Aven (2016) Risk Assessment and Risk Management
Aven (2016) Risk Assessment and Risk Management
Aven (2016) Risk Assessment and Risk Management
Terje Aven
PII: S0377-2217(15)01147-9
DOI: 10.1016/j.ejor.2015.12.023
Reference: EOR 13414
Please cite this article as: Terje Aven , Risk assessment and risk management: review of re-
cent advances on their foundation, European Journal of Operational Research (2015), doi:
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The paper reviews recent advances on the foundation of risk assessment and management
Trends in perspectives and approaches are identified
The paper points to areas where further developments of the risk field are needed
Examples of integrative risk research are highlighted
Invited Review
Risk assessment and management was established as a scientific field some 30-40 years ago.
Principles and methods were developed for how to conceptualise, assess and manage risk.
These principles and methods still represent to a large extent the foundation of this field
today, but many advances have been made, linked to both the theoretical platform and
practical models and procedures. The purpose of the present invited paper is to perform a
review of these advances, with a special focus on the fundamental ideas and thinking on
which these are based. We have looked for trends in perspectives and approaches, and we
also reflect on where further development of the risk field is needed and should be
encouraged. The paper is written for readers with different types of background, not only for
experts on risk.
Risk assessment; Risk management; Foundational issues; Review
1 Introduction
The concept of risk and risk assessments has a long history. More than 2400 years ago the
Athenians offered their capacity of assessing risk before making decisions (Bernstein 1996).
However, risk assessment and risk management as a scientific field is young, not more than
30-40 years old. From this period we see the first scientific journals, papers and conferences
covering fundamental ideas and principles on how to appropriately assess and manage risk.
To a large extent, these ideas and principles still form the basis for the field today – they are
the building blocks for the risk assessment and management practice we have seen since the
70s and 80s. However, the field has developed considerably since then. New and more
sophisticated analysis methods and techniques have been developed, and risk analytical
approaches and methods are now used in most societal sectors. As an illustration of this,
consider the range of specialty groups of the Society for Risk Analysis (www.sra.org)
covering inter alia: Dose Response, Ecological Risk Assessment, Emerging Nanoscale
The risk field has two main tasks, I) to use risk assessments and risk management to study and
treat the risk of specific activities (for example the operation of an offshore installation or an
investment), and II) to perform generic risk research and development, related to concepts,
theories, frameworks, approaches, principles, methods and models to understand, assess,
characterise, communicate and (in a wide sense) manage/govern risk (Aven and Zio 2014,
SRA 2015b). The generic part II) provides the concepts and the assessment and management
tools to be used in the specific assessment and management problems of I). Simplified, we
can say that the risk field is about understanding the world (in relation to risk) and how we
can and should understand, assess and manage this world.
The aim of the present paper is to perform a review of recent advances made in the risk field,
having a special focus on the fundamental ideas and thinking that form the generic risk
research II). The scope of such a review is broad, and it has been a challenge to select works
for this review from among the many seminal contributions made over the past 10-15 years.
Only works that might reasonably be considered to contribute to the foundations of the field
have been included. Priority has been given to works that are judged to be of special
contemporary interest and importance, recognising the subjectivity of the selection and a
deliberate bias towards rather recent papers and the areas of interest of the author of this
manuscript. For reviews and discussions of the early development of the risk field, see Henley
and Kumamoto (1981), Covello and Mumpower (1985), Rechard (1999,2000), Bedford and
Cooke (2001), Thompson et al (2005) and Zio (2007b).
The following main topics will be covered: Risk analysis and science; risk conceptualisation;
uncertainty in risk assessment; risk management principles and strategies, having a special
focus on confronting large/deep uncertainties, surprises and the unforeseen; and the future of
risk assessment and management.
Special attention will be devoted to contributions that can be seen as a result of an integrative
thinking process, a thinking which per definition reflects a strong “ability to face
constructively the tension of opposing ideas and instead of choosing one at the expense of the
other, generate a creative resolution of the tension in the form of a new idea that contains
elements of the opposing ideas but is superior to each” (Martin 2009, p. 15). As an example,
think about the conceptualisation of risk. There are a number of different definitions, which
can be said to create tension. However, integrative thinking stimulates the search for
perspectives that extend beyond these definitions – it uses the opposing ideas to reach a new
level of understanding. The coming review will point to work in this direction and discuss
trends we see in the risk research.
type I) may also be scientific if the work contributes to new insights, for example a better
understanding of how to conduct a specific risk assessment method in practice. Rather few
publications have been presented on this topic, discussing issues linking science and scientific
criteria on the one hand, and risk and the risk fields on the other. Lately, however, several
fundamental discussions of this topic have appeared. These have contributed to clarifying the
content of the risk field and its scientific basis; see Hansson and Aven (2014), Hollnagel
(2014), Hale (2014), Le Coze et al (2014) and Aven (2014). Here are some key points made.
We should distinguish between the risk field characterised by the totality of relevant risk
educational programmes, journals, papers, researchers, research groups and societies, etc. (we
may refer to it as a risk discipline), and the risk field covering the knowledge generation of I)
and II).
This understanding (I and II) is in line with a perspective on science as argued for by Hansson
(2013), stating that science is the practice that provides us with the epistemically most
warranted statements that can be made, at the time being, on subject matters covered by the
community of knowledge disciplines, i.e. on nature, ourselves as human beings, our societies,
our physical constructions, and our thought constructions (Hansson, 2013). By publishing
papers in journals, we are thus contributing to developing the risk science.
The boundaries between the two levels I) and II) are not strict. Level II research and
development is to a varying degree generic for the risk field. Some works are truly generic in
the sense that they are relevant for all types of applications, but there are many levels of
generality. Some research may have a scope which mainly covers some areas of applications,
or just one, but which is still fundamental for all types of applications in these areas. For
example, a paper can address how to best conceptualise risk in a business context and have
rather limited interest outside this area.
Consider as an example the supply chain risk management area, which has quite recently
developed from an emerging topic into a growing research field (Fahimnia et al 2015). The
work by Fahimnia et al (2015) presents a review of quantitative and analytical models (i.e.
mathematical, optimisation and simulation modelling efforts) for managing supply chain risks
and points to generative research areas that have provided the field with foundational
knowledge, concepts, theories, tools, and techniques. Examples of work of special relevancy
here include Blackhurst and Wu (2009), Brandenburg et al (2014), Heckmann et al (2015),
Jüttner et al (2003), Peck (2006), Tang and Zhou (2012), Zsidisin (2003) and Zsidisin and
Ritchie (2010). These works cover contributions to I) but also II), although they are to a
varying degree relevant for other application areas.
