GI B1 Diagnostic Test

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Diagnostic test

Name: __________________________________

Vocabulary __ /25 Listening __ /15

Grammar __ /25 Speaking __ /10
Reading __ /15 Writing __ /10
TOTAL __/__ ; __%

4 Choose the correct option.
1 Complete the sentences with the prepositions in 1 Her biggest achieve/achievement was winning the
the box. Young Inventor of the Year competition.
about at in of on 2 My little brother is really embarrassed/
embarrassing – he always says silly things!
1 I’m not a big fan ____________ science-fiction films.
3 We’re worried/worrying about Eva because she
2 My parents are very keen ____________ jazz.
isn’t sleeping well and she’s exhausted.
3 My friend is mad ____________ hip hop.
4 Do you think a good educate/education is the most
4 I’m not good ____________ playing the drums. important thing for children?
5 We’re really interested ____________ cookery shows. 5 I need to improve/improvement my handwriting –
my teacher says he can’t read it!
Score __/5
Score __/5
2 Put the sentences in the correct order 1–5.
5 Match 1–5 with a–e to make sentences and
a ____ He got married to my mum soon after getting
his first job at the hospital.
1 He spoke angrily a cake – please have a
b _____ We moved house last year, but he still works
at the same hospital and he never wants to retire!
2 Can you load b beautifully.
c ____ He went to university to study medicine and
became a doctor. 3 I take out c to his neighbour.
d ____ My dad was born in 1982. He grew up in a 4 She played the piano d the dishwasher,
small town in the north of the country. please?
e ____ They had three children – me, my brother and 5 I’ve baked a huge e the rubbish and
my sister. recycling every night.
Score __/5 Score __/5

3 Read definitions 1–5 and complete the nouns.

1 It wakes you up in the an a ____________
morning. c ____________
2 It cleans your clothes. a w ____________
m ____________
3 It keeps your food cold. a f ____________
4 They cut things like paper some s __________
and hair.
5 It protects your head. a h ____________
Score __/5

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Diagnostic test

Grammar 9 Correct one mistake in each sentence.

6 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the 1 If you play baseball professionally, you have play
verb in brackets. a lot of matches.
1 She ____________ (cut) the grass when it started _____________________________________
to rain. 2 We going to get tickets for that band – they’re
2 He used ____________ (be) a famous actor, but he really good.
now he’s a musician. _____________________________________
3 While he was sweeping the floor, he ____________ 3 She believes her new invention will to change the
(find) a valuable gold coin. world.
4 My grandfather ____________ (can) draw anything _____________________________________
– he wasn’t very artistic.
4 They are going to invite their cousins to the party –
5 There ____________ (be) enough bins at the park there are too many of them!
for all the litter. The litter was everywhere!
Score __/5
5 You not have to be good at something to find it
7 Complete the text with the words in the box. enjoyable.
enough many messier nicest some
Score __/5
I’m very different from my sister. She’s very confident
and makes friends more easily than I do. I’ve got 1 10 Choose the correct answers.
____________ good friends, but not 2 ___________.
1 I have taken/took the dog for a walk every day last
She’s much 3 ____________ than I am, and never week.
throws anything away. Her room is tiny and she hasn’t 2 My dad has met/met a lot of famous people – he’s
got 4 ____________ space for all her stuff! But even a journalist.
though we’re different, we get on really well. For me, 3 We haven’t stayed in a youth hostel for/since a
she’s the 5 ____________ sister in the world. long time.
4 She has written/wrote her first blog post a month
Score __/5

8 Match 1–5 with a–e to make sentences. 5 I’ve ever/never done a bungee jump and I don’t
think I ever will!
1 If you lay and clear the a play laser tag for my
table every day, I’ll birthday – I’m not Score __/5
2 When you stay active, b you won’t forget your
life experiences.
3 I might c give you some pocket
4 If you keep a diary, d turn off the TV after
this show. I promise!
5 I’ll e you keep fit.
Score __/5

