Rimap Cwa 15740

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CWA 15740
WORKSHOP April 2008


ICS 03.100.01
ICS 03.100.01

English version

Risk-Based Inspection and Maintenance Procedures for

European Industry (RIMAP)

This CEN Workshop Agreement has been drafted and approved by a Workshop of representatives of interested parties, the constitution of
which is indicated in the foreword of this Workshop Agreement.

The formal process followed by the Workshop in the development of this Workshop Agreement has been endorsed by the National
Members of CEN but neither the National Members of CEN nor the CEN Management Centre can be held accountable for the technical
content of this CEN Workshop Agreement or possible conflicts with standards or legislation.

This CEN Workshop Agreement can in no way be held as being an official standard developed by CEN and its Members.

This CEN Workshop Agreement is publicly available as a reference document from the CEN Members National Standard Bodies.

CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland,
France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal,
Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom.



Management Centre: rue de

de Stassart,
Stassart, 36 B-1050 Brussels

 © 2008 CEN All rights of expl

oitation in any form and by any means reserve
d worldwide for CEN national Members.

Ref. No.:CWA 15740:2008 D/E/F


CWA 15740:2008 (E)

List of Figures........................................................4 

List of Tables.........................................................5 

Foreword 6 

Introduction ...........................................

ementss ......

1  Scope ..........................................

2  Normative References
............................ 10 

3  Definitions, symbols and abbreviations..... 11 

3.1  Defintions .................................................. 11 
3.2  Symbols .................................................... 11 
3.3  ............................................. 12 
Abbreviations .............................................

RIMAP Framew
ork .......
4.1  RIMAP vs RBIM...................................... ..... 13 
4.2  RIMAP Principles......................................... 13 
4.3  RIMAP Requirements............................. ...... 13 
4.3.1  General requirements ..................... 13 
4.3.2  Personnel requirements................... 14 
4.3.3  Requirements for performing PoF
analysis......................................... 14 
4.3.4  Requirements for performing CoF

4.3.5  analysis.........................................
assessment Requirement.......... 16
Risk assessment 17  
4.4  RIMAP within the overall management
management system17system 17 
4.5  Limitations................................................. 17 
4.6  Compatibil
Compatibility approachess ... 18 
ity with other known approache

5  RIMAP Procedure...................
................ 19 
5.1  Initial analysis and plan ning ......................... 21 
5.1.1  GeneGeneral
ral descri
ption and
and scope ..... .... 21 
5.1.2  RequRequireme
irementsnts ..........
.................. 24 
5.1.3  Inputs
Inputs...................................... ..... 24 
5.1.4  Procedure...................................... 24 
5.1.5  Output ..........................................
.......................................... 24 
5.1.6  Warnings and applicability limits....... 24 
applicability limits.......
5.2  collection and validation....................... 26 
Data collection
5.2.1  GeneGeneral
ral descri
ption and
and scope ..... .... 26 
5.2.2  RequRequireme
irementsnts ..........
.................. 26 
5.2.3  Input .................................
........... 26 
5.2.4  Procedure...................................... 28 
5.2.5  Output ..........................................
.......................................... 28 
5.2.6  Warnings and applicability limits....... 29 
applicability limits.......

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CWA 15740:2008 (E)

5.3  Multilevel risk analysis (ranging from

detailed).................................. 30 
screening to detailed)..................................30
5.3.1  General description scope.......... 30 
description and scope..........30
5.3.2  Risk analysis - screening level..........34 
5.3.3  Risk analysis – detailed assessment.. 35 
5.4  Decision making / action plan....................... 49 
5.4.1  General description scope.......... 49 
description and scope..........49
5.4.2  Requirements....................... .......... 49 
5.4.3  Inputs .................................. ......... 49 
5.4.4  Procedure ................................... ... 49 
5.4.5  Output ................................. ......... 50 
5.4.6  Warnings and applicability limits.......50 
5.5  Execution and
and reporting...............................
reporting...............................51 51 
5.5.1  General .........................................
......................................... 51 
5.5.2  Input............................. ................ 51 
5.5.3  Procedure ................................... ... 51 
5.5.4  Output ................................. ......... 52 
5.5.5  Warning/application limits................53 
5.6  Performance review / Evergreen phase.......... 54 
Evergreen phase..........54
5.6.1  General description scope.......... 54 
description and scope..........54
5.6.2  Requirements....................... .......... 54 
5.6.3  Inputs .................................. ......... 54 
5.6.4  Procedure ................................... ... 55 
5.6.5  Output ................................. ......... 56 
5.6.6  Warnings and applicability limits.......57 
Bibliography................................ ........................ 59 

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CWA 15740:2008 (E)

List of Figures
Figure 1 - Framework of RIMAP procedure within the overall
managementt system ....................................... 20 

Multilevel risk analysis: Complexity of analysis.... 30 

Figure 2 - Multilevel

analysis: Plant hierarchy level....... 30 

Figure 3 - Multilevel risk analysis:

screening ............................. 34 

Figure 4 - Work flow for risk screening

Figure 5 - Screening
Screening risk ma
matrix ....................................... 35 
trix .......................................

Figure 6 - Damage types appearing as failure or root failure

causes in RIMAP.............................................. 38 
in RIMAP..............................................

Figure 7 - Types of damage and their specifics in relation to

hierarchical structure of the plant according to
............................................................... 40 
KKS ...............................................................

Figure 8 - Elements of PoF determination in the RIMAP

concept .......................................................... 43 

estimation of CoF for safety in RIMAP 45 

Figure 9 - Example of estimation

Figure 10 - Example
Example of decision
decision logic for CoFEnvironment in
RIMAP............................................................ 47 

Figure 11 - Example of decision / action criteria for various

risk levels in risk matrix ................................... 47 

Figure 12 - An example of the risk matrix for detailed

assessment, involving HSE and economic risks
with four risk limit categories............................ 48 
limit categories............................

Figure 13 - The main level of the decision-making

framework...................................................... 50 

Figure 14 - Detailed
Detailed plann
ing........................................... 53 
Figure 15 - Example
Example of validation RIMAP [19] 58 
validation feature list in RIMAP

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CWA 15740:2008 (E)

List of Tables

Table 1 - Input source for Screening & Detailed risk


mechanisms . 39 
Table 2 - Types of damage and their specifics mechanisms

Table 3 - Example of classification of type of damage vs.

prioritized methods
methods of inspection ....................... 41 
inspection .......................41

Table 4 - Sources of CoF for detailed assessment ............... 44 

detailed assessment

Table 5 - Explanation of the numerical criteria given in the

........................................................ 45 
flowchart ........................................................

Table 6 - Values of the numerical criteria in the 3 categories

model in “The Netherlands rules for pressure
vessels” the estimate criteria for the 5 categories
model ............................................................ 46 

Table 7 - Example of class definition of boundaries for

damage distance class .....................................46  

maintenance..................... 51 
Table 8 - Principal categories of maintenance.....................

Table 9 - Activities
Activities in executi
on & reporting....................... 51 
reporting .......................51

Table 10 - Examples of KPI's and objectives for selecting

........ 55 

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CWA 15740:2008 (E)

The production of this CWA (CEN Workshop Agreement) specifying the essential
elements of risk based assessment of industrial assets according to the RIMAP approach
was formally accepted at the Workshop's kick-off meeting on 2005-06-30.

The document has been developed through the collcollaboration

aboration of a num
ber of
contributing partners in the Workshop, some of them mentioned in the chapter
 “Acknowledgments”. Further
Further information on who h
ave supported the document's
contents may be obtained from the CEN Management Centre.

CWA approval was obtained in principle at the Workshop’s meeting on 2007-07-05,

followed by an electronic approval process which
w hich finished on 2007-09-25.

This CWA consists of the following main parts, under the general title “Risk-Based
Inspection and Maintenance Procedures for European Industry”:

Part 1: RIMAP Framework (presented in Chapter 4 of

o f the document)

Part 2: RIMAP Procedure (presented in Chapter 5 of the document)

This document is a “CEN Workshop Agreement” document. CEN defines the Workshop
Agreement as:

CEN Workshop Agreements (CWAs) are consensus-based specifications, drawn

up in an open Workshop environment. The CEN Workshop is an open process
that aims at bridging the gap between industrial consortia that produce de facto
standards with limited participation of interested parties, and the formal
European standardization process, which produces standards through consensus
under the authority of the CEN member bodies.

A CWA is supposed to be developed in such a way that it should be sufficiently flexible in

being applicable both to the technologies currently in use and to technologies to be
developed in the future. A CWA should also contribute to ensure that new technologies
can be introduced in plants in a safe and cost-efficient manner.

This document has been drawn up in following CEN Technical Committees:

•  CEN/TC 12 Materials, equipment and offshore structures for
petroleum, petrochemical and natural gas industries
•  CEN/TC 23/SC 3 Operational requirements DIN
•  CEN/TC 54 Unfired pressure vessels BSI
•  CEN/TC 110 Heat exchangers BSI
•  CEN/TC 114 Safety of machinery DIN
•  CEN/TC 121/SC 5 Non destructive examination AFNOR
•  CEN/TC 138 Non-destructive testing AFNOR
•  CEN/TC 186 Industrial thermo-processing – Safety DIN
•  CEN/TC 197/SC 1 Safety DIN
•  CEN/TC 267 Industrial piping
•  CEN/TC 269 Shell and water-tube boilers DIN
•  CEN/TC 274/SC 1 General safety requirements DIN
•  ECISS/TC 29/SC 1 Tubes for pressure purposes UNI
•  ECISS/TC 29/SC 10 Non-destructive testing UNI
This CEN Workshop Agreement is publicly
p ublicly available as a reference document from the
National Members of CEN : AENOR, AFNOR, ASRO, BDS, BSI, CSNI, CYS, DIN, DS,

Comments or suggestions from the users of the CEN Workshop Agreement are welcome
and should be addressed to the CEN Management Centre.

