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Cambridge Lower Secondary Checkpoint



Paper 1 Reading and Usage April 2022
50 minutes

You must answer on the question paper.

No additional materials are needed.

• Answer all questions.
• Use a black or dark blue pen.
• Write your name, centre number and candidate number in the boxes at the top of the page.
• Write your answer to each question in the space provided.
• Do not use an erasable pen or correction fluid.
• Do not write on any bar codes.

• The total mark for this paper is 45.
• The number of marks for each question or part question is shown in brackets [ ].

This document has 16 pages. Any blank pages are indicated.

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Part 1

Questions 1–10

Read the text below, and for each number, circle the correct word on the next page.

Yuri Gagarin

Yuri Gagarin was a Russian astronaut, who (0) the first human in space. Yuri was born in

Russia on 9 March 1934. His parents were both (1) on a farm, so his elder sister (2)

after him when his parents were busy.

Yuri was interested in stars and planets when he was a child, and began to (3) what it would

be like to go into space. Of course, he didn’t know that one day he would actually turn his dream

into (4) .

(5) he was a secondary student, Yuri (6) a flying school and learned to fly small aircraft.

He later (7) the Russian air force and trained as a jet pilot. In 1960, Yuri was (8) to be

the first person in space, and on 12 April 1961, his spaceship lifted off. That first flight (9)

just 108 minutes but is one of the most important (10) in human history.

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0 began became arrived reached

1 employed appeared worked involved [1]

2 watched cared looked prepared [1]

3 wonder intend wish expect [1]

4 point truth reality detail [1]

5 During While Except However [1]

6 went practised belonged attended [1]

7 connected accepted joined achieved [1]

8 selected preferred decided wanted [1]

9 waited remained stayed lasted [1]

10 actions events results effects [1]

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Part 2

Questions 11–20

Complete the email.

For questions 11–20, write ONE word for each space.

Example: (0) are

To: Rory
From: Pete


How (0) are you? I’m writing (11) I want to tell you

about the sports centre I went to last night. It has a great climbing wall. (12)

you ever been on one? It was even better (13) I thought it would be!

(14) are areas of the wall for people with different climbing abilities.

Some (15) them are really difficult. One (16) me

nearly an hour! But, you know, it only cost me £2 – that’s (17) price for


I’m going again next Tuesday, in the evening. (18) don’t you come?

Mum says she’ll drive us there (19) you’d like to go. Let me know

(20) you think.


[Total: 10 marks]

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Part 3

Questions 21–25

Complete the conversation between two friends.

What does Paulo say to Adrian?
For questions 21–25, write the correct letter: A–H.


Adrian: Look! We can’t go out and play football now. It’s started raining!

Paulo: C
0 …………

Adrian: Yes! I hate getting cold and wet!

Paulo: 21 ………… [1] A Is he? How about watching TV?

Adrian: We could watch a film. B That’s true – there isn’t much on.

Paulo: 22 ………… [1] C Really? That doesn’t matter, does it?

Adrian: Great idea, but my dad’s working on it D He could listen to music on it.
today because his is broken.
E I’d prefer to play a game. How about that
Paulo: 23 ………… [1] new one you’ve got on your laptop?

Adrian: Everything’s really boring at the moment. F But the big match isn’t on yet.

Paulo: 24 ………… [1] G Oh, OK. What shall we do instead?

Adrian: Shall we go to the park anyway? It’s H Good idea. I don’t want to stay inside all
nearly stopped raining now. day.

Paulo: 25 ………… [1]

Adrian: Great! I’ll get my boots.

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Part 4

Questions 26–35

Look at the text in each question.

What does it say?
For questions 26–35, circle the correct letter: A, B or C.


0 New Message A Andy would prefer to go sailing with Julia on

Saturday rather than on Sunday.

To: Julia B Andy can go sailing with Julia on Friday if

she’s not free on Saturday.
Send From: Andy
C Andy wants to go sailing with Julia on both
Hello Julia
Saturday and Sunday, if possible.
I can’t have Friday off to go sailing.
I’m still available on both Saturday
and Sunday, but Saturday is
better. Let me know what’s best
for you.


26 A People without tickets still have a chance to go

to the disco.
B The disco may be cancelled because there is
a problem with the hall.
School Disco
C Some people need to see the secretary to
Ten tickets left! Text the collect the tickets they paid for.
school secretary [1]
immediately if you’re
interested. Once they’re
gone, that’s it. There’s a
limit of 300 people in the
school hall.

