At&t 1715

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Tapeless Digital
Answering System
with Time/Day 1715
Fold open this manual for information
about this telephone's installation and
operation. Please read Part 1 —
Important Product Information,
included in this package.

Part 2
© 1998 Philips Consumer Communication L.P. All rights reserved.
Printed in Mexico. 848230124 Issue 1AT&T
If this answering system does not work to two when you have new messages
properly, try the following suggestions. waiting.
If you’re still having difficulty, call • In some cases, the system might be
1 800 722-9125. affected by the ringing system used by
the local telephone company.
• If the system’s memory is full, or the
Message Window Is Blank system is off, the system answers after
• Make sure the power cord is securely 10 rings.
connected to both the answering system
and an electrical outlet not controlled by
a wall switch. System Does Not Respond
To Remote Commands
Use only the power cord supplied with • Make sure you are calling from a touch
! this product. For a replacement, call tone phone. When you dial a number,
1 800 722-9125. you should hear tones. If you hear clicks
instead, the phone is not a touch tone
• Press O to make sure the system telephone.
is on. • The answering system may not detect the
Remote Access Code while your
announcement is playing. Try waiting
Messages Are Incomplete until the announcement is over before
• The system can accept messages up to 3 entering the code.
minutes long. If a caller leaves a very • There may be noise interference on the
long message, part of it might be lost phone line you are using. Press dial
when the system disconnects the call buttons firmly.
after 3 minutes. • Make sure you are entering your Remote
• If the caller pauses for more than 7 Access Code correctly.
seconds, the system stops recording and • You might be calling from a phone that
disconnects the call. sends tones too short for your answer-
• If the system’s memory fills up during a ing system to detect.
message, the system stops recording and
disconnects the call.
Power Failure Recovery
If the system is disconnected from AC power it
System Does Not Answer After will not operate. Your announcement and
Correct Number Of Rings messages are retained in memory during a
• If the Toll Saver feature is in operation, power failure, but you will need to reset the
the number of rings changes from four clock.

1 Connect the line cord. 3 Connect the power cord.

Plug one end of the telephone line cord Plug the power cord into the jack labeled
into the jack labeled TEL LINE on the POWER and into an electrical outlet not
back of the system. Plug the other end into controlled by a wall switch. Fit the power
a phone wall jack. cord behind the strain relief tab. The
Message Window flashes CL to indicate
2 Connect the telephone. that you need to set the clock.
NOTE: If you do not want to connect a
telephone, skip to Step 3. Use only the power cord supplied with
Plug the line cord from the telephone into ! this product. If you need a replacement,
the jack labeled TEL SET on the back of call 1 800 722-9125.
the system.
Record and hear outgoing
announcement Set and hear time/day
Displays number
of messages,
other indicators
Leave a message
Use with other buttons to
change settings

Turn system on or off

Delete all or
selected messages

Select number
of times line
rings before
system answers
Set and hear Remote
Access and Priority
Microphone Calling Codes

Play messages Skip all or part

Repeat all or part
of a message
of a message
Adjust volume
Stop message

Setting the Clock 5 To change the hour setting, hold down

/ or ? until the correct
You’ll need to set the clock so that it can record
hour is announced. Then release the
the day and time that each message is received.
1 Press and release g. The Message
6 Press and release C. The current
Window displays CH.
minutes setting is announced.
2 Press and release C. The current day
7 To change the minutes setting, hold
setting is announced.
down / or ? until the
3 To change the day setting, hold down
correct minutes setting is announced.
/ or ? until the correct
Then release the button.
day is announced. Then release the
8 Press and release C. The new day
and time are announced.
4 Press and release C. The current
hour setting is announced.
To check the clock, press and release C.
Recording Your Announcement the line will ring before the system answers a
Before using this answering system, you should call. Set to 2 for two rings, set to 4 for four
record the announcement (up to 3 minutes long) rings, or set to TS for Toll Saver. When you set
that callers will hear when the system answers the system to TS, the system answers after 4
a call. If you choose not to record an announce- rings when you have no new messages, and af-
ment, the system answers with a prerecorded ter 2 rings when you have new messages.
announcement: “Hello. Please leave a
message after the tone.” Message Window
1 Press and release g. The Message The Message Window displays the number of
Window displays CH. messages that have been recorded. If the
2 Press and release A. The system Message Window displays F, then the memory
beeps. Speak toward the microphone is full and you’ll need to delete messages
normally, from about 9 inches away. before new ones can be recorded.
While you are recording, the Message
Window displays the elapsed time of
your recording. PLAY Light
3 Press S when you are finished. The The PLAY Light blinks when you have new
system automatically plays back your messages, and remains steady when you have
announcement. messages in memory that you’ve already
played. The PLAY Light is off when there are
To review your announcement, press and no messages in memory.
release A.

