Myp Physics Student Checklists

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Student checklist

Here are the learning objectives for this chapter. Tick the box next to each objective to show
how confident you are in the topic.

Not Somewhat Very

confident confident confident
Identify the constituent parts of an atom

Interpret and use atomic notation

Describe the evidence for the nucleus

Identify the (relative) charge and mass of the

constituents of the atom by charge and mass
Describe nuclei using atomic notation

Identify isotopes

Classify longitudinal and transverse waves

Interpret diagrams and graphs to identify the

wavelength, time-period and amplitude of waves
Apply the equation f = to convert between
time-period and frequency
Apply the wave equation: v = f 

Revise the topics that you are less confident in.

Student checklist

Here are the learning objectives for this chapter. Tick the box next to each objective to show
how confident you are in the topic.

Not Somewhat Very

confident confident confident
Identify the force of gravity as an attractive force
between all objects of mass
Outline the factors that affect the force of gravity

Apply the equation W = mg

Describe the difference between mass and weight

Describe the charging of objects in terms of the

movement of electrons
Explain how objects may become charged by
Determine whether electrostatic forces are
attractive or repulsive

Revise the topics that you are less confident in.

Student checklist

Here are the learning objectives for this chapter. Tick the box next to each objective to show
how confident you are in the topic.

Not Somewhat Very

confident confident confident
Present data in a graph using suitable scales

Evaluate the strength of experimental evidence

using the ideas of reliability and validity
Describe the trend of a graph using terms such as
linear, non-linear, and directly proportional
Describe the Doppler effect

Apply the Doppler effect to the recession of

distant galaxies

Revise the topics that you are less confident in.

Student checklist

Here are the learning objectives for this chapter. Tick the box next to each objective to show
how confident you are in the topic.

Not Somewhat Very

confident confident confident
Describe the difference between distance and
Apply conversions between different units for
Solve problems using the equation v =
Describe the difference between speed and velocity

Apply conversions between different units for

speed or velocity
Identify scalar and vector quantities

Solve problems using the equation a =
Interpret distance-time and velocity-time graphs

Sketch distance-time and velocity-time graphs for

simple motions
Design experiments to measure the speed and
acceleration of objects
Apply the rule that like poles attract and opposite
poles repel
Explain how a material can be magnetized using
the idea of domains
Sketch simple patterns of magnetic field lines

Outline the nature of the Earth’s magnetic field

Revise the topics that you are less confident in.

Student checklist

Here are the learning objectives for this chapter. Tick the box next to each objective to show
how confident you are in the topic.

Not Somewhat Very

confident confident confident
Describe different states of matter and their properties

Explain the properties of different states of matter in

terms of particles
Describe temperature in terms of the motion of
Identify changes of state

Describe changes of state in terms of the motion of

Discuss the difference between boiling and evaporation

Explain evaporation and condensation in terms of

Apply the equation for density:  =
Discuss the role of density in sinking and floating

Design and experiment to measure the density of an


Revise the topics that you are less confident in.

Student checklist

Here are the learning objectives for this chapter. Tick the box next to each objective to show
how confident you are in the topic.

Not Somewhat Very

confident confident confident
Identify different forces in various situations
Draw diagrams to represent the forces that act on an
Apply the equation W = mg
Identify balanced forces
Calculate work done using the equation W = Fd
Classify levers into first-, second- and third-class
Demonstrate how levers can change the force applied
to achieve the same work
Analyse situations to find unbalanced forces
Apply the equation F = ma
Identify Newton-pair forces
Describe electric current in terms of the movement of
electrons in a metal
Construct and interpret simple circuit diagrams
Identify series and parallel circuits
Describe how to measure current and voltage in a
Explain resistance in terms of electron flow and current
Describe how to measure the resistance of a
Apply the equation V = IR
Analyse systems of combined resistances in series and
Apply the equations for resistors in series and parallel:
1 1 1 1
Rtot = R1 + R2 + R3 … and = + + ...
Rtot R1 R2 R3
Describe the effect of temperature and light intensity
on the resistance of Thermistors and LDRs

Revise the topics that you are less confident in.

Student checklist

Here are the learning objectives for this chapter. Tick the box next to each objective to show
how confident you are in the topic.

Not Somewhat Very

confident confident confident
Outline what is meant by a constellation and recall
that stars in the same constellation are often vast
distances apart
Sketch the layout of objects in the solar system

Explain how the retrograde motion of planets

provides evidence that the Earth is not at the centre
of the solar system
Distinguish between stars, planets, dwarf planets,
moons and asteroids
Describe a galaxy as a collection of billions of stars

Revise the topics that you are less confident in.