As an example of I), consider the analysis in Tang (2006), specifically addressing what are the
risks that are most relevant for the supply chain area. Although not looking at a specific
system, it is more natural to categorise the analysis in I) than II), as the work has rather
limited relevance for areas outside supply chain management. Another example illustrates the
spectre of situations between I) and II). Tang and Musa (2011) highlight that the
understanding of what risk is definitely represents a research challenge in supply chain
management. Heckmann et al (2015) review common perspectives on risk in supply chain
management and outline ideas for how to best conceptualise risk, and clearly this type of
research is foundational for the supply chain area, but not for the risk field in general. The
work by Heckmann et al (2015) is in line with current generic trends on risk conceptualisation
as for example summarised by SRA (2015a,b), with respect to some issues, but not others (see
a comment about this in Section 3). This is a challenge for all types of applications: transfer
of knowledge and experience are difficult to obtain across areas, and we often see that the
different fields develop tailor-made concepts, which are not up-to-date relative to the
developments of the generic risk field. This demonstrates the generic risk research’s need for
a stronger visibility and impact. On the other hand, the restricted work in specific areas can
often motivate and be influential for generic risk research. The author of the present paper
worked with offshore risk analysis applications, and issues raised there led to generic risk
research about risk conceptualisation (Aven 2013a). There is a tension between different types
of perspectives and this can stimulate integrative and ground-breaking ideas. For another
example of work in the borderline between I) and II), see Goerlandt and Montewka (2015),
related to maritime transportation risk. See also Aven and Renn (2015), who discuss the
foundation of the risk and uncertainty work of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
Change (IPCC) which is the principal international authority assessing climate risk. This
discussion addresses a specific application and is thus of type I), but it is strongly based on
generic risk research II).
Next we will discuss in more detail how science is related to key risk assessment and risk
management activities, in particular the process in which science is used as a base for
decision-making on risk. A key element in this discussion is the concept “knowledge”.
In Hansson and Aven (2014) a model which partly builds on ideas taken from Hertz and
Thomas (1983), is presented, showing the links between facts and values in risk decision-
making; see Figure 1.
Data and information, gathered through testing and analysis, about a phenomenon provides
the evidence. These data and information contribute to a knowledge base which is the
collection of all “truths” (legitimate truth claims) and beliefs that the relevant group of experts
and scientists take as given in further research and analysis in the field. The evidence and the
knowledge base are supposed to be free of non-epistemic values. Such values are presumed
to be added only in the third stage. Concluding that an activity is safe enough is a judgement
based on both science and values. The interpretation of the knowledge base is often quite
complicated since it has to be performed against the background of general scientific
knowledge. We may have tested a product extensively and studied its mechanism in great
detail, but there is no way to exclude very rare occurrences of failures that could materialise
25 years into the future. Although the decision to disregard such possibilities is far from
This leads us into the risk evaluation step, as shown in Figure 1. This is a step where the
knowledge base is evaluated and a summary judgement is reached on the risk and
uncertainties involved in the case under investigation. This evaluation has to take the values
of the decision-makers into account, and a careful distinction has to be made between the
scientific burden of proof – the amount of evidence required to treat an assertion as part of
current scientific knowledge – and the practical burden of proof in a particular decision.
However, the evaluation is so entwined with scientific issues that it nevertheless has to be
performed by scientific experts. Many of the risk assessment reports emanating from various
scientific and technical committees perform this function. These committees regularly operate
in a “no man’s land” between science and policy, and it is no surprise that they often find
themselves criticised on value-based grounds.
But the judgments do not stop there, the decision-makers need to see beyond the risk
evaluation; they need to combine the risk information they have received with information
from other sources and on other topics. In Figure 1 we refer to this as the decision-maker’s
review and judgement. It goes clearly beyond the scientific field and will cover value-based
considerations of different types. It may also include policy-related considerations on risk and
safety that were not covered in the expert review. Just like the expert’s review, it is based on a
combination of factual and value-based considerations.
Broad Decision
Evidence risk maker’s Decision
evaluation review
Figure 1: A model for linking the various stages in the risk informed decision-making (based
on Hansson and Aven 2014)
Above we have referred to “knowledge” a number of times, but what is its meaning in this
context? The new SRA glossary refers to two types of knowledge:
“know-how (skill) and know-that of propositional knowledge (justified beliefs). Knowledge
However, studying the scientific literature on knowledge as such, the common perspective is
not justified beliefs but justified true beliefs. The SRA (2015a) glossary challenges this
definition. Aven (2014) presents some examples for this view, including this one: “A group
of experts believe that a system will not be able to withstand a specific load. Their belief is
based on data and information, modelling and analysis. But they can be wrong. It is difficult
to find a place for a “truth requirement”. Who can say in advance what is the truth? Yet the
experts have some knowledge about the phenomena. A probability assignment can be made,
for example that the system will withstand the load with probability 0.01, and then the
From such a view the term ‘justified’ becomes critical. In line with Hansson (2013), it refers
to being the result of a scientific process – meeting some criteria set by the scientific
environment for the process considered. For example, in the case of the system load above,
these criteria relate to the way the risk assessment is conducted, that the rules of probability
are met, etc. Aven and Heide (2009), see also Aven (2011a), provide an in-depth discussion of
such criteria. A basic requirement is that the analysis is solid/sound (follows standard
protocols for scientific work like being in compliance with all rules and assumptions made,
the basis for all choices are made clear, etc.). In addition, criteria of reliability and validity
should be met. The reliability requirement here relates to the extent to which the risk
assessment yields the same results when repeating the analysis, and the validity requirement
refers to the degree to which the risk assessment describes the specific concepts that one is
attempting to describe. Adopting these criteria, the results (beliefs) of the risk assessments can
to a varying degree be judged as “justified”.
As shown by Aven and Heide (2009) and Aven (2011a), this evaluation depends strongly on
the risk perspective adopted. If the reference is the “traditional scientific method”, standing on
the pillars of accurate estimations and predictions, the criteria of reliability and validity would
fail in general, in particular when the uncertainties are large. The problems for the risk
assessments in meeting the requirements of the traditional scientific method were discussed as
early as in 1981 by Alvin M. Weinberg and Robert B. Cumming in their editorials of the first
issue of the Risk Analysis journal, in relation to the establishment of the Society for Risk
Analysis (Weinberg 1981, Cumming 1981). However, a risk assessment can also be seen as a
tool used to represent and describe knowledge and lack of knowledge, and then other criteria
need to be used to evaluate reliability and validity, and whether the assessment is a scientific
This topic is discussed by Hansson and Aven (2014). They give some examples of useful
science-based decision support in line with these ideas:
- characterisations of the robustness of natural, technological, and social systems and
their interactions.
