wp-AHV Security FINAL

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MARCH 2020



Security at the
1. INTRODUCTION................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................3
1.1. What is AHV?......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 4

2. SECURITY........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................5
3. HARDENING AHV IN 8 STEPS..................................................................................................................................................................................7
3.1. Security-Enhanced Linux (SELinux)................................................................................................................................................................................................. 7
3.2. Address Space Layout Randomization......................................................................................................................................................................................8
3.3. Exec-Shield.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................8
3.4. Linux Advanced Intrusion Detection Environment (AIDE)....................................................................................................................... 9
3.5. Host Secure Boot........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 9
3.6. Security Technical Implementation Guides........................................................................................................................................................................ 9
3.7. Security Configuration, Management and Automation.................................................................................................................................10
3.8. The Security Development Lifecycle (SecDL).............................................................................................................................................................10

Nutanix AHV..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 11

Figure 1: The kernel Process............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 8
1. Introduction
Virtualization has changed the way we consider security in the data center. Historically
the approach may have been what we call platform-centric, in that the platform(s) used
in the data-center dictated the security process. Limitations of the hardware such as
compatibility with security devices and throughput and core functionality had to be
understood in order to architect a solution that worked to protect the environment.
Compromise in some areas be it performance or security was always part of the solution
and subsequently factored into the organization’s risk tolerance.

As applications have become the driving force behind business objectives, security
compliance frameworks helped in the process of protecting sensitive data. Some of the
techniques used in these frameworks were the restriction of access to this data and
isolation/ segmentation of the underlying machines running the workloads. Virtualization
introduced new challenges whilst also being a good step forward in securing the
workloads. Security now has to be much more application-centric given the freedom
with which you can now deploy and move apps.

One of the benefits of virtualization is security; applications running in separate virtual

machines are isolated from each other and, ideally, it is very hard for a compromised
guest to attack other virtual machines running on the same host. The hypervisor itself is
the place where most attacks on a virtualization system will be aimed. To that end, it is
essential that insecurities in the hypervisor be addressed swiftly. A good hypervisor
should have:

• A small attack surface

• Regular and thorough code audits

• Have Global support through utilization

Given these caveats a Linux kernel with a widely used user space emulator (QEMU)
adapted to meet enterprise needs seems to be the most appropriate for a secure
hypervisor variant.
AHV is an enterprise-class virtualization solution included with the Nutanix Acropolis
Enterprise Cloud OS (AOS), with no additional software components to license, install or
manage. AHV as a Type 1 (native) hypervisor, comes preinstalled on Nutanix appliances,
is configurable in minutes, and provides all the necessary foundation for your virtual
infrastructure. AHV was designed and optimized for the modern Cloud era, built for
Hyperconverged Infrastructure (HCI) and on the principles of web-scale engineering
with Operational Intelligence, Security, and Automation delivered with 1-click simplicity.

To give you a little history, Nutanix introduced KVM support back in 2013 on AOS 3.5
having already supported ESX, this was a precursor to launching our own native
hypervisor and AHV had its formal release with AOS 4.1 in 2015. Under the covers, It is an
adaptation of the proven open-source Linux KVM and QEMU. Since release, AHV has
become a popular choice for Nutanix customers. AHV adoption has increased year on
year and, as of the writing of this paper, we reported a quarterly adoption of more than
47%1 of nodes sold choosing to deploy AHV over other virtualization solutions.

AHV is more than a branded version of Linux KVM virtualization, Nutanix has invested in
creating a virtualization solution that is as easy to manage as our industry-leading HCI
offering and provides all the performance and enterprise-grade features needed to run
ANY workload.

As of Q2FY20 and based on a trailing four-quarter average see: ir.nutanix.com
2. Security:
In virtual environments, there are unique concerns. These concerns can give pause to the
Security Team, whose reticence to these technologies can block the adoption of public
and private cloud platforms or at least running disparate workloads on the same shared
infrastructure. These concerns can be grouped into two primary categories:

• VM malware cascading between VMs - i.e. One machine gets compromised or the
Hypervisor gets compromised and the entire infrastructure is vulnerable potentially
bringing the entire business down.

• The potential for Guest VMs to escape and control the Hypervisor gaining access to
other VMs, and their data.2 (Otherwise known as Hyperjacking and VMescape).

