My Life Experience During December To January

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then we changed our clothes, then we went swimming after we ate, then

in the afternoon Madz and I toured the resort, then we took a picture. We
got home at 8:00 pm, after I showered and changed my clothes, I paid
my prayer first, I prayed dzhur, asr, maghrib and ishaa. after that we ate
dinner with madz then we rested inside the room we slept first then we
woke up at 11 first we watched Netflix then we had snacks. after that she
went to sleep again because in the morning madzjowen will come home
January 02 in the morning we had breakfast and madzjowen will go
home later. And that's when my life experience ended from December to
January, I did a lot but I still enjoyed meeting my other relatives and WRITTEN BY:
being with my cousins, I will never forget it. SALIHUDDIN, SHAIMA M.


This is the unforgettable and saddest moment for me it all started when prayed dzhur first and then we are going to eat lunch and they also ate
my grandpa just passed away. That happened on April 10, 2013 that's the the cake because it was also small after that we talked and laughed and
saddest moments that happened that year because he was my favorite teased after it was 3:00 pm in the afternoon they went home and my
grandpa because he always gave me money and he always bought me a friend madzjowen she told her mother that she was here to sleep with me
toy and he always defended me whenever I was scolded, he is my until tomorrow. After my other friend they came home, I prayed first
comfort zone whenever I am crying, I always run to him so I felt very Asr, then I told my friend to watched the store Madzjowen. After I
comfortable with him. prayed my brother's watch the store then my friend and I slept first after
we slept 5:00 pm plus in the afternoon Azan came and I prayed Maghrib
Since I was a child, he always made me laugh and he always tells me then after praying, we talked first then at 6:00 pm plus prayed ishaa after
funny stories that's why I like him and every weekend, we sit together that we went downstairs then eat dinner. At 12:00 am it was new year we
and watch a funny movie sometimes he goes jogging with me and that's were in the room just talking and watching Netflix after that we went to
what I like most about our bonding in the morning, because we go to the sleep. In the morning at 7:00 am January 1 and madzjowen was about to
boulevard to jog and I always enjoy it. go home, my aunt suddenly came and said that we were going to an
outing in the woodland, she called her mom and told her that she would
Among of my four grandparents, he is my favorite grandfather. He is my come with us first, she was allowed but she should go home tomorrow.
father's father he is my favorite because he has a great sense of humor After that I lent her my clothes and we got dressed because the uncle's
and he is not too strict and he is playful and most of all he is so generous car was already outside and ready to go to the woodland. We arrived at
to his grandchildren that's why he is my favorite grandpa. And my 10:00 am plus. the woodland resort is very beautiful, there are many
favorite moment with him was when we taught me to ride a bike. he is views that you can take pictures, there are many things to do there and
the one who taught me that’s why i know how to ride a bike now and he the area is also beautiful, the views are also beautiful, you can take bikes,
even said that when I know how to ride a bike, he will also teach me how it is very beautiful, the place is very big. When we arrived at the resort,
to ride a motorcycle, but sadly it didn't work out. And this is the very Madzjowen and I took a picture,
saddest moment in my life when we found out that he had a cancer. Of
course, at that time I didn't know much about such things because I was
my cousins and my aunt on the mother's side and the others on the
only 9-yr-old
father's side we didn't invite more because the celebration is small. After
that we ate and talked and laughed, at 3:00 pm I prayed asr and after I After that I talk to my dad that I will attend a school para tomorrow and I
prayed the guests were gone and they went home. After the celebration, I will also come home to Cabaluay after the party and I will go home
prayed maghrib and ishaa. After that, we left the house, my cousin and I today so I can attend tomorrow. When I was at the party, I enjoyed it
went on a joyride with my sister and hung out on the boulevard, ate, because we had a lot of games even though we didn't have an exchange
laughed and talked. We got home around 10+ at night. When we got gift. After the party I went home to Cabaluay and stayed there until the
home, we watch Netflix and then went to bed because my cousins are end of the 7days. I also enjoyed in Cabaluay because my cousin's and my
