Quarter 2, Week 4 - NOVEMBER 28-DECEMBER 02, 2022

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School: Grade Level: VI

GRADES 1 to 12 Teacher: MARK GIL T. SALVINO Learning Area: SCIENCE

DAILY LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and
Time: NOVEMBER 28 – DECEMBER 02, 2022 (WEEK 4) Quarter: 2ND QUARTER

A. Content Standards The learners demonstrate understanding of the different characteristics of vertebrates and invertebrates

B. Performance Standards The learners should be able to make an inventory of vertebrates and invertebrates that are commonly seen in the community

C. Learning Competencies/ Determine the distinguishing characteristics of vertebrates and invertebrates. S6MT-IIe-f-3
Write the LC code for -Identify the different -Describe the different -Enumerate the different -Identify the characteristics of invertebrates
each classes of vertebrates characteristics of classes of vertebrates -Classify the given invertebrates according to
-Group animals into 5 vertebrates -Classify animals according characteristics.
classes -Classify the characteristics to classes -Health awareness.
-Participate actively in of vertebrate animals. of vertebrates
group activity -Conservation of wildlife -Show love and concern to
animals. animals.

Group of Vertebrates Different Characteristics of Classification of Vertebrates Invertebrates and Its Characteristics
II. CONTENT Vertebrates Classification of Invertebrates
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages pp. pp. pp. pp. pp.
2. Learner’s Materials pp. pp. pp. pp. pp.
3. Textbook pages pp.117-119 pp.122-129 pp.122-129 pp.134-141

4. Additional Materials
from Learning Resource
(LR) portal
B. Other Learning


A. Reviewing previous Using the graphic organizer Unscrambled the letters to Vertebrates recall. Recalling of previous
lesson or presenting the below. Fill in the diagram reveal the group of animals Group the pupils with 4 activity.
new lesson with group of vertebrates. using the clues below. members. Then let them
Ex.____________ pick a strip of paper
1. AP H A M I B N I - with name of group of
lives both on land vertebrates. Let them
and water list down 5 animals and
its distinct
B. Establishing a purpose Picture analysis Playing “Pinoy Henyo” Picture Words. (1-5)
for the lesson (Show picture of a zoo) Category: Animals ( Powerpoint
What are the animals you Presentation )
see in the picture? What
is common to all of them?
C. Presenting Watching video clip The teacher will post The teacher will post a The pupils will learn
examples/instances of (Vertebrates) pictures of different groups chart of classification of how to group and
the new lesson of animals. Ask the pupils group of vertebrates characterize
to describe the common vertebrates.
characteristics of each
group of animals.
D. Discussing new Let’s find out the different Let’s find out the different The teacher will further Let’s find out the Let’s find out the
concepts and practicing classes/groups of characteristics of groups of discuss the background different groups of classification of
new skills #1 vertebrates vertebrates. information through inquiry invertebrates and its invertebrates according to
1. Setting of standard 1. Setting of standard approach characteristics. their characteristics.
2. Group Activity 2. Group Activity 1. Setting of 1. Setting of
(Differentiated (Differentiated Standard Standard
Activities) Activities) 2. Group Activity 2. Group Activity
(Differentiated (Differentiated
Activities) Activities)
E. Discussing new Group Presentation/ Group Presentation/ Group Presentation/
concepts and practicing Reporting Reporting Reporting
new skills #2
F. Developing mastery The teacher will further The teacher will further The teacher will further
(leads to Formative discuss the background discuss the background discuss the background
Assessment 3) information through information through information through
inquiry approach inquiry approach inquiry approach
G. Finding practical How will you take good Is a bat, a bird? Why do Your family visited Deworming is conducted
applications of concepts care of your backbone? you say? Tagaytay Zoo. Your younger in our school every month
and skills in daily living brother found monkey of July.
escape from the cage, what What is the reason
will you do? How will you behind this?
classify monkey? What group of
invertebrates are the
targets of this program?
H. Making generalizations What is vertebrate? Give one distinct How do we classify What are the groups of
and abstractions about What are the different characteristics of each vertebrates? invertebrates? Describe
the lesson groups of vertebrates? group of vertebrates. its characteristics?
How do you group them?
I. Evaluating learning Identify the following Matching type of animals Complete the graphic FormativeTest.
animals whether it is a and its characteristics. (1- organizer. Choose your Choose the letter of the
reptile, bird, fish, 5) answer below. correct answer. (1-5)
mammal amphibian.
(1-5) Vertebrates

Mammal Reptiles Amphibian

Birds Fishes

J. Additional activities for Cut pictures of different

application or animals and identify them
remediation according to their group.
A. No. of learners who
earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for
C. Did the remedial
lessons work? No. of
learners who have
caught up with the
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I
wish to share with other
GRADES 1 to 12 School: SCHOOL Grade Level: 6
Teaching Dates and NOVEMBER 28 – DECEMBER 02, 2022
Time: (WEEK 4) Quarter: 2ND QUARTER
A. Content The learners demonstrate an understanding of listening critically; communicating feelings and ideas orally and in writing with a high level
Standards of proficiency; and reading various text types materials to serve learning needs in meeting a wide range of life’s purposes

B. Performance The learners should be able to listen critically; communicate feelings and ideas orally and in writing with a high level of proficiency; and
Standards read various text types materials to serve learning needs in meeting a wide range of life’s purposes