- characterisations of uncertainties, and of the robustness of different types of
knowledge that are relevant for risk management, and of ways in which some of these
uncertainties can be reduced and the knowledge made more robust.
- Investigations aimed at uncovering specific weaknesses or lacunae in the knowledge
on which risk management is based.
Studies of successes and failures in previous responses to surprising and unforeseen
Returning to the concept of integrative thinking introduced in Section 1, we may point to the
tension between the ideas that risk assessment fails to meet the criteria of the traditional
scientific method, and that it should be a solid and useful method for supporting risk
decision-making. The result of a shift in perspective for the risk assessment, from accurate
risk estimation to knowledge and lack of knowledge characterisations, can be viewed as a
result of such thinking. We will discuss this change in perspective for the risk assessments
further in Section 6.
3 Risk conceptualisation
Several attempts have been made to establish broadly accepted definitions of key terms
related to concepts fundamental for the risk field; see e.g. Thompson et al (2005). A scientific
field or discipline needs to stand solidly on well-defined and universally understood terms and
concepts. Nonetheless, experience has shown that to agree on one unified set of definitions is
not realistic. This was the point of departure for a thinking process conducted recently by an
expert committee of the Society for Risk Analysis (SRA), which resulted in a new glossary
for SRA (SRA 2015a). The glossary is founded on the idea that it is still possible to establish
authoritative definitions, the key being to allow for different perspectives on fundamental
concepts and to make a distinction between overall qualitative definitions and their associated
measurements. We will focus here on the risk concept, but the glossary also covers related
terms such as probability, vulnerability, robustness and resilience.
Allowing for different perspectives does not mean that all definitions that can be found in the
literature are included in the glossary: the definitions included have to meet some basic
criteria – a rationale – such as being logical, well-defined, understandable, precise, etc. (SRA
In the following we summarise the risk definition text from SRA (2015a):
“We consider a future activity (interpreted in a wide sense to also cover, for example, natural
phenomena), for example the operation of a system, and define risk in relation to the
consequences of this activity with respect to something that humans value. The consequences
are often seen in relation to some reference values (planned values, objectives, etc.), and the
focus is normally on negative, undesirable consequences. There is always at least one
outcome that is considered as negative or undesirable.
b) the potential for realisation of unwanted, negative consequences of an event
c) exposure to a proposition (e.g. the occurrence of a loss) of which one is uncertain
d) the consequences of the activity and associated uncertainties
e) uncertainty about and severity of the consequences of an activity with respect to
something that humans value
f) the occurrences of some specified consequences of the activity and associated
g) the deviation from a reference value and associated uncertainties
These definitions express basically the same idea, adding the uncertainty dimension to events
and consequences. ISO defines risk as the effect of uncertainty on objectives (ISO 2009a,b).
It is possible to interpret this definition in different ways; one as a special case of those
considered above. e.g. d) or g).
To describe or measure risk – to make judgements about how large or small the risk is, we use
various metrics:
associated with C’ (typically probability) and K the background knowledge that supports C’
and Q (which includes a judgement of the strength of this knowledge)
4. Expected consequences (damage, loss), for example computed by:
relevant object is exposed given the hazard, and the expected damage given that
the hazard occurs and the object is exposed to it (the last term is a vulnerability
iii. Expected disutility
5. A possibility distribution for the damage (for example a triangular possibility distribution)
The suitability of these metrics/descriptions depends on the situation. None of these examples
can be viewed as risk itself, and the appropriateness of the metric/description can always be
questioned. For example, the expected consequences can be informative for large populations
and individual risk, but not otherwise. For a specific decision situation, a selected set of
metrics have to be determined meeting the need for decision support.“
To illustrate the thinking, consider the personnel risk related to potential accidents on an
offshore installation. Then, if risk is defined according to d), in line with the
recommendations in for example PSA-N (2015) and Aven et al (2014), risk has two
dimensions: the consequences of the operation covering events A such as gas leakages and
blowouts, and their effects C for human lives and health; as well as uncertainty U, we do not
know now which events will occur and what the effects will be; we face risk. The risk is
referred to as (A,C,U). To describe the risk, as we do in the risk assessment, we are in general
terms led to the triplet (C’,Q,K), as defined above. We may for example choose to focus on
the number of fatalities, and then C’ equals this number. It is unknown at the time of the
analysis, and we use a measure to express the uncertainty. Probability is the most common
tool, but other tools also exist, including imprecise (interval) probability and representations
based on the theories of possibility and evidence, as well as qualitative approaches; see
Section 4 and Aven et al. (2014), Dubois (2010), Baudrit et al (2006) and Flage et al. (2014).
Arguments for seeing beyond expected values and probabilities in defining and describing
risk are summarised in Aven (2012,2015c); see also Section 4. Aven (2012) provides a
comprehensive overview of different categories of risk definitions, having also a historical
and development trend perspective. It is to be seen as a foundation for the SRA (2015a)
The way we understand and describe risk strongly influences the way risk is analysed and
hence it may have serious implications for risk management and decision-making. There
should be no reason why some of the current perspectives should not be wiped out as they are
simply misguiding the decision-maker in many cases. The best example is the use of expected
loss as a general concept of risk. The uncertainty-founded risk perspectives (e.g. PSA-N
2015, ISO 2009a,b, Aven et al 2014, Aven and Renn 2009) indicate that we should also
include the pure probability-based perspectives, as the uncertainties are not sufficiently
revealed for these perspectives; see also discussion in Section 4. By starting from the overall
qualitative risk concept, we acknowledge that any tool we use needs to be treated as a tool. It
always has limitations and these must be given due attention. Through this distinction we will
more easily look for what is missing between the overall concept and the tool. Without a
proper framework clarifying the difference between the overall risk concept and how it is
being measured, it is difficult to know what to look for and make improvements in these tools
(Aven 2012).
The risk concept is addressed in all fields, whether finance, safety engineering, health,
transportation, security or supply chain management (Althaus 2005). Its meaning is a topic of
concern in all areas. Some areas seem to have found the answer a long time ago, for instance
the nuclear industry, which has been founded on the Kaplan and Garrick (1981) definition
(the triplet scenarios, consequences and probabilities) for more than three decades; others
acknowledge the need for further developments, such as in the supply chain field (Heckmann
et al 2015). Heckmann et al (2015) point to the lack of clarity in understanding what the
supply chain risk concept means, and search for solutions. A new definition is suggested:
“Supply chain risk is the potential loss for a supply chain in terms of its target values of
efficiency and effectiveness evoked by uncertain developments of supply chain characteristics
whose changes were caused by the occurrence of triggering-events”. The authors highlight
that “the real challenge in the field of supply chain risk management is still the quantification
and modeling of supply chain risk. To this date, supply chain risk management suffers from
the lack of a clear and adequate quantitative measure for supply chain risk that respects the
characteristics of modern supply chains” (Heckmann et al 2015).
