Actividad de Proyecto 11-4

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It is necessary to fully understand the supply chain process in order to have a steady
growth and move towards the right direction to have a successful Company. Likewise, it
is important to be able to assess the different processes happening within the supply
chain so the company is more competitive in the international market.
With that in mind, it is worth highlighting the role of being able to speak a second
language like English in every international business, especially the ones involved
within the International Physical Distribution. By speaking this second language
distances become no longer a process to exchange knowledge with the entire world.
That is why, in order to help you to strengthen your skills with this foreign language, you
must develop the following workshop. Read and answer the following questions:
1. Read the following questionnaire and answer the questions below:


• What kind of questions are mainly used to self-assess the given supply
chain? Why do you think it happens? Explain.

Supply chain assessment is all those efforts aimed at monitoring, auditing
and analyzing the conditions in which these logistics processes are located.
Once we can detect the possible problems and inconveniences to be solved
in any of its different areas including transport difficulties, losses and cost
overruns of the merchandise, we will proceed to give results of the
evaluation of the supply chain providing well-supported integral solutions
that can improve the productivity of the company, returning it to its
productive approach.

• Why do you think it is important to have different types of questions to

assess a supply chain?

It is important to investigate, make constant review, be part of the supply

process from its beginning to the departure of the product, always be aware
of everything in the smallest detail and be able to correct possible errors
before they reach the hands of the client. The evaluation of the supply chain
makes the company more competitive, more capable and active carried
hand in hand with new technology and improvements in commercial
practices nationally and internationally.

• What aspects of the supply chain are being evaluated by means of the
given questionnaire? Explain.

Oh five critical aspects, such as: sourcing, storage, inventory management,

distribution and transportation and reverse logistics. These factors include a
set of variables that evaluate the planning, execution, measurement, and
control of supply chain management.
With these five aspects, the company will be responsible for managing the
sources of supply until the purchase of the raw material, avoiding putting at
risk a shortage and maintaining the sustainability of the possible businesses
agreed by the company.

• What kind of information can be analyzed to improve the current

situation of the supply chain?
Good logistics management is key to improving the competitiveness of a
company, especially with respect to the supply chain. This way we can
review logistics processes such as transport, shipping or inventory control,
allowing us to gain in efficiency and obtain results, accompanied by good
technology in logistics, guaranteeing a correct management of their areas,
improving warehouses, optimizing the transport of training and supply with
the aim of the success of the company.

2. After analyzing the previous self-assessment questionnaire and checking the
complementary material “Sample supply chain management questionnaire”, create
your own questionnaire, including different types of questions to assess one of the
following aspects (select only one):
• Customer experience.
• Customer service.
• Transportation management.


It is worth mentioning that customer service plays a very important role

within the supply chain, because this good taken is fundamental for the
growth of any organization, making it increasingly competitive based on the
policies and rules of the company, but without neglecting the importance of
the customer and their options that contribute to correct and improve for
the company and for the public or consumer.
3. Remember to include a short paragraph to explain why this questionnaire is
important for you as the Distribution Manager and for the company itself. The
questions you ask must cover different aspects of the topic being evaluated. You
must create minimum ten (10) questions and maximum, twenty (20). Do not forget
to include open and closed questions. The potential information you collect, will be
useful to make your company be better.
These types of questionnaires are self-evaluative, where they allow us to see in
which aspects we are working, as in which we are not. Being a distribution manager with
the responsibility of coordinating, supervising, working as a team and managing a good
work environment in order to achieve the expectations proposed and raised for the success
of the company. Some other questions that could help us improve in the supply chain and
that would allow us to be more at the forefront would be some of those that we will ask
1. How much we take the customer into account.
2. What is the main idea when listening to the customer.
3. What is the purpose of the company's economic growth.
4. How they influence the implementation of new technologies in the supply chain.
5. What is the operation of every economic organization.
6. How could the company manage to get the most out of logistics and make this an

7. When a supply chain operates under pressure
8. How frequently a detailed assessment of the distribution network is made.
9. How we could provide better quality of care to all our areas of the distribution chain.
10. What conclusions we could give from our point of view of our company's supply
11. What is the pillar of the company to continue advancing in international markets.

That said, we can conclude the importance of a good performance of the

position of distribution manager, because a correct work will guarantee us a
reception, storage and delivery of goods to customers or points of sale, in
the desired conditions and with excellent quality standards.

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