to allow the insertion of cables complying with the
minimum bend radius allowed (at least 12 times the diameter of the cable). The
dimensions of the wells depend on the sections of cable used.
The cables must be routed so as to be protected from damage under normal conditions of
operation. As far as possible, the high-voltage cables must be laid in such a way as to be
separated from low voltage and control cables, and those at low current.
The cable lines directly buried must have mechanical strength adapted to the nature of the
mortar bed.
In the absence of the protective tube, the burial depth must be:
• at least 0,4 m for low-current cables;
• at least 0,6 m for low voltage cables;
• at least 0,8 m for high voltage cables.
Where the burial depth can not be met, additional protective measures should be taken,
particularly against mechanical damage.
The protection of the cables at high current must be covered in each case by a layer of soil
at least equal to 0,4 m. The metal conduits must be grounded.
The low voltage cables laid on the surface in power installations must not have conductor
casings. The inclusion of low voltage signaling, measurement and control wires, within the
high-voltage cables is allowed if a sufficient isolation is guaranteed and if these elements
do not provide an important protection and safety function.
The distances between the wires and the other lines (electric and non-electric) must be
designed in such a way as to preclude any mutual interference and to be able to carry out
the work on a line without serious disturbance in the others.
approximately equal. In the parallels and intersections of cables for the transport of energy
measures have to be taken against the possible damage due to heat accumulation;
further measures are taken against the spread of fire along cable lines or channels.
The cable lines for plants with important functions of protection or safety shall not be
placed in the same duct or shaft parallel to the cable lines for the transport of energy, or
cross the same.
The lines in high voltage cable with high-power short-circuit between phases or ground
can not be laid parallel to other lines in the same cable or cross; exceptions are allowed if
the arrangement or protective measures are able to prevent the endangerment of people
or property.
Among the high current cable lines, low current that cross or run parallel, the following
minimum distances have to be respected:
• in buildings or in cable ducts: 0,005 m for each kV of rated voltage, but at least equal to
0,1 m horizontally, or vertically to 0,2 m;
• in the ground: 0,3 m.
If the minimum distances cannot be respected, fire resistant shielding and electrically non-
conductive are necessary between the cable lines, while if the cable lines are subjected to
the same operator or if the operators concerned have agreed in writing on the
construction, operation and maintenance of cabling, the parallels and intersections are
allowed, without screening and without the minimum clearances given:
• inside buildings intended only for electrical systems function, for cable lines belonging to
the enterprise and not used for installations with important functions of protection and
• in parallelisms of lines in high-voltage cable with a length not exceeding 50 m;
• in parallelisms of cable lines of high and low voltage, when the line in the low voltage
cable serves solely to the transmission of measurement signals and control of secondary
• cable lines for low voltage and low current system joined together at the same ground
• for the lines in the low voltage cable whose outer shell is made of plastic or metal casings
when all the cables are connected together and grounded.
27 Nearby, parallelisms and intersections of power lines with the national
highways and other roads
The power lines must be designed and constructed so as not to hinder the already
planned expansion of national highways.
Nearby, in the parallelisms and intersections with roads (roads, bridges, tunnels, etc..),
cable lines must not be damaged by vibrations and shocks. They should also have
sufficient flexibility in the presence of structural elements hinged (bridges).
The cable lines for systems with critical security features and safety devices must be
constructed so as not to suffer mechanical damage caused by oil, gasoline or other liquids
or corrosive in flames as a result of breakdown or traffic accidents; furthermore cable lines
inside the channels must be designed and arranged so as not to endanger the traffic in
case of a cable fire: channels for cables laid inside tunnels must not contain materials that
can produce large amounts of smoke.
The steps of cables in tunnels, sheltered in the way of traffic and electrical systems and
that can propagate fire, must be shielded with fireproof material.
Chapter 2
Magnetic fields
The electric and magnetic fields are different physical quantities, but interact with each
other and depend on each other to the point of being considered dual manifestations of a
single physical phenomenon: the electromagnetic field.
The magnetic field can be defined as a perturbation of a certain spatial region determined
by the presence in the neighborhood of a distribution of electric current or magnetic mass,
where the unit of measure is the Ampère [A/m]. The electric field can be defined as a
perturbation of a certain spatial region determined by the presence in the neighborhood of
a distribution of electric charge, where the unit of measure is volt [V/m]. The magnetic field
is hardly shieldable and decreases only away from the emission line. Electric field is
instead easily shieldable by materials such as wood or metal, but also trees or buildings.
These fields are linked to each other in space to determine the propagation of a called
electromagnetic field (EMF). The key features that distinguish the electromagnetic fields
and determines the properties are the frequency [Hz] and the wavelength [m], which
express inter alia the energy content of the field itself.
The term electromagnetic pollution refers to interactions between non-ionizing radiation
(NIR) and matter. Fields NIR low frequency are generated by transport and distribution of
electricity at high, medium and low voltage, and from household appliances and electrical
devices in general. With specific reference to the lines of electricity transport by
manufacturers to users, is possible to distinguish different types of power line, according to
the supply voltage:
• power lines to transport high-voltage (380 kV): connect the power plants to the primary
stations where the voltage is lowered from the value of transport to the distribution
networks (field super regional);
• distribution power lines or high voltage sub-transmission lines (132 kV and 220 kV): start
from the primary power stations and supply large users or the primary substations, the
originators of the medium-voltage distribution lines;
• medium voltage distribution power lines (15 kV): start from the primary substations and
feed substations and medium-sized industrial and sometimes particular users;
• power lines distribution at low voltage (220-380 V): start from secondary substations and
feed users in the area.
For low-frequency fields (power lines, electrical appliances) measures taken are the
intensity of the electric field [V/m] and the magnetic induction ([T], but generally in
thousandths of Tesla, mT, and millionths of a Tesla µT ). The growing demand for electricity
and communications has produced in recent years a considerable increase in the number
of power lines and base stations for mobile phones: this has resulted in an increase of
EMF in our environment and therefore public exposure to electromagnetic radiation.
