Personal Account Opening - Application Form - New - PDF 2019

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 Completed account opening forms

Registered under the Banking Act 2010

 Copy of ID

 Utility bill(water/electricity) for place

of residence
 TEP or Permanent Residence
 Sketch map for place of residence

A. Type of Account (Tick whichever is appropriate)

 Current Account  Savings Account – Minor

 Savings Account  Mlimi Account

 Savings Account - Special Saver  Other(Specify)..............................................................................................

 Joint Account

B. Basic Personal Information

Title:  Mr.  Mrs.  Other..............................................................................................................................

First Names:........................................................................ Surname:.......................................................................................................

Gender:  Female  Male Marital Status:  Married  Single  Widowed  Divorced


 Malawian  Non Malawian (state nationality) ........................................................ (If USA complete FATCA Form)

 Resident  Non Resident (state country of residence)..............................................................................................

Date of Birth: Day................/Month................................/Year.................................

C. Occupation details

 Employed Designation:................................ Employer's Name:......................................................Employment No:...................

Employer's Address:................................................................................................ Employer Tel No:......................................................

Employer's Business:.................................................................................................................................................................................

Employment Start Date:............................................... Currency:.......................................... Gross Salary:.............................................

Other Income:.............................................................. Salary/Income Date:.............................................................................................

 Not Employed  Self Employed

If Not Employed or Self Employed state the following:

Source of Funds/Income:.............................. Type of Business:................................................ Net Monthly Income:..............................

D. Contact Details

Physical Address:.......................................................................................................................................................................................

Postal Address:..........................................................................................................................................................................................

Town/City:........................................... Postal Code:.................................Office No:.................................................................................

Mobile No:......................................... Fax No:.......................................... Email Address:.........................................................................

Village:....................................... Traditional Authority:.................................... District:............................. Country:..................................

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Personal Account Opening Application Form

E. Relations/Spouse (At least one)

Name Type of Relation Occupation NBM Account Number (If available) Telephone No.




F. Identification Details

ID Type:....................................................... Issue Date:................................... Expiry Date:....................................


G. Proof of Residence: Utility Bill Submitted

Any of the following:

 ESCOM  Water Board  MTL  City/Ground Rates  MHC Invoice  Other

Utility Bill Account Number:.........................................................................................................................................

Property Owned

House  Yes  No If Yes, where................................ Plot/Deed No:..............................

Car  Yes  No If Yes, car registration number............................................................

Other Property  Yes  No If Yes, specify.....................................................................................

H. Other Bank Accounts Held

Account Name Account Number Bank Name




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Mo626 Mobile No:.............................................................................................................................................................................................

Services applied for (Clearly tick services required)

 TNM Mpamba  Mobile Top Up (My Phone and Other Phones)

 Airtel Money  Utility Bill Payments

 Cash/Fast Serve Service  DSTV Subscription

 Balance & Mini Statement Inquiry  My Fuel Card Top Up

 Funds Transfer ((Within NBM and Other Local Banks)  MRA Tax Payment

 MASM Subscription  Credit Card Repayment

 Tertiary Tutition Fees Payment  Cheque Book Request

VISA Card  Classic  Gold  Platinum

e-Statement Preferred e-mail address:.............................................................................................................................................................

BankNet Online preferred e-mail address:......................................................................................................................................................



VISA Debit Card has been  Approved  Declined

If approved:

Inputter:............................................................. Signature:........................................................... Date:.........................................................

Authoriser:......................................................... Signature:........................................................... Date:.........................................................

Mo626ice/Digital has been  Approved  Declined

If approved:

Inputter:............................................................. Signature:........................................................... Date:.........................................................

Authoriser:......................................................... Signature:........................................................... Date:.........................................................

BankNet360 has been  Approved  Declined

If approved:

Inputter:............................................................. Signature:........................................................... Date:.........................................................

Authoriser:......................................................... Signature:........................................................... Date:.........................................................

e-Statements has been  Approved  Declined

If approved:

Inputter:............................................................. Signature:........................................................... Date:.........................................................

Authoriser:......................................................... Signature:........................................................... Date:.........................................................

