How I'm Studying For JLPT N3

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​ October 9, 2018


How I’m studying for


I’m taking the JLPT N3 this December. I’ve never taken a JLPT test before, and

I’m not sure if my level is near N3, but I have enough time until then to formulate

and stick to a good study plan.

☆ Reading practice
The Japanese novels I have are limited, but I’m going to make use of the few I

have in conjunction with online sources.


The first book I’m using is Read Real Japanese (Essays). There is also a version

with stories, but I prefer nonfiction. The Japanese page is on one side and the

English translation of that page is on the other side. At the back of the book is a

dictionary with the words that appear in the book. This book isn’t specifically
aimed at any JLPT level, but I appreciate the detail that the notes go into and I

love learning words from a variety of sources.

I am also using official JLPT N3 practice books and do the reading tests from

them. Reading is challenging to me just because of how much content there is to

get through in a limited amount of time. Here’s an example of what an official

reading test looks like. I’m a very hands-on learner and like to write, so after I’ve

read the piece, I like to write it down.

reading before bed

I like to read for an hour or so before I sleep. Usually I read books in English. I

have quite a few novels and nonfiction books from Japan, so I think now is the
perfect time to push myself to read them. I’ll read with a highlighter and highlight

the words I don’t know, and look them up in the morning. Currently, I’m reading



JapaneseTest4You has lots of JLPT activities catered for different levels. I’ll be

making use of their N3 Reading practice tests to make sure my level is on par

with the standard. I’ve noticed I read rather slowly out loud (much faster in my

head), but I’m concerned about my reading speed for the test. It’s important to

read fast but retain information so that you’re able to answer the comprehension

questions about the section. I need to learn to read faster and more accurately!

☆ Kanji and vocabulary

online & offline

Every time I encounter a word I don’t know, I’ll write it down and make sure I

know the correct stroke order. I’ll transfer it into my N3 vocabulary book and

review it often. I don’t like flashcards, so I’ll stick to vocab lists on paper. It’s key

to remember not to memorize single words. The best way to get Kanji in your

memory is to learn it in the context of a sentence. For that reason, I prefer writing

longer sentences down than single words when I’m learning new Kanji.
For me, the best way to learn Kanji is to learn it in the context of words and

sentences rather than single characters. For this, I like to use to look up

a character and then see the example words for it. You can see how I use Jisho

to practice Kanji in this video:

Then since I love example sentences, after learning the Kanji I will go on either

tangorin or weblio and look for sentences that are at my level and one or two

above my level. While doing that I’ll often encounter a new vocab word or kanji

and then kind of do the same process for that word.


One of the best websites I’ve found for Kanji is I need to make a

conscious effort to use it more, though! Renshuu has quizzes, games and goals

you can set for your Kanji learning. You can select which level (JLPT or Kanji

Kentei) you want to review.


I am using the textbook called Kanji Isn’t That Hard! which I checked out at the

library at my local Japanese Embassy. I can see the book is for beginners as it

uses pictures to illustrate how the Kanji is built up, but what I like about it is that it

explains the build of the Kanji in both Japanese and English. So just by reading

the explanation of the character, I also learn new words. In my Kanji notebook, I

write down the character, it’s stroke order, and the kun/on-yomi. I practice writing
the character over and over until I don’t have to think about which stroke comes

first or last. It should be a natural hand movement without too much thinking.

Sometimes this means writing it 5 times, sometimes 50. I make sure to say the

pronunciation of the Kanji while I’m writing it.

For other vocabulary acquisition, and since I like to learn through conversations

and context, I’m using Japanese For Busy People III. It’s not specifically catered

to JLPT N3, and it’s actually a bit easier than N3 would be, I think, but it’s great

for a holistic approach to Japanese learning. Each chapter has a main

conversation, and then it goes over grammar points with lots of practice

exercises. At the end of each chapter is a Kanji section.

☆ Practice and immersion

1. I’ll be using the app Goodnight to practice Japanese, although it’s mainly used

by Taiwanese people. Some Taiwanese people on the app speak Japanese too. I

found a good friend who lives in Japan and though he’s Taiwanese, he’s on N1

level. We speak Japanese together. Talking to someone on N1 level is great

because they’ll use different vocabulary than someone on my own level would.

2. I might also use the app Saito-san to broadcast in Japanese. You can have a

little broadcast room and viewers can join while you speak about various topics. I

did this a few years ago and you can see my video of it here.
4. Changing my phone, apps and laptop settings

I changed Spotify, Facebook and Instagram to be in Japanese, and I also set my

phone language to Japanese. I have a separate Twitter account for tweeting in

Japanese and following Japanese accounts too. Finally, I’ve gone as far as

labelling all the folders on my laptop in Japanese. This won’t guarantee me

passing JLPT N3 of course, but just seeing Japanese and seeing Kanji every day

helps remind me what my goals are.

I’ve labelled my laptop folders in Japanese!

5. My daily planner and shopping lists

My planner notes are all in Japanese, and I often write my shopping lists in

Japanese too. This helps me use Kanji I wouldn’t normally write out, and also

helps me learn new words when I need to explain something in Japanese.

☆ I don’t have a daily plan

Because I have a fulltime job, and I tutor languages after work, I don’t have

enough energy or time to dedicate a specific amount of time to JLPT study each

day. In fact, if I tell myself to learn 10 words a day and finish one lesson from a

book a week, I’m going to stress myself out a lot more. I prefer a more haphazard

approach, studying when I feel up for it, and then giving it my all. Of course,

consistency is key, so it’s important that I do something in Japanese each day

(like listening to a podcast at work) instead of ignoring the language until I feel

like it.

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