The magnetic field B is instead associated with the current (and hence power) carried by
the line, which disappears when the line is only "live" but does not carry energy.
Electromagnetic fields, according to their frequency, can be divided into:
• ionizing radiation waves (IR): high frequency waves so called because they are able to
modify the molecular structure by breaking the atomic bonds (the most recurrent example
is that of X-rays) and therefore carcinogenic;
• non-ionizing waves (NIR): of which are still ongoing numerous studies aimed to test the
effects on humans. This type of waves includes, between the various frequencies,
microwaves, radio frequency fields and extremely low frequency (ELF - Extremely Low
Frequency 0 to 10 kHz). Among these low frequency fields (ELF) is also included the
electricity transmitted at a frequency of 50 Hz.
The variables that determine the intensity and distribution of the magnetic field in the
surrounding space of a buried line are basically:
1. intensity of the line currents;
2. distance from conductors;
3. insulation, shielding and burial depth of the cable;
4. arrangement and distance between conductors.
To mitigate the magnetic field generated by an electric line is necessary to act on one or
more of the quantities listed above, since the shielding by materials with high permeability
and / or conductivity is not a feasible way. The influence of the various factors can be seen
immediately from the Biot-Savart law: the magnetic field is directly proportional to the
intensity of the current and is inversely proportional to the distance from the source:
The fourth factor, comes into play if the transmission system is three-phase, that is
composed of a triad of currents of equal magnitude but out of phase in time. As the
magnetic field at each point of the surrounding space is given by the vector composition of
the contributions of the individual alternating currents, there arises an effect of mutual
compensation of such contributions greater the closer together are the sources, to obtain a
total compensation if the three currents were concentric. For overhead lines, the minimum
distance between the conductors is limited to the necessary distance between the stages
and depends on the operating voltage, while for the lines in cable this distance may be of
the order of 20-30 cm with a substantial reduction of the field Magnetic already within
reach. As it has been more and more frequently, medium voltage lines are no longer built
by over head line, but buried in order to drastically reduce the effect due to
electromagnetic radiation attenuated by the soil that acts as a "natural shield ", lowering
the intensity of these emissions to values even lower than the most common everyday
appliances. The calculation was carried out in compliance with the CEI Norm, n. 211-4.
the act has established the attention value of 10 microTesla, by way of caution to protect
against possible long-term effects in the play areas for children, in residential areas, in
school settings and in places where people stay for more than four hours per day; an
objective quality has been set, to be observed in the design of new power, the value of 3
microTesla. It was also explicitly clear that these values are intended as median value over
24 hours, in normal operating conditions. It is not therefore correct to refer to the
maximum value of current possibly bearable by the line. It is noted that the values of care
and quality objectives are established by the Italian Legislator of 10 and 33 times lower
than international ones. In this regard, it should also be remembered that, in relation to
electromagnetic fields, health protection is implemented – in the entire country - only
through respect for the limits prescribed by the DPCM 8.7.2003, which can only be an
useful reference. In fact, the Ministerial Decree of 29.05.2008, which defines the method
for calculation of buffer zones of power lines, reproduces Article. 6 of that D.P.C.M..
particularly encourage the development of tumors. Epidemiological investigations are
studies that aim to establish a posteriori the causal link between the diseases and chronic
exposure to electromagnetic fields, in order to check the difference that exists in
comparison with control groups. Further studies are carrying out about the causal
association between exposure to electromagnetic fields with very low frequency and the
increase of the risk of leukemia and tumors of the nervous system in children living in
homes near high voltage power lines: confirmed initial studies indicate an increased risk
of leukemia and brain tumors in children living in homes with induction levels above 0,2
and 0,4 microTesla . It was found an increased risk of leukemia for workers of three power
companies with exposure average levels of magnetic induction greater than 0.2
microTesla. All authors agree that the health effects are attributed to the component of the
magnetic fields of the field, because the electric component is easily screened. As regards
the biological mechanisms of action of the fields, has been demonstrated by several
researchers an influence of EMF on the production of night-time levels of melatonin in
animals, that is to be reduced. This may lead to a decrease in immune response.
levels of exposure in homes, schools and workplaces, prove far superior to those average
found in similar environments . New buildings or residential areas near power lines or plants for the
electricity distribution
It is suggested to tend, as far as possible, to minimize the values of the magnetic field
taking, as precautionary measures, a reference value for the upper limit of the magnetic
induction the interval from 0,1 to 0,3 microTesia, regarded as provisional and indicative
only based on the current knowledge . To be consistent with these suggestions should be
adopted certain techniques rules of caution: • change the method of construction of
housing and allocation of domestic sources of electricity; • change the methods of
construction and distribution lines; • it should be a good procedure to allocate the new
medium-low voltage substations outside the buildings.
2.4 Electric and electromagnetic fields in over head power lines
In the case of a power line the lines of force of the electric field starting from the electrical
cable and end to the ground. The intensity of the field depends on the distance from the
line and the height of the conductors. A shielding effect of the electric field on the ground is
produced by trees, buildings and fences. The electric field levels will be reported, below
power lines to a simple triplet , obtained resorting to some models of computation. These
values are reported under unperturbed field conditions and with conductors at the
minimum height from the ground permitted by Italian law.
• 380 Kv line from 7000 to 8000V/m • 220 Kv line from 2000 to 3000 V/m • 132 Kv line
from 1000 to 2000 V/m • 15 Kv line from 100 to 150 V/m
Several instrumental surveys, carried out by various institutions in homes built in the
nearby of high voltage power lines and in the center of each room, have highlighted of the
electric field levels between 1 and 5 V/m .
The magnetic field of a power line varies throughout the day depending on the demand of
energy; the minimum is reached during the night hours. Its level is below the maximum line
and decreases moving away from the same.
