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Soil Taxonomy - Purpose

◆ 1. Organize knowledge about soils

◆ 2. Understand relationships among
different soils
◆ 3. Establish groups or classes for practical
• a. predicting behavior
• b. identifying best uses
• c. estimating productivity
• d. extending research results
◆ Soils are divided into six distinct
categories based on diagnostic
1) Orders (12)
Suborders (54)
2) Great Groups (211)
3) Subgroups
4) Family
5) Series


Fine-loamy mixed, superactive, mesic Aquic

Diagnostics Horizons
Surface (Epipedon) Subsurface (Endopedon)
◆ Agric
◆ Mollic ◆ Natric
◆ Albic
◆ Umbric ◆ Ortstein
◆ Argillic
◆ Histic ◆ Oxic
◆ Calcic
◆ Melanic ◆ Petrocalcic
◆ Cambic
◆ Ochric ◆ Petrogypsic
◆ Duripan
◆ Anthroic ◆ Placic
◆ Fragipan
◆ Folistic ◆ Salic
◆ Glossic
◆ Plaggen ◆ Sombric
◆ Gypsic
◆ Spodic
◆ Kandic
◆ Traditionally A Horizon but A2 or E if at
the surface
◆ It extends to plowing depth. If shallower
than plowing depth then plowing depth is
◆ The surface layer of recent alluvium still
have stratification is not considered as
◆ The properties of epipedon should be
determined after the surface soil mixed to
a depth of 18 cm
Stratification in Entisols
MOLLIC (mollis-Latin for soft)
1.When dry Structural units are moderately hard
or softer rupture-resistance class

2. Base saturation (by NH4OAc) of 50% or more

3. Organic-carbon content of:

a. 2.5% or more if the epipedon has a color
value, moist, of 4 or 5; or
b. 0.6 percent more than that of the C horizon (if
one occurs) if the mollic epipedon has a color
value less than 1 Munsell unit lower or chroma
less than 2 units lower (both moist and dry)
than the C horizon; or
c. 0.6 percent or more
4. Depth : 25 cm if:
Texture of the epipedon is loamy fine sand
or coarser throughout; or
10 cm if : the epipedon is finer than loamy
fine sand (when mixed) and it is directly
above a densic, lithic, or paralithic contact,
a petrocalcic horizon, or a duripan
18 to 25 cm and the thickness

6. Phosphate Content less than 1,500 mg/kg

by citric-acid extraction; or

7. The n value is less than 0.7.

n value characterizes the relation between
%water in a soil under field conditions
& %clay and humus.
n value is helpful in predicting whether a soil can
be grazed by livestock or can support other loads
and in predicting what degree of subsidence would
occur after drainage.
For mineral soil materials the n value can be
calculated by the following formula:
n = (A - 0.2R)/(L + 3H)
HISTIC (Histos- Greek for tissue)
Histosols of Bangladesh
Ochric Epipedon
Designation of Epipedons
Soil Color
• Hue - mixture of primary colors (red,
yellow, blue)
• Value - how light or dark the soil is, scale
from black (0) to white (10)
• Chroma - intensity of the color, how much
pigment is added

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