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CWA 15740:2008 (E)

This particular CWA provides the essential elements
elements of risk based assessment of industrial
assets according to the RIMAP approach which has been developed and demonstrated
d emonstrated in
and by the European R&D project RIMAP (GIRD-CT-2001-03008 and the corresponding
RIMAP Network: “Risk-Based
“Risk-Based Inspection and Mai
ntenance Procedures
Procedures for European
Industry”). One of the main goals of the project,
pr oject, as well as of this CWA, has been to
contribute to the harmonization of the EU national regulatory requirements related to the
inspection and maintenance programs in the industrial plants and make them more cost-
efficient while, at the same time, safety, health, and environmental performance is
maintaine d or improved.

The document is intended for the managers and engineers establishing the RBIM (Risk-
based Inspection and Maintenance) policies in the companies in power, process, steel and
other relevant industries. It is supposed to be used in conjunction with the relevant
internationally accepted practices, national regulations and/or company policies. The
document is supposed to provide a common reference for formulating the above policies
and developing the corresponding inspection and maintenance programs within different
industrial sectors, such as oil refineries, chemical and petrochemical plants, steel production
and power plants. Each part of this Agreement can be used as a stand-alone document.

The positive impact and transfer of industry practices resulting from the use of this
document and from the approach promoted by/in it are expected to be of benefit for the
European industry and strengthening of its competitiveness through better inspection and
maintenan ce practices.

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CWA 15740:2008 (E)

This document has been developed through the collaboration of following main
contributors (companies/person
Chairman & main editor A. Jovanovic, Steinbeis Advanced Risk Technologies,
Vice Chairman & Co-editor M. Renner, Bayer Technology Services GmbH,
CEN Workshop Manager G. Le Gall, CEN - European Committee for
Standardization, Belgium
Secretariat J. Szabo, Hungarian Standards Institution, Hungary
CEN WA members / P. Auerkari, VTT Finland
F inland
(in alphabetical order)
J. M. Bareiß, EnBW Kraftwerke AG, Germany
G. M. Crespi, Alstom Power, Italy
J. Heerings, Llyod’s register, The Netherlands

R. Kauer, TÜV SÜD, Germany

P. Ladányi, TÜV Rheinland Intercert KFT, Hungary
G. Lenkey, BZF, Hungary
W. Murzynowski, ProNovum, Poland
R. Owens, Total France, France
J. Peters, TÜV Rheinland QS (Pty) Ltd. South Africa
R. Preiss, TÜV Austria, Austria
S. Selmer-Olsen / S. Angelsen, DNV, Norway
P. Slangen, Shell Global Solutions Int. B. V, The
G. Vinod, Steinbeis Advanced Risk Technologies,
G. Wisniewski, UDT, Poland
Reviewers R. Gowland, EPSC, UK
A. Herring, EEMUA, UK
C. Tayler, EEMUA, UK
In addition to the effort of the partners of the RIMAP Network consortium, the
contributors and authors wish to acknowledge the support of the European Commission
for the RIMAP Network project, and CEN for the development of the RIMAP Workshop

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CWA 15740:2008 (E)

1  Scope
The objective of this CEN Workshop Agreement document is to present a set of transparent
and accurate framework for applying / implementing risk-based inspection and maintenance
(RBIM) and risk-based life management (RBLM)1 in industrial organizations

The document formulates the procedure for risk based approach, thereby supporting
optimization of operations and maintenance (O&M) as well as asset management.

The purpose of RBIM is to ensure that clearly defined and accepted levels of risk related to:

•  safety,
•  health,
•  environment and
•  business/production/operation
are achieved using resource-efficien
resource-efficientt methods of inspection and maintenance. The
methodology for RBIM described here is based on that developed in the European project
RIMAP (Risk-based Inspection and Maintenance Procedures for European Industry) [11].
Within the RIMAP project, the RBIM methodology has been developed and validated for
chemical, petrochemical,
petrochemical, power and steel industries in Application Workbooks [20], [21],
but the methodology as such is intended to be industry independent. The methodology
addresses the following aspects:

•  Inspection and maintenan

•  All types of equipment, e.g. pressure containing, rotating, electrical, instruments
and safety devices
•  Technical and managerial aspects of maintenan
ce and inspection planning
•  Asset management related to inspection, maintenance
maintenance and life assessment for
plants, systems and components
•  Production and operation.
Although RBIM encompasses RBI & RCM, this document focuses primarily onto RBI. The
RCM is included only up to the extent to demonstrate the applicabili
ty in the overall context
of RBIM.

 Hence forth, the term RBIM will be used in this doument in place of similar terminologies like
RBLM, RBMI, etc.

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2  Normative References
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the for the application of this
document. For dated references, only cited applies. For undated references, the latest
edition of the referenced document ( including amendments) applies
[1]   “Best practice for Risk Based Inspection
Inspection as a part of Plant
Plant Integrity Management”
Management” by
J.B. Wintle, B.W. Kenzie, G.J. Amphlett and others, ISBN 0717620905, Health and
Safety Executive (HSE Books), ((CRR
CRR 363/2001); www.hsebooks.com/Books/
[2]  EN 473 – “Non destructive testing - Qualification
Qualification and certification of NDT personnel -
General principles”, European Committee for Standaradization (CEN)
[3]  CEN/TR 14748 Non-destructive testing – Methodology for qualification of non-
destructive tests, European Committee for Standaradization (CEN),
[4]  IEC 812 – “Analysis techniques
techniques for system reliability – Procedure for failure mode and
effects analysis (FMEA)”, International Electrotechnical
Electrotechnical Commission (IEC),
[5]  EN ISO 14224 –” Petroleum, petrochemical
petrochemical and natural gas industries - Collection and
exchange of reliability and maintenance data for equipment (ISO 14224:2006)”,
European Committee for Standaradization (CEN),
[6]  NACE TM0248 – “Evaluation of pipeline and pressure vessel steels for resistance to
hydrogen induced cracking”, NACE Int. (USA)
[7]  SAE JA 1011 – “Evaluation Criteria for Guide to the Reliability Centered Maintenance
(RCM) Processes” (1998) – SAE International G-11 Supportability Committee;
www.sae.org/technical/standards/JA1011 199908
[8]  SAE JA 1012A – “Guide to the Reliability - Centered Maintenance
Maintenance (RCM) Sta
(2002), SAE International G-11 Supportability Committee;
www.sae.org/technical/ standards/JA1012 200201
[9]  EN ISO/IEC 17020 (ISO/IEC 17020) – “General“General criteria for the operation
operation of va
types of bodies performing inspection”, European Committee for Standaradization
[10]  EN ISO/IEC 17025 (ISO/IEC 17025) – “General requirements
requirements for the competence
competence of
testing and calibration laboratories”, European Committee for Standaradization (CEN)
NOTE: Other cited references in the text of this document are presented as reference
documents in the Bibliography.

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CWA 15740:2008 (E)

3  Definitions, symbols and abbreviati


3.1  Defintions
Risk is the combination of the probability of an event and its consequences (ISO/IEC Guide
73:2002 definition 3.1.1 “Risk management – Vocabulary – Guidelines for use in

Risk Management is the systematic application of management policies, procedures, and

practices to the tasks of analyzing, evaluating and controlling risk. (ISO 14971:2000)

3.2  Symbols
The symbols used in this CEN Workshop Agreement and corresponding designations are
explained below.

Symbol Designation Unit

Nm flammability
flammability index

Nh  health index

ke  enclosure penalty

kϑ  temperature penalty

kv  vacuum penalty

kp  pressure penalty

kc  cold penalty

kq  quantity penalty

Cf   combustibility number

Ch  toxicity number

Pw  working pressure bar

V volume of the quantity of vapour or gas m3

M mass of the liquid heated above the boiling point kg

T superheating above atmospheric boiling point (Tw - Θ b,a) °C

mh  mass of toxic substance kg

CLP  Cost of Lost Production € 

CPC  Cost of restoring Primary failure (faulty item required for € 

original function)

CSC  Cost of restoring Secondary failure/ faulty items € 

CId  Indirect costs € 

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CWA 15740:2008 (E)

3.3  Abbreviations
Abbreviations referred in the document are given below.

Acronym Definition

ALARP As low as reasonably possible/ practicable

API American Petroleum Institute

ASME American Society

Society of Mechanical En

CMMS Computerized Maintenance Management System

CoF Consequence of Failure

FME(C)A Failure mode, effects (criticality) and analysis

HAZOP Hazard and operability (study/analysis)


HCF / LCF High Cycle Fatigue / Low Cycle Fatigue

HFF / LFF High Fluid Flow / Low Fluid Flow

HS(S)E Health, Safety (Security) and Environment

HSE Health, Safety & Environment


HT High Temperature

KPI Key Performance Indicators

LoF Likelihood of Failure

MTBF Mean Time Between Failure

NDT Non-destructive
Non-destructive testing/inspection

O&M Operation and maintenance

P&ID Process and Instrumentation Diagram

POD Probability of Detection

PoF Probability of Failure

QA Quality Assurance

QRA Quantitative Risk Analysis

RBI Risk Based Inspection: methods to plan, implement and evaluate inspections
using risk based approach

RBIM Risk Based Inspection and Maintenance: methods to plan, implement and
evaluate inspections
inspections and maintenance using a risk based approach

RBM, RBLM Risk-Based

Risk-Based Maintenance, Risk-Based Life Management

RBWS Risk Based Work Selection

RC(F)A Root Cause (Failure) Analysis

RCM Reliability
Reliability Centered Maintenance: methods to plan, implement
implement and evaluate
maintenance using reliability
reliability to rank the importance of targets and measures

RIMAP Risk based Inspection and Maintenance Procedures

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CWA 15740:2008 (E)

4  RIMAP Framework

4.1  RIMAP vs RBIM

The collection of reports on Risk Based Maintenan
ce and Inspection (RBIM) is the
deliverable from the European Commission funded project RIMAP - Risk Based
Maintenance Procedures for European Industry [11]. The documentation provides
guidance for risk-based planning and execution of maintenance
maintenance and inspection. Hence
forth the term “RIMAP” used in this document will be synonymous to the RBIM methods
as applied in the RIMAP project.