Fig. 2.1. Diagram of the electric field intensity under an high voltage line. The electric field depends, in each
point, on the contribute of each cable. The intensity, as it is clearly evidenced, decreases rapidly with the
distance from the electricity pylon
Fig. 2.2. Analogous diagram to the previous, regarding the magnetic field
The magnetic field also depends on the height and arrangement of the conductors;
contrary to the electric field it is not shielded by objects and buildings present in the
vicinity. Even for the magnetic field levels below electrical lines of simple triad are showed,
obtained by resorting to some models of computation and with reference of conductors
located at the minimum height from the ground allowed by Italian standards , and passed
through the maximum provided load current for each type of line.
• 380 Kv line from 20 to 22 microTesla
• 220 Kv line from 16 to 18 microTesla
• 132 Kv line from 14 to 16 microTesla
• 15 Kv line from 1 to 3, 5 microTesla
In fact, as shown in CEI 106-11 the reduced distance between the phases and their
continuous transposition, due to stranding, causes that the quality objective of 3 µT, even
in the limit conditions of conductors with larger section and relative " rated capacity ", is
reached already at a very short distance (50 to 80 cm) from the axis of the cable.
It should be noted in this regard that even the recent decree of 29.05.2008, on the
determination of buffer zones, MV underground lines cable and/or aerial helicoidal cables
were exempted from the calculation procedure, so for these purposes is considered as
valid the concepts shown in the above mentioned law. It follows that in all sections made
by the use of helicoidal cables is possible to consider that the amplitude of the compliance
zone is equal to 2 m, straddling the axis of the conduits, equal to the band of enslavement
of the line.
Fig. 2.3. Curves with equal level for the magnetic field of a MV underground line
in helicoidal cable (by CEI 106-11)
2.5.1 First case: conduits in which only helicoidal cables are laid
In this paragraph, a calculation will be made of electromagnetic emission of a main conduit
that collects cable ducts from four groups (A, B, C, D), this conduit arrives directly within a
station of user. All cable ducts of the individual groups using a system of helicoidal cables
such a system as mentioned above is advantageous from the electromagnetic impact
point of view. To be specific, in the calculated section 4 lines are present at a minimum
depth of laying of 1.5 meters, the sections are respectively: 600, 480, 370, 600 mm 2, on
each line has been supposed a real flux, for the groups (A, D) is equal to 547 A, for groups
(B, C) is equal to 456 A.
The following diagrams are obtained by the calculation software "CalcoloElf_versione 1.0",
the most significant diagrams were calculated on two levels at zero from the ground, and
at +1 meter above the ground, in accordance with current regulations, for the calculation of
the effects of long exposure to sensitive receptors.
On y-axis of the diagrams is exposed the value of magnetic field strength expressed in
microtesla (µT), on the x-axis is exposed the distances in meters (m).
Fig. 2.5. Diagram of the magnetic field of MV underground lines in an
helicoidal cable at an altitude of + 1 m above the groun d.
Therefore, as regards the calculation of the magnetic field lines is, in MV underground
lines, identified as respect volume relative to the volume MV underground conduits in axis
with the cylindrical conduit with a radius of 1.4 meters and as respect band its projection to
the ground. It is clear from the following image that the cylindrical respect volume does not
cross the zero level and then there is no interaction with receptors sensitive so there is full
compliance with the limits in force. The calculation of the electric fields has not been
conducted since all cables in medium voltage employed are equipped with metal
reinforcement connected to the ground, which shields the effect of the electric field, thus
the external electric field to the screen is zero.
Fig. 2.6. Respect volume of magnetic field in MV helicoidal underground cable lines.
According to the Prime Ministerial Decree of 8 July 2003 in force since 13/09/03 regarding
the Line underground cable with single-core cables laid in the floor, the formula to be
applied may be the same as that used for overhead lines in plan:
Where P [m] is the distance between the adjacent conductors (in case of different
distances, P becomes the average of the distances between the outer conductors and the
central one), I [A] is the current, symmetrical and balanced, which crosses the conductors ,
R' [m] is the distance of the conductors at which calculate the magnetic induction B.
In such a configuration has been carried out the calculation of the magnetic induction field
as required by the CEI 211-4 "Guide to the methods of calculation of electric and magnetic
fields generated by power lines."
This rule considers the line infinitely long and allows to calculate the electromagnetic fields
according to a cross section of the line itself. The calculation software "CalcoloElf_versione
1.0" used processes the vertical and horizontal components of the magnetic field produced
by the individual conductors, taking into account their phase shifts, combining the various
components, and outputs the main effective value of the resulting magnetic field. The
following diagrams were obtained by the calculation software "CalcoloElf_versione 1.0",
the most significant diagrams were calculated on two levels at zero from the ground, and
share +1 meter above the ground, in accordance with current regulations, for the
calculation of the effects of long exposure to sensitive receptors.
The y-axis of the diagrams shows the value of magnetic field strength expressed in
microtesla (µT), the x-axis show the distances in meters (m).
Fig. 2.7. Diagram of the magnetic field in MV underground lines
in single-core cable in the vicinity of the cabin at an altitude of 0 m above the ground
In addition, according to the recent decree of 29.05.2008, on the determination of buffer
zones, is possible to consider that the width of the buffer zone in the latter case is
approximately 8.4 m (4.2 +4.2 m above symmetry axis of the conduit).
The calculation of the electric fields has not been conducted since all cables in medium
voltage employed are equipped with metal reinforcement connected to the ground, which
shields the effect of the electric field, thus the external electric field to the screen is zero.
2.5.3 Conclusions
In the first case, that relative to the magnetic field of the main conduit that collects all the
conduits from the groups (A, B, C, D), this conduit arrives directly inside the station user. It
identifies as its volume compared to the volume MV underground conduit axis with
cylindrical conduit with a radius of 1.4 meters and as a buffer zone of its projection on the
ground. It is clear from the image that the volume of cylindrical respect does not cross the
zero level and then there is no interaction with sensitive receptors therefore there is no
danger to human health, in accordance with statutory limits.