C. Learning Recognize evaluative word Recognize evaluative word Recognize evaluative Recognize evaluative Recognize
Competencies/ choices to detect biases and choices to detect biases and word choices to detect word choices to detect evaluative word
Objectives propaganda devices used by propaganda devices used by biases and propaganda biases and propaganda choices to detect
Write the LC speakers speakers devices used by speakers devices used by biases and
code for each EN6LC-IIIb-3.1.12 EN6LC-IIIb-3.1.12 EN6LC-IIIb-3.1.12 speakers propaganda
EN6LC-IIIb-3.1.12 devices used by
II. CONTENT Biases and Propaganda Devices Bandwagon Plain Folks and Name Calling Weekly Test
A. References
1. Teacher’s MELC Guide 138 MELC Guide 138 MELC Guide 138 MELC Guide 138 MELC Guide
Guide pages 138
2. Learning
Materials pages
3. Textbook
4. Additional
Materials from
Activity Sheet in English 6 / PIVOT 4A SLM p. 6-18
(Quarter 2: Week 4), tinyurl.com/424r9bwn tinyurl.com/4tec4cc4, tinyurl.com/529ekrjr,
Resource (LR)
B. Other
A. Reviewing Review: Biases and Review: Bandwagon Review: Plain Folks and
previous lesson Propaganda Testimonial
or presenting
the new lesson What is the meaning of bias? What is the meaning of
propaganda? bandwagon? What is the meaning of
Plain Folks?
How can you detect biases? Testimonial?

What is your most favorite place

or spot in your city, province or
B. Establishing a Have someone convince you to Watch a video clip. Watch these video clips Watch these video clips
purpose for the visit them? tinyurl.com/529ekrjr tinyurl.com/mryz5nw2 tinyurl.com/4adyts9v
lesson tinyurl.com/bdeazafj tinyurl.com/d8atxv5a
What makes you agree? What can you say about the
video? What can you say about What can you say about
the videos? the videos?

C. Presenting As we learned before, some You are attracted to use a You might be encouraged You might be
examples/instan sources of information are product or join an activity to use a product because disappointed because
ces of the new meant to persuade you. because “everyone” is doing it. it is what “folks at home” somehow, the
lesson The informational uses a are using. advertisements destroy
Today you will learn two of propaganda device called other product’s
them; biases and propaganda. Bandwagon. On the second video, you reputation. This is
might get convinced to exactly how this type of
This device encourages an use a product because it propaganda works.
individual to do the same is endorsed or confirmed
activity as experienced by a by a well-known
number of people. personality.

These videos uses

ordinary people or
famous celebrity as
D. Discussing Biases are judgments based Read the example below: Examine the examples Examine the examples
new concepts on personal point of view. It can below: below:
and practicing also mean writing which is Join an educational trip to
new skills slanted toward one opinion Art in the City. Buy two (2) “Coco Martin, a famous “Taste our original
(Leads to tickets and get one (1) for free. stage actor, says Kopiko chicken inasal. Unlike
formative Propaganda refers to the Join thousands of learners will always keep you other roasted chickens
assessment No. spreading of information, ideas, who have appreciated the awake while at work.” which use chemicals in
1) or rumor that is meant to make beauty of arts in their lives for preparing their
people accept them. The ideas several times. So, what are “This electric fan is products, our chickens
may be false or misleading. you waiting for? It is worth the assembled for you to feel are roasted using our
experience! the ambiance of nature. secret and natural
Biases and propaganda are both Feel the breeze of natural spices and ingredients.
used to influence people to The text wants to convince air within the corners of
persuade, believe, buy or do you to join since thousands of your home.” This propaganda uses
something. learners are doing it. advertisement war with
The first one used a other products in the
An information based on propaganda device called market.
personal point of view can also Testimonial. This
be called an opinion. propaganda device This is called Name
utilizes famous or Calling
If the information has basis, it is influential people to
a fact. testify about the beauty
of a certain product to
win the interest of

The 2nd statement used

a propaganda device
called Plain Folks. The
plain folks appeal is a
way to use ordinary
people to promote a
product or service by
showing that everyday
people use and find value
in the product
E. Discussing Here are the tips on detecting
new concepts biases used by speakers.
and practicing tinyurl.com/4tec4cc4
new skills
(Leads to 1. Read or listen to the
formative report/headline carefully
assessment No. 2. Ask yourself if the
2) information helps or hurts
3. Look for exaggerated or
colorful language
4. Identify the reporter’s tone to
see how she/he feels about
the topic