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27 New Message The message is

A reminding Stan to go to a dentist’s

appointment after school.
To: Stan
B asking Stan to organise a new appointment at
Send From: Mum the dentist’s.

The dentist’s secretary phoned C informing Stan about a change to his

while you were at school. They’ve appointment at the dentist’s.
had to cancel your appointment [1]
tomorrow but have given you
another one at the same time
next week.

28 A Arturo is offering Nic a ticket to the cinema.

B Arturo is asking Nic to go to the cinema and

Nic buy tickets.

The cinema website C Arturo is suggesting what time he and Nic

isn’t working, so I can’t should see the film.
book in advance. You [1]
live near there – can you
get tickets? We shouldn’t
wait until later – it’s a
popular film.


29 People entering the tennis competition


Tennis Club Tournament A can see results online after each match.
All players need to show
their membership cards to B must bring identification with them.
compete. Coaches will post
results on the club’s website
when the competition ends. C should wear suitable sports clothes.
Prizes include water bottles [1]
and tennis clothes!

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30 Mum says David should

A offer to take Greg to football.


I promised to take B let Greg know he won’t be at football.

you to football, but
I’m unlikely to make
it home from work in C find out whether he can get a lift with Greg to
time. Ask if Greg’s football.
going. His dad [1]
usually drives him


31 Message The teacher called to

Carla A remind Carla what to take to her next lesson.

Your piano teacher

called about your B tell Carla what song she will play at the concert.
lesson next Monday.
She said don’t forget
your book with the C give Carla the date of her next concert.
song that you’re going [1]
to perform at the
concert on the 15th.

32 New Message In her email, Jodie

A agrees with Leo’s opinion of the film.

To: Leo
Send From:
B regrets not seeing the film with Leo.

Hi Leo C suggests that the film was too long.

I saw the film you mentioned. You
were right – the ending was worth
waiting for. I watched it by myself,
so at least no-one saw me crying!


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33 A The store has recently started selling clothes

for teenagers.

B Some new clothes have recently become

lothing available at the store.
Sunrise C w in store
ge no
Winter ran mer fashion
a g e s um C Customers can buy all clothes at a discount
Teen this month
half-price this month.

34 A Uncle William is working on Wednesday this

Hi Mum week but not on Thursday.

B Uncle William would like to invite Jack’s family

Uncle William called to say that he’s got
for lunch on Wednesday or Thursday.
to go to the office and can’t come to
lunch as planned this Wednesday. He’s C Uncle William has changed his working times
free on Thursday though. so that he can come to lunch on Thursday.

35 New Message The headteacher is emailing to

A tell students about a change to a school rule.

To: All students
Send From: Headteacher
B explain the reason for a new school rule.
Don’t forget that sweatshirts worn to
school should be the correct colour
and have the school name on them. C remind students to follow a school rule.
Any lighter or darker coloured [1]
sweatshirts are not acceptable.

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Part 5

Questions 36–40

The young people below all want to find an interesting sports website.
On the opposite page there are descriptions of eight sports websites.
Decide which sports website would be the most suitable for the following people.
For questions 36–40, write the correct letter (A–H) in the box.

Jamie wants to read about the lives of sports stars and wants the
opportunity to win tickets to big events. He’d also like information
about a sports club in his local area.


37 Susanne plays volleyball at school and wants tips to help her

improve as well as ideas for keeping fit. She’s also interested in
finding out about how professionals prepare for big sports


Thomas loves all kinds of sports and is keen to try something new.
He likes watching videos of exciting sports and learning about
sports played in different countries.


39 Patricia started running in competitions recently and hopes to

increase her speed. She would like information about how to
prevent injuries and wants an easy way to keep a note of the
distances she runs.


Simon likes cycling and wants to read about the latest equipment.
He’d like details about entering races for teenagers and would like
some new routes to enjoy.


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Sports websites
A Tothemax.com B Live2go.com
Reach those goals! By preparing If you want to test yourself on two
with our training plans, both wheels, look no further – we’ve got
experienced and new athletes will the information you need to compete
achieve great things. Useful tips help at any age. For reviews of the best
you get faster times and you can bikes look at our expert view section.
update your personal record on our And don’t miss our readers’
app to see how many kilometres you favourites – search by local area for
complete. Wearing the wrong shoes recommendations on great places to
can damage more than your feet, so ride all over the country.
check out our equipment reviews.