In the second case of the cable ducts in MV, in the worst condition, namely that inside a
cabin of delivery, the buffer zone, as required by the Decree of the MATTM of 29.05.2008,
rides on the cable ducts to 'internal station user charge is equal to 8.4 m (4.2 +4.2 m
above symmetry axis of the conduit). Within the buffer zone defined above should not exist
sensitive receptors (structures inhabited by people for more than 4 hours), also in this area
will be allowed only the presence of personnel who will carry out the sporadic and
maintenance operations carried out in a modest time.
It can be concluded that in such examples there is no danger to human health.
Moreover, the calculation of the electric fields for both cases was not conducted because
all the cables in medium voltage employed are equipped with metal reinforcement
connected to the ground, which shields the effect of the electric field, thus the external
electric field to the screen is null.
Chapter 3
For several years, the conductors of the low-voltage lines are exclusively made with
insulated wire over head lines or landfilled. Some old lines, however, have not yet
replaced, using bare conductors and insulators on concrete piles, metal or wood. The
incidence of death by electrocution on these lines is still significantly lower than that
determined by the average voltage also by virtue of the low proportion of LV lines to bare
cables. Consider that about 84% of the lines of LV Enel Distribution is underground or
overhead cables. Due to the low incidence of mortality due to electrocution in LV lines, in
the following paragraphs will be indicated risk reduction solutions exclusively for MV lines.
Excavation performed up to the depth of 60 cm from the floor except in the case of
conduits of connection between the primary station and that of delivery to final consumers
that will be executed at 100 cm of depth; on the bottom is laid a layer of sand of about 10
cm on which the pipes are laid, then covered with dry material such as crushed stone or
similar, then it will be executed a “tomb” until full settlement of the material removed, while
discharges will be removed. The excavations open and non-seated need to be reported in
accordance with the law. For all cases that may arise in the course of the excavations and
for which it was not possible to reach the depth of 60 cm (crossings of sewers, manholes
and chambers of other public and private services), is necessary to be adopt steel pipes
thickness less than 4 mm of 10 cm diameter, which if conditions permit, must be coated
laterally with cement mortar. Inside the excavation, during the filling must be placed a PVC
tape with the word "cables". The material obtained from the excavations of which makes it
unnecessary to re-use for backfilling shall be transported in areas of the landfill where not
create hindrance to the movement of vehicles. The solution of a power line underground
cable is usually a specific niche use in cases of crossing urban and semi-urban areas and
in areas of high ecological and environmental interest. In general the use of air electrical
power allows for greater reliability in terms of safety and availability of the power line, since
it does not encounter the problems of technical origin arising from the use of cables; in
fact, the last choice includes: • construction works and linear excavations (underground
installation of two sets of cable for each set of three airline for the 380 kV level); •possible
imbalances in the flow of power due to the alternation of airlines and cable lines, with
possible overloads in the parts where the cables are inserted; • problems related to the
criteria of fast/slow closure due to malfunction with transitory nature on the cable conduit; •
the problem of the compensation of the reactive power produced by the cables and the
consequent insertion of shunt reactors, with the realization of clearing stations along the
path to locate a function of the network topology; • presence of joints required to realize
the various sizes (500-600 m) which, being critical points, reduce the overall reliability of
the connection; • in case of failure you require additional site work and excavation for
service restoration of the power line underground cable. An underground cable power line
involves high investments, compared to the solution of a power line in over head solution
and with reference exclusively to the cost parameters of the work (the sources consulted
estimated cost values greater than the underground work of the airline in an order between
2 and 5 times higher) as the environmental parameters are definitely in favor of the buried
solution (and do not take into account the savings in the operation of the underground
solution than air). A correct "Cost - benefit analysis" allows greater information than the
economic parameters underlying the different design alternatives: it is necessary to
consider a Regional Spatial Plan which require the concentration of traffic flows and
energy along the main existing highways. The process of negotiation and coordination that
has to accompanied a project is fully integrated in the objectives of the Strategic
Environmental Assessment, which was introduced in the European Community by
Directive 2001/42/EC as an innovative tool that tends to integrate, in an earlier stage
instances through territorial and environmental sustainable means of participation,
negotiation and consultation, extended to the stakeholders. The Legislative Decree No.
152 of April 3, 2006 "Environmental Regulations" has also implemented the Directive
mentioned at the national level: it is therefore important to compare and analyze on a base
of a parameters set, with Technological, Economical, Social, Environmental and Territorial
nature. The "Zero Option" is the alternative hypothesis that involves the renunciation of the
implementation of the provisions of the intervention. Cost - benefit analysis carried out by
comparing the set of estimated costs of undertaking the work (CAPEX) and operating and
maintenance costs (OPEX) of the new facilities, with the aggregation of the main
quantifiable benefits and monetized that are believed to arise from 'entry into service of the
new link. The summations of the costs and benefits were discounted and compared in
order to calculate the profitability index of the work (IP), defined as the ratio between the
discounted benefits and discounted costs, and highlight its economic sustainability (the IR
must be greater than 1). The analysis horizon (Duration) in the case of electric energy
distribution is set conservatively to 20 years, value from a smaller side of the technical life
of the media elements of the transmission network, the other equal to a significant
limitation to the reliability of the estimates. The building up of aerial energy distribution
network involves issues of land management and negative consequences as follows: 1.
changes in cropping systems that need to move from work-intensive activities, because
they require regular host more than 4 hours, low labor intensity. Substantially shift from
specialized crops such as vineyards, orchards, and horticultural crops in greenhouses, to
arable crops in open fields, grasslands and pastures; 2. inability to practice of valuable
cultivation: eradication of vineyards and orchards, greenhouses divestment and loss of
investment on horticultural lands are the consequences; 3. the impossibility to carry out
intensive activities means loss of value of the interested lands and the residual ones; 4.