F. Developing Drill: Write F if it is a fact. Write Drill: Read and analyze the Drill: Read and analyze Drill: Read and analyze
Mastery O if it is an opinion. following informational text. the following the following
(Leads to 1. According to Science books, Write YES if it is bandwagon. informational text. Write informational text. Write
formative the heart pumps blood to all Write NO if not. P if it is Plain folks. Write / if it is Name Calling.
assessment No. parts of the body. F 1. Come and join us in the T if it is Testimonial. Write X if not.
3) upcoming concert of the best Write X instead if it is 1. Come and join us in
2. Red Bakeshop sells the best
Pinoy Band in the country. different. the upcoming concert of
tasting cakes in the Most people like them. YES 1. Come and join us in the best Pinoy Band in
Philippines. O 2. Visit and spend your the upcoming concert of the country. Most
3. Most people prefer to use summer in Tagaytay. Join the best Pinoy Band in people like them. X
Facebook than Twitter. O thousands of tourists who the country. Most people 2. Visit and spend your
4. Dino Chua is the best Mayor, have been here thrice or like them. X summer in Tagaytay.
Noveleta has ever had. O more. YES 2. Visit and spend your Unlike other man-made
3. A famous actress said, “In summer in Tagaytay. place, ours is a natural
5. As mention by PAGASA,
each break, take this smooth Join thousands of beauty. /
Public Storm Warning and creamy coffee.” NO tourists who have been 3. A famous actress
Signals are raised to warn 4. Choco-Hey is the best here thrice or more. X said, “In each break,
the public of incoming energy drink in the market. 3. A famous actress said, take this smooth and
weather disturbances. F Take it and boost your “In each break, take this creamy coffee.” X
energy. NO smooth and creamy 4. Choco-Hey is the best
5. “Use Soapguard. It can coffee.” T energy drink in the
keep you germ-free for the 4. Choco-Hey is the best market. Millions of kids
next 24 hours. NO energy drink in the love it. X
market. Take it and 5. “Use Soapguard.
boost your energy. P Different from Brand X,
5. “Use Soapguard. It it can keep you germ-
can keep you germ-free free for the next 24
for the next 24 hours. P hours. /
G. Finding Group Activity (3 groups) Group Activity (3 groups) Group Activity (3 groups) Group Activity (3
practical -Each group chooses a leader to -Each group chooses a leader -Each group chooses a groups)
applications of facilitate the task to be done. to facilitate the task to be leader to facilitate the -Each group chooses a
concepts and -House rules/ standards/ done. task to be done. leader to facilitate the
skills in daily guidelines are set for the group -House rules/ standards/ -House rules/ task to be done.
living to follow. guidelines are set for the standards/ guidelines -House rules/
(Jigsaw Method) -Rating of each group group to follow. are set for the group to standards/ guidelines
presentation is based on a -Rating of each group follow. are set for the group to
rubric. presentation is based on a -Rating of each group follow.
-Each group is given 15 minutes rubric. presentation is based on -Rating of each group
to plan on what to do on the -Each group is given 15 a rubric. presentation is based on
task given. minutes to plan on what to do -Each group is given 15 a rubric.
-Each group is given only up to on the task given. minutes to plan on what -Each group is given 15
3 minutes to present their work. -Each group is given only up to do on the task given. minutes to plan on what
to 3 minutes to present their -Each group is given only to do on the task given.
Group Tasks (Choose any from work. up to 3 minutes to -Each group is given
the following): present their work. only up to 3 minutes to
Group Tasks (Choose any present their work.
from the following): Group Tasks (Choose
Choose a commercial and any from the Group Tasks (Choose
show how bandwagon following): any from the
propaganda device works. Choose a commercial following):
Form a creative presentation and show how plain folks Choose a commercial
of the task. or testimonial and show how name
1. Group 1 – Express your propaganda device calling propaganda
Pretend to be product endorsers. answers through a poem. works. Form a creative device works. Form a
How would you promote or 2. Group 2 – Illustrate the presentation of the task. creative presentation of
endorse the roasted chicken 1. Group 1 – Express the task.
solution through a poster.
product below? your answers through 1. Group 1 – Express
3. Group 3 – Share your
a poem. your answers
ideas through a song.
1. Group 1 – Express your 2. Group 2 – Illustrate through a poem.
4. Group 4 – Show your
answers through a poem. the solution through 2. Group 2 – Illustrate
thoughts by presenting a
2. Group 2 – Illustrate the a poster. the solution through
role play
solution through a poster. 3. Group 3 – Share your a poster.
3. Group 3 – Share your ideas *House Rules/ Standards/ ideas through a song. 3. Group 3 – Share
through a song. Guidelines: 4. Group 4 – Show your your ideas through a
4. Group 4 – Show your (Follow the mnemonic / thoughts by song.
thoughts by presenting a role memory device.) presenting a role play 4. Group 4 – Show your
play L – Listen to your teacher and thoughts by
group leader *House Rules/ presenting a role
*House Rules/ Standards/ T – Tasks be on-time Standards/ Guidelines: play
Guidelines: O – Observe discipline (Follow the mnemonic /
(Follow the mnemonic / memory memory device.) *House Rules/
device.) Rubrics in Participation / L – Listen to your teacher Standards/ Guidelines:
L – Listen to your teacher and Group Activities and group leader (Follow the mnemonic /
group leader T – Tasks be on-time memory device.)
T – Tasks be on-time Points/Indicators O – Observe discipline L – Listen to your
O – Observe discipline 5 – Shows eagerness and teacher and group
cooperation to do the task, Rubrics in leader
Rubrics in Participation / Group participate actively, do great Participation / Group T – Tasks be on-time
Activities help to the group. Activities O – Observe discipline

Points/Indicators 4 – Shows eagerness and Points/Indicators Rubrics in

5 – Shows eagerness and cooperation to do the task, 5 – Shows eagerness and Participation / Group
cooperation to do the task, good followers only cooperation to do the Activities
participate actively, do great task, participate actively,
help to the group. 3 – Participated but late, with do great help to the Points/Indicators
teacher’s supervision group. 5 – Shows eagerness
4 – Shows eagerness and and cooperation to do
cooperation to do the task, good 2 – Activity was done but does 4 – Shows eagerness and the task, participate
followers only not show eagerness cooperation to do the actively, do great help to
task, good followers only the group.
3 – Participated but late, with 1 – No interest in
teacher’s supervision participating the activities 3 – Participated but late, 4 – Shows eagerness
with teacher’s and cooperation to do
2 – Activity was done but does Special Reminders to pupils supervision the task, good followers
not show eagerness before doing the activity: only
Be tactful in dealing with 2 – Activity was done but
1 – No interest in participating others. does not show eagerness 3 – Participated but late,
the activities with teacher’s
Group Presentations 1 – No interest in supervision
Special Reminders to pupils -3 minutes only for each participating the
before doing the activity: group presentation activities 2 – Activity was done
Be tactful in dealing with others. but does not show
(Learners are given utmost Special Reminders to eagerness
Group Presentations recognition in the task they pupils before doing the
-3 minutes only for each group are presented) activity: 1 – No interest in
presentation Be tactful in dealing with participating the
others. activities
(Learners are given utmost
recognition in the task they are Group Presentations Special Reminders to
presented) -3 minutes only for each pupils before doing the
group presentation activity:
Be tactful in dealing
(Learners are given with others.
utmost recognition in the
task they are presented) Group Presentations
-3 minutes only for each
group presentation

(Learners are given

utmost recognition in
the task they are
H. Making Ask: Ask: Ask: Ask:
generalization 1. What are the types of 1. What are the types of 1. What are the 1. What are the
and abstractions propaganda device you propaganda device types of types of
about the lesson. learned today? you learned today? propaganda propaganda
2. Did you follow the given 2. Did you follow the device you device you
house rules when given house rules learned today? learned today?
performing the task when performing the 2. Did you follow 2. Did you follow
given to you? task given to you? the given house the given house
3. Did you show 3. Did you show rules when rules when
tactfulness with your tactfulness with your performing the performing the
fellow group members fellow group task given to task given to
as you communicate members as you you? you?
with each other in communicate with 3. Did you show 3. Did you show
carrying the task given each other in tactfulness with tactfulness with
to you? carrying the task your fellow your fellow
given to you? group members group members
as you as you
communicate communicate
with each other with each other
in carrying the in carrying the
task given to task given to
you? you?

