Gcc4.4.4 Multilib Toolchain Release Note

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GCC 4.4.

4 multilib toolchain release note

Contents 1. What new 2. What inside 3. Howto use 4. Howto build a multilib toolchain 5. Appendix.

1 What new
New features of this toolchain include: gcc 4.4.4. This compiler version supports VFPv3 and NEON. And it is also the first gcc version supports Cortex-A9, Cortex-R4. Multilib cross toolchain. This toolchain is a multilib toolchain, library compiled separately for different CPU model. Optimized library. We optimized some common library routines to improve application performance. Application debug tools. We provide some debug tools to trace and detect application bug.

Freescale Semiconductor

gcc 4.4.4 toolchain, Rev 10.11.01

2 What inside
The whole toolchain contains: binutils 2.20.1 gcc 4.4.4 with multilib support glibc 2.11.1. glibc-ports 2.11 (some routines are optimized with neon and arm instructions) gdb and gdbserver 7.1 other debug tools and some companion libraries

Toolchain directory structure. |-- bin //toolchain with prefix, such as arm-none-linux-gnueabi-gcc etc. |-- lib //library files used for toolchain itself, not for application `-- arm-fsl-linux-gnueabi |-- bin //toolchain without prefix, such as gcc. |-- debug-root //all debug tools `-- multi-libs //all libraries and headers. |-- armv5te //library for armv5te (i.mx 2xx). only support soft float point |-- armv6 // library for armv6 (i.mx 3xx), soft fpu version | `-- vfp //library for armv6, vfp fpu version |-- armv7-a //library for armv7-a (i.mx5xx), hardware fpu version | |-- neon //library for armv7-a, use neon as fpu | |-- thumb //library for armv7-a, use thumb-2 instruction instead of arm. | `-- vfpv3 //library for armv7-a, use vfpv3 as fpu. |-- lib //default library. It can be used for armv4t and above. `-- usr |-- include //header files for the application development `-- lib //three-part library and static built library

Freescale Semiconductor

gcc 4.4.4 toolchain, Rev 10.11.01

3 Howto use 3.1 gcc

As a multilib toolchain, different gcc options link to different binary library, for example, Compile test.c with: a) arm-none-linux-gnueabi-gcc -Wall test.c -o test b) arm-none-linux-gnueabi-gcc -Wall -mcpu=cortex-a8 -mfpu=neon -mfloat-abi=softfp test.c -o test case a) will link to default binary lib directory, which located at: multi-libs/lib case b) will link to armv7-a neon binary lib directory, which locate at: multi-libs/armv7-a/neon/lib You can check multilib toolchain information by: a) arm-none-linux-gnueabi-gcc -print-multi-lib b) arm-none-linux-gnueabi-gcc your gcc options -print-multi-directory c) arm-none-linux-gnueabi-gcc your gcc options -print-search-dirs command a) shows all the multilib support. command b) shows the library directory corresponding to the gcc options you provided. But it cannot handle options alias. For example, We have set -mcpu=cortex-a8 has same effect to -march=armv7-a, but the result this command shows is not we expected. Although the information it shows not correct, gcc will link to correct library when you use alias options, you can confirm the behavior by command c). command c) shows the library search patch corresponding to the gcc options you provided. Incompatible notes: gcc 4.4 rename armv7a architect name to armv7-a, rename vfp3 fpu name to vfpv3. So if you use -march=armv7a or -mfpu=vfp3 will not work as expect.

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gcc 4.4.4 toolchain, Rev 10.11.01

Gcc options for different library directory. Directory path lib, usr/lib armv5te/lib armv5te/usr/lib Targe CPU model armv4t armv5te, i.mx2xx -march=armv5te -march=armv5te alias to: -mcpu=cpu name of armv5te or -mtune=cpu name of armv5te such as: arm968e-s, arm946e-s. etc. -march=armv6 alias to: -mcpu=cpu name of armv6 arch or -mtune=cpu name of armv6 arch such as: arm1136j-s etc. -mfpu=vfp save to above. -march=armv7-a alias to: -mcpu=cpu name of armv7-a or -mtune=cpu name of armv7-a such as: cortex-a8 cortex-a9 etc. same as above same as above same as above Gcc options Alias options

