6to 9DJ - Reading Unit

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Prof. Alejandra Gutierrez

Reading 1 : Captain James Cook

James Cook was born in a small village in England in 1728. When he was 12, he left school. He helped
his father work on farmland near the village. When he was 17, James left home and walked to a village
near the ocean to start a job in a store. When he reached the village, he looked out at the ocean.
From that moment, he wanted to sail across the oceans.

In 1755, Cook became a sailor in the British Navy. He was very good at drawing maps, so the British
Navy asked him to sail to the South Pacific to explore and make maps of all the islands. In 1768, he
left England and sailed south. Three years later, when he came back to England, Captain Cook was a
famous explorer. On his ship were kangaroos and amazing types of fruit. He was the first European to
reach the east coast of Australia, the first to sail round New Zealand, and the first to go to many of the
small islands of the Pacific.

Read the text about Captain Cook. Write the correct year. There are two extra years.

1728 1740 1745 1755 1768 1771 1776

1 Cook was born. _______

2 Cook sailed to the South Pacific. ______
3 Cook got his first job in a store. ______
4 Cook left school. ______
5 Cook returned to England. ______

Read the text again and choose the correct answers.

1 James Cook was born in a small village / a big city.
2 James was 12 / 13 when he left school.
3 James worked with his mother / father when he was young.
4 James worked on farmland / near the ocean when he was 17.
5 The British Navy asked James to make maps of / take maps to the South Pacific.
6 James saw / ate wild animals in the South Pacific.
7 James visited the east / the west of Australia.

Reading 2: Jacques Cousteau

Jacques-Yves Cousteau was a French undersea explorer, inventor, film-maker, photographer, and

He was born in 1910 in southwestern France. At the age of 23, he had a serious car accident, and then
he started swimming in the ocean to improve his health. He wore special glasses called goggles to see
better in the water, but he couldn’t stay under the water for very long. He wanted to make a machine
to help him breathe under water. In 1943, he met a French engineer called Emile Gagnan, and
together they invented the “Aqua Lung.” This helped Cousteau breathe while he was swimming under
water. It was the beginning of scuba diving.

Today, scuba diving is an adventure sport, but when Cousteau went scuba diving, he was learning
about the ocean. In 1950, he rented a ship called Calypso, and while he was sailing around the world
with his family, he studied the ocean. He soon realized that the ocean was in danger, and he was
worried. Later, he made a TV series about his life on Calypso and the work he was doing. The program
lasted for more than eight years and became one of the most popular TV series of the 1970s. It
helped teach people about the ocean and its animals.

In 1973, Cousteau started the Cousteau Society to help protect the world’s oceans. He died in 1997 at
the age of 87.

Read the text. Then choose the correct answers.

1 Jacques Cousteau was an underwater explorer, inventor, and … a film-maker b teacher

2 He wanted to invent a machine to help him…..under water. a breathe b swim
3 Jacques Cousteau and Emile Gagnan invented the Aqua Lung, which people use to go…….
a surfing b scuba diving
4 Cousteau sailed around the world and he studied… a the world’s oceans b ships
5 His series was shows on TV. a one of the most expensive b one of the most popular
6 The Cousteau Society aimed to the world’s oceans. a explore b protect

Read again. Choose T (True), F (False), or DS (Doesn’t Say).

1 Jacques Cousteau was from France. T F DS

2 He had an accident in 1920. T F DS
3 He began swimming to become healthy again. T F DS
4 Cousteau and Gagnan created an invention to see better under water. T F DS
5 Cousteau and Gagnan became life-long friends. T F DS
6 Cousteau’s TV program helped people learn about life in the ocean. T F DS

Reading 3: Read the blog. Then answer the questions. Use full sentences.

My favorite person in history

Sally Ride is my favorite person in history. She wasn’t the first woman in space (that
was Valentina Tereshkova in 1963), but she was the first American woman in space.

Sally Kristen Ride was born in Los Angeles, California, on May 26 th, 1951. At school, she
was a fantastic tennis player. She was a very good student, too. Her favorite subjects
were science and math.