These concerns can be mitigated somewhat by implementing a defense-in-depth strategy.

One line of that defense is placed upon the vendor and the techniques they use to harden
the underlying hypervisor. For an Advanced Persistent Threat (APT) to be adequately
deterred in their attempt to compromise virtual infrastructure the following These aren’t
considerations exclusively for hypervisors, I’m making the point that many considerations
for a secure virtual environment have to be made:

• Network security
As you would in non-virtual environments, make the same considerations for network
protection in virtual environments. Isolate the management and hypervisor traffic to its
own non-routable VLAN. Ensure public traffic makes no ingress to protected

• Endpoint security
Monitor for spurious or suspicious activity on all endpoints and inline of traffic flows
with IPS/ IDS and/ or packet inspection firewalls.
• System Hardening
As most attack vectors can be traced to human oversight or failure to properly harden
the stack, system security hardening is essential:
Patch known CVEs
Configure User privileges
Remove default accounts
Close unused ports and protocols
Enforce strong password policies
Remove unwanted services

Successful execution of these hypervisor attacks outside of “proof of concept” has not yet been recorded,
this is mainly due to the difficulty of directly accessing hypervisors; however, they are still considered
real-world threats.
• Stringent access management policies
Where possible utilize the capabilities of directory services for Authentication and
Authorization to systems. Employ the use, where possible, of Multi-factor
authentication. Don’t distribute local and privileged accounts beyond the fewest most
essential persons.
Log all creations, deletions, elevations of privileges, of privileged accounts and
monitor/ log their activity within the environment.

The above list is by no means exhaustive and might not be enough of themselves to
protect against hypervisor attacks but they are essential to produce a modicum of due-
diligence when attempting to secure a virtualized environment.

In the next section, this white paper will cover how Nutanix secures our AHV hypervisor.
3. Hardening AHV in 8
Nutanix uses the open-source Linux KVM as a baseline. A hypervisor that has been
validated by scores of Open Source users globally, large enterprise cloud players and the
Nutanix Security Engineering and Research Teams (nSERT) who have, through their
testing, determining the best security practices for hardening and protection of the User
VM environment which is to be supported.


Given that the KVM is a portion of the Linux kernel, along with additional services that
AHV runs, things like libvirt and other pieces of the Linux ecosystem, to ensure security
we run Security-Enhanced Linux (SELinux) full context enabled.

When using SELinux processes and files are labeled with an SELinux context, that
contains additional information such as an SELinux user, role, type and level. All of this
information is used to make access control decisions.

All files, directories, devices, and processes have this security context (or label) associat-
ed with them. For files, this context is stored in the extended attributes of the file system.
The SELinux context contains additional information such as user, role, type and level
allowing access control decisions on processes, Linux users, and files. This allows for
policy type-enforcement, by tagging every process and file with a security context to
which it belongs, a security enforcement module in the kernel permits or denies access
to all objects (such as files and devices). The kernel process decides which subjects can
access which objects, this is called Type Enforcement.
Exploit Exploit

Kernel Kernel

Discretionary Access Control Mandatory Access Control

Once Security exploits gain With SELinux Kernel policy
access to privileged system defines application rights,
components the entire system isolating applications from
is compromised compromising the
entire system

So SELinux is a flexible Mandatory Access Control architecture within the standard Linux
kernel. What is effectively accomplished is a method to ensure hardware resource
isolation. Each VM runs in its own security context, which isolates that CPU or Memory
or Cache, based on the security context of that VM.


ASLR aims to introduce randomness into addresses used by a given task. This is a
security mechanism that increases control-flow integrity by making it more difficult for
an attacker to properly execute a buffer overflow attack even in systems with vulnerable
software. Its strength lies in the randomness of the offsets it produces in memory.

SELinux is used in conjunction with Exec-Shield and ASLR, which is a method developed
by Red Hat to reduce the risk of worms or buffer overflow attacks or function pointer
overflows on Linux systems, in other words, manipulating data in memory for malicious

For further details on exec-shield visit, https://access.redhat.com/blogs/766093/posts/3534821
The Advanced Intrusion Detection Environment is a utility that creates a database of
files on the system and then uses that database to ensure file integrity and detect
system intrusions.

