P034SPX Cost Cutting

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Cost Cutting

Business Communication
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Ilka X@!

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Pre-lesson activities

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Lesson objectives

- to take part in a meeting to decide the best way to cut

- to develop vocabulary related to money
- to focus on language to give opinions and to ask for
and give suggestions
- to practise linking sounds to help you sound natural

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Think about your workplace and discuss the questions.

1. How does it waste money?
2. How could it be more environmentally friendly?

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Language focus 1

Before the lesson you studied the following vocabulary.

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Language focus 1
Ask and answer the following questions with your partner.
1. If a company is struggling, is it more important to reduce costs
or try to boost income?
2. What can a company do if their overheads triple?
3. In a wedding in your country, who usually foots the bill?
4. When you go on holiday, do you budget before you go?
5. When you retire, would you prefer to receive a lump sum from
your pension, or regular payments?
6. make ends meet – just have enough money
After the economic crisis people are unable to make ends meet.

7. break the bank – too expensive

I have to break the bank to buy a Ferrari.

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Language focus 2

Before the lesson you looked at the following phrases for

suggesting, asking for suggestions, and giving opinions.

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Language focus 2
Group these phrases under the following three headings:

Giving an opinion Asking for a suggestion Giving a suggestion

I reckon … What about …?

We should think about … Cliff, tell us what you suggest! It might be worth …

Why don’t we …?
How about …? Any suggestions, Cliff?

Any other ideas? What do you suggest?

Personally, I think …

Cliff? I feel (that) …

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Language focus 2- ANSWERS
Group these phrases under the following three headings:

Giving an opinion Asking for a suggestion Giving a suggestion

Personally, I think … We should think about …

Cliff, tell us what you suggest!
I feel (that) … What about …?
Any suggestions, Cliff?
I reckon … Any other ideas? It might be worth …

Cliff? Why don’t we …?

What do you suggest?
How about …?

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Language focus 2

Which suggesting phrases can go in each of these gaps?

1. ___________ closing the windows?
2. ___________ ask people to wear warmer clothes.

a) How about
b) Why don’t we
c) It might be worth
d) We should think about
e) What about

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Language focus 2

1. a) c) d) e) closing the windows?
2. b) ask people to wear warmer clothes.

a) How about
b) Why don’t we
c) It might be worth
d) We should think about
e) What about

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Language focus 2 (extra)

Look at the office problems below with your partner.

Make suggestions for how to fix them.
1. It’s always too hot in the office.
Use the phrases
2. Staff are always leaving food at their desks.
How about…?
3. People are using too much paper.
Why don’t we..?
4. Staff are complaining that they get too many emails.
It might be worth…?
5. Some people are being asked to do lots of overtime.
We should think about…
6. Parking at the office is too expensive.
What about…?
7. Parents are always given their first choice of work
schedules. Staff without children think this is unfair.

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Listen to your teacher say the following sentences

and show where the words link together.
1. Any other ideas?
2. How about a dress down policy?
3. We should think about budgeting.
4. What about overheads?

Use Annotate to highlight the linking.

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Listen to your teacher say the following sentences

and show where the words link together.
1. Any other ideas?
2. How about a dress down policy?
3. We should think about budgeting.
4. What about overheads?

Use Annotate to highlight the linking.

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Your office overheads have tripled in the past year. With a

partner, brainstorm as many ways as you can of cutting

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On the next page, you will see 8 ideas for saving money in
the office and becoming more environmentally friendly.
Discuss each one and your own ideas from the previous
page, and choose the best 3 to enact in your office.

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Look at the lesson aims again. Discuss with your partner

how well you feel you can do these things now.

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What’s next?

Book on learn-englishonline.britishcouncil.org

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What do you think?

Do you like the platform?

What did you think of the activities?
What further information do you need?

For more information, write to

[email protected]

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Teacher’s Notes

This slide deck was combined from decks by Joe Piechura and
Kathryn Inkster.

Share your thoughts about the lesson with the next teacher

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