I. Evaluating tinyurl.com/2p83hmj9 The statements below deal The statements below Write / if the following
Recognize bias statement. Put
Learning a / before the number if the with Tiktok. Write a check deal with Mobile informational text uses
statement is bias and an X if ( / ) mark if the statement Legends. Write a Name Calling
not. Write your answer on a uses bandwagon as a check ( / ) mark if the Propaganda Device.
separate answer sheet. propaganda device and an X statement uses Write X if not.
if the statement does not. testimonial as a
/ 1. I hate classical music; it is / 1. What are you waiting propaganda device / 1. This video app is
too complex. for? Install this app now and and an X if the statement used by most people to
X 2. Study shows citrus fruits remove your boredom. Be a does not. Write your express themselves
are good sources of vitamin C. TikToker and join the billion answers in your through dancing,
/ 3. People who are good in Tiktokers notebook. singing, comedy and lip-
Math are brainy. across the globe. syncing.
/ 4. Maria and Pedro are the / 2. My friends are all in / 1. A famous actor said, This app is really better
best persons for the job. Tiktok. We enjoy each other’s “I am playing ML since it than any other apps out
X 5. Research shows eating company using this app as it makes my free there.
vegetables will boost one’s keeps our body in great time more adventurous / 2. Using this Filipino-
immune system. shape. Dance with and satisfying.” made bicycle does not
us. / 2. A famous actress only make yourself
X 3. So hurry and be part of said, “Play ML now, and physically fit but will
the jolliest, craziest and most be part of this also help our local
exciting mobile app ever, exciting online mobile manufacturers. Unlike
TikTok. game.” imported bicycles which
X 4. According to a famous X 3. Mobile Legends is are really expensive, our
vlogger, “Tiktok is a massively for all. It can be played bicycles are the same in
popular app that lets users by men and women. quality and benefits but
create and share videos up to It can also help you ease not in price.
60 seconds long. Lip-synced your boredom. Take this / 3. Create videos and
music videos are especially adventure upload them to
popular. and be one of the YouTube. You can earn
/ 5. This video app is used by greatest defenders. through your videos
most people to express X 4. Enhance your skills unlike other apps where
themselves through dancing, in critical thinking and you can only
singing, comedy and lip- be part of this mobile earn ‘likes’.
syncing. This app is really invasion game. / 4. Our services are
better than any other apps X 5. Join this online really great. Unlike
out there. invasion as this is played ordinary taxi, you are
by billions of millennials safe with us.
around the world. X 5. This product
containing lacto
bacilli promotes good
health and good
J. Additional
activities for
application or
A. No. of
learners earned
80% in
B. No. of
learners who
activities for
C. Did the
remedial lessons
work? No. of
learners who
have caught up
with the lesson
D. No. of
learners who
continue to
E. Which of my Strategies used that work well: Strategies used that work Strategies used that Strategies used that Strategies used
teaching ___ Group collaboration ___ well: work well: work well: that work well:
strategies Games ___ Group collaboration ___ Group collaboration ___ Group collaboration ___ Group
worked well? ___ Power PointPresentation ___ Games ___ Games ___ Games collaboration
Why did these ___ Answering preliminary ___ Power PointPresentation ___ Power ___ Power ___ Games
work? activities/exercises ___ Answering preliminary PointPresentation ___ PointPresentation ___ ___ Power
___ Discussion ___ activities/exercises Answering preliminary Answering preliminary PointPresentatio
Case Method ___ Discussion activities/exercises n ___
___ Think-Pair-Share (TPS) ___ Case Method ___ Discussion activities/exercises Answering
___ Rereading of ___ Think-Pair-Share (TPS) ___ Case Method ___ Discussion preliminary
Paragraphs/Poems/Stories ___ Rereading of ___ Think-Pair-Share ___ Case Method
___ Differentiated Instruction Paragraphs/Poems/Stories (TPS) ___ Rereading ___ Think-Pair-Share activities/exerci
___ Role Playing/Drama ___ ___ Differentiated Instruction of (TPS) ___ Rereading ses
Discovery Method ___ ___ Role Playing/Drama Paragraphs/Poems/Stori of ___ Discussion
Lecture Method ___ Discovery Method ___ es Paragraphs/Poems/Stor ___ Case
Why? Lecture Method ___ Differentiated ies Method
___ Complete Ims Why? Instruction ___ Role ___ Differentiated ___ Think-Pair-
___ Availability of Materials ___ Complete Ims Playing/Drama ___ Instruction ___ Role Share (TPS)
___ Pupils’ eagerness to learn ___ Availability of Materials Discovery Method Playing/Drama ___ ___ Rereading of
___ Group member’s ___ Pupils’ eagerness to learn ___ Lecture Method Discovery Method Paragraphs/Poe
Cooperation in doing their ___ Group member’s Why? ___ Lecture Method ms/Stories
tasks Cooperation in doing their ___ Complete Ims Why? ___
tasks ___ Availability of ___ Complete Ims Differentiated
Materials ___ Pupils’ ___ Availability of Instruction
eagerness to learn ___ Materials ___ Pupils’ ___ Role
Group member’s eagerness to learn ___ Playing/Drama
Cooperation in doing Group member’s ___ Discovery
their tasks Cooperation in doing Method ___
their tasks Lecture Method
___ Complete
___ Availability
of Materials
___ Pupils’
eagerness to
learn ___
Group member’s
Cooperation in
doing their
F. What __ Bullying among pupils __ Bullying among pupils __ Bullying among pupils __ Bullying among __ Bullying
difficulties did I __ Pupils’ behavior/attitude __ Pupils’ behavior/attitude __ Pupils’ pupils among pupils
encounter which __ Colorful Ims __ Colorful Ims behavior/attitude __ Pupils’ __ Pupils’
my principal or __ Unavailable Technology __ Unavailable Technology __ Colorful Ims behavior/attitude behavior/attitud