armv6/lib armv6/usr/lib

armv6, i.mx3xx


armv6/vfp/lib armv6/vfp/usr/lib armv7-a/lib armv7-a/usr/lib

armv6, i.mx3xx armv7-a, i.mx5xx

-march=armv6 mfloat-abi=softfp -march=armv7-a

armv7-a/thumb/lib armv7-a/thumb/usr/lib armv7-a/neon/lib armv7-a/neon/usr/lib armv7-a/vfpv3/lib armv7-a/vfpv3/usr/lib

armv7-a, i.mx5xx armv7-a, i.mx5xx armv7-a, i.mx5xx

-march=armv7-a -mthumb -march=armv7-a -mfloat-abi=softfp -march=armv7-a -mfloat-abi=softfp -mfpu=neon -mfpu=vfpv3

Notes: directory path is relative path to: gcc-4.4.4-glibc-2.11.1-multilib-1.0/arm-fsl-linux-gnueabi/ arm-fsl-linux-gnueabi/multi-libs target CPU model means cpu model and above, not just only the specific model. gcc options means the options must provided, other options can add base on this. alias options means: some gcc options alias to other, so if you use these alias options, has the same effect to gcc options

3.2 Application debug tools

strace and strace-graph: strace used to trace system call invoked by application and library. It shows system call parameters and results, and can also provide some performance statistic among system calls. ltrace: ltrace similar to strace, except ltrace trace library call. duma: duma is a memory access debug tools. It helps to solve memory access error(segmentation fault) and memory leak problem. dmalloc dmalloc can be used to debug application memory leak. It needs library(glibc) support. You can check this reference for more:
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Freescale Semiconductor

gcc 4.4.4 toolchain, Rev 10.11.01

4 Howto build a multilib toolchain 4.1 Introduce

There are different kinds of toolchains. You can distinguish them by understand the machines involved: 1) machine used to build the toolchain: build machine 2) machine used to running the toolchain: host machine 3) machine the toolchain generating code running on: target machine When build = host = target. native toolchain. When build != host = target. native toolchain. When build = host != target. cross toolchain When build !=host != target. Canadian toolchain In this chapter, we only describe cross toolchain be used on Linux, and suppose building machine is x86 server. Classic cross toolchain can be build out in following steps: 1. install Linux kernel headers. The kernel header is required by binutils and glibc. Linux kernel provide make header_install to install headers. 2. build gcc companion library, which required by gcc to running, such as gmp, ppl etc. This step is built by x86 gcc. 3. Build cross binutils. Binutils provide assembler, linker, and some elf binary operation tools, which is the base of compiler and toolchain building. It is built by x86 gcc. 4. Build bootstrap cross gcc. This gcc only enabled minimal functions, can generate target code for ARM, but only support compiling c source code. We can only generate bootstrap gcc now, since some components need by full function gcc not ready yet, and these components require cross gcc too, this chicken egg problem can only solved by a bootstrap gcc. It is built by x86 gcc. 5. Build glibc basic files. The basic file include libc header and start files. These files required by gcc to generate cross binary. It is built by bootstrap gcc. 6. Build gcc, this gcc support shared binary library. We cant build full function gcc without glibc, since gcc has some high level library and binaries, such as libstdc++, require libc. 7. Build libc by gcc in step 6. This step build and install glibc. 8. Build full functioned gcc. This step build gcc, g++, libstdc++ and all gcc features you specified. Built by x86 gcc. Until these step, cross toolchain built out. 9. Build target running application. Using cross toolchain to build rootfs, the rootfs contains all the application, library of the target machine. Such as kernel image, bootloader, debug tools, shell, or even native toolchain. Multilib toolchain is more complicated than classic cross toolchain. We need to modify step 5, 6, 7, 8. At first, you need to list all gcc options you want to use, Then: In step 5, build glibc start file with every gcc option, and install them in separate directory. In step 6, modify gcc source code, specific the options combination and alias source code, and write gcc spec file. In step 7, build glibc with every gcc option, and install in separate directory. In step 8, the building process will build c++ library with every gcc option and install to separate directory.
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4.2 Toolchain building tools