C Lifestyle.com D Activelives.com
We’ve got tickets for sale for sporting If you love sport, then check out our
events around the world – a great articles on top sportspeople and our
way to travel to see top players in videos of interviews with big stars.
action! We’re also here for those We’ve also got links to leisure
wanting to take part, not just watch. centres all over the country. For the
Check out our suggestions for ways chance of a free trip to a top sporting
to enjoy your sport more and stay fit day, try our competition – tell us
and healthy. about a new sport you’d like to do
and why!

E thezone.org F Energise.com
This is the best site for information Don’t miss a moment’s excitement –
on the fastest runners, cyclists or top watch out for our exciting live action
goal-scorers. You can find out about reports from some of the world’s
sports and activities from around the major sporting events. We cover
world. Want to get involved in everything from World Cup Football
something different? Then check our to the Volleyball League, so there’s
'Athletics' section for clubs you plenty to keep you entertained, and
probably haven't heard of before. you’re bound to discover something
Those looking for adventure will you haven’t seen before.
enjoy our extreme-sports clips – but
they’re only for the brave!

G Sportstats.com H Sportsworld.com
The place for news and views from We explain how to increase your
your favourite sports stars. This general fitness. With lots of videos
week, the focus is on athletics and and advice, you’ll also soon be
cycling, with great hints on improving playing popular sports like tennis
speed times for both runners and and volleyball at an even higher
riders! And why not try our fun quiz level. You can read about the lives of
on world record breakers – are you a sportspeople too. Our articles show
super fan? No prizes – it’s just for you the work that goes into those all-
fun! important events.

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Part 6

Questions 41–45

Read the text and questions below.

For each question, circle the correct letter: A, B, C or D.

Young British artist – Edward Talbot

Edward Talbot is a typical 14-year-old boy who loves swimming and tennis. There’s one difference –
he’s an artist, and people pay a lot for his paintings – in expensive art shops that sell his work, and at
his exhibitions around the country.

Edward’s family first noticed his ability while on holiday. The weather was stormy, with huge black
clouds. As they couldn’t go outside, Edward and his sister Joanne started drawing. When the
weather cleared, Joanne left her picture half-finished and went to play, but Edward stayed to complete
his picture of a horse. To everyone’s surprise, Edward, who usually preferred playing with friends,
spent the holiday covering every spare piece of paper with pictures.

Edward’s mother, Sue, is now his manager, and as well as making sure his schoolwork’s done, she
organises exhibitions selling his paintings. This works well – if she didn’t do it, they’d need to employ
someone else, at extra cost. Also, Sue can organise events around family life, like days out in the
countryside around Milton, the town where they lived before they had to find somewhere quieter so
Edward could work. In Milton, people kept coming to the house, hoping to meet him.

Edward doesn’t accept orders for paintings, or hurry his work. Art shops know that although they
won’t have many pictures to sell at once, they’ll sell quickly. When he’s not studying or drawing,
Edward volunteers in a shop that also sells work by other local artists. Edward’s keen to learn and
discovers new methods from artists he meets there, and Joanne has designed a great website for the
shop, resulting in orders from different countries.

Edward’s preparing for a new exhibition and there’s already lots of interest.

41 What is the writer doing in this article?

A suggesting the advantages of running a family business
B explaining how an artist has developed his style
C describing the life of a talented young person
D recommending a good career for earning money

42 What made Edward’s family realise he had an interest in art?

A He produced a big painting of a stormy sky.
B He finished a picture that his sister had started.
C He asked his parents for some special art equipment.
D He drew instead of spending time with other children.

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43 What do we learn about Edward in the third paragraph?

A Public interest in him meant the family had to move.
B They have to pay a lot for someone to manage his business.
C There isn’t enough time for him to finish his schoolwork.
D Having to attend exhibitions stops his family enjoying activities together.

44 Edward likes volunteering in the shop because he can

A sell more of his paintings to the public.
B discuss new techniques with other artists.
C meet new people from all over the world.
D use his computer skills to help the business develop.

45 What would an art shop manager say about Edward’s work?

Edward produces special We’re proud to be the only
paintings based on each place in the country where you
customer’s individual can get a painting by Edward
preferences – they can get Talbot – don’t miss your
exactly what they want! chance!

Edward has amazing talent Edward shows remarkable
that he’s certain to develop talent for one so young. We
over time. Buy now when have a limited supply of
prices are good – once people paintings and they are always
discover him, you’ll have to popular, so hurry!
pay more!


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