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Personal Account Opening Application Form

Terms and Conditions for the Account

1. Deposits of your account on request.

1.1 We will accept for deposit to your account 5.2 If you fail to notify us timeously of
all cash, cheques and other items payable forged or unauthorized entries on
to you. your account and this results in further
1.2 The proceeds of cheques and other losses taking place, we will be entitled to
similar items deposited will only be refuse to refund the further losses to you,
available as cash when paid or cleared. provided that we have not been negligent
(This situation arises because when you or breached our duty of care.
deposit a cheque or other item the amount
is provisionally credited to your account 6 Overdrafts
before payment.) 6.1 If your account is overdrawn without
suitable arrangement, we may set it off
2. Deposits Reversed from any other account(s) held by you.
2.1 We will debit your account with the amount 6.2 A certificate signed by a manager of our
of a cheque or other item deposited that is bank containing details of an amount,
unpaid. including interest, owed by you will
2.2 We will debit your account with the amount be sufficient proof thereof unless the
of any cheque or other item deposited to contrary is proved.
which you are not entitled and may pay 6.3 We shall regard the latest postal or
the amount to the owner thereof, whether residential address given by you to us as
your account is in credit or debit and we the address where notices may be given
will advise you of our action taken. and documents in legal proceedings may
be served.
3. Payments 6.4 If necessary, we may take legal action
3.1 We will make payment from your account against you in a Court of Law in Malawi.
on your instructions only if there are 6.5 You will be responsible for payment of
sufficient funds available. all reasonable expenses in recovering
3.2 By prior written arrangement, you may any amounts you owe us, including legal
instruct us by means of computer or other fees on an attorney and on client basis,
electronic equipment to make payments collection fees and tracing fees.
from your account and we will debit your 6.6 We will make payment from your account
account with the amounts concerned. on your instructions only if there are
sufficient funds available.
4. Interest and Charges 6.7 By prior written arrangement, you may
4.1 We will charge you interest on any instruct us by means of computer or other
overdrawn balances. Details of such electronic equipment to make payments
charges are available on request. from your account and we will debit your
4.2 We will charge you for various services account with the amounts concerned.
provided, but details of such charges
are available on request or in relevant 7. Closing of account
brochures. 7.1 We will close your account on receipt of
4.3 We reserve the right to vary charges and a request in writing signed by you to do
interest rates from time to time but notice so.
of such changes would be notified to you. 7.2 We reserve the right to close your
account on reasonable prior notice if in
5. Statements our opinion it has been conducted in an
5.1 We will provide you with regular statements unsatisfactory manner.

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8. Credit Record Mo626ice/Digital
8.1 We may make enquiries about your credit
record with any credit reference agency The Service
or any other party, where available. 1.1 The service is designed to allow National
Bank of Malawi customers to enquire
8.2 We may provide credit reference balances, transactions, top up mobile
agencies with regular updates regarding phone units, inform user of transaction
the conduct of your account including movement in accounts and various other
any failure on your part to meet these facilities related to the product as will be
terms and conditions, where agencies are introduced from time to time.
1.2 The customer shall follow National Bank of
9. Confidentiality Malawi Security procedures at all times to
9.1 We will treat your personal information as avoid unauthorized access to the National
private and confidential (even when you Bank of Malawi login information.
are no longer a customer). Nothing about 1.3 National Bank of Malawi does not guarantee
your accounts nor your name and address that the service or the use thereof by the
will be disclosed to anyone, rather than in customer will be uninterrupted.
four exceptional circumstances permitted
by the applicable law. These are: 2. Termination
• Where we are legally compelled to do so; 2.1 National Bank of Malawi shall cease to
• Where it is in the public interest to disclose; provide the Service to the customer if the
• Where our interest require disclosure customer ceases to be a National Bank
(This will not be used as a reason for of Malawi customer or otherwise ceases
disclosing information about you or your to utilize the system for any reason or
accounts, including companies in our National Bank of Malawi reasonably
group for marketing purposes). believes that the Service is not of value
• Where disclosure is made at your request to a customer who has not used it for
or with your written consent. a period of at least 3 months. National
Bank of Malawi may also cease to provide
10. General the service where the customer uses the
10.1 We may check by reference to third service for fraudulent purposes or commits
parties the correctness of details given in gross negligence in the operation of the
the application form you have completed service.
for opening of the account. 2.2 This agreement may be amended to
10.2 You may not transfer the account into the include a development in, or to reflect a
name of another person. change in the law including any code of
10.3 You must notify us immediately if practice (or the way in which they are
you are placed under receivership or applied) or to correct a mistake.
sequestration or placed under any other 2.3 National Bank of Malawi shall inform
form of insolvency or legal disability. the customer of any change by sending
10.4 You must notify us immediately of any an e-mail, separate written notice or by
change in any of the details you provided advertising on its broadcast.
us when you opened the account. 2.4 National Bank of Malawi shall give at
10.5 We reserve the right to amend these terms least one month’s prior notice for any
and conditions and will give you notice thereof amendment to this Agreement.
in writing.
3. Disclaimer
3.1 National Bank of Malawi shall not be liable