We see a structure resembling the structure of the SRA glossary, with a broad qualitative
concept and metrics describing the risk. The supply chain risk is just an example to illustrate
the wide set of applications that relate to risk. Although all areas have special needs, they all
face risk as framed in the set-up of the first paragraph of the SRA (2015a) text above. There is
no need to invent the wheel for every new type of application.
To illustrate the many types of issues associated with the challenge of establishing suitable
risk descriptions and metrics, an example from finance, business and operational research will
be provided. It is beyond the scope of the present paper to provide a comprehensive all-
inclusive overview of contributions of this type.
In finance, business and operational research there is considerable work related to risk
metrics, covering both moment-based and quantile-based metrics. The former category covers
for example expected loss functions and expected square loss, and the latter category, Value-
at-Risk (VaR), and Conditional Value-at-Risk (CVaR); see e.g. Natarajan et al (2009).
Research is conducted to analyse their properties and explore how successful they are in
providing informative risk descriptions in a decision-making context, under various
conditions, for example for a portfolio of projects or securities, and varying degree of
uncertainties related to the parameters of the probability models; see e.g. Natarajan et al
(2009), Shapiro (2013), Brandtner (2013) and Mitra et al (2015). As these references show,
the works often have a rigorous mathematical and probabilistic basis, with strong pillars taken
from economic theory such as the expected utility theory.
the literature, from the early stages of risk assessment in the 70s and 80s, until today. Still the
topic is a central one. Flage et al (2014) provide a recent perspective on concerns, challenges
and directions of development for representing and expressing uncertainty in risk assessment.
Probabilistic analysis is the predominant method used to handle the uncertainties involved in
risk analysis, both aleatory (representing variation) and epistemic (due to lack of knowledge).
For aleatory uncertainty there is broad agreement about using probabilities with a limiting
relative frequency interpretation. However, for representing and expressing epistemic
problem and identify issues that are foundational for its treatment. See also the discussion
note by Dubois (2010).
One of the issues raised relates to when subjective probability is not appropriate. The
argument often seen is that if the background knowledge is rather weak, then it will be
difficult or impossible to assign a subjective probability with some confidence. However, a
subjective probability can always be assigned. The problem is that a specific probability
assigned is considered to represent a stronger knowledge than can be justified. Think of a
situation where the assigner has no knowledge about a quantity x beyond the following: The
quantity x is in the interval [0,1] and the most likely value of x is ½. From this knowledge
alone there is no way of representing a specific probability distribution, rather we are led to
the use of possibility theory; see Aven et al (2014, p. 46). Forcing the analyst to assign one
probability distribution, would mean the need to add some unavailable information. We are
led to bounds of probability distributions.
Aven (2010) adds another perspective to this discussion. The key point is not only to
represent the available knowledge but also to use probability to express the beliefs of the
experts. It is acknowledged that these beliefs are subjective, but they nevertheless support the
decision-making. From this view it is not either or; probability and the alternative approaches
supplement each other. This issue is also discussed by Dubois (2010).
The experience of the present author is that advocators of non-probabilistic approaches, such
as possibility theory and evidence theory, often lack an understanding of the subjective
probability concept. If the concept is known, the interpretation often relates to a betting
interpretation, which is controversial (Aven 2013a). For a summary of arguments for why
this interpretation should be avoided and replaced by a direct comparison approach, see
Lindley (2006, p. 38) and Aven (2013a). This latter interpretation is as follows: the
probability P(A) = 0.1 (say) means that the assessor compares his/her uncertainty (degree of
belief) about the occurrence of the event A with the standard of drawing at random a specific
ball from an urn that contains 10 balls (Lindley 2006).
If subjective probabilities are used to express the uncertainties, we also need to reflect on the
knowledge that supports the probabilities. Think of a decision-making context where some
risk analysts produce some probabilistic risk metrics; in one case the background knowledge
is strong, in the other, weaker, but the probabilities and metrics are the same. To meet this
challenge one can look for alternative approaches such as possibility theory and evidence
theory, but it is also possible to think differently, to try to express qualitatively the strength of
this knowledge to inform the decision-makers. The results are then summarised in not only
probabilities P but the pair (P,SoK), where SoK provides some qualitative measures of the
strength of the knowledge supporting P. Work along these lines is reported in, for example,
Flage and Aven (2009) and Aven (2014), with criteria related to aspects like justification of
assumptions made, amount of reliable and relevant data/information, agreement among
experts and understanding of the phenomena involved.
Similar and related criteria are used in the so-called NUSAP system (NUSAP: Numeral, Unit,
Spread, Assessment, and Pedigree) (Funtowicz and Ravetz 1990, 1993, Kloprogge et al
2005,2011, Laes et al 2011, van der Sluijs et al 2005a,2005b), originally designed for the
purpose of analysis and diagnosis of uncertainty in science for policy by performing a critical
appraisal of the knowledge base behind the relevant scientific information.
See also discussion by Spiegelhalter and Riesch (2014), who provide forms of expression of
uncertainty within five levels: event, parameter and model uncertainty – and two extra-model
levels concerning acknowledged and unknown inadequacies in the modelling process,
including possible disagreements about the framing of the problem.
For interval probabilities, founded for example on possibility theory and evidence theory, it is
also meaningful and relevant to consider the background knowledge and the strength of this
knowledge. Normally the background knowledge in the case of intervals would be stronger
than in the case of specific probability assignments, but they would be less informative in the
sense of communicating the judgements of the experts making the assignments.
As commented by the authors of SRA (2015b), many researchers today are more relaxed than
previously about using non-probabilistic representations of uncertainty. The basic idea is that
probability is considered the main tool, but other approaches and methods may be used and
useful when credible probabilities cannot easily be determined or agreed upon. For situations
characterised by large and “deep” uncertainties, there seems to be broad acceptance of the
need for seeing beyond probability. As we have seen above, this does not necessarily mean
the use of possibility theory or evidence theory. The combination of probability and
qualitative approaches represents an interesting alternative direction of research. Again we see
elements of integrative thinking, using the tension between different perspectives for
representing and expressing uncertainties to obtain something new and more wide-ranging
and hopefully better.
A central area of uncertainty in risk assessment is uncertainty importance analysis. The
challenge is to identify what are the most critical and essential contributors to output
uncertainties and risk. Considerable work has been conducted in this area; see e.g.