You can build a cross toolchain according to previous chapter describe, or choose to use a well-know toolchain build tools to generate. In this section, we describe how to build toolchain by crosstool-ng. Crosstool-ng is a menu config toolchain building tools. It mainly used to generate glibc base toolchain. Crosstool-ng cant build multilib or native toolchain yet. We provide a simple patch to enable this feature. Steps to build multilib cross toolchain. 1. You can download crosstool-ng from: http://ymorin.is-a-geek.org/hg/crosstool-ng/rev/3fb8b4acdc4a, or get it from our release package. and unpack it. 2. get toolchain_gcc4.4.4_community_patches_v1.0.tar.bz2, toolchain_gcc4.4.4_Freescale_patches_v1.0.tar.bz2, and toolchain_gcc4.4.4_multilib_build_script_v1.0.tar.bz2, which released by Freescale, and unpack it. Please note to unpack community patches and Freescale patches to same directory. 3. Apply patch/crosstool-ng/000_crosstool-ng_multilib_support.patch to crosstool-ng. 4. copy crosstool-ng_config_gcc4.4.4 to crosstool-ng directory, and rename it to .config 5. goto crosstool-ng directory, configure and build it with: ./configure --local, and make 6. ./ct-ng menuconfig to add you custom config to the toolchain. Be careful about following options: Automatically download option. if choose not use source package we provided, enable this options. enable multilib support and set multilib script path. set local patch directory. Set to the directory you unpack to in 2 change toolchain prefix to yours. 7. Write your own multilib build script, or modified base on our release. This script will invoked by crosstool-ng after every step. And modified gcc according to patch/gcc/4.4.4/100_fsl_multilib_support.patch. More discuss about this topic in next section. 8. ./ct-ng build to build the toolchain. In this step, will download source tarballs automatically if you enable it, and apply patches to it. You can get release package with this release note provided by FreeScale.

4.2.1 Howto write multilib building script

This script invoked by crosstool-ng after every step complete. And TOP_DIR environment variable saves directory of crosstool-ng. So this script can be write as: #!/bin/sh CT_TOP_DIR=${TOP_DIR} . ${TOP_DIR}/.config . /home/test/toolchains/test/multilib_scripts/gcc_shared_multilib.sh . /home/test/toolchains/test/multilib_scripts/startfile_multilib.sh . /home/test/toolchains/test/multilib_scripts/libc_multilib.sh if [ -z $1 ]; then return 0; fi

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gcc 4.4.4 toolchain, Rev 10.11.01

case $1 in libc_start_files) startfile_multilib; break;; gcc_core_pass_2) gcc_shared_multilib; break;; libc) libc_multilib; break;; *) break;; esac libc_start_file.sh libc_start_file.sh is used to build and install glibc start files by different gcc options. So script can be something like: #!/bin/sh startfile_multilib() { local TC_PREFIX=arm-fsl-linux-gnueabi local build_dir=${CT_WORK_DIR}/${TC_PREFIX}/build/build-libc-startfiles/ local src_dir=${CT_WORK_DIR}/src/glibc-2.11.1 local dest_dir_prefix=${CT_PREFIX_DIR}/${TC_PREFIX}/multi-libs/ local CC_PATH=${CT_WORK_DIR}/${TC_PREFIX}/build/gcc-core-static/bin export PATH=${CT_PREFIX_DIR}/bin:${CC_PATH}:$PATH local -a gcc_options=("-march=armv7-a -mfpu=neon -mfloat-abi=softfp" "") local -a dest_dirname=("armv7-a/arm/neon" ".") local -a fp_config=("--with-fp" "without-fp") for ((index=0; index < ${#gcc_options[@]}; index++)) { cd ${build_dir} make clean echo "libc_cv_forced_unwind=yes" > config.cache echo "libc_cv_c_cleanup=yes" >> config.cache BUILD_CC=${CC_PATH}/${TC_PREFIX}-gcc CFLAGS="${gcc_options[index]}" CC="${TC_PREFIX}-gcc" AR=${TC_PREFIX}-ar RANLIB=${TC_PREFIX}-ranlib ${src_dir}/configure --prefix=/usr --build=i686-build_pc-linux-gnu --host=${TC_PREFIX} --without-cvs --disable-profile --disable-debug --without-gd --with-headers=${dest_dir_prefix}/usr/include --cache-file=config.cache --with-__thread --with-tls --enable-shared ${fp_config[index]} --enable-add-ons=nptl,ports --enable-kernel=${CT_LIBC_GLIBC_MIN_KERNEL} make OBJDUMP_FOR_HOST=${TC_PREFIX}-objdump PARALLELMFLAGS= -j1 csu/subdir_lib ASFLAGS="${gcc_options[index]}"

mkdir ${dest_dir_prefix}/${dest_dirname[index]}/usr/lib -p cp -fpv csu/crt1.o csu/crti.o csu/crtn.o ${dest_dir_prefix}/${dest_dirname[index]}/usr/lib

