Response Spectrum Specification As Per ISCODE
Response Spectrum Specification As Per ISCODE
Response Spectrum Specification As Per ISCODE
The design lateral shear force at each floor in each mode is computed by STAAD in accordance with the IS: 1893 (Part 1) -2002 equation and Qik = Ak*Jik*Pk*Wk and Vik = Qik Note: All symbols and notations in the above equation are as per IS: 1893(Part 1)-2002. STAAD utilizes the following procedure to generate the lateral seismic loads. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. User provides the value forZ/2*I/R as factors for input spectrum Program calculates time periods for first six modes or as specified by the user. Program calculates Sa/g for each mode utilizing time period and damping for each mode. The program calculates design horizontal acceleration spectrum Ak for different modes. The program then calculates mode participation factor for different modes. The peak lateral seismic force at each floor in each mode is calculated. All response quantities for each mode are calculated. The peak response quantities are then combined as per method (CQC or SRSS or ABS or TEN or CSM) as defined by the user to get the final results.
General format: SPECTRUM {Method} 1893 (TORSION) X f1 Y f2 Z f3 ACC (SCALE f4) (DAMP f5 or MDAMP or CDAMP) (MIS f6) (ZPA f7) SOIL TYPE f8 or, {P1, V1; P2, V2; P3, V3 ;..} CHECK SOFT STORY The data in the first line above must be on the first line of the command, second line data can be on the first or second line with all bur last ending with a hyphen. The third line (SOIL TYPE parameter) must be in a separate line. The fourth line, if present in the input, will perform soft story checking. where, Method = SRSS or CQC or ABS or CSM or TEN SRSS, CQC, ABS, CSM and TEN are methods of combining the responses from each mode into a total response. SRSS stands for Square root of summation of squares, CQC for Complete quadratic combination and ABS for Absolute method. CSM is a Closely-spaced modes grouping method where the peak response quantities for closely spaced modes (considered to be within 10 percent of each other) are combined by Absolute method. This peak response quantity for closely spaced modes is then combined with those of widely spaced modes by SRSS method. TEN PERCENT method combines modal responses as is published in US Nuclear Regulatory Guide 1.92 Revision 1 of February 1976. Note: CQC, SRSS and CSM Grouping methods are recommended by IS:1893 (Part 1) 2002.
Note that if SRSS is given the program will internally check whether or not there are any closely spaced modes. If any such modes are found, it will switch over to the CSM method. In CSM method the program will check whether all modes are closely spaced or not. If all modes are closely spaced it will switch over to CQC method. 1893 indicates the analysis as per IS: 1893(Part 1)-2002procedure. TOR indicates to consider horizontal torsional moment arising due to eccentricity between the centerof mass and center of rigidity. If TOR is entered on any one spectrum case it will be used for all spectrum cases. X Y Z f1, f2, f3 are the factors for the input spectrum to be applied in X, Y, & Z directions. These are the product ofZ/2*I/R . Any one or all directions can be input. Directions not provided will default to zero. ACC indicates Acceleration spectra will be entered. SCALE f4 = Scale factor by which design horizontal acceleration spectrum will be multiplied. This factor signifies that the structures and foundations, at which level base shear will be calculated, are placed below the ground level. Default value is 1.0. ** ** If site specific spectra curve is used then f4 value is to be multiplied by the scale factor by which spectra data will be multiplied. Usually to factor gs to length/sec2 units. DAMP, MDAMP and CDAMP. Select source of damping input. DAMP f5 = Damping ratio for all modes. Default value is 0.05 (5% damping if 0 or blank entered). DAMP indicates to use the f5 value for all modes. MDAMP indicates to use the damping entered or computed with the DEFINE DAMP command if entered, otherwise default value of 0.05 will be used CDAMP is the composite damping of the structure calculated for each mode. One must specify damping for different materials under CONSTANT specification. MIS f6 = Use Missing Mass method. The static effect of the masses not represented in the modes is included. The spectral acceleration for this missing mass mode is the f6 value entered. If f6 is zero, then the spectral acceleration at the ZPA f7 frequency is used. If f7 is zero or not entered, the spectral acceleration at 33Hz (Zero Period Acceleration, ZPA) is used. The results of this calculation are SRSSed with the modal combination results. If the MIS parameter is entered on any spectrum case it will be used for all spectrum cases. ZPA f7 = For use with MIS option only. Defaults to 33 Hz if not entered. Value is printed but not used if MIS f6 is entered.
