Human and Social Biology SBA

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Human and social biology

Student-based assessment



Candidate Name: Yashema Denton

Candidate Number: 1001294430
Date of Submission:
School: The Wolmer’s Trust High School for Girls
Teacher: Mrs. Capper-Brown


Content Page


Presentation of Data……………………………………………………………

Analysis and Interpretation of Data……………………………………………







Global warming is a gradual increase in the overall temperature of the Earth’s atmosphere caused

by the greenhouse effect. This is as a result of increased levels of carbon dioxide,

chlorofluorocarbons and other pollutants in the atmosphere. Global warming results in the rising

of sea levels, melting of polar ice-caps and shifts in flower/plant blooming.

Global warming has directly affected the Earth in the following ways:

 Hotter temperatures

 More severe storms

 Increased drought

 Warming, rising oceans

 Loss of species

 Loss of food

Not only is the environment affected by the change in the earth’s temperatures, but humans are

susceptible to the damage the warming of the earth causes. A rise in sea-levels leads to the loss

of coastal land that humans live on. Change in precipitation patterns lead to an increased risk of

droughts and flooding. Extreme heat and poor air quality can lead to the up rise of underlying

health conditions such as asthma, renal failure and premature births. These are only some of the

bad effects global warming has on the Earth and its inhabitants.

Problem Statement

Residents of the community of Jacaranda are concerned about the constant change in

temperatures caused by global warming.

Research Objective

To identify the effect of global warming on the temperatures in the community of Jacaranda.

A questionnaire was used to collect the information for this study. The sample was from the

community of Jacaranda. The questionnaire was sent out to 15 persons of various ages from the

community, and the responses analyzed to be put into this portfolio.



A series of charts was created to display the responses that were received from the citizens of


Is Global Warming a Major

Issue affecting Jacaranda?


Figure 1.1 Pie chart showing the citizens who think global warming is a major issue in the community of

Based on the chart above, there is a significant amount of persons in Jacaranda who think that

global warming is something to be talked about. 11 of the 15 persons who were asked to fill out

the questionnaire believed that global warming is a prevalent problem in Jacaranda.


Fluctuation of Temperatures
Yes No



Figure 1.2 showing the people who think the temperatures in Jacaranda have been fluctuating

This chart shows that majority of the people in the community thinks there is a fluctuation in the

temperatures in Jacaranda, meaning that day-to-day temperatures have a wide range in the

community. 13 of 15 of the people surveyed believed that the temperatures in Jacaranda have

been fluctuating.

Changes in Jacaranda Due to Global

13 13

Responses 8


Figure 1.3 Bar Chart showing the changes in the environment in Jacaranda due to global warming

According the people who have taken the questionnaire, there are four main changes that have

taken place in the community due to global warming. As can be seen on the graph above, 13

persons are feeling hotter temperatures, 13 have experienced a dustier environment, 8 have

experienced more humidity and 9 think the sun appears hotter.

Increased Health Con-


Figure 1.4 Pie Chart showing people who have been experiencing increased health conditions due to

global warming in Jacaranda

This chart shows the percentage of people in the community f Jacaranda that have been

experiencing more health conditions because of the rise in temperatures. 10 of the 15 persons

who took this survey have experienced increased health conditions while 5 have not.

Health Conditions Experienced

because of Global Warming
None 3
Health Conditions

Dizziness 4
Fatigue 6
Headache 7
Asthma Attacks 2
Diarrhea 2
Dust Allergy 7

People experiencing Health Conditions


Figure 1.5 Bar Chart showing health conditions experienced by citizens of Jacaranda due to global


There are various health conditions that the people of Jacaranda have been experiencing because

of the higher temperatures in the community. While 3 persons reported having no health

conditions because of the heat, 7 experience headaches, 7 struggle with dust allergy, 6

experience fatigue, 4 experience dizziness, 2 experience asthma attacks and 2 deal with diarrhea.