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for any losses the customer may suffer on National Bank of Malawi’s procedures.
any Account if the Account is subject to The customer hereby agrees to provide
unauthorized access or an unauthorized National Bank of Malawi with all the
transaction unless that unauthorized assistance, technical or otherwise, which
access or unauthorized transaction is National Bank of Malawi may need in the
caused by the Bank’s negligence. said investigation.
3.2 Should the customer believe that there
has been any unauthorized access or 4. Governing Law
any unauthorized transaction affecting This agreement shall be governed by the
their account, the customer shall inform Laws of Malawi and the parties here to
National Bank of Malawi immediately by consent to exclusive jurisdiction of the
phone followed by written confirmation Malawi courts in all matters regarding it.
and provide the Bank with reasonable
assistance to investigate the position in
accordance with

I/We agree to all the foregoing information and all the above Terms and Conditions for all the products.

declare that the information I/We have given is true and I/We will be liable for any information or part
thereof, which is false. I/We understand that in the event of the discovery that the given information
is false: the Bank will be justified to close the account and report the same to relevant authorities
without giving notice whatsoever.

declare that I/We have understood all the terms and conditions herein.

Authorised Signatory Date:.............................................................

Authorised Signatory Date:.............................................................

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Personal Account Opening Application Form

A/C No.:.................................................................


OFAC/SDN/UNSC List Search  Matched  Did not match

AML Risk grade  High  Medium  Low

ESP Risk grade  High  Medium  Low

This account has been  Approved  Declined

Interviewed by:............................................................................................................. Signature:.....................................................................

Recommended by:....................................................................................................... Signature:.....................................................................

Service Centre Manager:............................................................................................. Signature:.....................................................................

(If declined the Bank is not obliged to give any reason)

If approved the account to be opened under:

Customer No: Account No:

Customer Name: Service Centre:

Credit Rating: Tax Flag  (Insert 1 or 0) Staff?  (Insert Y or N)

Sector: Industry: Target:

Data Capture Authorisation

Inputer:............................................................................. Signature:........................................................ Date:..............................................

Authoriser:......................................................................... Signature:........................................................ Date:..............................................

Account Mandates
Savings Joint Account NBM M6

Savings Minor's Account NBM M9

Current Joint Account NBM M3

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Personal Account Opening Application Form


A/C Name .........................................................................................................................................................................................................

A/C Number ......................................................................................................................................................................................................


Service Centre:……………………………………………..........................................................................……………..............................……….

Date :………………………………………………......................................................................................................................…………………..

We, the undersigned(Name of account holder ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….


Hereby appoint you our Bankers and authorize and request you to open an account in our joint names to be called …………….……………

…..................................……………………………………….…………………………………………………………………………………….… and

1. To honour and comply with all cheques drafts bills of exchange promissory notes acceptances negotiable instruments and orders
expressed to be drawn accepted made or given by
Any one or more
All of us
And to debit the
Same to such banking account whether the banking account is overdrawn or any overdraft increased by any payment thereof or
in relation thereto or is in credit otherwise but without prejudice to your right to refuse to allow any overdraft or increase of overdraft
and for any balance on the said account which may become due to you at any time we agree to be jointly and severally liable and
that in the event of the death of anyone or more of us we agree the survivor(s) shall have full control of all monies then and
thereafter standing to the credit of the said account and of all securities and articles deposited with you in our joint names.