AIDE is the freeware branch of Tripwire. An Intrusion Detection system that conducts a
checksum verification of all static binaries and libraries in AHV and in the CVM. This
functionality has to be enabled by the customer via the Nutanix Command Line Interface
(nCLI), directions on how to do this can be found in the Nutanix Security Guide via
https://portal.nutanix.com. Once enabled AIDE runs weekly and sends its report directly
to syslog which should be forwarded to a central log host when the CVM is configured
to forward logs.4


Validating the authenticity of the boot sequence is key to defending against bootloader
attacks. Secure boot is a technology where the system firmware checks that the systems
boot loader is signed with an appropriate cryptographic key authorized by the
manufacturer. Nutanix Secure Boot comes in two flavors:

• AHV Secure Boot for Host - which ensures that the AHV binaries are trusted and have
not been compromised as part of the boot process of the node. AHV Secure Boot for
host only works with Nutanix Supported Hardware that supports both UEFI and
Secure Boot.

• AHV Secure Boot for UserVM - which verifies User VM Operating systems running on
AHV. Supported for Windows or Linux versions that support UEFI and Secure Boot.


As mentioned, AHV is further protected by a bespoke AHV STIG (Security Technical
Implementation Guide). A STIG is a hardening guide, a security methodology for
standardizing security protocols within networks, servers, computers, and logical designs
to enhance overall security. It describes the potential risks and vulnerabilities an attacker
might exploit either physically or over a network, and includes a description of the action
to take to prevent such a measure from being carried out.

Details on log forwarding can also be found in the Nutanix Portal https://portal.nutanix.com
Details of the contents of the Nutanix AHV STIG can be found in a PDF via the Nutanix
Portal. Nutanix STIGs are written in eXtensible Configuration Checklist Description
Format (XCCDF) in support of the Security Content Automation Protocol (SCAP)
standard. This allows the STIG to be a machine-readable STIG format which automates
assessment tools and eliminates time-consuming testing.

Because the STIGs are machine-readable, they are ideal candidates for third-party apps
that probe for deficiencies in a system configuration. The Nutanix STIG takes inspiration
from the NIST SP800-53 as well as some bespoke protections which didn’t exist for
Hyper-converged platforms at the time of writing. Effectively the process of system/
security hardening is completed by the STIG with several hundred checks to ensure
fidelity, conducted periodically and checked for continuity.


A self-healing mechanism or adjustment to the potential “drift” that can happen from a
secure configuration state is achieved by our Security Configuration Management
Automation daemon (SCMA).

SCMA is a SaltStack daemon that runs periodically and can be adjusted to run more or
less frequently in the command line. With SCMA Nutanix AHV and AOS can maintain
this adherence to the IA posture that is provided out of the box for Nutanix products,
ensuring a secure system on Day 0 and throughout the life of the platform.


Finally, a word on our development process. Nutanix AHV engineers are training to think
of secure coding as principal to the coding process. Code Analysis techniques,
Vulnerability scanning, Threat Modelling, image and artifact scanning, AV scanning and
rigorous Penetration testing are all conducted against the hypervisor. The nSERT team
work with Nutanix developers to deliver a stripped down hypervisor while still having
many enterprise features that customers have come to expect, delivering a smaller
attack surface through the removal of superseded or superfluous code.
4. Conclusion
In closing, Nutanix AHV is just one infrastructure component that operates as part of the
Nutanix Enterprise Cloud platform, safeguards exist throughout AOS and AHV in combi-
nation which have not been fully explored in this paper. Nutanix products and document-
ed best practices are available to protect the data plane such as, Data-at-Rest Encryption,
Role-Based Access Control, Micro-segmentation and network visualization in Nutanix Flow
and detailed Security compliance auditing and reporting with Nutanix Xi Beam. For details
on these capabilities and much more visit https://www.nutanix.com.
Nutanix makes infrastructure invisible, elevating IT to focus on
the applications and services that power their business. The
Nutanix Enterprise Cloud OS leverages web-scale engineering
and consumer-grade design to natively converge compute,
virtualization, and storage into a resilient, software-defined
solution with rich machine intelligence. The result is predictable
performance, cloud-like infrastructure consumption, robust
security, and seamless application mobility for a broad range
of enterprise applications. Learn more at www.nutanix.com
or follow us on Twitter @nutanix.

[email protected] | www.nutanix.com | @nutanix

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