Borgonovo (2006,2007,2015), Baraldi et al (2009) and Aven and Nøkland (2010). In Aven
and Nøkland (2010) a rethinking of the rationale for the uncertainty importance measures is
provided. It is questioned what information they give compared to the traditional importance
measures such as the improvement potential and the Birnbaum measure. A new type of
combined sets of measures is introduced, based on an integration of a traditional importance
measure and a related uncertainty importance measure. Baraldi et al (2009) have a similar
scope, investigating how uncertainties can influence the traditional importance measures, and
how one can reflect the uncertainties in the ranking of the components or basic events.
Models play an important role in risk assessments, and considerable attention has been
devoted to the issue of model uncertainty over the years and also recently. Nevertheless, there
has been some lack of clarity in the risk field regarding what this concept means; compare, for
example, Reinert and Apostolakis (2006), Park et al (2010), Droguett and Mosleh (2013,
2014) and Aven and Zio (2013). According to Aven and Zio (2013), model uncertainty is to
be interpreted as uncertainty about the model error, defined by g(x)-y, where y is the quantity
we would like to assess and g(x) is a model of y having some parameters x. Different
approaches for assessing this uncertainty can then be used, including subjective probabilities.
This set-up is discussed in more detail in Bjerga et al (2014).
Before looking into recent developments in fundamental risk management principles and
strategies, it is useful to review two well-established pillars of risk management: a) the main
risk management strategies available and b) the structure of the risk management process.
For a), three major strategies are commonly used to manage risk: risk-informed, cautionary/
precautionary and discursive strategies (Renn 2008, SRA 2015b). The cautionary/
precautionary strategy is also referred to as a strategy of robustness and resilience. In most
cases the appropriate strategy would be a mixture of these three strategies.
The risk-informed strategy refers to the treatment of risk ‒ avoidance, reduction, transfer and
retention ‒ using risk assessments in an absolute or relative way. The cautionary/
precautionary strategy highlights features like containment, the development of substitutes,
safety factors, redundancy in designing safety devices, as well as strengthening of the immune
system, diversification of the means for approaching identical or similar ends, design of
systems with flexible response options and the improvement of conditions for emergency
management and system adaptation. An important aspect here is the ability to adequately read
signals and the precursors of serious events. All risk regulations are based on some level of
such principles to meet the uncertainties, risks and the potential for surprises. The discursive
strategy uses measures to build confidence and trustworthiness, through reduction of
uncertainties and ambiguities, clarifications of facts, involvement of affected people,
deliberation and accountability (Renn 2008, SRA 2015b).
For b), the process can be broken down into the following steps (in line with what one finds
in standards such as ISO 31000 and most risk analysis text books (e.g. Meyer and Reniers
2013, Zio 2007a, Aven 2015a):
i. Establish context, which means for example to define the purpose of the risk
management activities, and specify goals and criteria.
ii. Identify situations and events (hazards/threats/opportunities) that can affect the
activity considered and objectives defined. Many methods have been developed for
this task, including checklists, HAZOP and FMEA.
iii. Conduct cause and consequences analysis of these events, using techniques such as
fault tree analysis, event tree analysis and Bayesian networks.
Make judgements of the likelihood of the events and their consequences, and establish
a risk description or characterisation.
Evaluate risk, to judge the significance of the risk.
vi. Risk treatment.
The risk assessments provide decision support in choosing between alternatives, the
acceptance of activities and products, the implementation of risk-reducing measures, etc. The
generation of the risk-information is often supplemented with decision analysis tools such as
cost-benefit analysis, cost-effectiveness analysis and multi-attribute analysis. All these
methods have in common that they are systematic approaches for organising the pros and
cons of a decision alternative, but they differ with respect to the extent to which one is willing
to make the factors in the problem explicitly comparable. Independent of the tool, there is
always a need for a managerial review and judgement, which sees beyond the results of the
analysis and adds considerations linked to the knowledge and lack of knowledge on which the
assessments are based, as well as issues not captured by the analysis, as was discussed in
Section 2. The degree of “completeness” of an analysis depends on the quality of the analysis
and applied cut-offs (SRA 2015b).
For a review of some alternative recent decision analytical approaches, see Gilboa and
Marinacci (2013). This reference provides some interesting historical and philosophical
reflections on the foundations of the Bayesian and the expected utility based perspectives to
decision-making under uncertainty.
From this basis, considerable work on risk management principles and strategies has been
conducted in recent years. A pioneering work was carried out by Klinke and Renn (2002),
who offered a new classification of risk types and management strategies. The scheme
includes seven aspects of uncertainty and the extent of damage, e.g. delay effects and the
geographical dispersion of the damage, and the potential of mobilisation the risk may have.
For each risk type, a set of risk management strategies is defined. The work integrates the
three major strategies for managing risk as discussed above: risk-informed,
cautionary/precautionary and discursive strategies (Aven and Cox 2015).
Risk management is closely related to policy and policy analysis. A policy can be defined as a
principle or plan to guide decisions and achieve desirable outcomes, and the term applies to
international organisations, governments, private sector organizations and groups, as well as
individuals. The development and operation of policies are often structured by the following
stages inspired by decision theory (e.g. Althaus et al 2007):
2. Generating alternatives, analysis
3. Processing covering aspects like policy instrumentation development, consulting,
deliberation and coordination
4. Decision-making
5. Implementation
6. Evaluation (assessing the effectiveness of the policy)
Linking stage 6 with 1, the process is referred to as the policy cycle. It has similar elements as
we find in the quality and project management field for ensuring continuous improvement –
plan, do, study and act. The above steps i) – vi) for the risk analysis process can also be
structured in line with this cycle. The risk field provides input to the elements of the policy
process for example by:
Conceptualization and characterization of the problem/issue, covering aspects like
objectives, criteria, risk, uncertainties, knowledge and priorities.
Structuring the problem by clarifying and highlighting key principles (e.g. the
precautionary principle) and dilemmas, such as the balance between development and
value creation on one side and protection on the other.
Statistical data analysis to identify those hazards/threats that contribute the most to
risk, and in this way guide the decision making on where to most effectively reduce
the risk.