the visual disturbance of the pylons and wires affect the recreational potential in areas
affected by interfering on the development of certain economic activities connected such
as tourist accommodation, educational farms, horse stables, etc.. The negative economic
impact on farming is obvious and can be summed up in the loss of income, employment
and wealth. Analyzing the economic loss this is essentially the depreciation of the value of
agricultural land following the amendment of the addresses in the bands upcoming
network, and the visual impact to the surrounding surfaces. Objectives of continuity,
reliability, security and lower cost of electric service should be the driven forces of the
3.1.1 Nature of mitigation measures
As for the definitions of works of mitigation and compensation are briefly recalled the main
criteria for implementation of mitigation and compensation linked to the achievement of
certain infrastructure projects in the area. Nevertheless, as the alternative with lower
impact has been chosen and the optimization of individual design elements has applied,
residual impacts are impossible to avoid. There are some most common types of residual
impact that have to be mitigated too: • physical-territorial (excavations, report,
morphological changes, stripped of lithology, soil impoverishment and destruction in
general); • nature (reduction of vegetated areas, wildlife habitat fragmentation and
interference with, disruption and impoverishment of ecosystems in general and ecological
networks); • anthropogenic - public health (pollution from noise and air pollution, pollution
of aquifers vulnerable, functional interference, urban, commercial, etc.); • landscaping, as
the sum of the above, together with the visual impact of the work.
areas crossed acquire a considerable ecological significance (refuge of wildlife species,
the presence of local species of plants, etc.). The possibility of reconstruction of areas of
valuable ecosystem can be traced back to the cases described below. The most frequent
types of support and planting station are taken into account, although not identified with
precision at the current level of definition of the project: • traditional support pylon with
double circuit; • support pylon with double circuit and insulating brackets; • standard
electrical stations. In lowland areas, references to potential vegetation and re vegetation
measures to be proposed, are summarized in the diagram below.
1 Pylon with double circuit
2 Pylon with double circuit
Single support with WOOD GRASS PASTURE
3 double circuit and
insulating brackets GRASSLAND SHRUBS
4 Electric station WOOD
Table 3.1. Re vegetation strategies
In the design phase of reconstruction of the elements of the ecological network and into
the landscape and nature of the power stations for the area under consideration it is
proposed to adopt the following procedure:
• adopt methodologies of Naturalistic Engineering through the exclusive use of native
species of shrubs and trees of species that refer to the dynamic range of the potential
natural vegetation of the site;
• create wooded bands, partially uplifted, in other to improve perspective, the masking
effect, consistent with the limits imposed by the plant safety (maximum heights of 5-6 m
below the input lines). The following types of intervention have been identified:
• power stations in the uplifted forest zone realized through plantations of tree and shrub
species of small embankments (h max 3-4 m) to ensure the rapid effect of visual masking,
which improves over time as the individual plants grow (medium term) ;
• forest buffer zone realized by simple planting of trees and shrubs in the sections where
there is the possibility of the embankments;
• tall shrubs accomplished by simple planting shrub species for functional limitations of the
system in case of input - output lines;
• support pylon with double circuit and insulating brackets: clean up and restoration of
vegetal ground, seeding, and shred species grow up.
Fig. 3.1a. Wooded shrub formation; section and plant Fig. 3.1b. Formation of buffer wood zone
Fig. 3.2a. Formation of buffer wood zone Fig. 3.2b. Formation of shred zone
Fig. 3.3. Sections of support re-vegetation support
To reduce the magnetic field, at the same current, it can intervene on the arrangement of
the conductors and groped to 'shrink' the line, reducing the distance between the phases,
with supports in insulating brackets. This solution involves a reduced occupation of space
and, therefore, lower supports.
The possibility of using supports in insulating brackets, compared to conventional lines,
however, entails a mechanical and electrical nature which does not allow an extensive use
of these lines, in complete replacement of traditional technology,
in addition to the fact that the current maintenance procedures under tension power lines
are not applicable to compact lines. Also, along the route of the line is not possible to
install the same angles that are present in the traditional lines, due to the reduced distance
between the phases and the different mechanical performance of the supports.
The tubular supports allow to reduce both the visual impact, being thinner, both the
electromagnetic field, thanks to the reduced distance between the conductors in the three
These supports allow to reduce from about 10 to 2.5 m the base of the tower, with a
considerable saving in terms of subtraction of soil. By contrast, the reduced mechanical
performance of this type, considerably restrict the field of use (short spans, reduced
deflection angles of the line, reduced unevenness) are the reasons why it is not possible to
adopt this type of support in all cases.
56 Summary report of the impacts
As regards the assessment of impacts, for the construction phase are revealed as only
possible critical points resulting from the dissemination of dust, especially in times of
particular climate and drought, related to the handling of the material of the excavations
and the traffic generated by the construction activities.
These problems are of a decidedly limited, and mitigated with appropriate measures aimed
at containing diffusion phenomena such as a careful material handling and a regular
cleaning of roads of the construction site. Regarding the operating phase, given the type of
intervention in the project, there are no particular criticality related to the operation of the
works in the project.
Even the phase of end of life disposal of entities is less important than the implementation
• low circulation velocity of vehicles;
• coverage of vehicles
• realization of pavements inside the construction site, as first
• watering of the ground
• low vehicles velocity
Dust uplift due to the circulation on streets
• vehicles coverage
and without pavement
• disposition of mobile barriers in the vicinity of residential
centers and near the accesses of the construction site
• realization of trenches for wheels clean up
Dust uplift due to the circulation of vehicles
• low velocity of vehicles circulation
on pavement roads
• coverage of vehicles
• actions of grass filling and recovery of areas without
Other pavement in order to reduce dusts due to wind, also after the
end of construction site.
Table 3.2. Mitigation of dusts
3.2.3 Soil and subsoil
Soil is the solid matrix which substain the human activities, it is fundamental to
guarantee its stability during and after the intervention, in order to have a
successfull long time life of the opera.
component are as follows: opening of the construction site, transportation, openings of
tracks access, preparation of pitches for the realization of the supports, foundation work
and installation of supports, cutting plants and finally, stringing of conductors and guard
cable. During the exercise the only impacts are attributable to the pruning of tree species
in order to ensure the safety distance from the cables of the power line. As regards the
impact associated with the removal of the plant cover, the prerequisite for the evaluation of
interference is represented by the design effort that is necessary to minimize the cutting of
the vegetation below the line.