Student checklist

Here are the learning objectives for this chapter. Tick the box next to each objective to show
how confident you are in the topic.

Not Somewhat Very

confident confident confident
Sketch the magnetic field around a current-carrying
wire and a solenoid
Describe the factors that affect the strength of an
Apply Fleming’s Left-Hand Rule

Analyse the factors which affect the force on a

current-carrying wire in a magnetic field
Outline the construction of an electric motor
Explain electromagnetic induction in terms of
cutting field lines
Describe the factors which affect the induced
voltage when a wire is moved through a magnetic
field and when a magnet is moved relative to a coil
of wire
Outline the operation of an electric generator

Outline the differences between a.c and d.c.

Describe the operation of a transformer and apply
the transformer equation: =
Identify sound as a longitudinal wave

Describe sound waves in terms of wavelength and

frequency and identify the range of sounds which
are audible to humans
Outline the working of a loudspeaker and a
microphone and explain the energy transfers in
Apply the wave equation: v = f 

Revise the topics that you are less confident in.

Student checklist

Here are the learning objectives for this chapter. Tick the box next to each objective to show
how confident you are in the topic.

Not Somewhat Very

confident confident confident
Construct a good hypothesis for an investigation

Identify the dependent, independent and control

variables in an experiment
Describe the addition of waves and determine
when constructive or destructive interference
Outline the process of diffraction and describe the
effect of the size of the aperture on the angle of
Identify the angles of incidence of reflection and
apply the law of reflection
Define the refractive index of a material and apply
the equation for the speed of light in a material:
Explain how refraction is caused as the speed of
light changes from one medium to another and
how total internal reflection can occur when
Apply Snell’s law: n1 sin(1 ) = n2 sin( 2 )

Evaluate whether total internal reflection will occur

in a given situation and apply the equation
sin( c ) =
Outline some of the uses of refraction and total
internal reflection

Revise the topics that you are less confident in.

Student checklist

Here are the learning objectives for this chapter. Tick the box next to each objective to show
how confident you are in the topic.

Not Somewhat Very

confident confident confident
Describe pressure and apply the equation p =
Explain how gases can exert a force in terms of
their particles.
Apply the equation p = h g

Explain why compressing a gas will increase its

pressure and apply Boyle’s law: p  or
pV = constant
Explain how the temperature of a gas affects the
motion of the particles and how this would affect
the pressure of the gas
Apply the pressure law: p  T

Outline the methods of heat transfer: conduction,

convection and radiation, and identify situations in
which they occur

Revise the topics that you are less confident in.

Student checklist

Here are the learning objectives for this chapter. Tick the box next to each objective to show
how confident you are in the topic.

Not Somewhat Very

confident confident confident
Apply the equation W = Fd

Identify the form of energy in different situations

and the transfers between them
1 2
Calculate the Kinetic energy using E = mv
Calculate the gravitational potential energy using
the equation E = mgh
Calculate the change in thermal energy using
E = mcT
Calculate the electrical energy transferred using the
equation E = IVt
Solve problems involving energy transfers

Identify when energy is lost (including friction)

Calculate the efficiency of a system using the

useful output energy
equation efficiency = 100%
total input energy
useful output power
or efficiency = 100%
total input power
Apply the equation P = to calculate power
Outline how energy is generated from different
fuels and sources and identify the energy transfers
Describe the difference between renewable sources
and non-renewable sources of energy

Revise the topics that you are less confident in.

Student checklist

Here are the learning objectives for this chapter. Tick the box next to each objective to show
how confident you are in the topic.

Not Somewhat Very

confident confident confident
Describe the electromagnetic spectrum and the
properties of different types of waves in the spectrum
Classify waves in the electromagnetic spectrum
according to wavelength
Identify visible light as having a wavelength of about
400–700 nm and organize the colours of the rainbow
according to wavelength or frequency
Outline some of the uses of waves in the
electromagnetic spectrum
Outline some of the dangers of waves in the
electromagnetic spectrum
Recall the speed of light as 3 × 108 m s–1

Apply the equation v = f 

Outline the process of α-decay and present α-decay in

atomic notation
Outline the process of β-decay and present β-decay in
atomic notation
Outline the process of γ-decay

Classify α-, β- and γ-radiation according to their

Determine the half-life of a radioactive material

Identify sources of background radiation

Describe the dangers and uses of radioactive sources

Describe the chain reaction that occurs in a nuclear
power station
Outline the functions of the moderator and control
rods in a nuclear power station
Discuss the benefits and limitations of nuclear power

Revise the topics that you are less confident in.


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