STS0002-19 (Ol: Monday, 2:30PM-4:00PM F2F: Thursday, 2:30PM-4:00PM)

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(Ol: Monday, 2:30PM-4:00PM

F2F: Thursday, 2:30PM-4:00PM)

Quiz No.2 – Science and Technology in Middle and Modern Ages

1. The “Dark Age” covered the period

A. 500 CE to 1000 CE
B. 1350 to 1600
C. 1543 to 1687
D. 1750 to 1900

2. The “Scientific Revolution” covered the period

A. 500 CE to 1000 CE
B. 1350 to 1600
C. 1543 to 1687
D. 1750 to 1900

3. The “Industrial Revolution” covered the period

A. 500 CE to 1000 CE
B. 1350 to 1600
C. 1543 to 1687
D. 1750 to 1900

4. What is/are the reasons for the lack of scientific inquiry during the Dark Ages?
I. Most clerics and scholars of the early Middle Ages did not have access to the vast amount of
scientific literature written in Greek before and during the Roman Empire.
II. Majority of the people could not read and write except the members of the clergy (monks, priests,
III. Intellectual activity was centered on the study of the Bible and on the Christian faith.
A. I only
B. II only
C. I, II

5. During the Medieval Age, what method of learning was introduced which placed a strong emphasis on
Platonic reasoning and deduction working within a background of fixed religious dogma and Aristotelian
A. Scholasticism
B. Renaissance
C. Ockham's Razor
D. Scientific Revolution

6. Which of the following describe/s the principle of parsimony?

I. It is also called Ockham's Razor, named after William of Ockham who proposed the principle.
II. It supports that a simple theory is preferred to a more complex one and speculation on
unobservable phenomena is avoided.
III. It was a new approach developed during the medieval era which liberated scientific speculation
from the dogmatic restraints of Aristotelian science.
A. I only
B. II only
C. I, II

7. Johannes Gutenberg made the first version of the

A. electrical telegraph
B. printing press
C. spinning jenny
D. steam engine

8. Which of the following is/are true regarding the scholars of the early times?
I. The Medieval Scholars of the 12th century focused on studying Greek and Arabic works of natural
sciences, philosophy and mathematics
II. The Renaissance scholars practiced astrology and studied the cultural, literary & historical texts
resulting to the flowering of Latin and vernacular literature.
III. The scholars of the Scientific Revolution concentrated on the technological advancement.
A. I only
B. II only
C. I, II

9. This important book during the Scientific Revolution debunked the Aristotelian view of the four
elements and suggested the use of chemical indicators for the detection of acidic and basic liquids.
A. Skeptical Chymist
B. The Elements
C. De Re Metallica
D. Treatise on Light

10. Who was the author of the famous book referred to in the previous question?
A. Robert Boyle
B. Robert Hooke
C. Antoine Laurent Lavoisier
D. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek

11. Which of the following title/s is/are given to Galileo Galilei?

I. father of modern physics
II. father of the scientific method
III. father of observational astronomy
A. I only
B. Il only
C. I, II

12. Which of the following is/are correctly paired?

I. Marcello Malpighi - father of physiology and embryology
II. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek - father of microbiology
III. Santorio Santorio - father of modern medicine
A. Il only
B. III only
C. I, II

13. Which book of Isaac Newton served as the capstone of the Scientific Revolution and became the most
respected scientific work of all time?
A. Opticks
B. The Principia
C. De Re Metallica
D. Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica

14. Which medieval book provided illustrations on the techniques of shafting, pumping (by treadmill,
animal power & waterpower) and of conveying the ore from the mines into trucks, which anticipated the
development of the railways?
A. Astronomia Pars Optica by Johannes Kepler
B. De Re Metallica by Georgius Agricola
C. Elements by Euclid
D. none of these is correct

15. The famous book "On Revolution of Heavenly Bodies" highlighted the significant discoveries of
A. Copernicus
B. Galilei
C. Kepler
D. Newton

16. Which of the following is/are true regarding alchemists?

I. Alchemists were considered to have laid the foundation of modern chemistry when they
developed a structure of basic laboratory techniques, theory and experimental method.
II. Alchemists claimed to be experts on matter and thought all matter to be made from four main
elements: earth, air, water, and fire.
III. The works of alchemists were guided by Hermetic principles related to magic, mythology, and
A. Il only
B. III only

17. The greatest contribution of this great medieval mathematician was his role in spreading the use of
Hindu-Arabic numeral system throughout Europe early in the 13th Century.
A. James Watt
B. Charles Parsons
C. Leonardo of Pisa
D. Samuel Compton

18. Which of the following invention-inventor is/are correctly paired?

I. first powered textile machine - Alfred Nobel
II. first version of the printing press - Johannes Gutenberg
III. first commercial electrical telegraph - Richard Trevithick
IV. first commercially successful steamboat - Robert Fulton
A. I, III only
B. II, IV only
D. none of these

19. All of the following fields of study are correctly paired with their founders EXCEPT
A. modern anatomy - Andreas Vesalius
B. modern botany - Otto Brunfels & Leonard Fuchs
C. modern algebra - John Wallis
D. modern optics - Johannes Kepler
20. Which of the following significant events happened during the Renaissance period?
I. The theory of Copernicus that the earth revolved around the sun led Europeans to reject
Aristotelian-medieval scientific thought.
II. Iron industry emerged to use coal instead of charcoal to smelt iron ore and to process cast iron
into wrought iron and steel.
III. New navigational techniques such as the magnetic compass, the quadrant, the Jacob's cross-staff
and the mariner's astrolabe, allowed economic and military control of the seas adjacent to Europe.
A. II only
B. III only
c. II, III

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