It is quite evident that global warming plays a big part in the temperature changes in the

community of Jacaranda. According to the questionnaire that was given out to a group of

residents in the community, it has been hotter in Jacaranda. Temperatures have been rising and

falling very frequently, and these fluctuations have been the culprit of many health conditions in

the citizens. The ozone layer being depleted plays a big part in how hot and dry the environment

is. Since nothing is actively being done in Jamaica to prevent the complete depletion of the

ozone layer, there are many problems that are becoming prevalent.

The first problem that I noticed many people reporting was hotter temperatures.

According to the Earth Observatory by NASA, the atmosphere today contains more greenhouse

gas molecules, so more of the infrared energy emitted by the surface ends up being absorbed by

the atmosphere. Since some of the extra energy from a warmer atmosphere radiates back down to

the surface, Earth's surface temperature rises. More of the sun’s rays are being absorbed by the

atmosphere, and so, the earth’s surface is hotter. This is a good explanation as to why the citizens

of Jacaranda have been feeling discomfort. Another environmental challenge being faced by the

citizens is a dustier environment. A warmer planet causes dust storms to increase. The next

challenge being faced is a more humid environment. Warming temperatures on the planet cause

water to evaporate more, which causes more humidity.

These environmental changes have caused discomfort amongst the people of Jacaranda.

The questionnaire revealed that the people of Jacaranda have also been experiencing health

conditions like dizziness, fatigue, headaches, asthma attacks, dust allergy and diarrhea. Dizziness

can be cause by heat. Heat-related dizziness and fainting are caused by a decrease in blood flow

to the brain. Heat caused increased blood flow to the kin as well as blood pooling in the legs,

which can result in a sudden drop in blood pressure. Headaches can be caused because of heat

too. Rise in temperature can cause dehydration in the body due to sweating, which can lead to a

headache. Another result of the hot temperatures in Jacaranda is diarrhea. Loss of water in the

body tissues also leads to diarrhea.



It can be concluded that because of Global Warming, the temperature in Jarcanda is getting
increasingly hotter. This in return negatively affects the citizens in the community, who have
said that it has affected their health with issues like asthma attacks, headaches, and dust allergies.


There are not many things the average person can do to prevent global warming, however,
residents can take certain steps to decrease the severity of these effects on themselves. I
recommendation citizens purchase an air-conditioner to have inside the home for when the
temperature gets increasingly hot. Another recommendation is to stay inside on days where it is
extremely hot to prevent heat strokes and dizziness. Wearing a mask on dustier days can also
reduce the chances of an asthma attack.


This research project made me realize that global warming has much more effects on

humans than we thought. I learned that global warming especially affects the temperatures in my

community, and these temperatures affect the citizens’ ability to function well. More heat and

dust in the environment causes these citizens to experience asthma attacks, fainting spells,

nausea and diarrhea. These are some problems that can be fixed by the residents taking

precautionary measures such as using more fans, staying inside when it’s hot and installing air

conditioning units.



Human and Social Biology


The effects of global warming on temperatures in the community of Jarcanda


1. How old are you?

o 10-19

o 20-29

o 30-39

o 40-49

o 50 and over

2. How long have you lived in Jacaranda?

o 1 year

o Less than 1 year

o 2 years

o 3 years

o More than three years

3. Are you aware of Global Warming?

o Yes

o No

4. Do you think it is a major issue affecting the community of Jacaranda?

o Yes

o No

5. Have you noticed fluctuating temperatures over the past few days?

o Yes

o No

6. Has this affected your day-to-day activities?

o Yes

o No

7. What are some changes you’ve experienced in the community due to global warming?

Select all that apply:

o Hotter temperatures

o Colder temperatures

o Dustier atmosphere

o More humidity

o Sun appears to be hotter than usual

8. Have you noticed any increased health conditions because of the change in temperatures?

o Yes

o No

9. Select the health conditions you have been experiencing.

o Diarrhea

o Asthma Attacks

o Headache

o Fatigue

o Dizziness

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