The RIMAP documentation provides also the guidance for quality assurance and follow-
up of activities, tasks and work processes within an organisation that is used for risk-
based asset management. The need for quality of all the elements in the work process
elements and the need for continuous improvement shall be emphasised. Also, it is
important to ensure that the link between the engineering planning and the actual
execution of RBIM is maintained. RBIM should not be considered as a 'quick fix'
methodology for reducing costs but as a comprehensive philosophy for managing asset
integrity. The procedure therefore needs to be endorsed and supported by management
and its use encouraged accordingly.

4.2  RIMAP Principles

Since the late 1990’s the maintenance
maintenance approaches in industry have been globally moving
from prescriptive/time-based towards risk-based inspection decision making. This trend
is driven by the clear objective to increase the on-stream production time to reduce
unscheduled downtime due to breakdown maintenance or unknown equipment condition
which may ultimately cause a shut down.

In general terms, if a company wants to apply a simple prescriptive

maintenance/inspection approach then it is necessary to apply strictly conservative
criteria for the decision making process.

A risk-based approach on the contrary needs a detailed multi-discipline engineering

analysis to ensure that safety issues are not sacrificed by implementing
implementing a
maintenan ce/inspection plannin
planningg process. An appropriate risk-based methodology covers
following principles:
•  Plan the primary work products ofo f RBIM assessments and managemen
approach in such a way that risks at system and/or equipment level are
managed, highlighting risks from both safety/health/environment
safety/health/environment (HSE)
perspective and/or from the economic standpoint
•  Define the RBIM methodology in a framework which meets common sense
(such as good engineering practices or industrial reference standards) in
handling hazardous materials and situations in industrial equipment
•  Address a generic work flow and competencies needed to handle projects in
an appropriate manner
Define minimum requirements
requirements for performing and documenting RBIM assessments in
order to comply with legal or normative regulations and guidelines

4.3  RIMAP Requirements

4.3.1  General requirements
The general requirements of RIMAP as applied to RBIM are:

a)  The objectives and risk criteria should be clearly defined for the assessment.

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CWA 15740:2008 (E)

b)  The assessment and the applied detailed procedure should comply with the locally
applicable legal and regulatory framework

c)  The required level of input information should be available for the assessment.

d)  The assessment should be performed in a multidisciplinary team by personnel

with the required competence, and using procedures and tools that can provide
the required results on the selected level of assessment.

e)  The assessment and the applied procedure should be able to provide results,
which are
•  safe
•  conservative
•  representable in risk matrix, auditable and consistent with both the objectives
and applied risk criteria
•  supporting RBIM planning and decision making on the target system or
f)  RBIM should be based on a team approach

g)  RBIM should reflect the prevailing conditions in the plant, i.e. RBIM needs to
reach the “evergreen” status.

4.3.2  Personnel requirements

Risk based inspection and maintenance management requires experienced personnel at
all levels as well as appropriate routines for the execution of the work. Current relevant
standards do not set fully comprehensive formal requirements for the qualifications
qualifications of
people that perform inspection and maintenance planning, even if the execution of
inspection and maintenance activities is partly regulated through qualification schemes,
such as e.g., ISO standards such as 17020 [9], 17025 [10], and European standard EN
473 requirements [2]. RBIM planning requires a multidiscipli
nary team with engineering
competency within:
•  Inspection and maintenan
•  Specific equipment disciplines (e.g. materials, corrosion, electrical, fixed and
rotating equipment)
•  Safety and health issues
•  Plant operation and process
•  Reliability and risk assessment
NOTE: Particular cases may require special competencies. In addition, local rules and
legislation, and the type of industry may set detailed requirements to competencies
involved. Due consideration should be given to the width of background
backgro und skills and
expertise collated in the team. One or more of the skills may be possessed by one
person, but it is emphasized that RBIM planning is a team effort.

4.3.3  Requirements for performing PoF analysis

General RIMAP requirements
requirements for PoF analysis as given in [15] are:
1.  General acceptability
2.  Conservatism of simplified approaches
3.  Audiability of results
4.  Performance
5.  Multi-level approaches (qualitative-quantitative,
(qualitative-quantitative, in depth of plant)
6.  Procedural character
7.  No averaging
8.  Additional aspects to be considered
These requirements is explained in detail below.  General Acceptability 

RIMAP describes a methodology for PoF assessment, which can be either used alone, or
alternatively combined with established methods. PoF assessment method should be
verified / benchmarked against a recognized (established) methodology, which is

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CWA 15740:2008 (E)

generally being used, accepted and referred to in the open literature.  Conservatism of simplified approaches 

The results from the risk screening may be on average conservative compared to the
results from a detailed analysis. Available methods for determining Probability of Failure
may vary in the level of detail. Method with less detail (e.g. qualitative analysis) can be
conservative, in other words it may yield
y ield higher or equal average score of pprobability
robability of
failure compared to a more detailed approach.   Auditability of
of results 
The results should be auditable to similar experts (peer view); therefore the
methodology, the input data, the decision criteria and the results may be documented
(the results may be recorded in an approved document).  Qualification 
The RBIM team may include with written evidence the following areas of expertise:
inspection, maintenance,
maintenance, materials technology, process technology, operations and
facilitation. For each area of expertise a certain requirement should be defined related to
education and experience. The facilitator should have expertise on the methodology and
lead the analysis process. Some of the expertise may be combined in one person. An
expert should back up the RBIM team on process fluid characteristics and the possible
modes for loss of containment.   Multi-level approaches

(qualitative-quantitative, in depth of plant) 
Both qualitative and quantitative approaches (ranging from screening to detailed) may be
used. The use of descriptive terms, such as “very high” to “very low” or o r similar can be
used only if the meaning (explanation) of these terms is provided. The approach can be
multi-level both in terms of “qualitative/
“q ualitative/quantitative”
quantitative” and in terms of going
go ing “in-depth” into
plant equipment hierarchy.  Procedural character  

The PoF assessment shall be structured as a procedure with well defined boundary
conditions (e.g. as provided within the RIMAP procedure).   No averaging 
The PoF rating should be such that the highest rating for one of the individual aspects of
different damage mechanisms and trigger events should control the final rating score in
order to prevent averaging of the ratings for various aspects. Alternatively, probability
tree diagrams can be used to model the causes leading to single PoF’s. In such a case,
the probability of each branch in the reliability diagram can be combined (parallel/serial –
OR/AND) in order to define
d efine the final PoF. The same applies to single PoF’s: they can be
combined in the same way to avoid averaging and producing
pr oducing consequent unrealistic
values of PoF.   Additional aspects

aspects to be conside
PoF analysis shall be done in such a way that the following aspects are covered to screen
the operation to identify the active damage mechanisms 
•  identify susceptible damage mechanisms
•  establish realistic (“best estimate”) damage rates
•  link PoF to the effectiveness of the inspection program in the past as well as in
the one planned for the future.
•  determine the confidence level in the damage rate
•  assess the effect of the inspection program on improving the confidence level
in the damage rate
•  assess the probability that a given level of damage will exceed the damage
tolerance of the equipment and result in failure
•  analyze possible interaction or synergy effects for
fo r all damage mechanisms.

•  determine PoF with respect to the planned interval for the next inspection
•  determine PoF with respect to risk acceptance criteria

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CWA 15740:2008 (E)

4.3.4  Requirements for performing CoF analysis

RIMAP requirements for CoF analysis addresses various types of consequences as [14]:
1.  General requirements for CoF assessment
2.  Requirements on CoFsafety 
3.  Requirements on CoFhealth 
4.  Requirements on CoFenviornment 
5. Requirements on CoFbusiness 
Each of these requirements is explained in detail below.  General requirements for CoF assessment

In order to assess the CoF, at least the aspects Health, Safety and Environment should be
included. There are two possible ways to deal with CoF (a) real consequences related and
(b) potential consequences related
related (e.g. the RIMAP CoF). If the RBIM process is used for
assuring Health, Safety and Environment rather than a financial optimisation, averaging
of individual aspects (Health, Safety and Environment and/or business consequences) is
not allowed.  Requirements on CoF 

The CoFsafety assessment shall be documented and approved by the responsible

authorities recognized by the national regulations, if necessary.

The methods can be based on at least one or more of the following aspects (depending
on the type of equipment and fluid):
•  released mass flow rate of fluid
•  type of release (instantaneous discharge of total contained quantity or by
leakage at a specified rate)
•  flammability
•  toxicity
•  energy release (pressure or heat)
•  kinetic energy of projectiles  Requirements on CoF health

1.  The CoFhealth assessment shall be documented and approved by the

responsible authorities recogni
zed as per the nation
al regulations, iiff

2.  The methods can be based on at least one or more of the following aspects
(depending on the type of equipment and fluid):
•  properties of the fluid that effect health
•  released mass of fluid
•  effect on people in the long term  Requirements on CoF environment  

1.  The CoFenvironment assessment shall be documented and approved by the

responsible authorities recognized as per the national regulations, if

2.  Environmental impact shall include effects on soil, air, surface water and
ground water.

3.  The methods can be based on at least one or more of the following aspects
(depending on the type of equipment and fluid:
•  properties of the fluid that effect the environment
•  released mass of fluid
•  direct and indirect effect on flora and fauna
•  remediation effort   Requirements on CoF business 

The CoFbusiness assessment shall be documented, if necessary.

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4.3.5   Risk assessment Requirement

All requirements specified for personnel, PoF assessment and CoF assessment are also
applicable to Risk assessment requirements [12]. In addition, the following requirements
shall also be satisfied for conducting risk assessment:

1.  Development of a scenario for each failure mode is a critical step. Even though
various techniques are available such as fault tree analysis, event tree cause-effect
methods, etc., bow-tie modelling is recommended due to the simplicity of charting
different scenarios and the ease with which the result can be understood. When the
bow tie model is constructed (the fault and event tree established) different
scenarios for the failure modes can be developed by following different paths from
root cause/damage mechanism to potential final consequence.

2.  It is not allowed to combine PoF’s and CoF’s related to different scenarios (e.g.
different failure modes) even if they refer to the same equipment.

3.  Efficiency of the risk mitigating activities

activities shall be connected
co nnected to identified failure
modes and the projected risk reduction shall be quantified.

