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Teknicast Sdn. Bhd.

Doc: Title: Caliper Calibration Issue/Rev:

WI-CAL-001 01/00







Name Signature Effective Date

Prepared by: Mohd Azrin Kamarudin 20th Dec 2013

Mohd Helmie b Mohd
Reviewed by: 20th Dec 2013
Approved by: Rajeshwaran Chinniah 20th Dec 2013

Effective Date: 20th Dec 2013 Page 1 of 11

Teknicast Sdn. Bhd.
Doc: Title: Caliper Calibration Issue/Rev:
WI-CAL-001 01/00
Issue and Revision History

Issue / Rev No. Description Reviewed By Approved By Effective Date

01/00 Initial Release Norhaslinda 20th Dec 2013
Include Caliper 300
mm into Calibration Helmie

1.0 Scope

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Teknicast Sdn. Bhd.
Doc: Title: Caliper Calibration Issue/Rev:
WI-CAL-001 01/00

This instruction specifies calibration of caliper with range of 0 to 150 mm, 0 to 200 mm and 0 to

2.0 Basis of Calibration

2.1 The basis of calibration is based on JIS B7507:1993

2.2 ISO Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty, 1st Edition, 1995

3.0 Equipment Use

3.1 Gauge Block

3.2 Caliper Checker

4.0 Environmental Condition

4.1 Temperature 20 ± 2°C

4.2 Relative humidity 55 ± 5 %

5.0 Pre Calibration Inspection

5.1 Clean test instrument so that dirt would not get in the way of proper measurement
5.2 Inspect measuring surface for dent or nick that might affect the straightness. Clean of
any nick found using high grade sand paper or using precision file to rub off any
protrusion or sharp edges.
5.3 Ensure all moveable parts operate smoothly and correctly.
5.4 Ensure the repeatability is achieved by moving the caliper forth and back few times
and then go to zero back. See if it able to read zero again.
5.5 Leave the test instrument in the calibration area for a period of not less four hours
before proceed with the calibration.

6.0 Preparation

6.1 Clean block gauges and caliper checker required and place them together with the
test instrument to stabilize.

7.0 Calibration Instruction

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Teknicast Sdn. Bhd.
Doc: Title: Caliper Calibration Issue/Rev:
WI-CAL-001 01/00

7.1 External Measurement

7.1.1 Lay Caliper Checker horizontally on Granite Table.
7.1.2 Set test instrument to zero. External jaw should close together. Depress
pointer release button to ensure zero repeats.
7.1.3 Set the test instrument to measure size available in Caliper Checker which are:
10.00, 20.00, 49.88, 99.76, 149.64, 199.52 (199.52 mm is extra measurement
for test instrument with range of 0 to 200mm), 249.40 and 299.28 mm ( 249.40
and 299.28 mm is extra measurement for test instrument with range of 0 to
7.1.4 Read off the value indicated by the digital indicator and record the data.
7.1.5 Repeat step 7.1.2 until 7.1.4 for 2 times more.

7.2 Internal Measurement

7.2.1 Lay Caliper Checker horizontally on Granite Table.
7.2.2 Set test instrument to zero. Internal jaw should close together. Depress pointer
release button to ensure zero repeats.
7.2.3 Set the test instrument to measure size available in Caliper Checker which are:
20.00, 49.88, 99.76, 149.64, 199.52 (199.52 mm is extra measurement for test
instrument with range of 0 to 200 mm), 249.40 and 299.28 mm (249.40 and
299.28 mm is extra measurement for test instrument with range of 0 to
7.2.5 Read off the value indicated by the digital indicator and record the data.
7.2.6 Repeat step 7.2.2 until 7.2.4 for 2 times more.

7.3 Depth Measurement

7.3.1 Lay Block Gauge vertically on Granite Table.
7.3.2 Set test instrument to zero. External jaw should close together. Depress
pointer release button to ensure zero repeats.
7.3.3 Set the test instrument to measure Block Gauge size of 3.10, 15.80, 25.00,
75.00 and 100.00 mm.
7.3.4 Read off the value indicated by the digital indicator and record the data.
7.3.5 Repeat step 7.3.2 until 7.3.4 for 2 times more.