2. To honour and comply with all instructions to deliver or dispose of any securities or documents or property held by you on our
behalf; to hold us liable on all agreements and indemnities in connection with the issue of letters of credit, drafts and telegraphic
transfers and with all banking transactions.


Provided any such instructions agreements and indemnities are signed by

any one or more
all of us

3. To treat all cheques drafts bills of exchange promissory notes acceptances negotiable instruments and orders as being endorsed on
our behalf and to discount or otherwise deal with them provided such endorsements purport to be signed by
Anyone or more
All of us

4. To permit
* either
Any one or more
All of us to negotiate for and take advances by way of loans overdrafts discount or otherwise with or without security and pledge any
species of security for repayment of such advances

5. Subject to any specific instructions to you to the contrary all payments and remittances received by you from time to time in the
name(s) or for the credit of either or any one or more of us shall (unless there shall be at your same branch an account in such
name(s) to which such payments and remittances shall be credited) be placed by you to the credit of such joint account.

In the event of the said account becoming overdrawn at any time we hereby agree that you shall be entitled to charge compound
interest on the sum by which the said account is overdrawn calculated on daily balances with monthly rests and that the rate of
interest charged from time to time shall be at your sole discretion above the minimum commercial rate in force at that time. You shall
not be bound to notify us in advance of any change in the rate of interest but on receipt of a written request from us you shall be
obliged to specify the rate of interest being charged at the time of such request.

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Personal Account Opening Application Form

6. To hold on the death of either both/any one or more of us any credit balance(s) on any account or accounts in our joint names nay
any securities deeds boxes and parcels and their contents and property of any description held in our joint names to the order of the
survivor/s without prejudice to any right you may have in respect of such balance securities etc. arising out of any lien charge pledge
set-off counterclaim or otherwise whatsoever or to any step which you may deem it desirable to take in view of any claim by any
person other than the survivor

We declare ourselves jointly and severally liable on all the foregoing transactions.

In the absence of contrary written instructions signed by either/both/any one or more/all of us the foregoing conditions shall apply to
each and every account of whatever nature now or hereafter opened by you in our joint names

Signed By:

1. Name …..................................…………………………….…………. Signature …..................................…………….………………………

2. Name …..................................…………………………….…………. Signature …..................................…………….………………………

3. Name …..................................…………………………….…………. Signature …..................................…………….………………………

4. Name …..................................…………………………….…………. Signature …..................................…………….………………………

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Personal Account Opening Application Form


A/C Name .........................................................................................................................................................................................................

A/C Number ���������������

Service Centre:……………………………………………..........................................................................……………..............................……….

Date :………………………………………………......................................................................................................................…………………..

We request you to open a joint savings account subject to the regulations relating to Savings Accounts for the time being in force, in the
names(s) of ………………………………………………………………………………………………
and we authorize you to permit withdrawals by any one of us of any amount, whether principal or interest, which may be standing to our joint
credit on such account.

We further authorize and request that subject to any specific instructions to you to the contrary all payments and remittances received by
you from time to time in the names(s) or for the credit of ether or any one or more of us shall (unless there shall be at your same branch an
account in such names(s) to which such payments are remittances shall be credited) be placed by you to the credit of such joint account.

This authority is to remain in force until any one of us shall have expressly revoked it by a notice in writing delivered to you at the above
mentioned branch; and it shall not be revoked by the death of any one or more of us whereafter the signature of the survivor or survivors may
be accepted as a sufficient discharge for any balance on this account or any part of such balance.

Signed By:

1. Name …..................................…………………………….…........………. Date …..................................…………….………………………

2. Name …..................................…………………………….…........………. Date …..................................…………….………………………

3. Name …..................................…………………………….…........………. Date …..................................…………….………………………

4. Name …..................................…………………………….…........………. Date …..................................…………….………………………


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Personal Account Opening Application Form


To NATIONAL BANK OF MALAWI plc ……………….20…….......……

A/C Name ............................................................................................................................................................................................................

A/C Number ���������������

I/we refer to the mandate appointing you bankers and request you will, until you receive written directions form me/us to the contrary treat

and consider …(Name) …...........................................................................…………………………….……………………………………………...