4.4  RIMAP within the overall management system

The development and implementation of a RBIM plan requires resources such as
personnel, budget, spare parts and documentation. Management
Management should assess the
effectiveness of the RBIM by monitoring performance indicators like reliability, costs and

RBIM planning requires a multidisciplinary team with a range of engineering competency.

in inspectiont and
should identify and
maintenance define the
activities. Theobjectives
shouldtobeacceptable levels
transparent and of risk
support the company’s overall objectives, with respect to health, safety, environment,
production, quality, etc. The objectives should also be in line with national and other
normative requirements, and possible contractual requirements.

The RBIM strategy should ensure that risk mitigating actions are identified and
implemente d before the health, safety or environmental (HSE) risks associated with an
equipment failure become unacceptable. If the HSE risks are ‘tolerable’/acceptable
actions to reduce economic and other business risks may still be needed.

RIMAP framework shall be seen as a part of the overall “Working process” consisting of
• Definition of objectives, goals and requirements
• Establishin
g of inspection and maintenance program
• Plan for tasks and activities in inspection and maintenance
• Execution of the work orders
• Reporting about failures and status

• Evaluation of the technical conditions

• Preparing for the improvement tasks
• Performing of corrective action
• Active management
• Managemen
Managementt of change
• Operating procedures
• Safe work practices
• Pre-start-up reviews
• Emergency response and controls
• Investigation of incidents
• Training
• Quality assurance

4.5   Limitations
The RIMAP framework is also applicable to industries other than those directly addressed
(petrochemical, chemical,
chemical, power, and steel), however it is limited to non-nuclear
applications. The RBIM framework only applies to systems and equipment in the in-
service phase of the operation. For the design or fabrication phase, the relevant

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legislation and engineering standards shall be followed. If RIMAP principles or procedures

are used, it shall be ensured that all measures are in compliance with local and national
legislation. While applying RBIM following aspects should be kept in mind
1.  An RBIM assessment is only as good as input data provided
2.  RBIM is not a replacement for good engineering practices / judgement

4.6  Compatibility with other known approaches

The overall RIMAP approach is in general compatible with most other major risk-based
approaches such aspurposes.
broadly for similar those designed
However,by API [26],
while the VGB [33] or
principles areASME [22]
largely and intended
similar, the user is
warned against expecting identical results. There are differences in detail that may result
in significant differences when using different approaches on the same plant, case or
system. For example, unlike most other known approaches, RIMAP was originally
designed to be in principle industry independent and providing seamless transfer
between different levels of analysis (ranging from screening to detailed).

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5  RIMAP Procedure
The RIMAP procedure provides guidance for developing and maintaining a risk-based
inspection and maintenance program, preferably embedded into a higher level quality or
risk management environment. The procedure is applicable to many industries and to
different types of equipment (for example static equipment, rotating equipment, safety
systems, and electrical/instrument
electrical/instrument equipment). The steps in the procedure are the same
for all cases, even if the models and tools for assessing probability or consequence of
failure may vary from one application to another.

The procedure includes the following main steps:

1.  Initial analysis and planning
2.  Data collection and validation
3.  Multilevel risk analysis
4.  Decision making and action planning
5.  Execution and reporting
6.  Performance review / evergreen phase
For each of the above steps the following elements are defined such as:
1.  General description and scope
2.  Requirements
3.  Input
4.  Procedure
5.  Output
6.  Warnings and applicability limits
An overview of the RIMAP procedure
pro cedure is shown in Figure 1.

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management change   Objectives, system, criteria


  Hazard identification

Redefinition of the
scope of analysis

•  Selection of systems, equipments, and components
•  Determination of possible failure modes and consequences

Integrity related,
Integrity related  Safety system related or Functionality related
Functionality related?

Safety system related

RBI activities Safety system related RCM activities

Detailed Analysis Detailed Analysis

(Intermediate Levels) (Intermediate Levels)
Screening Analysis  Screening Analysis 


•  Scenario (Structural failures)   Scenario (Functional failures)

•  Probability of Failure (PoF)   MTBF Assessment

•  Consequences of Failure (CoF)   Probability of Failure (PoF)

•  Risk   Consequences of Failure (CoF)


Risk acceptable? Mitigation measures




  Operation review

  Inspection planning


  Maintenance planning



  KPI Assessment

  Evaluation reporting

  Update periodically

Figure 1 - Framework of
o f RIMAP procedure within the overall management system

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5.1  Initial analysis and planning

After having initiated the decision to establish RBIM using RIMAP procedure, the first
step is to start with the initial analysis and planning.

5.1.1  General description and scope

This stage consists of the following steps:

1.  Definition of objectives

objectives (e.g.:company Hea
lth and Safety objectives,
objectives, optimise
timing and extent of next inspection)
2.  Definition of the systems and components to be considered as well as the
respective boundaries (example: preheating
preheating system from inlet x to outlet y
(P&ID No. xyz) including pressure vessels xyz, heat-exchangers xyz, and pumps
3.  Definition of the scope of analysis, including operating conditions and exceptional
situations to be covered (e.g. disturbances, accidents etc.), as well as the
operating period covered.
4.  Definition of data sources available (e.g. design data, equipment history)
5.  Definition of regulatory requirements to be considered
6.  Setup of the multi-disciplinary team
7.  Tools (software) to be used
8.  Assurance of the acceptance of the methodology and objectives with relevant
institutions concerned (internal e.g.: management and external e.g. approved
bodies and authorities)
In the following subsections, these steps will be described in more detail.  Definition of objectives

At this stage the management should clearly define measurable objectives of the
assessment and confirm the applied procedure suggested by the assessment team.
These objectives are largely defined in terms of health, safety, environment and
business impact. In particular, risk based inspection and maintenance when applied to a
plant should address one or more of the following objectives:
•  meeting the requirements on health, safety and environmental regulations by
reducing the corresponding risks to ALARP
•  improving the safety and reliability of the plant
•  optimising inspection and maintenance (possibly also production and quality)
•  extending the useful service life of plant, e.g. beyond its design life, and
implementin g an appropriate end of life strategy.

The final
fixed objectives and targets of the implementation
in writing. implementation project to be initiated shall be  Definition of systems and components to be considered

A risk-based analysis can focus on a network of plants, a single plant, certain systems
(unit operations) of a plant, a certain component or even a part of it. The input step of
the preparatory work serves the purpose of defining the systems and/or subsystems of

Systems are generally defined based on the functions they perform. There are many
ways to divide a system into sub-systems, i.e. to create a system-component hierarchy.
The sub-systems should be easily manageable and meaningful to allow for assessment of
specific issues related to them, e.g. according to particular damage mechanisms, a
certain fluid, a process function or the same level of inventory. The level of detail on
systems, equipment and its components, and their hierarchy may differ on the chosen
methodology (RBI/ RCM).

Every system and sub-system should be clearly defined in terms of its boundaries, for
example when considering a pump, whether only the impeller and housing or also the
drive mechanism, the power source etc. are included. Establishment of boundaries is

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based on criteria specific to particular needs, such as safety aspects, operational

requirements, process interactions, jurisdictional constraints, available data, etc.2 

As a general rule, one should remember that there is also a risk in defining the system
to be assessed too widely. The complete picture of safety and integrity can be clouded
by complexity or too much information, resulting in confusion and misinterpretation. On
the other hand, too narrow a definition may lose sight of the impact a failure or process
upset in one subsystem may have on another [35].

To establish the system/component hierarchy, every sub-system is further divided into

components and/or locations that might relate to a system failure. This ‘decomposition’
should continue until the smallest components for which sufficient data from inspections,
maintenan ce, and failure history are available or may be collected, are examined.  Definition of the scope

For all defined systems (from the input) the scope of the analysis should be determined
including operating conditions, loads and exceptional situations e.g. upsets and the
operating period to be covered.  Definition of data sources available

The data sources available shall be identified. It should be ensured that a minimum of
information is available, as
•  Design data
•  Operating data
•  Historical data (maintenance and inspection records)

Before collecting the data, the RBIM team should estimate the quality and quantity of the
data that are needed to fulfil the requirements stated in the objectives of the
assessment. The data should be balanced for the needs of the application (system or
component), scope of the assessment, expected level of detail (or acceptable
uncertainty) in the results, and foreseen future service.   Definition of regulatory requirements to be considered

Regulatory requirements which apply shall be carefully identified. Requirements may be
on the qualification of some team members. software tools to be used (see and below), etc.  Setup of the multi-disciplinary

multi-disciplinary team
Successful risk based assessment, in general, can only
o nly be conducted if competent
technical input and perspectives from different disciplines are available. This can be
achieved only by team effort. To setup the procedure,
pr ocedure, the required expertise of the team
should be defined. Usually a RBIM team should have competencies within
•  Inspection and maintenan
•  Specific equipment disciplines (e.g. materials, corrosion, electrical,
instrumenta tion & control, fixed and rotating equipment)
•  Health, safety and environment issues
•  Plant operation and processes
•  Reliability and/or risk assessment
Much attention should be paid in the beginning to the selection of the competent team,
which is a key element in successful risk based assessment. No sophisticated details in
the procedure or other tools can compensate for possible deficiencies in the team,
because this would very much affect the quality of input information, foreseen failure
scenarios and conclusion of the assessment.

Managing risk based inspection and maintenance requires experienced personnel at all
levels, as well as appropriate
appro priate routines for implementation (See section 4.3.2 on

 For the establishment of boundaries in petroleum and natural gas industries, ISO 14224 [5]
recommends rules for the definition of boundaries and also gives further guidance in the form of
examples. In the case of power plants the most common criteria are plant availability and safety

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personnel requirements).

Where the needed expertise is not covered by in-house resources, appropriate external
experts shall be consulted. This can apply to expertise in reliability and risk analysis, but
particular cases may also require special competencies, e.g. in deterioration mechanisms
or, statistics.

