Group 1 Presentation

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Mark Angelo Refe

Statement Of
the Problem
The problem statement should explain why the
problem is an issue and why it's essential to find a
solution, in addition to what the issue is. The other
"W" questions will often flow naturally from this.
For instance: Why should we resolve this issue?
This is a point of view statement based on the researcher's An example of a non-evidence-based problem is the statement,

"Based on the researcher's experience, the problem is that

personal (anecdotal) perspective: "Based on the researcher's
people don't accept female leaders," which is based on personal
experience, the problem is that people don't accept female experience. Real-life means that there is always a problem,

leaders. Real-life signifies that a problem exists whether or not whether or not research has been conducted. This means that

"lack of information" or "lack of research" cannot be considered

research has been performed. Because of the fact that this is an
as the problem for a research project since it is an academic
academic issue or difference instead of a bigger issue that impacts problem or a gap instead of an issue that real people or groups

people or organizations, the "lack of information" or "lack of experience.

research" cannot be used as the problem for a research project.

How to write
Statement of the
STEP 1: Contextualize the 1


Practical problems in research

This section provides background Focus on the details of the

information for your study. It situation when conducting

identifies the issue and offers a practical research:

situation that would be suitable if

the problem didn't exist. It also When and where does the

includes any previous errors made issue start?

in trying to solve the issue. Who is the issue affecting?

What steps have been done to
solve this problem?
STEP 2: Show why it matters

Practical problems in research

The relevance of the research A specific issue that impacts an industry,
should be included in the problem organization, social group, or society at large is
statement. Why is it important to directly related to practical research. You might
solve the problem? The problem's consider the following questions to clarify the

feasibility, researchability, and relevance of your study problem:

What will take place if the issue is not fixed?
clear solution of a relevant problem
Who will suffer the effects?
in your domain are more important
Does the issue have a bigger impact? Exist
comparable problems in other contexts?
Step 3: Set your aims and

Practical problems in research

The relevance of the research A specific issue that impacts an industry,
should be included in the problem organization, social group, or society at large is
statement. Why is it important to directly related to practical research. You might
solve the problem? The problem's consider the following questions to clarify the

feasibility, researchability, and relevance of your study problem:

What will take place if the issue is not fixed?
clear solution of a relevant problem
Who will suffer the effects?
in your domain are more important
Does the issue have a bigger impact? Exist
comparable problems in other contexts?
Step 3: Set your
Lastly, the problem statement
aims and objectives

should explain how you plan

to deal with the issue. Instead
of attempting to come up with The overall goal of your research is
a proper answer, your goal stated in the research aim. It is often
should be to suggest written in the infinitive form:
improved methods for
dealing with or This study's objective is to verify The specific actions you'll take to
accomplish the goal are the
understanding the problem. This study seeks to investigate.
research objectives:
This study seeks to investigate the
topic into To find out qualitative
methodologies will be applied.
Surveys will be used in this
effort to gather
The study will quantify via
statistical analysis.
Significance of the
A study's significance defines its value. It speaks
about the study's impact on a research field and
its contribution(s). The importance also
identifies who and how the study findings are
beneficial to. A written explanation of the study's
importance outlines the necessity of the
research. It serves as a defense of the
significance of your work, the influence it has on
your study area, its contribution to new
knowledge, and how it will help others.
"The research is made with the aim
to provide a crucial information
and knowledge regarding to the
chosen topic from the
respondents, recent studies, or
thesis and related sites needed for
the expected importance to the
How to write
Significance of Study?
When writing about the study's
relevance, start by considering the
overall impact of your work, such
as its significance to society, and
work your way down to the Always cite the problem statement
individual level, which may involve when describing the study's
you as the researcher. You start relevance. You may precisely
generally before progressively describe the contribution of your
focusing on a particular group or study in this way. Your research
individual. should, as simply as possible, After giving the study's background,
respond to the following inquiry: you must include it in the paper's
"What are the advantages or Introductory section. You must
benefits of the study based on the explain why you think the study is
statement of the problem? ” important and how it will idea was
developed of both the general
research field and the targeted
research subject.
A statement of expectation or prediction that will be
put to the test via study is called a research
hypothesis. Discover more regarding the topic that
interests you before developing your study idea. In
other words, it's a statement that, although based on
facts (or some acceptable assumptions), explains
why or how something works, but hasn't been put
to a specific experiment. A hypothesis may read, for
instance, as follows: Sleep affects academic
"Educational achievement is
affected by sleeping". This
statement expresses the realistic
assumption that a student's
amount and/or quality of sleep will
affect their educational outcomes.
How to write
Predicts the connection and result.

Avoid using unnecessary words and keep it

Without any interpretation or presumptions

of the readers' expertise, it is clear.
measurable outcomes that can be tested.
relevant and pertinent to the study subject
or issue.

A basic hypothesis just suggests the

connection between the independent
and dependent variables. Examples:
The next day you feel exhausted if you
stay up late. Your phone will charge
more quickly if you turn it off.
1. What are the three steps on
5. What is significance of the
how to conduct a problem 8. How to write
6. How to write a significance of hypothesis?
2. What is problem statement?
3. Why does problem
the study? 9. What is the two types
7. What type of research that of variables that needed
statement is important in
predicts before developing a
research? in hypothesis?
4. What is the goal of problem 10. Define hypothesis
1. Contextualize, Show your matters, Set your 8.
aims and objectives. Predicts the connection and result.
2. A problem that needs to be solved Avoid using unnecessary words and keep it
3. Assures that the research has been simple.
carefully planned and targets an important Without any interpretation or presumptions of

and relevant problem by providing a clear the readers' expertise, it is clear.

and clear path for the research. measurable outcomes that can be tested.
relevant and pertinent to the study subject or
4. To identify the problem that needs
9. Independent and Dependent Variables
5. It refers to impact and contribution of
10. A statement of expectation or prediction that
will be tested by research.
6. Always refer to the problem statement
7. Hypothesis
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