supervisor can Equipment (AVR/LCD) Equipment (AVR/LCD) __ Unavailable __ Colorful Ims e
help me solve? __ Science/ Computer Internet __ Science/ Computer Technology Equipment __ Unavailable __ Colorful Ims
Lab Internet Lab (AVR/LCD) Technology Equipment __ Unavailable
__ Additional Clerical works __ Additional Clerical works __ Science/ Computer (AVR/LCD) Technology
__Reading Readiness __Lack __Reading Readiness Internet Lab __ Science/ Computer Equipment
of Interest of pupils __Lack of Interest of pupils __ Additional Clerical Internet Lab (AVR/LCD)
works __Reading __ Additional Clerical __ Science/
Readiness __Lack of works __Reading Computer
Interest of pupils Readiness __Lack of Internet Lab
Interest of pupils __ Additional
Clerical works
__Lack of
Interest of
G. What Planned Innovations: Planned Innovations: Planned Innovations: Planned Innovations: Planned
innovation or __ Localized Videos __ Localized Videos __ Localized Videos __ Localized Videos Innovations:
localized __ Making use big books from __ Making use big books from __ Making use big books __ Making use big books __ Localized
materials did I views of the locality views of the locality from views of the locality from views of the Videos
use/discover __ Recycling of plastics to be __ Recycling of plastics to be __ Recycling of plastics locality __ Making use
which I wish to used as Instructional Materials used as Instructional to be used as __ Recycling of plastics big books from
share with other __ local poetical composition Materials Instructional Materials to be used as views of the
teachers? __Flashcards __ local poetical composition __ local poetical Instructional Materials locality
__Flashcards composition __ local poetical __ Recycling of
__Flashcards composition plastics to be
__Flashcards used as
__ local poetical
Date/Time November 28-December 02, 2022 Grading WEEK 4-SECOND
A. Content Standard Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates
knowledge and knowledge and knowledge and knowledge and knowledge and
skills in the safe and skills in the safe and skills in the safe and skills in the safe and skills in the safe and
responsible use of responsible use of responsible use of responsible use of responsible use of
wikis, blogs, and wikis, blogs, and audio wikis, blogs, and wikis, blogs, and wikis, blogs, and
audio and video and video conferencing audio and video audio and video audio and video
conferencing tools tools conferencing tools conferencing tools conferencing tools
B. Performance Practices safe and Practices safe and Practices safe and Practices safe and Practices safe and
Standard responsible use of responsible use of responsible use of responsible use of responsible use of
wikis, blogs, and wikis, blogs, and audio wikis, blogs, and wikis, blogs, and wikis, blogs, and
audio and video and video conferencing audio and video audio and video audio and video
conferencing tools tools conferencing tools conferencing tools conferencing tools
C. Learning Participates in video Participates in video Participates in video Participates in video Participates in video
Competency/s: and audio and audio and audio and audio and audio
conferences in a safe conferences in a safe conferences in a safe conferences in a safe conferences in a safe
and responsible and responsible and responsible and responsible and responsible
manner manner manner manner manner
TLEIE6-0d-7 TLEIE6-0d-7 TLEIE6-0d-7 TLEIE6-0d-7 TLEIE6-0d-7
II CONTENT Participating in Audio Participating in Audio Participating in Participating in Participating in
Conferencing Conferencing Video Conferencing Video Conferencing Audio and Video
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide
2. Learner’s Materials TLE-ICT. Module TLE-ICT. Module TLE-ICT. Module TLE-ICT. Module TLE-ICT. Module
3. Textbook pages Life Skills Through Life Skills Through Life Skills Through Life Skills Through Life Skills Through
TLE 6 pages 12-54 TLE 6 pages 12-54 TLE 6 pages 12-54 TLE 6 pages 12-54 TLE 6 pages 12-54
4. Additional Materials
from Learning
B. Other Learning Audio-visual Audio-visual Audio-visual Audio-visual Audio-visual
A. Reviewing previous What is wiki and What is audio What is audio What is the video What are video and
lesson or presenting the blogs? conferencing? conferencing? conferencing? audio conferencing?
new lesson
B. Establishing a Song: EPP Time . Song: EPP Time Song: EPP Time Song: EPP Time Song: EPP Time
purpose for the lesson Discuss the objective Discuss the objective Discuss the objective Discuss the objective Discuss the objective
of the lesson of the lesson of the lesson of the lesson of the lesson
C. Presenting Presentation of audio Presentation of audio Presentation of video Presentation of video Presentation of audio
Examples/instances of conferencing conferencing conferencing conferencing and video
new lesson conferencing
D. Discussing new Collaborative Collaborative Collaborative Collaborative Collaborative
concepts and practicing approach approach approach approach approach
new skills #1 I. Concept mapping I. Concept mapping I. Concept mapping I. Concept mapping I. Concept mapping
Give the different Give the different Give the benefits of Give the benefits of Give the benefits of
audio-conferencing audio-conferencing video conferencing video conferencing using audio and
guidelines guidelines II. Role playing II. Role playing video conferencing
II. Role playing II. Role playing Show different Show different II. Role playing
Show the benefits of Show the benefits of guidelines in video guidelines in video Show different
audio conferencing audio conferencing conferencing conferencing guidelines in using
III. Drawing III. Drawing III. Drawing III. Drawing audio and video
Draw pictures of Draw pictures of Draw pictures of Draw pictures of conferencing