During processing for the installation of supports and the stretching of the conductors may
result in damage to the vegetation left standing in the surrounding areas and along the
service roads, as they may manifest as sores on the trunks or damaged branches, barking
trees, broken branches, trampling, soil compaction, direct disturbance resulting in open
wounds that open the way to pathogens.
These risks of impact will be minimized by adopting appropriate measures in the
construction phase, in order to avoid excessive interference with the arboreal species
arranged in the vicinity of machining operations. Mitigations
In the design phase, the distribution of the supports on the territory has to be made, as far
as possible, keeping the bottom of the power line conductor at a height such as to prevent
any cutting of the vegetation.
Similarly, as regards the opening of slopes and pitches for the construction of the supports,
the area of cleaning of vegetation has to be limited to that actually required on
manufacturing needs. The pose and the stringing of the conductors has to be done
avoiding the cutting and damage to the vegetation, thanks to the use of the helicopter and
of a winch and a brake.
At the end of activities is necessary the cleaning and restoration of all areas caught during
the construction phase.
If the interference with the vegetation is unavoidable, special precautionary techniques will
be implemented to run the cut: they consist in limiting the cut at the top of the plants that
actually interfere with the line (topping), to the benefit not only of the vegetative
component, but also the landscape, with the reduction of the perception of the intervention.
An important mitigation is also represented by the use of tubular piles where technically
possible to substantially reduce the overall dimensions of the supporting structures of the
Additional mitigations have also to be taken during construction to limit interference with
the vegetation near the construction site:
• the site area has to be fenced and perimetrate in order to minimize the killing, or the
interference of individual trees in the vicinity;
• the soil adjacent to the tree species has not to be compacted: is necessary to provide an
area of respect around the trees bordered by a special fence
• near trees the transit of vehicles has to be limited at the minimum
• site installations will be avoided in the vicinity of individual trees
• protections will be taken around the trunks with wooden planks, of adequate height to the
possible interference and also large enough to protect the crown. Mitigations
Following the valuation analysis made in the areas of intervention can be identified
possible mitigation actions to be implemented along the route of the planned work to
minimize the potential impacts described.
As for the construction phase, interference with wildlife, due mainly to the acoustic impact
of the construction site, can be limited to the maximum thanks to the adoption of the
normal operating devices, which are described in the section on mitigation.
Concerning instead the operating phase, in order to reduce the possible risk of collision of
birds with the conductors may be fitted, in areas where such collisions can occur, visual
warning systems.
In particular, it will have on the rope guard, at varying distances depending on the risk of a
collision, the spirals of colored plastic (usually white and red) arranged alternately. The
dash lines on which to install such systems may be those with medium to medium high
impact. It should be noted, moreover, that these bollards are particularly effective because
in addition to their physical presence, thanks to their obvious coloration, produce noise
audible only from fauna making the work for the latter distinguishable even in poor visibility
3.2.6 Noise
Acoustic pollution is a contingent effect related to human activities: what's about the
construction site and the strategies of prevention? Visual advertisement can be considered
limited to a specific zone of interest, while noise interest the environment subjected to the
action of the acoustic wave, with the risk to involve who is not interested in.
from law and also with the comparison to the distances of buildings, including blocks, in
the immediate vicinity of the works in the project. On the basis of the above consideration
it is considered that the level of impact on the component is absolutely irrelevant, and this
consideration has to be verified for each element of the project. Mitigations
The predictions of the impact point to the possibility that occur during construction noise
conditions that would require mitigation measures to contain them as much as possible.
Priority action must aim at cutting emissions at source, with interventions both on
equipment and facilities, both managerial.
In general terms, whereas there is the problem and the need to comply with national
legislation on limits of exposure of workers will certainly be preferable to adopt appropriate
technical and management solutions able to limit the noise of the machines and machining
The reduction of emissions directly on the source of noise will be obtained through a
proper choice of machines and equipment, with appropriate procedures for maintenance of
vehicles and equipment, and finally, intervening whenever possible operational modalities
and the predispositions of the construction site.
Therefore, in the planning and realization of the site, is necessary to put in the devices
listed below in the form of a check-list, for the limitation of noise emissions.
Selection of machines, equipment and performance improvements:
• selection of machines and equipment approved in accordance with European Union
directives and subsequent national implementations;
• use of construction equipment and operators focusing on the tires rather than the
• installation, if not already provided, of silencers on discharges;
• use of soundproof generators and compressors.
Maintenance of vehicles and equipment:
• reduction of friction through lubrication operations;
• replacement of worn parts;
• control and joints tightness;
• balancing of rotating parts to prevent excessive vibration;
• test the tightness of the closing panels of the engines;
• carrying out of maintenance to roadways internal to the site areas while maintaining the
road surface level to avoid the formation of holes.
Operational Mode and preparation of the construction site:
• choice of a suitable ground for the storage of materials and the shelter of the means
necessary for the construction;
• supply for working stages and in subsequent times so as to limit the size of the area and
to avoid storage for long periods;
• orientation of the plants that have a directional emission in a position of minimal
• location of the fixed noisiest at the maximum distance from the critical receptors or the
most densely populated areas;
• exploiting the potential shielding of fixed structures in the site with careful design of the
• use of anti-vibration bases to limit the transmission of vibrations to the floor;
• limitation to the necessary activities in the first / last hours of the daytime period (6 ÷ 8
and 20 ÷ 22);
• imposition of directives to operators such as to avoid unnecessarily noisy behavior (avoid
dropping materials from excessive heights or drag them when they can be raised ...);
• prohibition of misuse of horns, replacing them when possible with warning lights.
The site operations will be carried out basically by limiting the noise disturbance to the
population, preferring weekdays and daytime hours. With regard to the transit of heavy
vehicles have to avoid the transit of vehicles in the early hours of the morning and during
the night.
All mitigation must be calibrated in relation to:
• the final layout of the site;
• equipment that will be used;
• authorization and exemption requirements of ARPA.