Call Screening/Intercept
Turning the System On/Off Set the system to answer calls, and set the volume
Use O to turn the system on and off. When control so you can hear the caller’s message.
the system is off, the Message Window is blank.
If you decide to take the call, lift the handset of
any telephone on the same line. The system
Volume Control stops recording and resets to answer calls.
Use V button to adjust the volume of the
system’s speaker. Press the top arrow to
increase volume. Press the bottom arrow to Listening to Your Messages
decrease volume. As the system plays back messages, the
Message Window displays the number of the
message playing. Before playing each message,
Answering Calls the system announces the day and time the
When the system answers a call, the caller hears message was received. After playing the last
the announcement you recorded, followed by a message, the system announces “End of
beep. After the beep, the system begins record- messages.”
ing your caller’s message. A caller can leave a Play all messages — Press and release
message up to 3 minutes long. If the message P. If you have no messages, the system
is longer than 3 minutes, or if the caller is silent announces “No messages.”
for more than 7 seconds, or if the system runs Play new messages only — Hold down
out of memory, the system beeps once and P for about 2 seconds, until the system
hangs up. begins playing. If you have no new
messages, the system announces “No new
Frequent callers can skip over your announce- messages.”
ment by pressing #. Repeat entire message — Press and
release ?.
Repeat part of message — Hold down
Ring Select/Toll Saver ? for a few seconds, then release
Use the RING SELECT switch on the right it to resume playing. The system beeps
side of the system to select how many times while the button is held down.
Skip to next message — Press and release When Memory is Full
/. The system can record approximately 12
Skip part of a message — Hold down minutes of messages, including your
/ for a few seconds, then release it announcement, for up to a total of 99
to resume playing. The system beeps while messages. When memory is full, or 99
the button is held down. messages have been recorded, the Message
Stop message playback — Press and Window flashes F. Delete messages to make
release S. room for new ones.

When memory is full, the system answers calls

Saving Messages after 10 rings, and sounds 2 beeps instead of
The system saves your messages automatically your announcement.
if you do not delete them. The system can save
about 12 minutes of messages, including your
announcement, for up to a total of 99 messages. Remote Access Code
When memory is full, you must delete some or You can use many features of this answering
all messages before new messages can be re- system remotely from a touch tone phone.
corded. Most features can be accessed only after you
enter a Remote Access Code, preset to 500.
You can view the Remote Access Code by
Deleting Messages tapping c.
Delete all messages — Hold down D.
The system announces “Messages deleted” You can change the Remote Access Code to
and the Message Window displays 0. If any 3-digit number from 500-999.
you haven’t listened to all of the messages, 1 Press and release g. The Message
the system beeps 5 times, and does not Window displays CH.
delete messages. 2 Press and release c. The system
Delete selected messages — Press and re- announces “First digit.”
lease D while the message you want 3 Press / or ? to change the
to delete is being played. The system beeps digit.
once, and continues with the next message. 4 When the Message Window displays the
If you want to check a message before you desired first digit, press and release c.
delete it, you can press ? to replay The system announces “Second digit.”
a message before deleting it. 5 Press / or ? to change the
When the system reaches the end of the 6 When the Message Window displays the
last message, the messages not deleted are desired second digit, press and release
renumbered, and the Message Window c. The system announces “Third
displays the total number of messages digit.”
remaining in memory. 7 Press / or ? to change the
8 When the Message Window displays the
Recording a Memo desired third digit, press and release
You can record a memo to be stored as an c. The system announces the new
incoming message. The memo can be up to 3 Remote Access Code.
minutes long, and will be played back with other
1 Press and release M. After the beep,
speak toward the microphone.
2 To stop recording, press S.
Playing Messages Room Monitor with Intercom
1 Dial your telephone number from a touch You can call the answering system and listen to
tone phone. any activity in the room.
2 When the system answers, enter your 1 Press 9, 1 to listen for 30 seconds.
Remote Access Code. The system 2 If you wish, you can press 1 while
announces the number of messages the monitor is active to speak to some-
received, then beeps twice. one in the room (up to 30 seconds).
3 After the two beeps, wait 4 seconds, and 3 Press 1 again during intercom operation
the system plays back messages to return to listening only.
— OR — 4 Press 5 at any time to exit Room
Press and release 1 to play all messages Monitor with Intercom.
— OR —
Press and release 2 to play only new Ending the Remote Access Call
messages (if there are no new Press *, 9. The system announces “The
messages, the system announces “No machine will now hang up,” and disconnects
new messages.”) from the line.
4 To repeat a message — Press and
release 4 while the message is playing.
To repeat part of a message — Hold Changing Remote Access Code
down 4. To resume playing, release 4. 1 Press 9, 9. The system announces
“Enter new code.”
To skip a message — Press and release 2 Enter your new Remote Access Code,
6 while the message is playing. any number between 500 and 999.
To skip part of a message — Hold down 3 If a valid code is entered, the system
6. To resume playing, release 6. announces the new Remote Access
Code. If an invalid code is entered, the
To stop message playback — Press and system beeps 5 times rapidly, then beeps
release 5. twice. Repeat Steps 1 and 2.

