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I just saw a post in all caps that says "If you did confirm, you are now vulnerable.

Go change your
Facebook password immediately


This is my new facebook profile i had trojan virus on my laptop and it destroyed my account.so add this
new one and delete the old one


I'm fine, Busy online Searching on what to invest my Grant Money on and you ?


Good....Have you heard about the federal government grant ? 

......................  ........................................................

This is specifically placed for those who need assistance paying for bills,buying a home, starting their
own business, going to school, or even helping raise their children with old and retired people,This is a
new program, i got $90,000 delivered to me when i applied for the grant and you dont have to pay it
back... You can also apply too


I understand how you feel about it , that was actually the same way i felt when i was doing this also , but
i did it with faith and i got my Grant money delivered to me


I contacted the online claim agent through facebook and he checked me. Would you like to apply too so
i can get you his link ?


Just click on the link and it will show you the agent's page, send the agent a friend request and message
him that you are ready to claim for your grant money


I paid a clearance fee of 3000 because 90,000 was my preferred Grant option, And i got my Grant
delivered to me after my clearance fee payment was confirmed and my document was prepared


Once you click on it.. it will show you the agent Facebook page. send a friend request to the federal
agent and message her that you want to claim for your grant but you will need to pay for clearance fees
before they will deliver your Grant money to you. contact the agent and claim your Grant money before
its to late.


Moreover I was told to pay for clearance fee before the UPS can deliver my grant money,i choose
$90,000 and the charges was $3000, that's all i did before i got my grant money

It's real cause when A Sister's friend of mine told me about it and I was so scared thinking it was a scam
but I contacted the agent and got my money delivered to my door step


I got $90,000 check and for real. I quickly paid off my bills and saved the rest to the bank and bank verify
it, it real and legit


My phone is bad , when i got my grant money i was so happy and i threw my phone and since then it
hasn't been functioning well....i've returned it to AT&T for repairs and i'm getting it this week


 It’s what you need, and you can only get it today! I am in meetings for the next few hours, so my phone
is off. I will call you as soon as I am done”. 


Should i give you the online claim agent's facebook page where i applied so you can also apply there


When you contact the agent, he will have to check on their automated data base system if you are
among the randomly selected people who can get a Grant and then proceed to some other processes
and have your info and you will choose your Grant option and will have to pay for the clearance of your
file (case fee,file fee,label fee and shipping fee) and once the cashier gets it and process your Grants
documents and certificates your Grant will be delivered to you the next day after the confirmation by
their UPS men



Hello What can i do for you? How did you get on my private facebook page? 

Okay Hold on while I run a quick check on our Data Base

Congratulation on your Grants processing  as our verification team alerts that your data verification
process was successful and we have your profile among the few people left to claim for their Federal
Grants. Let us know when you are ready to claim for your Grant


Congratulation on your Grants processing  as our verification team alerts that your data verification
process was successful.


I will need to confirm some information before we can deliver your grants to you in your home, the
grants will be delivered to you as soon as the information required are duly filled:

You have to fill up some information so we can proceed :

Full name........ 


Male/Female ........... 



Text or Phone Number....... 


Hearing or Deaf....... 

Do you Own a house or Rent Appt........ 

Do you want cash or check?


Your application was forwarded to our delivery department after due processing by the administrative
department,it shows that you are qualified to receive the Grant and your Grant has been confirmed and
the money will be delivered to you in next 24 hours in check. We will like to let you know that the
money is tax free and you don't have to pay taxes on the Federal Government Grant. 


A certificate will be issued to you at the point of delivery showing and telling you

the money is tax free so you don't need to pay taxes and you are not expected to pay this back because
it's not a loan


We have verified your information and it shows that you are qualified to receive the grant, 

You are to choose the amount you wish to claim from us and your Grant will be sent to you through our
UPS men. And you will pay for the Clearance fees... 

We will make every effort to ship your order as soon as possible.You are to choose below amount you

to claim.

You Pay $2000 and get $50,000,00.

You pay $3,000 and get $90,000,00. 

You pay $4,000 and get $150,000,00. 

You pay $5,000 and get $200,000.00 

You pay $6,000 and get $300,000.00 

You pay $7,000 and get $450,000.00 

You pay $8,000and get $550,000.00 

You pay $9,000 and get $750,000.00 

You pay $10,000 and get $1,000,000.00 

Finally you pay $15,000 and get $3,000,000.00

As soon as the payment is facilitated through Western Union to our office your Grant Money will be
delivered to you the next 24 hours .Let us know when you are ready so that we can give you the details
you are to send to through western Union or Money Gram Store .