The second type of intervention concerns hoc measures designed to prevent the
propagation of the noise generated by construction activities in order to protect any
receptors which might be affected by excessive noise levels. Within this type of assistance
is to deploy mobile barriers at the edge of the sites, the construction or even better at the
minimum distance from sources of noise technically feasible. The Mobile noise barrier able
to fulfill the above requirements can be realized in metal (aluminum or steel), with the
supporting structure to "L" in steel.Although the simulations have shown levels of impact
within the legal limits, it will be useful to foresee the use of a mobile barrier with a height of
3 meters, for use in the construction site in the areas mostly populated. The benefits
produced by these barriers have been tested with simulations dedicated.
With regard to the possibility that, in spite of the mitigations and attention on environmental
display, exceedances can be checked, it highlights the need to apply to operate in
derogation of the terms of the second law when required by national legislation (pursuant
to Article . 6 paragraph 1 letter h of Law no. 447/95) and in the manner prescribed by the
concerned municipalities.
3.2.7 Landscape
Landscape represents the overall picture, the simplest view from a certain distance,
the whole system seen in an unique picture, where details are represented by the
elements involved, which can determinine an increase or a depreciation of the
interest of a location. Mitigations
The reduction of the environmental impact of an infrastructure such as a power line is an
operation that takes full advantage of proper planning, careful to consider the multiple
aspects of reality environmental and land concerned. Therefore, it is at this stage that
occurs already put in place a series of measures to streamline the operation.Further
measures are applicable during construction, operation and demolition of the power line.
For the latter phase are valid criteria similar or symmetrical to those of realization. The
criteria that guided the selection phase of the track can be useful to locate the path that
interferes less with the structure of the landscape. In addition to the obvious criterion to
limit the number of supports to those technically indispensable, can be applied to other
relating to the choice and placement of supports, and some of these were a direct
application of the criteria of good practices:
• containment of the height of the supports to 40 m, also in order to avoid the necessity of
signaling for the safety of low-altitude flight which would make particularly visible the power
• the location of the supports in areas without vegetation or where it is more sparse when
the track passes through wooded areas;
• the location of the supports in order to reduce visual interference especially in populated
areas or with historical and cultural heritage;
• optimization of the positioning of the support in relation to land use and its fragmentation,
such as positioning, where possible, the boundaries of the property or in correspondence
of country roads.
• compliance with the bands of protecting river (150m), small streams, by placing the
pylons out of them;
• possible adoption of a mimetic paint for backups, taking into account the specific
relationships between support and background. During the design will perform the
appropriate color choices so as to harmonize the integration of support depending on the
characteristics of the landscape traversed;
• any use of green isolators in woodland areas that may be, in this context, less visible
than white glass normally used.
During operation the main impacts on the landscape mainly concern the the perception of
new infrastructure. This is also the greater impact that generates the work as a whole. The
works of minimization envisaged can be framed in the following areas:
1. typological selection of supports;
2. painting of the pylons;
3. creation of buffer zones;
4. works of restoration and landscape restoration;
5. night lighting of the works.
3.3 Conclusions
The Environmental Impact Study is the culmination of a long process of consultation and
sharing between the promoter of the complex and difficult project, the relevant local
authorities and local communities concerned.The SIA, environmental study impact, takes
into account the characteristics of the territories concerned.
Therefore, these supplements analyzes covered the same time the project is currently in
process, and all the alternatives being proposed procedure by the various local
communities and the Technical Board Interregional set up ad hoc.
It was found in general that the suggestions of local stakeholders and the relevant local
authorities are more responsive to the unspoken "expectations and vocations"
environment. In fact, as can be seen in detail the results of the all Alternative, compared
with the respective solutions of the project process, improvements were globally and
therefore to be included in the project. In fact, these variations, each in its specific relation
to the territory concerned, have to be assessed as an improvement over the original
Therefore the findings of the environmental study impact is a project based on the basic
choices of the company integrated with the alternatives of local realities, including the
alternative proposed by the Interregional Technical Board, involving the movement of new
whether in areas far from the villages, makes the most environmentally compatible, and
on it is possible proceed to a detailed development aims to solve any problems on time
remaining with appropriate mitigations.
The long study of the area and consultation with the local regulatory authorities and local
communities concerned, has the aim to produce positive results as mainly dependent on
the new power can not occur particularly critical impact situations, despite the worst
situation in which it through a set of territories and landscapes strongly characterized and
also significantly protected both by the natural characteristics for both their specificity
landscape of this land border between two different regions steeped in history.
First of all the stretches where the replacement of the existing with the new power line
follows the existing route, then in the sections in which no particular territorial variations
are produced, there are no additional impact situations, for the persistence of a condition
already known and in somehow already metabolized within existing landscape.
Chapter 4
The comparison
At the end, common place to argue that in a power cable is preferable to a plane: it is not
always true. Decisive parameter for this purpose is the nominal operating voltage
(maximum effective value of the electric potential difference between two conductors of
the power line), which in turn is closely linked to the power to carry:
• the low voltage (less than 1 kV, the standard value in Europe is 400V, for power up to
hundreds of kW) the use of the cable, with current technology, it is certainly preferable
from the point of view of economic, environmental, are used for the distribution of electrical
energy, have a short length (on average, a few hundred meters) and do not pose any
particular problems of exercise;
• for medium voltage (1-36 kV for power up to a few MW), although, with the current
The most expensive of the over head lines, are used heavily in urban distribution and that
of industrial plants as the higher cost is offset by the lower space required (valuable
element in highly structured area), have limited length (up to several kilometers) and most
reactive power required compared to the airline is low, allowing an exercise substantially
similar to that with airlines.
For a correct comparison between the two technologies, aerial and underground cable, it
is necessary to consider the following aspects:
• technical - functional and exercise;
• environmental impact;
• economical,
below are examined in more detail each of them.
