Workshop 4

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UNIT 2: Great people - Workshop 4

Unit 2: Great people

In this unit, students learn how to…

• Learn to talk about ages, dates and birthdays

-Cardinal and Ordinal Numbers

• Learn to describe people in a picture

• Learn about prepositions of time and place

Can you arrange the months of the year?

August May November October

June February April September
January December March July

What day is it today?

There are two sets different sets of numbers

A Cardinal Number is a number that says how many of

something there are, such as one, two, three, four, five.

An Ordinal Number is a number that tells the position of

something in a list, such as 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th etc.
We use ordinal numbers for dates.


-The 12th of February

-The twelfth of February

- February the twelfth

What is the date?
Think of famous dates and ask your classmates
When is your birthday?
When is Chilean Independence day?
When is Christmas?
How old are you?
How many pets do you have?
Can you tell me your cellphone
Prepositions of time: In - On

We use IN to talk about

“big” periods of time, years,
months and weeks.
Messi was born in 1987.

We use ON to talk about

“small” periods of time, the
weekend, days of the week
or a specific date.
My birthday is on 3rd
Talking about ages and birthdays
Put the conversation in the correct order.

1 A Is she your daughter?

___ A She’s really tall! How old is she?
___ A Well, say “Happy birthday” from me!
___ A Oh, when’s her birthday?
___ B Emily is seven. Sorry, I mean she’s six.
Her birthday is this month.
___ B Yes, this is Emily.
___ B It’s August 23.
Talking about ages and birthdays
Write about a family member or a friend and tell
your classmates
Follow this example:

This is Victor.
He is 19 years old.
His birthday is on December 3rd
Listen for gist
Listen to Flora talk about the people in the photo. What do they do together?
Listen for details
Listen again. Write the names of the people: Aniko, Claudia, Tony, and Zack.
Listen for details
Listen again. Complete the sentences with the names from the photo.

1 _________ is 23.
2 _________ is from Los Angeles.
3 _________ is an artist.
4 _________ is really friendly.
5 _________ is a doctor.
6 _________ is 28.
Prepositions of place

Same as time, they go from bigger

to smaller, or general to specific
Prepositions of place
Read the sentences about the photo. Choose the correct words.
1 Aniko is between / on the right Claudia and Zack.
2 Tony is in / on the left.
3 Claudia is next / next to Tony.
4 We’re at / in Chicago.
5 Flora isn’t next to I / me.
Describe a photo to your classmates

1 Choose one of the pictures

2 Prepare to speak about the picture.

Say where people are in the picture and give
information about the people (happy, tall, old,
doctor, chef, etc.).

3 Tell another student about your photo.

A group of 6 friends
They are outside
They are young and happy
They are friendly and funny
The girls are between the boys
Describe a photo to your classmates

Complete the sentences so they are true for you.

1 My mom is __________ (nationality).

2 My dad is __________ (age).

3 My grandmother is _________ (name).

4 My grandfather is from __________ (city).

5 My best friend is __________ (personality).

6 My birthday is in __________ (month).

Now I can ...
❑ describe friends in a photo.
❑ Talk about ages, dates and birthdays
❑ Talk about my family
❑ Use prepositions of place and time

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