audio-conferencing audio-conferencing gadgets, tools and gadgets, tools and III. Drawing
gadgets, tools and gadgets, tools and equipments used in equipments used in Draw pictures of
equipments equipments video conferencing video conferencing gadgets, tools and
equipments used in
audio and video
E. Discussing new
concepts and practicing
new skills #2
F. Developing mastery 1. What is audio 1. What is audio 1. What is video 1. What is video 1. What is audio and
(Leads to Formative conferencing? conferencing? conferencing? conferencing? video conferencing?
Assessment) 2. What are the 2. What are the 2. What are the 2. What are the 2. What are the
benefits of using benefits of using audio benefits of using benefits of using benefits of using
audio conferencing? conferencing? video conferencing? video conferencing? audio and video
3. What are the 3. What are the 3. What are the 3. What are the conferencing?
gadgets, tools and gadgets, tools and gadgets, tools and gadgets, tools and 3. What are the
equipment used in equipment used in equipment used in equipment used in gadgets, tools and
participating in audio participating in audio participating in video participating in video equipment used in
conferencing? conferencing? conferencing? conferencing? participating in audio
4. How audio 4. How audio 4. How video 4. How video and video
conferencing helps conferencing helps you conferencing helps conferencing helps conferencing?
you in your daily in your daily task? you in your daily you in your daily 4. Howaudio and
task? 5. Will you join in task? task? video conferencing
5. Will you join in audio conferencing, 5. Will you join video 5. Will you join video helps you in your
audio conferencing, why? conferencing, why? conferencing, why? daily task?
why? 5. Will you join audio
and video
conferencing, why?
G. Finding Practical Reflective Reflective Reflective Reflective Reflective
applications of concepts Share your experience Share your experience Share your Share your Share your
and skills about the lesson about the lesson experience about the experience about the experience about the
lesson lesson lesson
H. Making What is audio- What are the steps in What is video What are the steps in What are the steps in
generalizations and conferencing? What participating in audio conferencing? What participating in video participating in audio
abstractions about the are the benefits of conferencing? are the benefits in conferencing? and video
lesson participating in audio participating in video conferencing?
conferencing? conferencing?
I. Evaluating Learning Read the following Hands on activity in 1. Below are the Hands on activity in Hands on activity in
statement carefully. participating in audio tools that you must participating in video participating in audio
Encircle the letter of conferencing. have in order to conferencing. and video
the correct participate in a conferencing.
answer. video conference,
1. Which of the EXCEPT one.
following is an a. Video camera
example of an e- c. Internet
group? b. Conference
a. eBay.com notebook
c. Smartphones d. Microphone
b. Netflix 2. Video conference
d. Skype can be done through
2. An audio and video __________.
conferencing is a tool a. Face to face
that lets you _____. c. Secret meeting
a. record a video b. Playing
b. use an audio and d. Internet
video conference even 3. Video conference
without the internet is mostly used for
c. use an audio and people who are
video conference separated by______.
using an internet a. Age
d. share pictures and c. Geography
music b. Gender
3. What are video and d. Class
audio conferences? 4. What is an
a. Meeting of two or electronic
more persons over the communications
internet network for the
b. Meeting of two or interconnection
more persons over a of computers to
cup of coffee access different
c. Meeting of two websites?
persons a. Wi-Fi
d. Meeting of two or c. Bluetooth
more persons inside a b. Internet
library d. Broadband
4. Below are the E- 5. It is one of the
group members that largest online social
can do the following networking websites
from their own were people
interest, EXCEPT one. can construct
a. Create profiles, share
c. Comment information such as
b. Make audio-video photos and videos
conference about themselves.
d. Post a. Viber
5. What does E stand c. Ebay
for in the “E-group”? b. Facebook
a. Electronic d. WeCha
c. Electricity
b. Energy
d. Evernote
J. Additional activities Draw/cut pictures of Draw/cut pictures of Draw/cut pictures of Draw/cut pictures of Draw/cut pictures of
for application or gadgets used in audio gadgets used in audio gadgets used in gadgets used in video gadgets used in video
remediation conferencing. conferencing. video conferencing. conferencing. and audio
A. No. of learners who
earned 80% on the
formative assessment
B. No. of Learners who
require additional
activities for remediation
C. Did the remedial
lessons work? No. of
learners who have
caught up with the
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did this work?
F. What difficulties did I . .
encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I
wish to share with other
GRADES 1 to 12 Teacher: MARK GIL T. SALVINO Learning Area: ESP
DAILY LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and NOVEMBER 28-30, DECEMEBER 1-2, 2022 (WEEK
Time: 4) Quarter: SECOND
A. Pamantayang Naipapamalas ang pag-unawa sa kahalagahan ng pakikipagkapwa-tao na may kaakibat na paggalang at responsibilidad
B. Pamantayan sa Naisasabuhay ang pagkakaroon ng bukas na isipan at kahinahunan sa pagpapasiya para sa kapayapaan ng sarili at kapwa
  Naipapakita ang Naipapakita ang HOLIDAY Naipapakita ang Naipapakita ang
C.  Mga Kasanayan sa kahalagahan ng pagiging kahalagahan ng pagiging kahalagahan ng pagiging kahalagahan ng
Pagkatuto responsible sa kapwa responsible sa kapwa responsible sa kapwa pagiging responsible sa
Isulat ang code ng bawat
EsP6P-IIa-c-30 EsP6P-IIa-c-30 EsP6P-IIa-c-30 kapwa