4.1 Technical-functional and exercise aspects
A power line is characterized by several parameters, related to the type of technology and
the technique of installation, of which the main ones are those which express the electrical
equivalent circuit as responsible of the electrical balance that is reached during the
transmission of the required power. They are:
• the resistance, depends on the section of the conductor, the type of material (usually
copper or aluminum) and the length of the power line, responsible for the loss of power
due to the passage of current: between the two technologies (if the power line is properly
sized) there is a substantial difference;
• the inductance, depends on the distance between the conductors of the three phases
(increases as the distance) and the section of the conductors themselves, it is responsible
for the energy stored in the magnetic field that is generated with the passage of current: it
is greater in the airlines compared to those in the cable, because the distance between the
phases is much greater in the first;
• the capacity, also depends on the distance between the conductors of the phases
(increases with decreasing distance), from the section of the same and the material used
for insulation; it is responsible for the energy stored in the electric field that is generated
with commissioning of the power line voltage: it is much greater in cable lines that in those
In summary, a cable has, with respect to the airline, a greater capacity and a lower
inductance. In terms of exercise:
• a greater capacity leads to a higher reactive power required to keep energized the cable
(keep in tensi oter transmit the active power required by the user).
• a lower inductance leads to a higher fault current, which implies, in turn, the need for a
more costly dimensioning of connected equipment such as circuit breakers, disconnectors,
transformers, etc. This diversity of parameters between the two solutions has other
implications on the exercise, the main of which is that of voltage regulation which is more
difficult in the case of the cable with respect to the airline.
Aspect of fundamental importance in the exercise of a power line is its unavailability, ie the
probability to not be able to carry the required power in a given period of time (normally
one year). It depends on two factors: the probability that a failure occurs and the average
time required to restore the functionality of the power line as a result of failure.
The over head power lines have a number of faults per kilometer on average higher than
those in underground cable, but most are transient faults (the 90% found in the statistics of
failures of the Italian lines coincides with that found at the international level), and are
solved by the system automatic protections, in a time of a few seconds, or by means of
quick operations in remote control, in a recovery time of a few minutes, and, overall, have
little weight on availability.
Considerable weight on the unavailability him instead the permanent faults, ie those
involving permanent damage to the structure of the power line and require the intervention
of special teams of operators which, when you find the point where the failure occurred,
they must proceed by the appropriate instrumental to the restoration of the structure of the
power line damaged.
This type of failure is more common in average power lines than in aviation. An in-depth
study (mention publ. CIGRE) shows:
• faults on high-voltage 132-150 kV airlines are 1.7 per 100 km of line in a year, of which
10% ie permanent, therefore 0.17 per 100 km per year,
• faults on power lines (as always said permanent) 1.6 per 100 km per year if oil-insulated
and 0.35 per 100 km per year if made of plastics,
• the average time to repair a permanent fault on airlines was 7 hours, while the cables in
oil of 220 hours and for cables with synthetic insulation of 100 hours.
All this leads to the conclusion, as was observed statistically (cite CIGRE), an
• for airlines of 0.02%/100km on an annual basis, that is about 2 hours per year per 100
km of line;
• for cable lines of 3.9%/100km on an annual basis for those in oil and 0.39% /100km on
an annual basis for those with synthetic material, that is, to the cable, the unavailability is
20 to 200 times greater than that of the airlines.
In the case of suburban path, not easily accessible, is necessary to predict repair times
longer than the average, since this is a reputable unavailability greater than at least 30
times that of the airline.
4.2 Aspects of environmental impact
About the environmental impact it is possible to identify two components:
• the global component,
• the local component.
The global component is made up of all the resources (materials and energy) needed for
the construction, operation throughout the useful life of the work, the dismantling and
recycling at end of life.
This type of analysis is very complex, to give a first rough idea can be seen as follows:
• an airline uses materials such as aluminum (conductor), steel (wires and supports), glass
(insulators), concrete (foundations), all materials (except cement) are easily recoverable,
have an energy content per unit of mass not high, the manufacturing process has an
environmental impact not high per unit mass;
• a cable line (with reference to plastic insulated cable) uses aluminum and / or copper
(conductor and shield), girdles of semiconductor material, plastic materials for the
insulating layer, outer sheath of thermoplastic material, cement and steel for construction
of the seat of pose, almost all materials are more difficult to recover (in practice, the
materials semiconductors and insulating those must be destroyed with little environmental
impact) and whose production processes are energetically more costly, the amount of
cement required in addition, to equal path, is higher compared to that of the airline.
Furthermore the operation of an underground cable is energetically much more costly than
in the case of the airline. All this leads to the conclusion, as also demonstrated by studies
in the field of CIGRE and IEC, that the overall environmental impact of a power line
underground cable is greater than that produced by the same airlines.
For the local impact, with specific reference to the case in question, it is in the first place
be noted that the construction of a power line in the high voltage cable requires the
excavation of a trench of about 1 m to 1.8 m for the whole length of the track with the
need to create a path along the area of accessibility of at least 6 m to allow the use of
excavating machines and trucks for the removal of the excavated material in excess and
for the supply of that necessary to the construction (sand, artifacts of cement, cable etc..).
In addition, the exercise of the power line needs to have the accessibility of the entire
process to be able to intervene to repair any faulty conditions: this requires the
maintenance of a strip of land of 6 m wide free and the affixing of appropriate signage, for
safety reasons. It is obvious that all this constitutes a significant environmental and
landscape impact in particular in those areas where there is the presence of a large and
varied vegetation: it is certainly more impactful a deep and very long cut compared to
airlines that can be raised compared to the existing vegetation and insist on the ground on
few m2.
About irreparable it has also to be noted that currently, both in Italy and in other countries,
is in course the dismantling of old power planes making available the floor surface
restoration or other uses, while, with regard to underground cables , the process require to
replace the old cable with a new one, but with no demolition of the cable ducts which are
therefore becoming permanent structures.
compared to the ground, allows the unfolding of agriculture and forestry and natural with
no modifications (as can be easily seen, by everyone in the land underlying the overhead
electrical high voltage existing), not just for the cables having to leave accessible for
repairs the strip of ground above: in the case of the cable, therefore, the loss of value of
the land is greater than in the case of over head cables.
The solution with the power line underground cable is definitely and unequivocally, much
more costly than with similar over head cables.
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