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} } gcc_shared_multilib.sh And gcc_shared_multilib.sh, which be invoked after build gcc-shared, is important to patch gcc to enable you multilib scheme. Gcc not support multilib flexibly. For example, if compile ARM multilib toolchain, first apply the multilib patch provided by FreeScale. then modify gcc-4.4.4/gcc/config/arm/t-arm-elf it as following according to your scheme: MULTILIB_OPTIONS = march=armv5te/march=armv6/march=armv7-a mfpu=vfp/mfpu=vfpv3/mfpu=neon mthumb MULTILIB_DIRNAMES = armv5te armv6 armv7-a vfp vfpv3 neon thumb MULTILIB_EXCEPTIONS = mfpu* MULTILIB_EXCEPTIONS += *march=armv5te/*mfpu* MULTILIB_EXCEPTIONS += *march=armv6/*mfpu=vfpv3* MULTILIB_EXCEPTIONS += *march=armv6/*mfpu=neon* MULTILIB_EXCEPTIONS += *march=armv7-a/*mfpu=vfp MULTILIB_EXCEPTIONS += *mfpu*/*mthumb* MULTILIB_EXCEPTIONS += mthumb* MULTILIB_EXCEPTIONS += march=armv5te/*mthumb* MULTILIB_EXCEPTIONS += march=armv6/*mthumb* This scheme will build armv5te, armv6, armv7-a architecture, fpu can be vfp, vfpv3, neon, and instruction type can be arm and thumb OPTIONS describe the gcc options for multilib. DIRNAMES describe the directory name corresponding to each option EXCEPTIONS describe the except of the option combination. For example, -march=armv5te -mfpu=neon is invalid combination. And next, modify gcc/config/arm/sysroot_suffix.h to define your option alias. For example: #undef SYSROOT_SUFFIX_SPEC #define SYSROOT_SUFFIX_SPEC "" \ "%{march=armv5te|mcpu=arm946e-s|mtune=arm946e-s|mcpu=arm968e-s|mtune=arm968e-s|mcpu=arm926ej-s|mtune= arm926ej-s|mcpu=arm10tdmi|mtune=arm10tdmi|mcpu=arm1020t|mtune=arm1020t|mcpu=arm1026ej-s|mtune=arm1026 ej-s|mcpu=arm10e|mtune=arm10e|mcpu=arm1020e|mtune=arm1020e|mcpu=arm1022e|mtune=arm1022e:/armv5te;" \ "march=armv6|mcpu=arm1136j-s|mtune=arm1136j-s|mcpu=arm1136jf-s|mtune=arm1136jf-s|mcpu=mpcore|mtune=mpc ore|mcpu=mpcorenovfp|mtune=mpcorenovfp|mcpu=arm1156t2-s|mtune=ar1156t2-s|mcpu=arm1156t2f-s|mtune=arm115 6t2f-s|mcpu=arm1176jz-s|mtune=arm1176jz-s|mcpu=arm1176jzf-s|mtune=arm1176jzf-s:" \ "%{mfpu=vfp:/armv6/vfp;" \ ":/armv6};" \ "march=armv7-a|mcpu=cortex-a5|mtune=cortex-a5|mcpu=cortex-a8|mtune=cortex-a8|mcpu=cortex-a9|mtune=cortex-a9: "\ "%{mfpu=vfpv3:/armv7-a/vfpv3;" \ "mfpu=neon:/armv7-a/neon;" \ "mthumb:/armv7-a/thumb;" \ ":/armv7-a};" \ ":}" lib_multilib.sh And the last one, libc_multilib.sh, similar to libc_start_file.sh, compile glibc with different gcc options, the difference is
Freescale Semiconductor gcc 4.4.4 toolchain, Rev 10.11.01 9