II.NILALAMAN Pagtupad sa Pangako o Pagpapakita ng Pagkamapanagutan sa Pagtupad sa Pangako o

Pinagkasunduan Pagkamapanagutan sa Pakikipagkapwa Pinagkasunduan
Pamamagitan ng Pagtupad
sa Pangako o
A. Sanggunian
1.Mga pahina sa Gabay MELC page 9
ng Guro
2.Mga Pahina sa
Kagamitang Pang-Mag-
3.Mga pahina sa Teksbuk
4. Karagdagang
Kagamitan mula sa portal
ng Learning Resource
B. Iba pang Kagamitang powerpoint presentation
A. Balik-Aral sa Panuto: Ayusin ang mga • Bakit kailangan mong Panuto: Hanapin at bilugan
nakaraang aralin at/o titik ng bawat salita upang pahalagahan ang iyong ang mga salitang
pagsisimula ng aralin mabuo ang tamang pangako? nagpapamalas ng pagiging
konsepto. • Ano-ano ang mga katangian mapanagutan sa kapwa.
ng isang taong may palabra
de honor?
B. Paghahabi sa layunin Panuto: Suriin ang mga Iguhit sa patlang ang Panuto: Basahin ang mga
ng aralin   sumusunod na sitwasyon. masayang mukha kung tama sitwasyon sa ibaba. Ipakita
Isulat ang TAMA kung ito at ang malungkot na mukha ang Thumbs Up kung
ay nagsasaad ng wastong kung mali. wasto ang kaisipang
pag-uugali at MALI kung _______1.Tatapusin ang mga ipinapahayag at Thumbs
hindi. gawain sa takdang panahon. Down kung hindi.
______1. Gumagawa ng _______2. Isagawa agad ang _______1. Ginagawa mo ang
tama sa lahat ng mga gawain ng hindi lahat upang matupad ang
pagkakataon si Josephine maluwag sa bawat ipinangako mo.
kahit walang nakakakita. kalooban. _______2. Nagsasabi ka ng
______2.Si Mike ay laging _______3. Pag-aralan muna masama sa kapwa mo
nagpopost sa facebook ng ang mga gawain at upang makaiwas sa
mga bastos na salita laban pananagutan bago napagkasunduan.
sa kanyang kagalit na tanggapin ang isang _______3. Sinisikap mong
kamag-aral. posisyon. tuparin ang iyong
_____3. Ang mga artista ay _______4.Tumulong ng kusa pangakong susundin ang
nagbigay ng face mask at kung kinakailangan. utos ng mga magulang.
pagkain sa mga _______5. Huwag paghusayan _______4. Nag-aral kang
frontliners. ang gawaing tinanggap. mabuti upang
_____4. May pagkakataon maipagmalaki ng iyong mga
na ang batang si Mark ay magulang.
malimit kumuha ng gamit _______5. Ibinalik mo ng
na walang paalam. maayos ang mga bagay na
_____5. Ang iyong hiniram mo.
kapitbahay ay madalas
magpatugtog ng karaoke
kahit hating gabi.
C. Pag-uugnay ng mga Panuto: Basahin ang Panuto: Basahin ang comic Panuto: Basahin ang tula
halimbawa sa bagong kuwento at sagutin ang strip at sagutin ang mga at sagutin ang mga tanong
aralin    mga tanong sa ibaba tanong pagkatapos pagkatapos nito.
pagkatapos nito. nito.
D. Pagtatalakay ng Tanong: Tanong: 1. Ano ang pamagat ng
bagong konsepto at a. Tungkol saan ang 1. Bakit natakot ang bata sa tula?2. Ano ang mga
paglalahad ng bagong kwentong ibinasa? kanyang narinig? hakbang na dapat gawin
kasanayan  #1   b. Sino – sino ang mga upang makaiwas sa
2. Paano ipaliwanag sa bata
  tauhan sa kwento? COVID-19?
  c. Ano ang dahilan kung ang importansya ng 3. Sino- sino ang maaaring
bakit tinawag ng mag- pagsunod sa batas? tamaan ng ganitong sakit?
asawa ang kanilang mga 3. Ano ang maaaring 4. Paano mo maipapakita
anak? masamang dulot ng hindi ang pagmamalasakit sa
d. Ano–ano ang dapat pagsunod sa batas? kapwa sa ganitong
gawin upang maiwasan 4. Bakit kailangang tuparin sitwasyong ating
ang sakit o virus? ng bata ang kanyang hinaharap?
e. Anong aral ang 5. Ano ang maaari mong
pangako sa ina?
makukuha natin sa ipangako at dapat tuparin
kwento? 5. Anong pag –uugali ang ngayong may hinaharap
f. Bakit kailangan nating ipinakita ng bata sa comic tayong pandemya? Bakit?
sundin ang mga strip?
ipinangako sa magulang o 6. Bilang mag- aaral, ano
sa buong pamilya? ang maipapangako mo sa
g. Ano ang dapat mong sarili habang
gawin upang hindi masira
mayroong pandemya?
ang tiwala ng iyong
magulang at buong
E. Pagtatalakay ng
bagong konsepto at
paglalahad ng bagong
kasanayan #2
F. Paglinang sa Panuto: Lagyan ng tsek (√) 1. Isulat sa loob ng kahon Sundin ang panuto 1. Gumawa ng isang
Kabihasaan (Tungo sa ang patlang kung katapat ng sitwasyong slogan na binubuo ng
Formative Assesment ) nagpapakita ito sa nakalahad ang iyong a. Bakatin ang iyong sampung salita na
  pagtupad ng pangako at pangako sa guro, magulang kanang kamay. nagpapakita ng
ekis (x) kung hindi. at kapatid. Sundan ang kahalagahan ng
____1. Hindi hinintay nina talaan sa ibaba. b. Mula sa iyong iginuhit pagkamapanagutan sa
Joan at Rica si Shane sa na kamay isulat ang, isang kapwa.
Plasa Rizal kahit hindi panata tungkol sa pagiging
pa ito ang nakatakdang responsable sa pagtupad ng 2. Bigyang pansin ang
oras. pangako o kasunduan. Rubrik bilang
____2. Patuloy paring pamantayan ng iyong
sinusuportahan ni Gina iskor.
ang kanyang kapatid kahit
mayroon na itong sariling
____3. Pinipilit na tapusin
ni Karlo ang pagsagot sa
takdang aralin kahit na ito
ay may kahabaan.
____4. Hindi isinauli ni
Mariz ang libro sa takdang
____5. Hindi sumipot si
Joemar sa kaarawan ng
kanyang kaibigan.
G. Paglalapat ng aralin sa Panuto: Punan ng wastong Bilang isang mag-aaral, Nangako ka sa matalik 1. Bumuo ng maikling
pang araw-araw na buhay salita ang mga patlang paano mo maisasabuhay ang mong kaibigan na tula tungkol sa isang
upang mabuo ang diwa ng kahalagahan ng tutulungan mo siyang pangako.
talata. Pumili ng sagot sa pagtupad ng pangako? gumawa ng takdang-aralin 2. Bigyang pansin ang
loob ng kahon na makikita sa kanilang bahay. Ngunit Rubrik bilang
sa ibaba. biglang nagbilin sa iyo ang pamantayan ng iyong
Napakahalaga ang nanay na huwag munang iskor.
pagtupad ng isang lalabas ng bahay dahil sa
________para hindi COVID-19. Ano ang
sumama ang loob at hindi gagawin mo?
_________ang tiwala sa iyo Paano mo pahahalagahan
ng mga taong iyong ang pagkakaibigan ninyo?
_________. Ang magandang Paano mo din
maidudulot ng pahahalagahan ang bilin ng
__________ng pangako ay magulang mo?
mas lalo kang _________ng
isang tao at hindi siya
magsisisi na
mapagkatiwalaan ka.