Risk assessments and in particular Quantified Risk Assessment (QRA) of alternative
perceive the risk and what concerns they have regarding the risk and the potential
Precautionary principle
Few policies for risk management have created more controversy than the precautionary
principle, and it is still being discussed; see for example Aven (2011b), Cox (2011), Lofstedt
(2003), Sunstein (2005), Peterson (2006), Renn (2008)) and Aldred (2013). Two common
interpretations are (SRA 2015a):
Much of the debate on this principle is due to different understandings of the fundamentals of
the risk field, for example related to risk and uncertainties. If one studies the above references,
it is evident that the risk field needs a stronger conceptual unity. From the perspective of the
present author, a key point is the difference between the cautionary and precautionary
principles (Aven 2011b). The former principle is broader than the precautionary principle,
stating that if the consequences of an activity could be serious and subject to uncertainties,
then cautionary measures should be taken or the activity should not be carried out, i.e. faced
with risk we should take action. This principle is used for all industries. For example in the
Norwegian oil and gas industry there is a requirement that the living quarters of an installation
should be protected by fireproof panels of a certain quality for walls facing process and
drilling areas. There are no scientific uncertainties in this case, the phenomena are well-
understood, yet measures are implemented which can be seen as justified on the basis of the
cautionary principle. One knows that such fires can occur and then people should be protected
if they occur. Of course, the decision may not be so straightforward in other cases if the costs
are very large. A risk assessment could then provide useful decision support, and, in line with
the ideas on risk described in Section 3, weights should also be placed on the uncertainties. At
the final stage the decision-makers need to find a balance between the costs and benefits
In view of the discussion in Section 2 (Figure 1) and the first part of this Section 5, proper risk
management relies both on being risk-informed and on cautious (robust/resilient) policies.
Considerable works have been conducted in recent years related to robustness in a context of
risk and uncertainties; see e.g. Hites et al (2006), Baker et al (2008), Roy (2010), Klibi et al
(2010), Joshi and Lambert (2011), Ben-Haim (2012), Fertis et al (2012), Gabrel et al (2014),
and Malek et al (2015). Roy (2010) provides a review of research related to robustness. He
uses the term ‘robust’ as an adjective referring to a capacity for withstanding ‘‘vague
approximations” and/or ‘‘zones of ignorance” in order to prevent undesirable impacts, notably
the degradation of the properties to be maintained. In this view, the research dealing with
robustness seeks to insure this capacity as much as possible. Robustness is related to a process
that responds to a concern: the need for a capacity for resistance or self-protection. Gabrel et
al (2014) present a review of recent developments in the field of robust optimisation, seeking
to find the best policies when parameters are uncertain or ambiguous. Ben-Haim (2012)
provides some overall perspectives on tools and concepts of optimisation in decision-making,
design, and planning, related to risk. The author argues that, in decisions under uncertainty,
what should be optimised is robustness rather than performance; the strategy of satisficing
rather than optimising. Joshi and Lambert (2011) present an example of a “robust
management strategy” using diversification of engineering infrastructure investments, and
Klibi et al (2010) discuss robustness of supply chain networks under uncertainty.
Gabrel et al (2014) underline some of the challenges of robust optimisation. They write
At a high level, the manager must determine what it means for him to have a robust solution:
is it a solution whose feasibility must be guaranteed for any realization of the uncertain
parameters? or whose objective value must be guaranteed? or whose distance to optimality
must be guaranteed? The main paradigm relies on worst-case analysis: a solution is evaluated
using the realization of the uncertainty that is most unfavorable. The way to compute the worst
case is also open to debate: should it use a finite number of scenarios, such as historical data,
or continuous, convex uncertainty sets, such as polyhedra or ellipsoids? The answers to these
questions will determine the formulation and the type of the robust counterpart. Issues of
overconservatism are paramount in robust optimization, where the uncertain parameter set
over which the worst case is computed should be chosen to achieve a trade-off between system
performance and protection against uncertainty, i.e., neither too small nor too large. (Gabrel et
al 2014)
Aven and Hiriart (2013) illustrate some of these points. Using a simple investment model, it is
demonstrated that there are a number of ways the robust analysis can be carried out – none
can be argued to be more natural and better than others. This points to the need for a cautious
policy in making conclusions on what is the best decision, with reference to one particular
robustness scheme. It is concluded that there is a necessity to see the robustness analyses as
nothing more than decision support tools that need to be followed up with a managerial
review and judgement. It is underlined that such analyses should be supplemented with
sensitivity analyses showing the optimal investment levels for various parameter values
Resilience type of strategies play a key role in meeting risk, uncertainties, and potential
surprises. The level of resilience for a system or organisation is linked to the ability to sustain
or restore its basic functionality following a stressor. A resilient system has the ability to
(Hollnagel et al 2006):
respond to regular and irregular threats in a robust yet flexible (adaptive) manner,
monitor what is going on, including its own performance,
anticipate risk events and opportunities,
Through a mix of alertness, quick detection, and early response, the failures can be avoided.
Considerable work has been conducted on this topic in recent years; see for example Weick
and Sutcliffe (2007), Lundberg and Johansson (2015), Sahebjamnia et al (2015), Patterson
and Wears (2015), Righi et al (2015) and Bergström et al (2015). The Weick and Sutcliffe
reference addresses the concept of collective mindfulness, linked to High Reliability
Organisations (HROs), with its five principles: preoccupation with failure, reluctance to
simplify, sensitivity to operations, commitment to resilience and deference to expertise. There
is a vast amount of literature (see e.g. Weick et al 1999, Le Coze 2013, Hopkins 2014)
providing arguments for organisations to organise their efforts in line with these principles in
order to obtain high performance (high reliability) and effectively manage risks, the
unforeseen and potential surprises.
domain, whereas robustness is most commonly referred to in business and operational
research contexts.
Traditional risk assessments are based on causal chains and event analysis, failure reporting
and risk assessments, calculating historical data-based probabilities. This approach has strong
limitations in analysing complex systems as they treat the system as being composed of
components with linear interactions, using methods like fault trees and event trees, and have
mainly a historical failure data perspective. These problems are addressed in resilience
engineering, which argues for more appropriate models and methods for such systems; see
e.g. Hollnagel et al (2006). Alternative methods have been developed, of which FRAM and
STAMP are among the most well-known (Hollnagel 2004, Leveson 2004,2011). At first
glance, resilience engineering seems to be in conflict with risk management as it rejects the
traditional risk assessments, but there is no need for such a conflict. With sufficiently broad
risk management frameworks, the resilience dimension is a part of risk management as was
highlighted at the beginning of this section, and discussed for example by Steen and Aven
(2011) and Aven (2015b). The latter reference relates to the antifragility concept of Taleb
(2012), which builds on and extends the resilience concept. The key message of Taleb is that
to obtain top performance over time one has to acknowledge and even “love” some level of
variation, uncertainty and risk. Taleb (2012, p. 4-5) proposes “to stand current approaches to
prediction, prognostication, and risk management on their heads”. However, as discussed
above, there is no conflict here if risk and risk management are sufficiently framed and
conceptualised. Proper risk management needs to incorporate these ways of thought, which
Large/deep uncertainties
The above analysis covers in particular situations characterised by large or deep uncertainties,
such as in preparing for climate change and managing emerging diseases. What policies and
decision-making schemes should be implemented in such cases? Traditional statistical
methods and techniques are not suitable, as relevant supporting models cannot easily be
justified and relevant data are missing. The answer is as discussed above,
cautionary/precautionary, and robust and resilient approaches and methods.