8.0 Calibration Data

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Teknicast Sdn. Bhd.
Doc: Title: Caliper Calibration Issue/Rev:
WI-CAL-001 01/00
Table 1 : External Measurement

Nominal Read 1 Read 2 Read 3 M

10.00 R1 R2 R3 M1
20.00 R1 R2 R3 M1
49.88 R1 R2 R3 M1
99.76 R1 R2 R3 M1
149.64 R1 R2 R3 M1
199.52* R1 R2 R3 M1
249.40** R1 R2 R3 M1
299.28** R1 R2 R3 M1
*Fill up if test instrument range from 0 to 200mm only.
**Fill up if test instrument range from 0 to 300mm only.

Table 2: Internal Measurement

Nominal Read 1 Read 2 Read 3 M

10.00 R1 R2 R3 M1
20.00 R1 R2 R3 M1
49.88 R1 R2 R3 M1
99.76 R1 R2 R3 M1
149.64 R1 R2 R3 M1
199.52* R1 R2 R3 M1
* R1 R2 R3 M1
* R1 R2 R3 M1
*Fill up if test instrument range from 0 to 200mm only.
**Fill up if test instrument range from 0 to 300mm only.

Table 3: Depth Measurement

Nominal Read 1 Read 2 Read 3 M

3.10 R1 R2 R3 M1
15.80 R1 R2 R3 M1
25.00 R1 R2 R3 M1
75.00 R1 R2 R3 M1
100.00 R1 R2 R3 M1

9.0 Calculation

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Teknicast Sdn. Bhd.
Doc: Title: Caliper Calibration Issue/Rev:
WI-CAL-001 01/00

9.1 Measured value

9.1.1 For each of the nominal range from 0 to 200 mm determine the mean, M value
as below:
(R1 + R2 + R3) ÷ 3 = M
9.1.2 With the use of a reference equipment correction, the measured value is:
Measured value = M + Correction
9.1.3 Report all measured value

10.0 Uncertainty

10.1 Sources that can contribute to the error are as below :-

10.1.1 ∆ Reference equipment (caliper checker) standard uncertainty U 1 and degree
of freedom v1
10.1.2 ∆ Reference equipment (gauge block) standard uncertainty U 2 and degree of
freedom v2
10.1.3 ∆ Scale readability standard uncertainty U3 and degree of freedom v3
10.1.4 ∆ Scale repeatability standard uncertainty U4 and degree of freedom v4
10.1.5 ∆ Variation of length due to change of temperature during measurement
(caliper checker) standard uncertainty U5 and degree of freedom v5
10.1.6 ∆ Variation of length due to change of temperature during measurement
(gauge block) standard uncertainty U6 and degree of freedom v6

10.2 Individual Component Calculation :

10.2.1 ∆ Caliper Checker

This is type B because it is obtained from calibration certificate of Caliper
Standard uncertainty, U 1=
S1 value is obtained from manufacturer tolerance
k value is 30.5 because rectangular distribution
v1 is assume to be infinite.

10.2.2 ∆ Gauge Block

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Teknicast Sdn. Bhd.
Doc: Title: Caliper Calibration Issue/Rev:
WI-CAL-001 01/00
This is type B because it is obtained from calibration certificate of gauge
Standard uncertainty, U 2= 2
S2 value is obtained from manufacturer tolerance
k value is 30.5 because rectangular distribution
v2 is assume to be infinite.

10.2.3 ∆ Scale Readability

This is type B because it is obtained from readability judge of person
performing the calibration.
Standard uncertainty, S3
U 3=
S3 is obtained from smallest resolution of test instrument scale.
k value is √12 because it is a rectangular distribution and the resolution is
digital type.
V3 is assumed to be 12.5.

10.2.4 ∆ Repeatability
This is type A because it is obtained from calibration data.

Nominal Value Read 1 Read 2 Read 3 Standard Deviation,S


Standard Uncertainty, ESDM =U 4 =
n0. 5
S4 is obtained by getting the maximum value of standard deviation, S
n is obtained from number of repetition.
V4 = n – 1
10.2.5 ∆ Change of temperature effect (Caliper Checker)

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Teknicast Sdn. Bhd.
Doc: Title: Caliper Calibration Issue/Rev:
WI-CAL-001 01/00
This is type B because change of temperature is recorded at the beginning and
end of calibration, not continuously.