In addition, local rules and legislation, and the type of industry may set detailed
requirements to competencies involved. Due consideration should be given to the depth
of background skills and expertise collected in the team. One or more of the skills may
be possessed by one person, but it is emphasised that RBIM is a team effort.   Tools to be used

In general it is impractical to perform risk assessment without the support of dedicated
computer tools (software) for the purpose. Such tools are used for managing the input
data and for performing the operations of risk assessment and related decision making.
Computerised systems are also used to store the data, analyse results and other related
information for the next time the need for analysis arises. Dedicated software tools are
widely used to manage the large amount of input data that will be collected from the
systems to be assessed. In such a case, it is convenient if the tool can be integrated with
existing data collection systems, such as those used for inspection and maintenance.

The user shall make sure that the software to be used is able to comply with the targets
given and that the basic calculation methodologie
methodologiess (if there are any) comply with local
legal requirements.   Accuracy of the acce


At this stage the assessment team and the management should also have a general idea
about the level of commitment and resources required for a successful implementation
implementation of
the procedure, and about the time available to produce the results.

The responsible team should take all necessary actions to ensure the acceptance of the
procedure and its objectives by the essential stakeholders, such as the owner,
management, and the authorities/notified
authorities/notified bodies.

HSE risk (Health / Safety / Environment)

The metric for risk based decisions should be defined via company standards and/or
national legislation.
legislation. For the process industry in general, three different risk criteria are
•  Plant worker safety
•  3rd party safety (people outside the plant border)
bord er)
•  Environmental damage, long and short term

The risk acceptance criteria are used to derive the required maintenance activities within
the given time frame. For degradation mechanisms developing with time, the
degradation rate and acceptance limit provides an upper bound on the time to
preventive maintenance or time to inspection. Also the effectiveness of an inspection
method for detecting degradation and coverage shall be considered.

Other criteria: Business risk

In case of business impact, no similar absolute limits are provided by the regulatory
framework or comparable practices. Instead, the business impact associated with the
assessed risk is to be compared with the competing alternatives in monetary terms. To
achieve reduction in the allocated resources e.g. through lower cost of inspection and
maintenan ce, may require lower volume but improved targeting of o f inspections and
component repair/replacement, rescheduling
rescheduling of such actions when possible, or changes
in the process or operational practices. If necessary, also other quantities such as
product quality may be used as additional risk criteria.

Combined criteria

For combined criteria, the HSE criteria should be used to define the limit of
unacceptability (between intolerable and ALARP regions), when the HSE criteria arise
from mandatory regulatory limits. This may leave other quantities such as economic
criteria to define the limit of acceptability towards negligible risk (i.e. ‘tolerable if ALARP’
to ‘broadly acceptable’). Also other quantities such as product quality may enter into the
combined criteria, often using quality cost as common monetary basis for the

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5.1.2  Requirements
The responsible team should take all necessary actions to ensure the acceptance of the
RIMAP procedure and its objectives by the owner and/or management of the plant and
by the responsible authorities.

5.1.3  Inputs
From an applicability point of view, it may be
b e more useful to perform a relatively
thorough analysis of a smaller but well defined sub-system than a very approximate
assessment of a much wider system. However, a rough screening level analysis can also
be useful to pinpoint the sub-systems for more detailed assessment. There is also a risk
in defining the system to be assessed too widely, as the complete picture could be
clouded by complexity or a very large amount of information. On the other hand, too
narrow a definition may lose sight of the impact that a failure or process upset in one
subsystem may have on another [1]. The functional boundaries of a system may depend
on the mode of plant operation.

5.1.4  Procedure
Lacking stakeholder support or even indifference to the objectives and procedure of the
assessment can seriously limit the applicability of the effort taken. Such support should
be seen as mandatory for meaningful assessment.

For defining credible failure scenarios, the team responsible for the implementation of
the procedure should agree what within the context of their industry is considered a
failure of an item of equipment. This activity should be a company issue. Moreover, the
function of a component may depend on the mode of operation of the plant. For
example, a feed water pump system comprising three units (pumps) is fully operational
at full power (all three pumps are needed). The same system at less than full power
contains one redundant unit (two pumps are needed; the third is a standby unit available
on demand).

Therefore, whenever a plant may have more than one mode of operation, it is necessary
to define failure criteria that take into account the specifics of each operational mode.

5.1.5   Output
The expected output from the preparatory work is the following:
•  selection of the applied procedure, competent assessment team and
supporting tools
•  defined system of interest, system/component hierarchy and boundaries for
the assessment
•  objectives, scope and methods of the effort, as well as confirmation of
stakeholder support for these
•  collected regulatory requirements to set boundaries to the assessment and
decisions affected by the results
•  collected risk assessment
assessment criteria from foreseen health
health,, safety,
environmenta l, business and other impacts.

5.1.6  Warnings and applicab

ility limits
The essential parts of planning, including the requirements, inputs, procedure and output
o utput
all involve items of caution and applicability limits. Some of the most common ones are
outlined below, with some specific issues related to static, active and safety equipment.

Specific issues related to static equipment

Many static components are subject to mandatory regulations, e.g. pressure equipment
and storage vessels containing fluids with potential hazard of toxic release, fire or other
environmentall impact. In such a case the competent team should include or have
otherwise available sufficient expertise on this regulations. These regulations will often
require consideration of HSE criteria in assessment. The underlying potential hazards will
frequently set the scenarios to be dealt with in the risk assessment.

Specific issues related to active components

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Most active components are not subject to normative regulation, which therefore will not
set the criteria of assessment. However, active components such as turbines, pumps,
motors, compressors, generators, fans, valves and gears are often subjected to
significant loading in service, and form important parts of the critical systems or
subsystems to be considered from the risk point of view.

Active components in particular may have more than one mode of operation, and then it
is necessary to define failure criteria that take each mode into account.

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5.2  Data collection and validation

5.2.1  General description and scope

The collection and organisation of relevant data and information are mandatory
prerequisites to any form of risk based analysis. Much of this data is probably related to
design, operation and failure information. The data are used to assess both the
probability and consequence (and thus the risk) of a failure scenario with analysis
method(s) that meet the requirements of the generic RIMAP procedure.

Information for risk-based analysis may be available or obtainable from many sources.
However, the quality of the data can be very case-dependent. Where the data are sparse
or of poor quality, the uncertainty associate
d with the risk assessment will be greater.

Before collecting data, the RBIM team should estimate the data that will actually be
needed. This is partly to match the data collection with the analysis, and partly to assess
the effort needed considering the data and information that are already available and
data that require additional work. The collected data are best stored in a well structured
database, which will not only facilitate the assessment process but also updating and
auditing the processes that are an essential part of the RIMAP procedure.

5.2.2  Requirements
Data should be collected from many different areas including:

•  Plant level data

•  Design Manufacturing and Construction
•  Operational
•  Maintenance
Maintena nce and Inspection
•  Safety systems
•  Cost
•  Generic or equivalent industry databases
In addition to reviewing documents, such as electrical diagrams, process and instrument
drawings, process flow diagrams, maintenance and operating records and procedures,
etc. the team should ensure that relevant non documented data are collected.

The team should have access to plant personnel who can provide an understanding of
the actual and
inspection plantmaintenance
and operating conditions, the
the identification effectiveness
of problems of thetoplant
particular the
investigated plant. Involvement of plant personnel will contribute to their acceptance of
the outcome of the risk based analysis and its success. 

5.2.3  Input
It is recommended that the established RBIM team follows the data collection and
validation procedure outlined below. It should be noted that before this step the team
should have initially estimated the rough quality and quantity of data that is needed for
the analysis. The collected data should be verified and stored, when used for RBIM
analysis and documentation.

1.  Collect and validate documented relevant data, which typically includes at least
some elements of the following:

•  Technical data on design, manufacturing

manufacturing and construction
Thiese data are largely plant and component specific, and in the form of
numerical data and e.g. diagrams and drawings of the process and systems,
background controls and instruments,
also describe as wellrequirements
the functional as safety systems. These
and intended
loadings, and may indicate potential locations of failures. Data validation can
be performed by internal cross-comparisons, comparison to physical and
technical limits
limits of the process and by cross-comparison to expert opinion (see

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below on non-documented data).

•  Inspection and maintenance history (including failure analysis)
These data are plant and component specific, and typically include records of
inspection results and of possible corrective actions such as repairs or
modifications to the original system or component. The records may also
include experience on the mode and causes of failures or other process
disturbance. Most recent data updates preceding information, and it may be
possible to construct time series from these data. Records of previous
engineering and failure analysis, as well as data and results from other
procedures (e.g. RCM, QRA, PHA, and HAZOP) can be considered as input to
the RBIM analysis. Data validation can be performed as above for other
documented data.
•  Operational history
These data are plant and component specific, and may include at least some
records of operator logs to identify operating periods, transients, starts, trips
and other shut-downs, and load levels during different phases of operation.
These records also indicate to what extent the actual operation may have
deviated from that intended in design. For predicting the future performance it
can also be important to consider the future mode of operation, if it is
foreseen to be different from that in the past. Data validation can be
performed as above for other documented data.
•  Generic failure and operational data for similar cases or components
Generic data on failures for similar cases and components is available from
various sources [20], [21]. Generic data on operational experience are partly
included in these sources, although the available information can vary widely
depending on case and component. Data validation can be mainly performed
by comparison of such sources and by expert opinion, but also in validation
the options may be limited by the availability of information depending on the
case or component.
•  Cost information on the facility
These data can in principle be plant and component specific, but are also often
taken as generic for each component type and class, and type of action on it.
Data validation can be performed by cross-comparisons or by asking for
quotations from suppliers. The required information can also include cost of
lost production and indirect losses.
2.  Collect relevant non-documented data
Relevant, non-documented
non-documented data are generally available from most if not all of the
sources (listed above) from which documented data should be collected. Non-
documented data typically exists as personnel knowledge and opinions, which can
be a very important source of information for RBIM analysis. Therefore, the team
should have access to the personnel that can provide an understanding of the actual
system and component configuration and operating conditions, the effectiveness of
the inspection and maintenance programs, and identification of specific problem
issues. The recommended interview process of the personnel (e.g. operator,
maintena nce engineer, instrument technician etc., called "expert" below) to estimate
failure probabilities is as follows:

a)  Expert opinion on his/her general experience with the component or system
In this initial stage of the interview the expert is given the opportunity to
describe his/her own experience or feelings about the target component (or
multi-componentt system) and its history.