Cox (2012) reviews and discusses such approaches and methods to meet deep uncertainties.
He argues that the robust and adaptive methods provide genuine breakthroughs for improving
predictions and decisions in such cases. Ten tools that “can help us to better understand deep
uncertainty and make decisions even when correct models are unknown are looked into:
(subjective) expected utility theory; multiple priors, models or scenarios, robust control,
robust decisions; robust optimisation; average models; resampling; adaptive boosting;
Bayesian model averaging; low regret online detection; reinforcement learning; and model-
free reinforcement learning”. These tools are founded on two strategies: “finding robust
decisions that work acceptably well for many models (those in the uncertainty set); and
adaptive risk management, or learning what to do by well-designed and analysed trial and
error” (Cox 2012).
Adaptive analysis is based on the acknowledgement that one best decision cannot be made but
rather a set of alternatives should be dynamically tracked to gain information and knowledge
about the effects of different courses of action. On an overarching level, the basic process is
straightforward: one chooses an action based on broad considerations of risk and other
aspects, monitors the effect, and adjusts the action based on the monitored results (Linkov et
al 2006). In this way we may also avoid the extreme events. See also Pettersen (2013) who
discusses abductive thinking, which is closely linked to adaptive analysis.
Aven (2013b) provides some reflections on some of the foundational pillars on which the
work by Cox (2012) is based, including the meaning of the concept of deep uncertainty. He
also provides some perspectives on the boundaries and limitations of analytical approaches
for supporting decision-making in the case of such uncertainties, highlighting the need for
managerial review and judgements, as was discussed in Section 2.
For some alternative perspectives on how to meet deep uncertainties, see Karvetski and
Lambert (2012) and Lambert et al. (2012), who seek to turn the conventional robustness
discussion away from its urgency to know which action is most robust and towards
identifying which are the uncertainties that matter most, which matter least, which present
opportunities, and which present threats, and why. See also Hamilton et al (2015).
Taleb (2007) made the black swan metaphor well-known and it is widely used today. His
work has inspired many authors, also on foundational issues (e.g. Chichilnisky 2013, Feduzi
and Runde 2014, Masys 2012, Aven 2015a), and recently there has been a lively discussion
about the meaning of the black swan metaphor and its use in risk management; see Haugen
and Vinnem (2015) and Aven (2015d,e). The metaphor has created a huge interest in risk, in
particular among lay persons. It has also created increased focus in the professional risk
analysis society about risk, knowledge and surprises. Different types of black swans have
been defined and measures to meet them discussed (e.g. Paté-Cornell 2012, Aven and Krohn
2014, Aven 2015d). But it is just a metaphor and cannot replace the need for conceptual
precision linked to terms such as ‘risk’, ‘probability’ and ‘knowledge’. As highlighted by
Aven (2015b), the basic idea of addressing black swans is to obtain a stronger focus on issues
not covered by the traditional risk perspectives, highlighting historical data, probabilities and
expected values (the world of Mediocristan in Taleb’s terminology). Surprises do occur
relative to the beliefs determined by these measures and concepts (historical data,
probabilities and expected values). We need to get more focus on the world outside
Mediocristan, what Taleb refers to as Extremistan. Approaches to meet the potential surprises
and blacks swans include improved risk assessments better capturing the knowledge
dimension, and adaptive and resilient (antifragile) thinking and analysis, as discussed in the
references mentioned in this paragraph.
Risk criteria
Risk management is about balancing different concerns, profits, safety, reputation, etc. In
general one considers a set of alternatives, evaluates their pros and cons, and makes a decision
that best meets the decision-makers’ values and priorities. In this process, it is common to
introduce constraints, in particular related to safety aspects, to simplify the overall judgements
and ensure some minimum level on specific areas, to avoid the consideration of too many
variables at the same time.
Such constraints are often referred to as risk criteria, risk acceptance criteria and tolerability
criteria; see e.g. Rodrigues et al (2014) and Vanem (2012). For example, in Norway the
petroleum regulations state that the operator has a duty to formulate risk acceptance criteria
relating to major accidents and to the environment. This practice is in line with the internal
control principle, which states that the operator has the full responsibility for identifying the
hazards and seeing that they are controlled. This practice is, however, debated, and in a recent
paper Abrahamsen and Aven (2012) argue that it should be reconsidered. It is shown that if
risk acceptance criteria are to be introduced as a risk management tool, they should be
formulated by the authorities, as is the common practice seen in many countries and
industries, for example in the UK. Risk acceptance criteria formulated by the industry would
not in general serve the interest of the society as a whole. The main reason is that an
operator's activity usually will cause negative externalities to society (an externality is an
economically significant effect due to the activities of an agent/firm that does not influence
the agent's/firm's production, but which influences other agents' decisions). The increased
losses for society imply that society wants to adopt stricter risk acceptance criteria than those
an operator finds optimal in its private optimization problem. The expected utility theory,
which is the backbone for most economic thinking, is used as a basis for the discussion.
The critique against the use of such criteria also covers other aspects; see e.g. Aven (2015a).
Firstly, tolerability or acceptance levels expressed through probability ignore important
aspects of risk as discussed in Sections 3 and 4. A key point is that the strength of knowledge
on which the probability judgements are based, is not reflected in the probabilities used for
comparing with these levels. Secondly, the use of such criteria can easily lead to the wrong
focus, namely meeting the criteria rather than finding the best possible solutions and
measures, taking into account the limitations of the analysis, uncertainties not reflected by the
analysis, and other concerns important for the decision-making. As strongly highlighted by
for example Apostolaksis (2004), a risk decision should be risk-informed, not risk-based.
There is always a need for managerial review and judgement, as indicated by Figure 1.
The ALARP principle (ALARP: As Low As Reasonably Practicable) is a commonly adopted
risk-reduction principle, which is based on both risk-informed and cautionary/precautionary
thinking. The principle is founded on the idea of gross disproportion and states that a risk-
reducing measure shall be implemented unless it can be demonstrated that the costs are in
gross disproportion to the benefits gained. The principle’s practical implementation is still a
matter of discussion and research; see e.g. Ale et al (2015), French et al (2005), Melchers
(2001), Vinnem et al (2006) and Jones-Lee and Aven (2011). It is tempting to use cost-
benefit analysis, calculating expected net present values or expected costs per expected saved
lives, to verify the gross disproportionate criterion. And this is commonly done, but should be
used with care as these cost-benefit criteria do not adequately reflect the uncertainty
component of risk (Aven and Abrahamsen 2007). Uncertainty assessments extending beyond
the cost-benefit analyses consequently need to be supplemented with broader processes, as
discussed for example by Aven and Vinnem (2007).