Standard uncertainty, U 5 =
S5 is the variation of standard length with the change of temperature while
running the calibration.

S5=l × ∆ ℃ ×thermal coefficent

Where l = maximum length

∆˚C = difference temperature from 20˚C, assume as 2˚C
Thermal coefficient = 11.5 x 10-6 for steel
k value is 30.5 because it is a rectangular distribution
v5 is assume to be 12.5 because indicator of thermo hygrometer is in digital

10.2.6 ∆ Change of temperature effect (Gauge Block)

This is type B because change of temperature is recorded at the beginning and
end of calibration, not continuously.

Standard uncertainty, U 6 =
S6 is the variation of standard length with the change of temperature while
running the calibration.

S6 =l× ∆ ℃ ×thermal coefficent

Where l = maximum length

∆˚C = difference temperature from 20˚C, assume as 2˚C
Thermal coefficient = 4.23 x 10-6 for tungsten carbide
k value is 30.5 because it is a rectangular distribution
v6 is assume to be 12.5 because indicator of thermo hygrometer is in digital

10.3 Summary of the uncertainty estimation

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Teknicast Sdn. Bhd.
Doc: Title: Caliper Calibration Issue/Rev:
WI-CAL-001 01/00
Standard Uncertaint Degree of
Factor Type Uncertainty Assumption
Uncertainty y freedom v
U (µm) U (µm)

  S1   Rectangular
∆ Caliper
B S1  
Checker k   U1 distribution  ∞
∆ Caliper   S2
B S2 U2 distribution  ∞
Checker k  

  S3   Rectangular
∆ Readability B S3 U3 12.5
  √12  distribution

∆ Repeatability A S4 U4 Normal n-1
∆ Temperature
B S5
S5 U4
Calibration Distribution
(caliper √3
∆ Temperature S6
during Rectangular
B S6 √3 U6
(gauge block)

10.4 Combined Uncertainty, Uc :

√∑ (
Uc= U i)

10.5 Effective degree of freedom veff :

v eff =

( )
n U 4
∑ vi

i =1

10.6 Coverage factor k

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Teknicast Sdn. Bhd.
Doc: Title: Caliper Calibration Issue/Rev:
WI-CAL-001 01/00
10.6.1 k is obtained from student t-table, at 95% confidence level corresponds to veff
value calculated from clause 10.5.
10.6.2 It is the policy of this company to report 95% confidence level.

10.7 Expanded Uncertainty U

10.7.1 The expanded uncertainty is based on this formula

U=k×U c
10.7.2 Where Uc is from clause 10.4
10.7.3 k is from clause 10.6

11.0 Presentation
Reporting format shall include:
11.1 The following metrological specification of the caliper
11.2 Measured Value
11.3 Statement of uncertainty at 95% confidence level

12.0 Related document

12.1 JIS B7507:1993


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Teknicast Sdn. Bhd.
Doc: Title: Caliper Calibration Issue/Rev:
WI-CAL-001 01/00
Measuring Length Resolution
from to & incl 0.1 0.05 0.02 0.01
0 50 ±0.05 ±0.05 ±0.02 ±0.02
50 100 ±0.06 ±0.06 ±0.03 ±0.03
100 200 ±0.07 ±0.07 ±0.03 ±0.03
200 300 ±0.08 ±0.08 ±0.04 ±0.04
300 400 ±0.09 ±0.09 ±0.04 ±0.04
400 500 ±0.10 ±0.10 ±0.05 ±0.05
500 600 ±0.11 ±0.11 ±0.05 ±0.05
600 700 ±0.12 ±0.12 ±0.06 ±0.06
700 800 ±0.13 ±0.13 ±0.06 ±0.06
800 900 ±0.14 ±0.14 ±0.07 ±0.07
900 1000 ±0.15 ±0.15 ±0.07 ±0.07
*Taken from Table 1 (page 4) in JIS B7507:1993

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