HG Activity Sheet

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NAME: ____________________________________________________________________________

GRADE/SECTION: ________________________

Homeroom Guidance
Quarter 3 – Module 8:
Making Connections
Let’s Try This

1. Directions: Write three (3) problems/concerns that you are facing right now. Rank them according to its
importance from the most important to least important.

Personal/ Family Problem Rank

Ex. I have difficulty in reading.



2. Directions: Write three (3) problems/concerns of the community where you live in. Rank them according
to its importance from the most important to least important.
Community Problem Rank
Ex. I felt all alone



Problem 1: Personal/Family Problem


1. ___________________________________________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________________________________________

Problem 2: Community Problem


1. ___________________________________________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________________________________________
NAME: ____________________________________________________________________________
GRADE/SECTION: ________________________

Homeroom Guidance
Quarter 3 – Module 9:
Get Involved!
Let’s Try This

1. Draw three (3) things/symbols that will describe you in terms of your interests, abilities, and skills. (e.g.,
singing-microphone, solving math problems - calculator).
2. List down 3 ways on how you can share your talents, skills, and abilities in your community.

Example: Microphone-singing Example: Calculator-skill in solving math


Let’s Explore This

Suggested Time Allotment: 20 minutes
1. Answer the following:
2. Share your answers to your teacher and classmates.

My Gained Knowledge and Skills (e.g., good in arts, singing, play musical instrument)
1. ___________________________________________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________________________________________

My contribution to my community
1. ___________________________________________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________________________________________
NAME: ____________________________________________________________________________
GRADE/SECTION: ________________________

Homeroom Guidance
Quarter 3 – Module 10:
My Career Gear

Let’s Explore This

Directions: Write your desired career in the circle, and list the skills required to help you attain it. The figure
below will guide you on what to do.
NAME: ____________________________________________________________________________
GRADE/SECTION: ________________________

Homeroom Guidance
Quarter 2 – Module 5:
My Journey to Success

Let’s Explore This

Direction: Read the situations below and answer the following questions.

Situation 1: You have good Mathematical skills. You saw your sibling having difficulty in answering
problems in his Math assignment. What will you do?

Situation 2: You are done answering your schoolwork and decided to take a rest for a while but you saw
your parent washing the dishes. What will you do?

Situation 3: In your community, how can you be of help to lessen the problem of improper waste disposal?

You Can Do It!

List down three things that you have learned that can be of help with your
family and in the community.
Example: “I helped my brother in answering his assignment.” (Family)
“I volunteer myself in our church as a sacristan” (Community)

1. ___________________________________________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________________________________________

1. ___________________________________________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________________________________________
NAME: ____________________________________________________________________________
GRADE/SECTION: ________________________

Homeroom Guidance
Quarter 2 – Module 4:
My Responsible Decisions

Let’s Explore This

Decision-Making Tree

1. Fill in the boxes in the tree just like the one presented here.
1 What is the problem?
2 & 3 What are the choices you have?
4 & 6 What are the positive outcomes (consequences) of your choices?
5 & 7 What are the negative consequences of your choices?
2. Decide on one common problem that you have encountered as a learner. The problem might be in school,
at home or in the community.
3. Fill in the boxes to be able to come up with a solution.
4. Write it down on the boxes of the chart following the assigned numbers.
5. In this activity, you will try to make a decision and come up with the best solution to solve the problem
using the Decision-Making Tree Chart.
6. After narrowing down your choices, give at least 3 best solutions for the problem. Write these down on
three separate circles in the trunk of the tree.

4. Positive Consequences
2. Choices

6. Positive Consequences

3. Choices

5. Negative Consequences

7. Negative Consequences
1. Problem

NAME: ____________________________________________________________________________
GRADE/SECTION: ________________________

Homeroom Guidance
Quarter 1 – Module 1:
Embracing the Best in Me

Write your strengths in box 1, weaknesses in box 2, and
your skills, interest, talents, abilities and values in box 3. Examples are written in each box as
your guide.

NAME: ____________________________________________________________________________
GRADE/SECTION: ________________________

Homeroom Guidance
Quarter 1 – Module 2:
I Can Relate

Let’s Try This

Write down the names of the person or group being described in each box.

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

The person who The person who They allow you to The person who The person who
helps you in your listens to your try other sports or gives constant shares his/her
assignment or stories hobbies. reminders about things and
difficult tasks your belongings with you

________________ _______________ _______________ ______________ _______________

(6) (7) (8) (9) (10)

The person who They did not judge With them, you are The person who The person who
stayed with you you even if you did allowed to express encourages you to supports your plan
when your parents something your thoughts and become better
were away inappropriate feelings

________________ _______________ _______________ ______________ _______________

(11) (12) (13) (14) (15)

The person who The person who The person who The group whom The person who
makes you laugh helps you in your consistently shows you prefer to stay cries with you when
chores / duties concern for you with during you are in pain or
holidays or lonely

________________ _______________ _______________ ______________ _______________

(16) (17) (18) (19) (20)

The person who The person who The person you The person who The person who
has the same teaches you with can call during can tell you his/her enjoys your
interest as you new skills emergencies honest opinion company
about things

________________ _______________ _______________ ______________ _______________

Processing Questions:
1. Based on the activity, is there a certain group or a certain person who matches most of the
descriptions inside the box? Who are these people?
2. How can these people help you in learning ways of relating with others?
NAME: ____________________________________________________________________________
GRADE/SECTION: ________________________

Homeroom Guidance
Quarter 1 – Module 3:
I Can Manage to Study

Let’s Try This

Improving My Study Habits
Recall your study habits when you were in Grade 5. Then answer each question.

Questions Response
1.Who regularly helped you with
your homework?

2. What is your favorite activity in


3. How do you prepare for an


4. How many hours per day did

you spend for studying?

5. How did you feel when you got

high grades in your subjects?

Processing Questions:
1. Based on your answers in this activity, what helped you the most in achieving academic
success in Grade 5?

2. What are the things that will make you perform better in school?

3. How will you improve your study?


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