going home tomorrow. It was already morning and we had breakfast relatives were there, they took me to the river and I saw beautiful
then after that I prayed dhzhur in 12:00 pm then after that we took my sunsets, and when we go out or bond we laugh together because it's so
cousins before we took them to their house, we first had milk tea then fun to be with them, and when we sleep together in the same bed talking,
after that we took them at their house. When we got home, I prayed Asr laughing and teasing.
first, then I rested, when I woke up, I prayed Maghrib. After I prayed, we
ate dinner. After that I prayed Ishaa, after praying I went to our store and On December 14, 7 days of his brother's death so that is our last day
then I was the one who guarded the store I closed the store at 11:00 pm and tomorrow morning we will go home. December 15 at 1:00 pm
after that I went to sleep. finally, we got home. December 17 is the birthday of my male cousin
and he will be 1 year old, my aunt made a big celebration for his son, she
On December 31 was my birthday, I told my mom not to celebrate even catered and many visitors came, my friends and my cousins on my
my birthday because I know it's forbidden for us Muslims to prepare for father's side also came. I also met some new relatives, my cousins and I
the birthday, because in our house I'm the only one who studies in were talking to each other in my room, we were laughing and teasing
Islamic school and I do the 5 times prayer, I'm really the religious inside, each other, we used to talk about where we used to play when we were
I was just at home and just guarding the store. I was in the store all day kids. In the afternoon, the other guests went home and left my cousins on
until I was surprised. My best friends surprise my father's side to take them. My aunt told them to go on an outing
In 5:00 pm in the afternoon my friend called me to ask if u should tomorrow at Santiago's resort, so they left so they could be with us
attend the school party tomorrow because tomorrow is Saturday and are tomorrow. At night there were no guests and we were the only ones left
having a party, they said that I should come and they will take care of the in the living room because it's 9:00 pm, the people in the house are
food that we will bring because we don't have an exchange gift either. upstairs resting, my cousins and I didn't sleep first, we watched a movie
then talked and joked, laughed and ate. It was 4:00 am in the morning food for tomorrow because tomorrow is my sister's birthday, December
and we finished, we didn't sleep yet because we waited for the Azan so 20, and there will be a simple feast, And I bought a gift for her. When we
we could pray fajr. When we finished praying, my aunts came down and finished buying the things we needed tomorrow, we didn't go home first
they cooked food to bring, so my cousins and I slept for a while so our and we bonded with our cousins, we went to the Lantawan, we left the
heads wouldn't hurt. At 7:00 am they finished cooking and woke us up things and food in the car and we bonded, we took pictures together and
so we could change and prepare clothes to take to the resort. At 9:30 am we ate and talked and laugh, it was late when we got home. When we got
we arrived at Santiago's resort, we arranged the food on the table and we home, we showered and got dressed. In the living room, we hung out
designed the cottage. After we finished preparing the food and designing watching Netflix and chilling. Of course, the laughter, teasing and
the cottage, we took a picture and after that we changed our clothes so talking didn't go away. At 2:00 AM, we finished and went to bed and
we could go swimming. rested. In 4:30 I woke up in the morning to pray and after that I went
back to sleep. In the morning, everyone was awake, mom and aunt and I
In Santiago's resort, the views and backgrounds there are very cooked and my cousins did the design. After a few minutes, my sister
beautiful and the pools are large, and many views that can be taken came down and we great her a happy birthday. After that in 12:00 pm I
pictures. After swimming, we ate and talked with the whole family, there prayed dzhur and after I did dzhur when I was downstairs some guests
was laughter and teasing, when we finished eating, my cousins and I came,
took a picture for Instagram so that we could upload it and have my day.
7:00 pm we're going home, my cousin and I got in our cousin's car, we
didn't go home first because we drive thru first and stopped the car and
ate there, we talked and laughed when we were done, we went to the
Tumaga first because my cousin will get something from their house
then after that we will go home. It was 10:00 pm when we got home.
When we got home, we showered and changed and then went to sleep
because we were so sleepy that we still had tomorrow to bond.

In the morning, we were woken up because my mom told us to buy

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