b)  Expert opinion on the perceived consequences (also personal) of unforeseen

component failure
This opinion can indicate the expected consequences but also potential
personal bias when compared with opinions on other issues.

c)  Expert opinion on the earliest possible time of failure

This question serves as an introduction to opinion-based life assessment of the
component or system, first for the short-term end of o f the perceived scale.

d)  Expert opinion on the longest possible life (for a single component), or (for
multi-element components) on a time when it is no more worth repairing
This question is for the long-term end of the opinion-based life assessment. In
case of multi-element component, an opinion on the number of failures per

can (or other time .period) after which the component is not worth repairing
be helpful

e)  Expert opinion on the reasons for the earliest and latest possible failure times.
This question aims to encourage reasoning and forgetting possible previously

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memorised numbers and it is suggested that at least two reasons are given
for both ends of the timescale.

f)  Expert opinion on reasonable time intervals between shortest and longest
failure times
Agreement on the intervals is important, because too coarse a scale will not
reveal uncertainty, and too fine a scale may require excessively detailed
thinking. Often 4-5 time increments are sufficient, and for many systems the
increments are expressed in whole years. This allows for the establishment
establishment of
a time scale from earliest to latest possible perceived failure time, with time
increments in between.

g)  Expert opinion on the likelihood or frequency distribution of failure in time

The expert is given e.g. 50 similar coins or comparable objects, and asked to
place them on the above defined time scale intervals, at least one in each
interval but otherwise in proportion of his/her feeling on when the failure is
going to take place. In the end, the expert is re-queried to confirm or modify
the distribution.

h)  Recording of the resulting lifetime distributions

The resulting distribution can be normalised by multiplying the number of
objects in each category (interval) by 2 and dividing the result by 100. The
results are documented and provided for RBIM analysis.

5.2.4  Procedure
The collected data should be validated and stored, when used for RBIM analysis and
documentation. Validation may not always be easy for one-off analyses or
measurements, but cross-comparisons, checks for compatibility with physical and
technical limits, compliance with calibration requirements or standards/guidelines can be
often used for this purpose. Comparison to externally available information may also
help, for example data on
o n technical details and cost from the equipment suppliers.

Data and results from other procedures (e.g. RCM, Quantitative Risk Analysis, Process
Hazard Analysis (PHA), and HAZOP, previous risk based assessments if available) can be
considered to as input to the RBIM analysis.

Documented background data are often available as e.g. diagrams and drawings of the
process and systems, components, controls and instruments, safety systems, and
maintenance and operating records and procedures. Useful operational and other plant
specific data can include severity, mode and causes of failures, and operator records to
identify operating periods, transients, starts, trips and other shut-downs, and load levels
during different phases of operation.
op eration.

Relevant non-documented data and information are typically available as personnel

knowledge and opinions. For these sources the RBIM team should have access to the
plant personnel that can provide an understanding of the actual plant configuration,
operational history, maintenance effort, and current/future condition.

5.2.5   Output
The output of the data collection and validation should be an assessment of all relevant
and representative data, which are needed for the risk calculation of the components of
interest. This data should be collated in an appropriate way, e.g. by storage in a

Depending on the availability of data, a change in the system/component boundaries

identified during the initial analysis and planning may be needed. Also, insufficient data
may require additional effort to produce new data through engineering analysis or by
other means. In such a case, data validation and re-assessment is also needed.

The output of data collation and validation mainly consists of raw technical data and
information related (or processed) to failure probabilities and consequences. The defined
objectives and the system to be assessed can largely dictate the depth and extent of the
output of data collection serving these higher purposes.

Support of the management and involvement of the plant personnel are important and
will contribute to their acceptance of the outcome of the risk based analysis, and may
also positively influence the quality of the data.

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CWA 15740:2008 (E)

5.2.6  Warnings and applicability limits

The data related to design, manufacturing and construction (assembly) may not be
always updated according to later modifications. This is particularly likely for older
equipment that has been used for many decades and originates from the time before
modern CAD/CAM documentation. The same may also apply to controls and
instrumentat ion, and to operational and maintenance history records for similar reasons.
Expert opinion of the plant personnel about these issues may be essential.

One problem in the data collection is the quality of generic databases – and particularly
p articularly
their failure frequencies to include information related to inspections, maintena
nce and
operating conditions of a component. Thus, these databases should be used with care,
and qualified for use in each case. Their applicability depends greatly on several
•  Type of plant/component (size and fuel type)
•  Manufacturer
•  Process fluid (including chemical control, corrosion, erosion)
•  Operation parameters (process pressure and temperature, vibration etc.)
•  Operating environment (moisture, temperature, etc.)
•  Operating constraints (load following vs. steady state)
•  Inspection system/program/techniques
•  Geographic area (environment and external influences)
This means that in order to obtain a reasonable probability (or likelihood) one has to
modify the generic data (i.e. to calculate equivalent data) by taking into account all
conditions prevailing to the specific problem of interest (for more information, refer
Another potential problem is that the method of development of a generic database
often screens out specific component failures. For example, the NERC-GADS [29] system
is only concerned with derating and forced plant outages; component failures not
associated with derating or forced plant outages go unreported [22].

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CWA 15740:2008 (E)

5.3  Multilevel risk analysis (ranging from screening

to detailed)
5.3.1  General description and scope
Risk analysis consists of the following steps:
a)  Identify hazards
b)  Identify relevant damage mechanisms and failure modes
c)  Determine probability of failure (PoF)
d)  Determine consequence of failure (CoF)
e)  Determine risk and classify equipment

Multilevel risk analysis defines the risk assessment in terms of (i) complexity of the
analysis (e.g. from the simplified/screening analysis to the detailed one), and in terms
of and (ii) plant hierarchy level (depth). It can be seen in Figure 2, that complexity of
analysis or in other words, the number of components for analysis decreases steadily
from screening to detailed analysis in RIMAP approach, whereas it decreases step wise
in a conventional approach It can be seen in Figure 3, that depth of analysis increases
steadily from screening to detailed analysis in RIMAP approach, whereas it increases
step wise in conventional approach

Conventional approach
RIMAP approach

“gain”: reduced number of
  o components analysed

Screening level Intermediate Detailed

Figure 2 - Multilevel risk analysis: Complexity of analysis

Conventional approach
RIMAP approach

  o “gain”: reduced effort
   t for analysis

Screening level Intermediate Detailed

Figure 3 - Multilevel risk analysis: Plant hierarchy level

The inputs usually required for each step of screening and detailed phases of risk
assessment are given in Table 1. It can be seen from the table that some inputs are
common for both the phases, whereas the detailed phase calls for much more
elaborate data for analysis.

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CWA 15740:2008 (E)

Topic Activities involved in Screening Risk Common for both Screening & Activities Assessment3 
Specific for Detailed Risk Assessment
Assessment Detailed Risk Assessme
nt involved in
Detailed Risk

•  Determine the risk category of the

•  Based on the screening results the
systems or groups of equipment should
be given a low, medium or high risk.
r isk.
•  Systems or groups of equipment with a
high risk should be considered in a
detailed assessment.
•  Systems of groups of equipment that
have medium risk should be considered
for maintenance.
•  Finally, for the low risk systems or
groups of equipment the assumptions
should be periodically checked. This may
amount to verifying that the basic
b asic
assumptions are satisfied, e.g. coating is
satisfactory or that the operating
conditions remain unchanged. For low
risk systems minimum surveillance is
•  High risk systems should be considered
in the detailed analysis. In any case,
regulatory requirements should be

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CWA 15740:2008 (E)

5.3.2  Risk analysis - screening level  Description
Risk screening shall be relatively fast, simple and cost effective compared to more
detailed risk analysis. Risk screening is particularly suited for broadly based problems
pr oblems
and limited populations of items to consider. Risk screening divides the systems and
groups of equipment into two groups: high-risk items and medium/low risk items. The
high-risk items should be analysed in detail. The medium risk items should be considered
additionally in order to decide if minimum surveillance or detailed assessment should be
followed. The low risk items should only require minimal surveillance to verify and
ensure that the assumptions made during the screening process
pro cess remain true. This could,
for example, amount to verifying the condition of a painting, coating, functional
compliance or the correct undistorted position of a structure. If information is missing
during the screening so that the risk associated with the equipment cannot be
determined, the equipment should be regarded as having a high risk and reassessed
using a more detailed assessment.

The work process for risk screening is detailed in Figure 4.

Systems and Plant information
•   PoF
components in scope Degradation mechanism
of work
•  CoF
•  Risk

Yes Risk No



Lack of key information

Figure 4 - Work flow for risk screening  Requirements
The following requirements should be fulfilled for risk analysis:
1.  The rating criteria should be defined and recorded in writing.
2.  The PoF should be established for a given (predefined) time frame based on a
prediction of damage development for operation within a specified operating
window. The specified operating window should include factors, which can be
influenced by the operation of the process (e.g. temperature, pressure) as well as
factors which cannot be influenced by the operation (e.g. composition of the process
3.  In order to assess the consequence, at least the aspects of health, safety and
environment should be included. In addition, the consequence rating should be such
that the highest rating for one of the individual aspects (health, safety, environment
and/or business consequences) can control the final score (so no averaging of
4.  The methodology should be verified / benchmarked.
5.  This task should be performed by the RBIM team (see initial analysis and planning).
6.  The results should be auditable by similar experts (peer review); therefore, the
methodology, the input data, the decision criteria
cr iteria and the results shall be
documented (the results shall be recorded in an authorized document).