pagkatiwalaan pagtupad
pinangakuan pangako
H. Paglalahat ng Aralin Panuto: Lagyan ng tsek (√) Panuto: Iguhit ang Thumbs Bilang isang bata, bakit Bilang isang bata, bakit
ang mga sumusunod na Up kung nagpapakita ng mahalagang tuparin ang mahalagang tuparin
sitwasyon na nagpapakita pagkamapanagutan at mga pangako sa magulang ang mga pangako sa
ng kahalagahan sa Thumbs Down kung hindi. o kaibigan? magulang o kaibigan?
pagiging responsable sa ________1. Hindi tumupad si
kapwa at ekis (x) kapag Jose sa pangako na sasali sa
hindi. isang paligsahan.
_____1. Ginagawa mo ang ________2. Isinauli ng
lahat upang matupad ang kaibigan mo ng maayos ang
pangako sa kaibigan. librong kanyang hiniram.
_____2. Nagsasabi ka ng ________3. Binayaran ni
masama sa kapwa mo Linda ang kanyang utang sa
upang makaiwas sa takdang panahon.
napagkasunduan. ________4. Sinikap ni Russel
_____3. Sinisikap mong na magsimba at magdarasal
tuparin ang iyong sa isang takdang oras at
pangakong susundin ang araw.
utos ng mga magulang. _______5. Tinupad ng iyong
_____4. Hindi tinupad ang grupo ang tungkulin bilang
pangako mo sa kapatid isang estudyante.
mo na bibilhan siya ng
bagong lapis.
_____5. Ibinalik mo ng
hindi maayos ang mga
bagay na hiniram mo.
I. Pagtataya ng Aralin Panuto: Paano mo Panuto: Isulat ang Tama sa 1. Gumawa ng isang
pangangasiwaan ang mga patlang kung ang poster na nagpapakita
sumusunod? Ano ang iyong pangungusap ay ng pagsunod sa
gagawin? nagpapakita pangako.
1. Mayroon kang binitawang ng pagkamapanagutan sa Tema: “Pangako Ko,
pangako sa iyong kaklase na kapwa at itama ang Tutuparin Ko”.
pahiramin mo siya ng gamit pangungusap kung ito ay
sa pagguhit. Mali.
2. Nangako ang kuya mo na 1. Pinaunlakan ni Joseph
bibilhan ka ng cellphone ang paanyaya ng kanilang
ngunit hindi niya ito agad kapitan upang sumali
mabibili dahil may sa “Iwas Covid-19
importante siyang Program”.
pagkakagastusan. 2. Napagkasunduan ng
3. Pinagkasunduan niyo ng magkaibigang Miguel at
pinsan mo na sasamahan mo Kenneth na umuwi na
siya sa lamang at huwag nang
pagpunta sa “Birthday Party makilahok sa programang
ng kanyang kaibigan. “Anti- Droga” dahil wala
4. Dahil abala ang nanay mo naman silang maitutulong
sa pagtitinda ng gulay, dito.
nangako ka na ikaw na 3. Pinunit ni James ang
lamang ang magbabantay sa poster tungkol sa “Tamang
nakababata mong kapatid. pag- aalaga ng katawan” na
5. Panay ang tukso sa iyo ng isasagawa pa lamang sa
mga kaklase mo, pero may kanilang barangay.
pinagkasunduan kayo ng 4. Tumulong sa pagkalap
magulang mo na huwag ng mga donasyon sa
mong papansinin ang pamamagitan ng social
mga nanunukso sa iyo. media ang mga batang
nasa ikaanim na baitang
upang matulungan ang
mga biktima ng bagyo.
5. Ang mga tao sa aming
barangay ay sabay-sabay
na nagdisinfect ng kani-
kanilang bahay para
maiwasan ang lumalaganap
na sakit.
J. Karagdagang gawain
para sa takdang-aralin at

A. Bilang ng mag-aaral na
nakakuha ng 80%
B. Bilang mag-aaral na
nangangailangan ng iba
pang gawain para sa
C. Nakatulong ba ang
remedial? Bilang ng mag-
aaral na nakaunawa sa
D. Bilang ng mga mag-
aaral na magpatuloy sa
E. Alin sa mga istrateheya
ng pagtuturo ang
nakatulong ng lubos?
Paano ito nakatulong?
F. Anong suliranin ang
aking naranasan na
solusyonan sa tulong ng
aking punongguro at
G.Anong kagamitang
panturo ang aking
nadibuho na nais kong
ibahagi sa mga kapwa ko
Class Adviser



Principal II

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