start file compiled by static gcc, this step compiled by shared gcc. The script looks like this: #!/bin/sh libc_multilib() { local TC_PREFIX=arm-fsl-linux-gnueabi local build_dir=${CT_WORK_DIR}/${TC_PREFIX}/build/build-libc/ local src_dir=${CT_WORK_DIR}/src/glibc-2.11.1 local dest_dir_prefix=${CT_PREFIX_DIR}/${TC_PREFIX}/multi-libs/ local CC_PATH=${CT_WORK_DIR}/${TC_PREFIX}/build/gcc-core-shared/bin export PATH=${binutils dir}:${your shared gcc dir}:$PATH local -a gcc_options=( ) local -a dest_dirname=( ) for ((index=0; index < ${#gcc_options[@]}; index++)) { cd ${build_dir} BUILD_CC=${your shared arm gcc} CFLAGS=${gcc_options[index]} CC=${your shared arm gcc} $src_dir/configure --prefix=/usr/ ${other options} make OBJDUMP_FOR_HOST=${your arm binutils objdump} ASFLAGS=${gcc_options[index]} all mkdir ${dest_dir_prefix}/${dest_dirname[index]}/usr/lib -p make install_root=${dest_dir_prefix}/${dest_dirname[index]} OBJDUMP_FOR_HOST=${your arm binutils objdump} install } } We provide example scripts release package, packed with patch and crosstool-ng. But beware we not guarantee you can get correct toolchain with the scripts, because toolchain building depends on host machine, environment variable you have set and the components configurations.

Freescale Semiconductor

gcc 4.4.4 toolchain, Rev 10.11.01


5 Appendix 5.1 Toolchain test result

Some basic tests have be done to validate the toolchain, below is the result. gcc built-in compiling test: ------------------ gcc 4.4.4 multilib --------------------------------# of expected passes 7037 # of unsupported tests 44

memcpy() performance test result. memcpy: memcpy original from glibc -2.11.1 memcpy_aroid: memcpy from Android 2.2 CTS release 2 memcpy with neon: memcpy optimized with NEON instruction. Release in multi-libs/armv7-a/neon/
memcpy() performance benchmark result: data unit(MB/s), meaning of A/B data format: A is the average value of memcpy with different source and destination address at every test loop. B is the average value of memcpy with same source and destination address at every test loop. Block size 3 bytes 4 bytes 5 bytes 7 bytes 8 bytes 11 bytes 12 bytes 15 bytes 16 bytes 24 bytes 31 bytes 4096 6144 65536 98304 memcpy 82.4 / 86.8 56.1 / 64.3 63.3 / 80.4 78.2 / 112.4 87.1 / 128.4 112.0 / 176.6 119.9 / 192.9 142.3 / 241.2 148.9 / 257.2 193.8 / 385.9 227.1 / 498.4 1360.4 / 2246.0 1385.3 / 2270.4 990.1 / 1298.7 736.9 / 884.1 memcpy_aroid 94.6 / 101.0 110.8 / 115.6 73.0 / 71.7 104.1 / 100.4 222.4 / 230.8 177.6 / 173.1 301.4 / 313.1 211.4 / 204.2 165.3 / 368.2 243.2 / 508.5 322.1 / 360.2 3394.9 / 3560.4 3508.3 / 3630.9 1557.7 / 1369.3 1544.2 / 1350.3 memcpy with neon 127.6 / 143.5 139.0 / 192.2 171.8 / 239.2 220.9 / 336.5 218.4 / 384.6 281.9 / 526.2 276.7 / 574.4 334.6 / 718.0 271.7 / 539.1 373.5 / 808.8 486.3 / 1044.7 3551.7 / 3695.4 3586.7 / 3671.9 1577.5 / 1545.9 1552.9 / 1463.8

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gcc 4.4.4 toolchain, Rev 10.11.01


5.2 Release code directory structure

|-- crosstool-ng //crosstool-ng build script, already applied multilib support patches |-- multilib.sh //multilib build script entrance. |-- multilib_scripts //multilib build scripts | |-- gcc_shared_multilib.sh | |-- libc_multilib.sh | `-- startfile_multilib.sh `-- patch //patch for source code and crosstool-ng |-- crosstool-ng |-- gcc //patches for gcc-4.4.4 `-- glibc //routine optimized patch

Freescale Semiconductor

gcc 4.4.4 toolchain, Rev 10.11.01


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