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Diagnostic test

The deciding factor 12 Read the text again. Match the definitions to the
How many decisions do you think you make every day? words in bold in the text.
Sources suggest that by the time we’re adults, we make
1 feel bad about _______________
about 35,000 decisions daily! These can range from
simple decisions about what to wear, to much more 2 hurtful, not nice _______________
complex decisions like what we want to do when we leave 3 reduce _______________
school. So, if good decision-making is important, how
can we do it better? 4 include _______________
5 an effect or final result _______________
One option is for schools to include decision education in
Score __/5
the curriculum. This teaches skills such as the collection,
organisation and analysis of information, and how to
13 Read the text again and answer the questions.
make skilful predictions about outcomes. I think this
focus could definitely help students make improvements 1 What can help students improve their ability to
in decision-making skills. But the reality is we can’t make good decisions?
predict our future. And, according to some psychologists,
the results of a decision probably won’t make us as happy
or as sad as we imagined. So, when something positive 2 What do some psychologists say about predicting
happens, it’ll be good, but not amazing. And if something our future?
bad happens, it won’t be as bad as we thought. So, we _____________________________________
shouldn’t worry too much about the consequences of our
decisions. 3 What does the writer say we need to be careful of?
However, we should think carefully about our emotions.
4 What might we do when we feel angry?
For example, if we feel angry we might decide to do
something that we regret later, like saying something _____________________________________
mean to a friend or even breaking something. And while 5 Why does the writer suggest that ‘less is more’?
most of us think it’s better to have a lot of choices in
order to make the right decision, there are times when _____________________________________
less is more. I’m sure you’ve looked at a restaurant menu Score __/5
and said, ‘There’s just too much choice. It’s impossible to
decide!’ Sometimes, it’s helpful to limit your options
because too many choices can be stressful.

Whatever your next decision might be, consider the

above. My next decision is what to have for breakfast …
Eggs? Fruit? Oh, decisions, decisions …

11 Read the article quickly and find

1 a heading ________________________________
2 a statistic ________________________________
3 a question ________________________________
4 an opinion ________________________________
5 a quote ___________________________________
Score __/5

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Diagnostic test

14 You’re going to listen to an interview. Listen to 16 Listen again to the interview. Are the sentences
the introduction and write short notes. T (true) or F (false)?
1 Who? 1 Leo is bored when he’s at the youth centre. TF
_____________________________________ 2 Leo felt excited when he started school. T/F
2 Where? 3 Leo is thankful for the impact the youth club
has had on his life. T/F
4 Leo is upset that he doesn’t have friends
3 What?
at school. T/F
5 Leo feels uncomfortable with the competitive
4 Why? nature of school. T/F
_____________________________________ Score __/5
Score __/5

15 Listen to the complete interview and choose the

correct option.
1 What can young people do at the centre?
a meet friends; play football
b use computers; play table tennis
c play tennis; play computer games
2 When did Leo join the youth centre?
a last week b last year c last month
3 Why doesn’t Leo have any friends at school?
a he was bullied
b he doesn’t know anyone
c he’s competitive
4 Who had a birthday party last week?
a Leo b Sam c Lily
5 What does Sam think of school?
a he hates school work
b he doesn’t like the students in his class
c he doesn’t like his teachers
6 Why is it easier for Leo and Sam to make friends at
the youth group?
a everyone is the same age
b there are lots of parties
c everyone is friendly and fun
Score __/5

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Diagnostic test

17 Complete the table with the phrases in the box.

How could I do that? Thanks, I’ll try that. That’s not going to work.

What about (trying) ... ? You should (give) ...

Giving advice Asking for clarification Accepting or rejecting advice

Why don’t you (ask) ... ? Do you think ... ? That’s a good/great idea.
You could always (ask) ... 3 _________________ I don’t think that I could do that.
1 _________________ 4 _________________
2 _________________ 5 _________________

Score __/5

18 Work in pairs.

Student A Student B

a Your parents have agreed to buy you a new a Student A is going to ask for some advice. Use
tablet, but you have to pay for half of it. Listen to the ideas below or you own ideas, and phrases
Student B’s advice on how to raise the money for giving advice. You might need to clarify what
you need. Use phrases for rejecting and you mean, such as giving an example.
accepting advice, and asking for clarification.  do a funny challenge and ask friends/family to
Decide how you’re going to raise the money. sponsor you
b Student B is going to ask for some advice. Use  do jobs at home
the ideas below or your own ideas, and phrases
for giving advice. You might need to clarify what  get a part-time job
you mean, such as giving an example.  sell some things online
 go out for ice cream b You want to organise a birthday celebration for
 have a movie night one of your friends, but you don’t have much
money to spend on an activity. Listen to Student
 have a picnic in the park A’s advice on what you could do. Use phrases
 organise a surprise party at your house for rejecting and accepting advice, and asking
for clarification. Decide what you’re going to do
for your friend’s birthday.

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Diagnostic test

19 Write a review about a film or a show you have
seen. Use the prompts below to help you.
 the name of the film/show
 a short description of it
 your opinion of the film/show
 who would like it

Write approximately 100 words.














Score __/10

Get Involved! B1 © Macmillan Education Limited 2021

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