After studying English and science at Stanford University, Ride’s first job was at NASA
(National Aeronautics and Space Administration) in 1978. She was very good at her
job, and soon she was an astronaut. Her first flight into space was on June 18th, 1983 in
Challenger, and it was for six days. Her second flight was on October 5 th, 1984.
After working for NASA, Ride was a teacher in a university, and she was also a writer.
Her books for children are about space.

I like Sally Ride because she is a role model. Women can do fantastic things.

Macy, 13
1 Who was the first woman in space? _____________________________________________________ .
2 When was Sally Ride born? _________________________________________________________ .
3 Were her favorite subjects history and geography? _________________________________________ .
4 How long was Sally’s first flight in Challenger? _____________________________________________ .
5 When was her second flight? _____________________________________________________ .

Reading 4 : Bob Marley

a. Choose the correct answers.

1. Bob Marley’s father was often away from home / in Jamaica.

2. Marley left school because he wanted to earn money / play music.

3 Marley played the guitar / keyboard.

4. Bob Marley was old / young when he-died.

b. Are these sentences T (True) or F(False)? Correct the false sentences.

1 Bob Marley’s father was usually at home. T / F

2 Bob Marley played the drums and sang. T / F -.

3 Bob Marley was only popular in Jamaica. T / F -.

4 Bob Marley still influences musicians today. T / F -. c.

Complete the sentences.

1 Bob Marley was born ……………………………………….

2 In 1964 Bob Marley met musicians who played the ………………………………………

3 In the 1960s, reggae music was only popular ………………………………………………….

4 The Wailers sang songs about …………………………………………………...

5 Bob Marley’s music and political ideas still ………………………………………………….

a. Choose the correct answers.

1 Martin Cooper is famous / not very famous.

2 He was interested in going to university /phones.

3 In the 1950s, there were a few / a lot of phones in people’s homes.

4 Martin’s job was to design a cell phone / car phone.

b. Are these sentences T (True) or F_(False)? Correct the false sentences.

1 Martin Cooper is a famous inventor. T / F

2 Martin wasn’t interested in phones when he was at college. T / F

3 Not many companies were interested in the idea of cell phones. T / F

4 The fi rst cell phone call was from Martin Cooper to a friend. T / F

5 The fi rst cell phone wasn’t easy to carry. T / F

c. Answer the questions.

1 What was Martin Cooper the inventor of?

2 When and where was Martin born?

3 What was Martin’s job at Motorola?

4 What was Martin’s idea?

5 Where and when was the first cell phone call?

6 What was the first cell phone like?

Activity 3


Ingles – 5TO II Naturales – TM – Col. Sec. Ciudad de Santa Rosa
Activity 4




Emile Zola
Emile Zola, the famous French writer, was born in 1840. His father was an
Italian engineer and his mother was French. The family lived in the south of
France for a few years, but moved to Paris after Emile's father's death, when
he was only three. Zola did not pass his high school exams, so he could not
study at university. Instead, he worked in several different jobs, before he
decided to become a journalist and writer.
At the age of 28, he knew what he wanted to write: a set of twenty books to tell the story of two parts
of the same family living in France at that time. In this way, he showed people both the good and the
bad sides of change – the change which the Industrial Revolution was bringing to the country. In that
way, many people compare him to Charles Dickens, the English writer, who wrote about very similar
Zola wanted to describe life as truly as possible, and did a lot of research to prepare his books. So, for
example, he visited coal mines before writing a story of the miners' labour problems; or the theatres
in Paris, before writing about the life of an actress.
Zola was not just a writer, but also a political journalist. He asked a lot of difficult questions about the
activities of the government and the army. For that reason, the government was not very happy with
him and made his life very difficult.

Choose the correct answers.

1 Zola lived most of his life in _________.

a the south of France b Italy c Paris

2 When Zola left school, he __________.
a became a writer b went to university c found a job

3 Zola wanted people to understand both sides of _____________.

a his family b the Industrial Revolution c Charles Dickens

4 Zola spent a lot of time ___________ to help him write his novels.

a finding out about different places b visiting coal mines c going to the theatre
5 Zola _________ the government.

a was friendly with b had problems with c didn't worry about

Answer these questions about Emile Zola.

6. When was Zola born?

7 What was his father’s occupation?

8 What was his mother’s nationality?

9 Did he study at university?

10 What did he write about?

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