To save messages, hang up. Turn System Off

Press 8, 8.
Deleting Messages
To delete selected message — Press and Turn System On
release 3 while the message is playing. When the system is off, it answers after 10 rings
To delete all messages — After you have and beeps twice.
listened to all messages and heard the 2 1 Press 0 to turn the system on.
beeps, press 3, 3. 2 The system beeps twice and is ready to
answer calls and record messages. If the
system beeps 5 times, the memory is full.
Record Announcement
1 Press 7, *. Memory Full
2 Speak after the beep, then press 5 to stop If the system answers after 10 rings and beeps
recording. The system replays your new twice instead of playing your announcement, it
announcement. might be off or memory might be full.
1 Enter Remote Access Code after 2-beep
To review your announcement — Press 7, 1. signal.
2 Listen to messages, and delete some or
Record a Memo all of them.
1 Press # and begin speaking after the 3 Press 0 to make sure your system is on
beep. before you hang up.
2 Press 5 when you are finished.
Printed in Mexico. 848230157 Issue 1AT&T Printed in Mexico. 848230157 Issue 1AT&T
© 1998 Philips Consumer Communications L P. All rights reserved. © 1998 Philips Consumer Communications L P. All rights reserved.

fold fold

2 2
Tapeless Digital Answering System 1715 Tapeless Digital Answering System 1715
Remote Commands Remote Commands
Access Answering System Access Answering System
1 Dial your telephone number from a touch tone phone. 1 Dial your telephone number from a touch tone phone.
2 When the system answers, enter your Remote Access Code. 2 When the system answers, enter your Remote Access Code.
The system announces the number of messages and beeps twice. The system announces the number of messages and beeps twice.
3 Wait 4 seconds for the system to play back all messages 3 Wait 4 seconds for the system to play back all messages
— OR — — OR —
Enter a remote command from inside this card. Enter a remote command from inside this card.
Play all messages 1 Play all messages 1
Play only new messages 2 Play only new messages 2
Repeat message 4 while message is Repeat message 4 while message is
playing playing
Skip message 6 while message is Skip message 6 while message is
playing playing
Delete all messages 3, 3 Delete all messages 3, 3
Delete selected message 3 while message is Delete selected message 3 while message is
playing playing
Record announcement 7, *, speak, press 5 to Record announcement 7, *, speak, press 5 to
stop. stop.
Review announcement 7, 1 Review announcement 7, 1

Record memo #, speak, press 5 to stop. Record memo #, speak, press 5 to stop.

Room monitor 9, 1 Room monitor 9, 1

Stop 5 Stop 5

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