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CWA 15740:2008 (E)   Inputs
Table 1 presents the details required for performing the steps of risk assessment in
screening level.  Procedure
Screening level of analysis is often
o ften sufficient to highlight areas with highest
probability/frequency of failure in the plant (units/systems).
(units/systems). The work flow of risk
screening is given in Figure 4. The main purpose of the risk screening is to identify the
low risk items (see Figure 5) and remove them from further analysis. It is very
important that not too many components are placed in category Low risk, therefore it is
useful to compare the spectra of assessed PoF, CoF and risk categories with those
obtained in other similar assessments.

  y    h
  n    i Medium risk High risk
  e    H
   b   w
  r   o Low risk Medium risk
   P    L

Low High

Figure 5 - Screening risk matrix   Output

Typical results from these tasks are:

•  PoF value or category for the piece of equipment under consideration

•  CoF value or category for the piece of equipment under consideration

•  Risk value or category for the piece of equipment under consideration from
screening risk matrix shown in Figure 5.  Warnings and applicability limits

Note that PoF assessments usually require more detail and are therefore more cost
intensive than CoF assessments. Therefore some prefer to screen systems and groups of
components on consequence of failure only. This is also acceptable, even if in this report
other types of screening are suggested.

5.3.3  Risk analysis – detailed assessment  General description and scope
The detailed assessment differs from screening in the depth of detail required for
analysis and hence involves considerably higher work effort for the assessment. Detailed
assessment should be applied to the high risk systems and groups of equipment
identified in risk screening, and to all equipment within the scope of work if no risk
screening has been performed. For each system or group of components, the relevant
degradation mechanisms shall be identified and the extent of damage shall be estimated.
Furthermore, the most likely damage development shall be determined. Based on this
information, the maximum time interval to the next inspection / maintenance
maintenance activity
shall be determined subject to the condition that the health, safety and environmental
risks remain acceptable (as defined in the acceptance criteria). This should then be
combined with inspection / maintenan
maintenancece cost and inspection / maintenance effectiven
to derive cost optimal maintena
nce / inspection intervals such that the health, safety,and
environmental,, risks are acceptable, i.e., the acceptance criteria are satisfied

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CWA 15740:2008 (E)

The detailed analysis consists of the following

fo llowing main tasks:
A)  Identify hazards.

B)  Identify relevant damage mechanisms and failure modes.

C)  Determine probabilities of failure (unmitigated and in later runs through the
cycle mitigated).

D)  Determine consequence of failure (unmitigated and in later runs through the
cycle, the mitigated ones).

E)  Risk assessment.  Requirements
Rating criteria shall be defined and recorded in writing.

The requirements for identifying and considering damage mechanisms are as follows:
•  Identify all the damage mechanisms that can really appear in a given
•  The analysis should be performed by qualified personnel and in collaboration
with people who know the plant well (e.g. personnel from the plant with good
goo d
knowledge of the state of the components)
•  The plant breakdown, identification of damage mechanisms and the analysis
process should be duly documented
•  The plant management should ensure that the knowledge about service and
maintenan ce, history and all known degradation mechanisms in the plant, is
considered in the analysis
•  The responsible person(s) involved in the analysis should ensure that all
knowledge about the degradation mechanisms from the available literature is
considered in the analysis
•  The responsible person(s) involved in the analysis should ensure that all
available knowledge about the degradation mechanisms and experience from
similar plants is considered in the analysis.
•  All emerging damage mechanisms not accounted so far are considered (taken
into account) under the category “other” damage mechanisms.
The analysis of failure modes enhances the level of detail used to assess the
consequence of failure. If it is not undertaken, a conservative approach shall be
followed. A conservative approach may be e.g. the assumption that the complete content
of the containment may escape instantaneously.

The likelihood/probability shall be established for a given (predefined) time frame based
on a prediction of damage development for operation
op eration within a specified operating
window. The specified operating window should include both factors which can be
influenced by the operation of the process (e.g. temperature, pressure) as well as
factors which cannot be influenced by the operation (e.g. composition of the process

For all trendable degradation mechanisms

mechanisms,, the assessment of PoF in a detailed analysis
shall be based on the value of expected residual lifetime and include a weighting
system/factors to take the uncertainty of prediction into account. The prediction of
lifetime may result from one of
o f the following options: measured inspection data, a
calculation making
making use of operating conditions, or expert opinion. If so desired, specific
analysis.tools may be used, e.g. probabilistic (safety) analysis and/or fitness for service

For all non-trendable degradation mechanisms,

mechanisms, for which progress cannot be properly
monitored or predicted (e.g. stress corrosion cracking), it should be
b e demonstrated that
they are prevented (due to proper design issues) or detected early by means of
sufficient measures to be taken (inspection, maintenance, operation). A methodology
should be available in which the relation between the effectiveness of measures (type,
scope and frequency) and likelihood / probability of failure is given.

In order to assess the consequence, at least the aspects of health, safety and
environment shall be included. In addition, the consequence rating shall be such that the
highest rating for one of the individual aspects (health, safety, environment and/or
business consequences) shall control the final score (averaging of these aspects is not

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CWA 15740:2008 (E)


The methodology shall be verified / benchmarked. CoFsafety can be benchmarked against

recognised methods already available.4 

The task should be performed by the competent RBIM team (see Initial analysis and

The results should be auditable by similar experts (peer review); therefore, the
methodology, the input data, the decision criteria and the results shall be documented
(the results shall be recorded in an authorized document).   Inputs
Table 1 presents the details required for performing the steps of risk assessment in
detailed level.  Procedure
Detailed assessment is a relatively elaborate procedure involving multiple activities.
Numerous activities are envisaged for carrying out the individual steps of detailed risk

 A.   Identify hazards

A number of tools can be

b e used for identifying hazards. In this case it is recommended
r ecommended to
carry out a system level failure mode and effects (and criticality) analysis, or FME(C)A as
per the available standards [28]. There are also a number of software tools that can
support FME(C) analyses. In addition other
o ther analysis methods such as HAZOP, What-if, or
Checklists may be useful.
B.  Identify relevant damage mechanisms and failure modes

The purpose of this task is to identify the relevant degradation mechanisms and failure
modes. A failure mode is any possible state where a defined function cannot meet the
desired performance standard. The listing of failure modes is made easier if the
functional breakdown is well described. All probable failure causes for the identified
failure modes should be listed for the function. That could be failures dealt with by
current maintenance program, historical failures and possible failures. The RBIM
methodology aims to foresee these and prevent them. The failure cause list should
include all events that are likely linked to the identified failure modes. This should include
equipment wear/deterioration,
wear/deterioration, human factor impact, asset design etc. The root cause
phase investigates the underlying causes connected to the failure modes. Establishin
the root causes increases the possibility of finding the appropriate tasks for preventing
these failure modes. The hierarchical breakdown and the root cause phase in Root Cause
Failure Analysis (RCFA) can certainly provide insights into relevant damage mechanism.

Examples of established methods for CoFsafety are given as references [39], [40]

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CWA 15740:2008 (E)

Failure cause
or Root cause

Material Disturbances,
damage related deviations, function
problems related problems

I. Corrosion, erosion, IV. Fouling / Deposits

environment related damage
IV.A Deposits, Fouling with
I.A Volumetric loss of out fluid disturbances
material on surface

I.B Cracking (on surface

V. Fluid flow disturbances

II. Mechanical or thermo-

mechanical loads related
to: VI. Vibration
II.A Volumetric loss of
material on surface
VII. Improper dimensioning,
II.B Cracking (on surface improper clearances

VIII. Man made disturbances

III. Other structural damage

mechanisms IX. Fires, explosions, similar
X. Damage and/or loss of
function due to other

X.A External leakage


X.B Failed to start (FTS)

X.C Failed while

running (FWR)
X.D Overheated (OHE)

X.E Other (OTH)

Figure 6 - Damage types appearing as failure or root failure causes in RIMAP

Furthermore, for each type of damage – component combination at least the following
 “flags” (attributes) should/can be included

S – related to safety (“safety related”)

r elated”)

A – related to active components

E – related to/relevant for environment (“environmen

(“environmentt related”)

D – type of
o f damage – component combination that requires detailed analysis
per default 
Table 2 presents various types of in-service damage and their specification. The
hierarchy of damage mechanisms in relation to the corresponding hierarchies of plant
components and problems is also shown in Figure 7, with an example case taken of a
fatigue problem.

The approach proposed in RIMAP lists the damage mechanism systematics proposed in
Table 3 with inspection methods aiming to, yielding reasonable combination of POD
(Probability of Detection), effectiveness and FCP (False Calls Probability). This is
presented in Table 3.

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CWA 15740:2008 (E)

Table 2 - Types of damage and their specifics mechanism

Event, Id. and type of damage or Subtypes / specifics / further
problem, disturbances / deviations, details / examples
issue functional problems
I. Corrosion/erosion/environm
ent related damage, leading to:
I.A Volumetric loss of material I.A1 General corrosion, oxidation,
on surface (e.g. thinning) erosion, wear, extended thinning
I.A2 Localized (pi
tting, crevice or
galvanic) corrosion
I.B Cracking (on surface, I.B1 Stress corrosion (chloride,
mainly) caustic, etc.), cracking
I.B2 Hydrogen induced damage (in (incl.
blistering and HT hydrogen attack)
I.B3 Corrosion fatigue
I.C Material weakening and/or I.C1 Thermal degradation
embrittlement (spheroidization, graphitization, etc.
incl. incipient melting)
I.C2 Carburization, decarburization,
I.C3 Embrittlemen
Embrittlementt (incl. h
strain aging, temper embrittlemen
embrittlement, t,
liquid metal embrittlement, etc.)
   S II. Mechanical
Mechanical or thermo-mecha
nical loads related, leading to:
   L II.A Wear II.A1 Sliding wear
   O II.A2 Cavitational
Cavitational wear
   P II.B Strain / dimensional II.B1 Overloading, creep
   E changes / instability / collapse II.B2 Handling damage
   L II.C Microvoid formation II.C1 Creep
   R II.C2 Creep-fatigue
   G II.D Micro-cracking, cracking II.D1 Fatigue (HCF, LCF), thermal
   M fatigue, (corrosion fatigue)
   D II.D2 Thermal shock, creep, creep-
II.E Fracture II.E1 Overloading
   T II.E2 Brittle fracture
III. Other structural damage mechanism
   S IV. Fouling / deposits (without fluid flow disturbances)
   M V Fluid flow disturbances
   B V.A High / low flfluid
uid flow (HFF/LFF)
   R   ) V.B No fluid flow (NFF)
   P   l
   /   i V.C Other fluid flow problems (OFFP)
   S  r
   N   t VI. Vibration (VIB)
   O   a
   I   m
   T   l VII. Improper dimensioning,
dimensioning, improper clearances
   I   a
  r VIII. Man made disturbance (deliberate and unintentional)
   V  u
   E   t
   D  c
  u IX. Fires, explosions and similar
   /   t
   S  s X. Damage and/or loss of function due to other causes
   E  o
   C   t X.A External leakage (EXL*)
   N   d
   B   t
X.B Improper start or stop - failed
failed to start/stop (FT
   R   l
   U  r X.C Failed while running (FWR*)
   T   t
   I   o X.D Overheated (OHE*)
   D   (
X.E Other (OTH*)
* - acronyms broadly corresponding to those used in OREDA [30]