Integrative perspectives
Again we can see aspects of integrative thinking, the tension being caused by the different
perspectives, traditional risk analysis, resilience and antifragility, leading to broader risk
management frameworks incorporating all these elements. Several frameworks have been
developed with such an aim, e.g. the risk frameworks of Renn (2008) and Aven and Krohn
(2014). This former approach has a perspective of governance and combines scientific
evidence with economic considerations as well as social concerns and societal values. The
latter framework builds on risk thinking as described in Section 3, focuses on knowledge
building, transfer of experience and learning, and adds theories and practical insights from
other fields specifically addressing the knowledge dimension. Three areas are given main
attention, firstly the collective mindfulness concept linked to High Reliability Organisations
(HROs), with its five principles mentioned above. The second area relates to the quality
discourse, with its focus on variation, system thinking and continuous improvements
(Bergman and Klefsjö 2003, Deming 2000), while the third includes the concept of
antifragility (Taleb 2012).
6 The future of risk assessment and management
The future of risk assessment and risk management is discussed in SRA (2015b) and Aven
and Zio (2014); see also reviews and reflections by Venkatasubramanian (2011), Pasman and
Reniers (2014) and Khan et al (2015).
A key challenge is related to the development of the risk field, as outlined in Section 2,
having a focus on knowledge and lack of knowledge characterisations, instead of accurate
risk estimations and predictions, to meet situations of large uncertainties. Today risk
assessments are well established in situations with considerable data and clearly defined
boundaries for their use. Statistical and probabilistic tools have been developed and provide
useful decision support for many types of applications. However, risk decisions are, to an
increasing extent, about situations characterised by large uncertainties and emergence. Such
situations call for different types of approaches and methods, and it is a main challenge for
the risk field to develop suitable frameworks and tools for this purpose (SRA 2015b). There
is a general research focus on dynamic risk assessment and management rather than static or
The concept of emerging risk has gained increasing attention in recent years. Flage and
Aven (2015) perform an in-depth analysis of the emerging risk concept and in particular its
relation to black swan type of events through the known/unknown. According to this work,
we face emerging risk related to an activity when the background knowledge is weak but
contains indications/justified beliefs that a new type of event (new in the context of that
activity) could occur in the future and potentially have severe consequences to something
humans value. The weak background knowledge inter alia results in difficulty specifying
consequences and possibly also in fully specifying the event itself; i.e., in difficulty
specifying scenarios.
We need to further develop risk assessments that are able to capture these challenges linked to
the knowledge dimension and the time dynamics. A pure probabilistic approach, for example
a Bayesian analysis, would not be feasible as the background knowledge – the basis for the
probability models and assignments – would be poor. There is a need to balance different risk
management strategies in an adaptive manner, including cautionary strategies and attention to
signals and warnings.
There is also a need for substantial research and development to obtain adequate modelling
and analysis methods – beyond the “traditional” ones – to “handle” different types of systems.
Examples include critical infrastructures (e.g. electrical grids, transportation networks, etc.),
which are complex systems and often interdependent, i.e. “systems of systems”. Another
example is security-type applications, where qualitative assessments are often performed on
the basis of judgements of actors’ intentions and capacities, without reference to a probability
scale. There seems to be a huge potential for significant improvements in the way security is
assessed by developing frameworks that integrate the standard security approaches and ways
of assessing and treating uncertainty. The paper by Aven (2013c) provides an example of a
work in this direction.
Societal risk decision-making is more and more challenging – it is characterised by many and
diverse stakeholders. Some of the challenges and research issues that need to be focused on,
here, relate to, inter alia (SRA 2015b, Aven and Zio 2014):
- “how the outcomes of the risk and uncertainties assessment should be best described,
visualised and communicated, for their informative use in the above described process
of societal decision-making involving multiple and diverse stakeholders,
- how issues of risk acceptability need to be seen in relation to the measurement tools
used to make judgements about risk acceptability, accounting for the value generating
processes at the societal level,
how the managerial review and judgement should be defined in this context.
- How can we describe and represent the results of risk assessments in a way that is
useful to decision-makers, which clearly presents the assumptions made and their
justification with respect to the knowledge upon which the assessment is based?
- How can we display risk information without misrepresenting what we know and do
not know?
- How can we accurately represent and account for uncertainties in a way that properly
justifies confidence in the risk results?
- How can we state how good expert judgements are, and how can we improve them?
The above list covers issues ranging from important features of risk assessment to overall
aspects concerning risk management and governance. It can obviously be extended. One
example to add is the link between sustainability and risk, which is an emerging research
topic; see e.g. Fahimnia et al (2015) and Giannakis and Papadopoulos (2015).
7 Conclusions
Risk assessment and risk management are established as a scientific field and provide
important contributions in supporting decision-making in practice. Basic principles, theories
and methods exist and are developing. This review paper has placed its focus on recent work
and advances covering the fundamental ideas and thinking on which the risks fields are based.
Having evaluated a considerable number of papers in this area, the following main
conclusions are drawn:
1. The scientific foundation of risk assessment and risk management is still somewhat
shaky on some issues, in the sense that both theoretical work and practice rely on
perspectives and principles that could seriously misguide decision-makers. Examples
include the general conception of risk as an expected value or a probability
2. In recent years several attempts at integrative research have been conducted,
establishing broader perspectives on the conceptualisation, assessment and
management of risk. The present author sees this way of thinking as essential for
developing the risk field and obtaining a strong unifying scientific platform for this
field. These perspectives relate to:
Concepts and terms, like risk, vulnerability, probability, etc.
The emphasis on knowledge and lack of knowledge descriptions and
characterisations in risk assessments
The way uncertainty is treated in risk assessments
assessment and management, which is welcomed and necessary for meeting the
challenges the risk field now faces, related to societal problems and complex
technological and emerging risks.
It is hoped that the present review and discussion can inspire more researchers to take part in
this work, building a stronger platform for risk assessment and management, meeting current
The author is grateful to four anonymous reviewers for their useful comments and suggestions
to the original version of this paper. The work has been partly funded by the Norwegian
Research Council – as a part of the Petromaks 2 program (grant number 228335/E30). The
support is gratefully acknowledged.
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