SOIL TYPE f6 indicates the types of soil. f5 is 1 for rocky or hard soil, 2 for medium soil and 3 for soft soil sites. Depending upon time period, types of soil and damping, average response acceleration coefficient, Sa/g is calculated. Or, {P1,V1; P2,V2; P3,V3;Pn,Vn} : Data is part of input immediately following spectrum command. Period - Value pairs (separated by semicolons) are entered to describe the spectrum curve. Period is in seconds and the corresponding Value is acceleration (current length unit/ sec2). If data is in g acceleration units then the factor by which spectra data will be multiplied is g to the current length unit (9.81, 386.4, etc.). CHECK SOFT STOREY indicates that soft story checking will be performed. If omitted from input, there will be no soft story checking. Note: 1. The design base shear V B calculated from Response Spectrum method is compared with the base shear V b calculated empirical formula for fundamental time period. If V B is less than V b, all the response quantities are multiplied by V b /V B as per Clause 7.8.2. For this, the following input is necessary before defining any primary load case. DEFINE 1893 LOAD 1893-spec ZONEf1 SELFWEIGHT JOINT WEIGHT Joint-list WEIGHT w MEMBER WEIGHT UNI v1 v2 v3 Mem-list CONv4 v5 CHECK SOFT STORY 1893-Spec= {RF f2, I f3, SS f4, (ST f5), DM f6, (PX f7), (PZ f8), (DT f9)} (Refer to section for full details on this command structure. Note that this does not cause the program to calculate frequency of the structure. Either the ST parameter or PX and PZ parameters must be entered.) 2. The following interpolation formula is adopted for interpolation between damping values as given in Table 3. Interpolation and/or extrapolation of ground response acceleration for a particular mode has been made for determining the spectrum ordinates corresponding to the modal damping value for use in Response Spectrum analysis. The relationship that shall be used for this purpose is defined by: Sa = Ae + B/\
Sa = \ = A, B=
The constants A and B are determined using two known spectrum ordinates Sa1 & Sa2 corresponding to damping ratios \1 and \2 respectively for a particular time period and are as follows : A = Sa1\1- Sa2\2 \2 \1 e - \ e B = \1\2(Sa2e\1 Sa1e\1) \e\1 - \e\2
Where, \1 <\<\2 3. The storey drift in any storey shall not exceed 0.004 times the storey height as per Clause 7.11.1. To check this following input should be given after analysis command. PRINT STOREY DRIFT Warning message will be printed if storey drift exceeds this limitation. 4. If any soft storey (as per definition in Table 5 of IS: 1893-2002) is detected a warning message will be printed in the output.
As defined in the IS1893-2002 code, provision should be made in all buildings for increase in shear forces on the lateral force resisting elements resulting from the horizontal torsional moment arising due to eccentricity between the center of mass and the center of rigidity. Steps For a particular mode following steps are performed. 1. Lateral storey shear for each floor is established. 2. Torsional moments M1 and M2 are found out at each floor for two design eccentricities. 3. The nodal forces corresponding to M1 and M2 are found out for each floor. 4. The case, for which sum of nodal forces is maximum, is selected as the critical loading due to torsion for that floor. 5. Static analysis of the structure is performed with these nodal forces due to torsion. 6. The results (i.e. member force, displacement, support reaction, etc.) are added to the corresponding modal response quantities. Steps 1 to 6 are performed for all modes considered and missing mass correction (if any). Finally the peak response quantities from different modal response are combined as per CQC or SRSS or TEN PERCENT or CSM method. Note: After the analysis is complete following files are generated.
1. Story shear for each mode for each load case is given in the field<filename>_RESP1893.txt. 2. Rotational stiffness of each floor is given in the file <filename>_ROT1893.txt. 3. Centre of mass, center of rigidity, design eccentricity at each floor level and additional shear due to torsion at each floor level for each mode for each load case is given in the file <filename>_TOR1893.txt.