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CWA 15740:2008 (E)

Hierarchical Structure of the

plant: e.g. according to KKS
ID and type of System: Boiler
Subtypes / specifics / further details /
damage or
disturbances /
 , Equipment: Economiser
  m deviations,
   l functional
   b problems Component: Header
 ,   s
   t Component: Tubing
  n  e
  e  u
  v  s
  s Header   Tubing 
   E   i
I. Corrosion/eros
ion/environment related damage, leading to:
I.A Volumetri
c loss I.A1 General corrosion, oxidation, erosion,
   
of material on wear, extended thinning
surface (e.g. I.A2 Localized (pitting,
(pitting, crevice or galvanic)
thinning)  
I.B Cracking (on I.B1 Stress corrosion (chloride, caustic, etc.),
surface, mainly) cracking
I.B2 Hydrogen induced
induced damage (incl. bliste

and HT hydrogen attack)

I.B3 Corrosion fatigue  

I.C Material I.C1 Thermal degradati on (spheroidizatio n,

weakening and/or graphitization,
graphitization, etc. incl. incipient melting)
embrittlement I.C2 Carburizati
on, decarburizati
on, dealloying
I.C3 Embrittlemen
Embrittlementt (incl. hardenin
g, strain
aging, temper embrittlement, liquid metal
embrittlemen t, etc.)
   S II. Mechanical or thermo-me
chanical loads related, leading to:
   E II.A Wear II.A1 Sliding wear  
   B II.A2 Cavitational wear  
   R  
   P II.B Strain / II.B1 Overloading, creep
   D dimensional changes II.B2 Handling damage
   T  / instability / collapse
   L II.C Microvoid II.C1 Creep  
   R formation II.C2 Creep-fatigue  
   A II.D Micro-cracking, II.D1 Fatigue (HCF, LCF), thermal fatigue,
   
   M cracking (corrosion fatigue)
   D II.D2 Thermal
Thermal shock, creep, creep-fatigue
   E II.E Fracture II.E1 Overloading
   T II.E2 Brittle fracture
   M III. Other structural damage mechanisms
IV. Fouling / de
posits ((without
without fluid flow disturbances)  

   S V Fluid flow disturbances

   L V.A High / low fluid flow (HFF/LFF) Details on fatigue problems in
   O V.B No fluid flow (NFF) component XYZ including priorities,
   R   ) PoF/ LoF data and references are
   P   l
   /   i V.C Other fluid flow problems (OFFP)
provided in RIMAP Work books, in
   S  r
  e VI. Vibration (VIB) this particular case RIMAP
   N  t
   I   m VII. Improper dimensioning,
dimensioning, improper clearances Workbook Part I, section 3, page
   T   l 73.
   I   a VIII. Man made disturbance (deliberate and unintentional)
   V  u Note: Overall number of items
   E  t IX. Fires, explosions and similar
   D  c
  u covered in RIMAP Work book for
   /   r
  t X. Damage and/or loss o
off fun
ction due tto
o o
ther causes Power plants approximates to 500,
   S  s
   E  o X.A External leakage (EXL*) the stars () indicate presence of
   C  t
   N   d corresponding
correspondin g damage mechanisms.
   A  e X.B Improper start or stop - failed to start/stop (FTS*)
   B  t
Two or more stars (, )
   R   l X.C Failed while running (FWR*) indicate more important or more
   U  e
   T  t X.D Overheated (OHE*) likely events, problems, issues …
   I   o
   D   n
   ( X.E Other (OTH*)

Figure 7 - Types of damage and their specifics in relation to hierarchical structure of the plant according to KKS

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CWA 15740:2008 (E)

Table 3 - Example of classification of type of damage vs. prioritized methods of inspection

What  type
 type of damage How  to
 to look for it Measure of uncertainty/risk for selected/preferred method 5  

POD for defect size of or size for FCP6;

Identifier and Type of most cost selected
Damage specifics, damage mechanism best POD6  comments,
damage effective method
1 mm 3 mm 90% POD examples
I. Corrosion/erosion/environment related damage, equating or leading to:
I.A Volumetric loss of I.A1 General corrosion, oxidation, DiM, VT, ET, UT, (VT),
material on erosion, wear solid particle UT 30÷70% 50÷90% 2 mm
surface (e.g. erosion UT7   DiM
I.A2 Localized (pitting, crevice or
galvanic) corrosion
UT, DiM, ET VT, UT UT 30÷70% 40÷90% 2 mm see 8 

I.B Cracking (on I.B1 Stress corrosion (chloride, caustic,

surface, mainly) etc.)
MT, PT, ET MT, PT, ET ET max 85% 40÷90% 4±2 mm <5% 9 

I.B2 Hydrogen induced damage (incl. UT, MT, PT, MT, PT10 ,
blistering and HT hydrogen attack) UT na na na na 
ET MT11 

I.B3 Corrosion fatigue MT, PT, ET, 80÷96%12 50÷99%12,14 3±1 mm12,15 
VT 86÷98%13  95÷99%,14  0.8±0.4 mm,16 

I.C Material I.C1 Thermal degradation (microscopy) ~100% POD for cracks > 1 mm, 90% POD
weakening and/or (spheroidization, graphitization,
gr aphitization, MeT MeT MeT crack ca. 0.05 mm; main "reliability related problems" linked
embrittlement etc. incl. incipient melting) to wrong sampling, wrong preparation and wrong

 if not mentioned otherwise all based on re-assessment of data [37]
 see Abbreviation
Abbreviationss in the main list of abbreviations
 AE - acoustic emission; PT - penetrant testing; DiM - dimensional measurements; VbM - vibration monitoring; DsM – on-line displacement monitoring; StM - on-line strain monitoring; VT - visual
testing; ET – Eddy current testing; UT- ultrasonic testing; VTE - visual testing by endoscope; MeT - metallography, includi
ng RpT (replica technique); MST - material sample testing; na - not
8 applicable
 the estimate can be affected significantly by local effects (e. g. small-scale pits can remain completely undetected)
 ET for non-ferromagnetic materials,
materials, sample results in [37]
 surface, also
 crack length
 crack depth
 for welds as low as 20%
 usually more than 5 mm for welds or steels
 can be more than 5 mm for welds
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CWA 15740:2008 (E)

What  type
 type of damage How  to
 to look for it Measure of uncertainty/risk for selected/preferred method 5  

POD for defect size of or size for FCP6;

Identifier and Type of most cost selected
Damage specifics, damage mechanism best POD6  comments,
damage effective method
1 mm 3 mm 90% POD examples
interpretation of replicas (all numbers are very rough
I.C2 Carburization, decarburization,  “guesstimates”)

I.C3 Embrittlement (incl. hardening,

strain aging, temper embrittlement
embrittlement,, MST MST MST na na na
liquid metal embrittlement, etc.)

II. Mechanical or thermomechanical loads related, leading to:

II.A Wear II.A1 Sliding wear VT, DiM, ET VT, UT

II.A2 Cavitational wear

II.B Strain / II.B1 Overloading, creep, required

dimensional resolution ≤ 
changes / II.B2 Handling damage DiM DiM DiM na na na
0.1 mm or
instability /
0.5 %

II.C Microvoid II.C1 Creep MeT (UT), MeT

II.C2 Creep-fatigue

II.D Microcracking, II.D1 Fatigue (HCF, LCF), thermal

PT max 90% 20÷90% 1.5÷6.5 mm 17 
cracking fatigue, (corrosion fatigue)
UT, (MT/PT),
II.D2 thermal shock, creep, creep-
MT 5÷90% 50÷90% 2.5÷10 mm 18 

II.E Fracture II.E1 Overloading VT, DiM VT VT

analysis of
na na na
II.E2 Brittle fracture

 typical range; in extreme cases 0.5÷12 mm or more; more uncertainties for welds – but cracks transverse to welds detected easier than the longitudinal ones
 typical range; in extreme cases 1÷18 mm or more; applicable for ferromagnetic materials (steels)

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CWA 15740:2008 (E)

C.  Determine PoF

The current probability of failure and the PoF development over time should be assessed
for all relevant damage mechanisms. The development
development of the PoF over time is an
important parameter to consider when the maintena
nce/inspection strategies and
intervals are determined later in the analysis. The probability
pr obability of failure should also be
linked to the appropriate end event in the bow tie model [15] to ensure that each
consequence is assigned the correct probability
pr obability of failure. In addition the uncertainty in
the PoF assessment should be determined.

For introducing the PoF according to RIMAP procedure, three different types of source
can be used. One common reference source is taken from statistical analysis of historical
data (H/S) on failures in comparable components. A second common source is based on
forecasting or modelling (F/M) of the foreseen failure mode in the component
considered. The third source is expert judgment (E/J), whereby human expertise is
applied to extract the best estimate of PoF (see Figure
F igure 8). The individual sources for
overall PoF determination are combined as outlined in Figure 8. The elements from
different kinds of sources can be modified according to factors related to source
reliability and application.

PoF value based PoF’ Basic Expert’s correction  PoF/LoF value
on Expert
PoF/LoF estimate of basic PoF value  for risk analysis


Expert’s correction of PoF value from PoF value from Expert’s correction of

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