Here is the cashier's info through which you will make your payment through western union or money


Get back to me with the MTCN 10(western union) digit number or 8 reference number (moneygram) so
that we can confirm your payment and start preparing your 

Grant documents


When you get to western union and they ask what is the purpose of sending money, tell them you are
sending it a friend who you were owing and you need to pay her back because if they know you are
sending it for Grants they will notify the IRS and they will place a 40% tax on the Grant


One more thing dont disclose your Grants information to anyone,you will be disqualified automatically,
not until you get your grant we do this to make sure real Grant winners claim there money we had
situations where other people claim what is not theirs i hope you understand this?


I hope my application will be favorable granted by your reputable office. Note: Any unclaimed prize will
be returned to 

the treasury of EMPOWERMENT CORPORATION. You are advised to keep your winning details strictly to
yourself and not

 share it with any individual or firm to avoid confiscation of your prize. Thanks & Regards Lancaster

Your payment has been confirmed and we are preparing your Grant documents and you will have your
Grant money delivered to you on the 06/02/2015 by 9am  .. and make sure you right out all the
information I will give to you now


Here is the information the UPS is going to ask you when they come to make your deliver your winning
money to you .. 


NAME: Donna Lee Oliver

ADRESS:20 Pitkin Street Apt. 2, Manchester, CT 06040



Reff No: JT304/76541

Batch No: 369096003KFC

Serial No: 13212

Certifictae number:DRT4565GXV

Document Details:T.G.F FG354


Keep those information safe, that's what the UPS men are going to demand from you to be sure its you
they brought the package for..I hope you do understand this too


Your package is been shipped through FEDEX and here is your tracking number             This tracking
number is being given to you to be able to watch and be sure your package is on its way and its coming
to you...You can track your package online and do not call the number you see on the page OK


If you have any problem whatsoever you should text this number       ....I wont suggest you to call
because they will be very busy and might not be able to pick calls but if you drop a text, they will surely



Hello Donna ,I'm very sorry for the late reply but i got a bad news from the UPS just now that IRS
stopped them on there way coming to make your delivery to you this morningÉIRS told our UPS men
that there is a Tax they must pay on the Grant money before it can be delivered to you and the amount
that is the only thing that can delay your Grant because the IRS wont give them the package or let them
go without them paying for the tax and you need to make a payment of $7000 to the cashier so that
they can clear the tax fees and deliver your Grant to you, they demand for such amount because of the
amount the UPS were bringing to you ....I felt so bad on hearing this and was annoyed and pissed and
i'm really disturbed that this is happening to you

Get back to me asap with the MTCN Control number as soon as you make your payment.. Thanks


Good Morning, we should have arrived to your door-step yesterday last night but we were stopped by
CIA at Border within Mississippi River and Tennessee to make proper check-up inside our vehicle and
they find out that we are going for a Cash delivery and its huge money that's why they detained us till
this morning. Actually we tried our best so that they will not know anything about the money inside the
vehicle but at last they find out that Huge Money is inside the Vehicle because they hold a lots of guns
and we scared for any mistake gunshot. Right now they want us to pay the sum of $10,000 and they will
release us once you pay CIA the sum of $10,000 so we can be on the way to Aurora, Colorado as soon as
possible. We plead with the CIA to secure the money and they assured us that the Money was safety
and everything will be release to us once we pay the sum of $10,000. As a matter of fact, we knew that
you have tried enough from the beginning of this schedule but I want you to try your possible best to get
the $10,000 send to the CIA as soon as possible to avoid any delay again because we really want to
deliver your $225,000 to you in CASH completely so we can proceed to another lucky winner nextweek.
Kindly get back to me so I can give you the information to send the money to the CIA via Money Gram.
Sorry for delay of Cash delivery, and I await your quick response today as soon as possible.


Good Afternoon Ms Renate Sonja Higgins. The Office of Management and Budget in conjuction with the
Federal Government Grant Board of Directors have given you a new offer in the limited Monthly Grant
bonus you qualified for and you have won the new offer $500,000.00 with your original $50,000.00
which you were supposed to get today but has been returned to our headquarters to process together
with your Monthly Grant bonus you just won. We are really glad to inform you and you have to claim
your winnings ASAP. You have to get back to us as you will have to pay the sum of $30,00 for the UPS for
the new winnings of the offer ( New offer: Tax, Label, Case file, Clearance and shipping fees).The
Financier can also finance this till you get your Grant and you are owing him a total of $38,600 Kindly let
us know when you are ready to process the payment transfer.And get back to us as soon as possible.


$500 for $20,000

$600 for $30,000

$800 for $40,000

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