As empowered by me/us and on my behalf:-

*(a) To draw and sign Cheques on my/our account, whether the same be in credit, or overdrawn, and to endorse or accept Cheques,
Bills, and Promissory Notes and other Documents in my/ our name.

*(b) To encash or place to credit of my/our banking account(s) al such cheques, Drafts, Promissory Notes, Bills of Exchange, Money
Orders, Postal Orders and Fixed Deposit Receipts and to delay with the proceeds as he/she/may this fit.

*(c) To apply for and obtain:-

Particulars as to the state of my/our account(s)

The statement
To sign the usual Certificate showing eh balance or state of my/our account(s)
To operate generally on my/our account(s)

*(d) To operate on my/our Savings/Deposit Account in your books

To withdraw and to give the requisite notice of withdrawal of funds from time to time and as required.
To obtain cash on production of my/our Deposit Receipts subject to the Bank’s regulations regarding such withdraws and to complete
the necessary receipt.

*(e) To endorse for the credit of my/our Savings/Deposit Account, Cheques, Drafts and Promissory
Notes, Bills of Exchange and to discharge Money Orders, Postal orders and Fixed Deposit Receipts on my/our behalf, and I/we

declare that………........................…………................................................................................................…………………………………
Has/have my /our authority to encash or place to credit of my /our Savings/Deposit Account all such Cheques,
Promissory Notes, Bills of Exchange, Money Orders, Postal orders and Fixed Deposit Receipts, and /or to deal with the proceeds

thereof as …………...................................…………………………..may fit.

*(f) To sign the Bank’s Certificate showing the balance or state of my/our Savings Deposit Account at any time

*(g) To operate generally on my/our Savings Deposit Account at any time.

*(h) To negotiate for and take Discounts and Loans for any sum with or without security, on my /our Account and upon such terms as you
may require, and to pledge or deposit any species of security for repayment of such Discounts or loans; to establish credits; and to give
discharge for any boxes, parcels, bonds, deeds, stock, shares, money or security in your custody or standing at any time in your books;
and generally, in all dealings san transactions between me/us and you. To act ad fully and effectually for all intents and purposes an i/we
could if personally present and acting in the matters and transactions aforesaid; for all which this shall be a full and sufficient authority,
to you , your Managers, Clerks and Officers and in the case of the dissolution of our partnership, as to

all matters and things which , after such dissolution, the said (name)…………………………………………….…….shall do or purport

to do by virtue or in pursuance hereof, I/we engage that (so far as you are interested or concerned) such acts of the said (name)

………………………………………………………….shall be binding upon us and each of us, and all other persons claiming form or
under us, or either of us, unless notice in writing o such dissolution, by some party entitled to give the same, shall have been previously
received by you


Account holder(s): …………………................................................…...Signature………….............….………………………...........………

Witness(banker) ……………................………….............................…..Signature………...................................………................………..

* Delete if inapplicable.
# The reminder of the form should be deleted if the authority is being given by an individuals who are not partners
NB All deletions must be initialed by witness as well as the signatory

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Personal Account Opening Application Form



(a) Insert full name Full Name
stating thereafter if
Father and Natural
Guardian (or in
Minor’s Full Name……........................…………................................................................................................…………
event of Father
being deceased if Date of Birth……...................../……...................../…….....................(dd/mm/yyyy)
Mother and Natural
Guardian appointed
Relationship to Minor……........................…………..........................................................................................................
by the Master of the
Supreme course
under Letters dated
I hereby consent to and approve of an account being opened in the name of ……………………………………….…….


……………………………………………………………………………in the Bank’s Savings Department.

ON CONDITION THAT, until such time as he said minor attains the age of ………………...years , namely The

…………… of ……………………

My signature alone shall be accepted and be valid in respect of all operations on the account above mentioned, after
which date the said minor shall be entitled to pay in and draw out monies then and thereafter standing to his/her credit
and to close the account should he/she so desire, and I hereby approve of anything that may be done by the said minor
or by the Bank by virtue hereof.

Dated this …………………………. day of ………….………………..

(Sign here)……………………………………………………………….

NBM M9 (1995)

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