Matworx™ Installation Guide: Nec America, Inc
Matworx™ Installation Guide: Nec America, Inc
Matworx™ Installation Guide: Nec America, Inc
Installation Guide
Latin American Support Center
Corporate Networks Group
NEC America, Inc.
Copyright 2002
NEC Corporation
Reference Manual
For how to use MATWorX, refer to “MATWorX User
Table of Contents
CHAPTER 1 MATWorX ............................................... 1
1. MATWorX Overview................................................ 1
What’s MATWorX? ............................................... 1
System Requirements .......................................... 2
7. Exiting MATWorX.................................................. 36
TOOL (FOR RMAT) .............................. 39
1. MATWorX Overview
What’s MATWorX?
MATWorX is a 32 bit Windows (English version)-
based software application that enables you to
program and maintain an unlimited number of PBXs
via your computer.
MATWorX provides a graphical user interface (GUI)
to a PBX. This design lets you navigate quickly and
intuitively throughout the program, thus saving you
valuable time with your PBX maintenance tasks.
System Requirements
MATWorX requires an IBM or compatible PC
running Microsoft English version Windows 95
(OSR2 or higher) or Windows 98 or Windows NT 4.0
(SP5 or higher) or Windows 2000 or Windows Me or
Windows XP.
Pentium II 200 MHz Pentium III 500 MHz
64 MB RAM 128 MB RAM
200 MB or more 200 MB or more
available hard disk available hard disk
space before installation space before installation
(MATWorX uses (MATWorX uses
100 MB) 100 MB)
SVGA monitor with 15" or larger SVGA
800 × 600 resolution monitor with 1024 ×
768 resolution
High Color (16 bit) True Color (32 bit)
CD-ROM drive
Floppy Disk drive
Valid PBX hardware connection
(Direct serial or modem or LAN)
Pentium II 350 MHz Pentium IV 1 GHz CPU
128 MB RAM 256 MB RAM
200 MB or more 200 MB or more
available hard disk available hard disk
space before installation space before installation
(MATWorX uses (MATWorX uses
100 MB) 100 MB)
SVGA monitor with 15" or larger SVGA
800 × 600 resolution monitor with 1024 ×
768 resolution
High Color (16 bit) True Color (32 bit)
CD-ROM drive
Floppy Disk drive
Valid PBX hardware connection
(Direct serial or modem or LAN)
2. Hardware Connections
There are three ways in connecting a PC to the PBX.
(1) Direct Connection
Connect PC serial port to the PBX serial port us-
ing a MAT cable. Data throughput can reach
19200 bps.
(2) Modem Connection
Connect PC modem to the PBX built-in modem
via the public network.
This connection can be used for remote access.
The default setting of data throughput is 9600 bps,
however, you can reach 19200 bps by setting of
CM40 Y=08>1:5.
(3) LAN Connection
Connect your PC to the PBX via the Ethernet
Direct Connection
You can connect your PC directly to the PBX by
connecting a MAT cable to the PBX RS0 connector.
Direct Connection
* : Prepared by customers
Modem Connection
If you have a modem installed in your PC, you can dial
up the PBX with the modem.
This connection is especially used for remote access.
Modem Connection
COT Network Modem
MP RS-232C Straight Cable
Built-in modem
Requirements on PC Side
* : Prepared by customers
LAN Connection
You can connect your PC to the PBX via the Ethernet
LAN Connection
LAN Connector
LAN Cable
• IP Address
• Subnet Mask
• Default Gateway Address
* : Prepared by customers
Requirements on PC Side
* : Prepared by customers
3. Installing MATWorX
Installing MATWorX
To install MATWorX for the first time, you must use
the MATWorX CD included in your MATWorX
package. You must run Setup from Windows.
Run Dialog
Welcome Dialog
Upgrading MATWorX
[MATWorX Ver.2 or later required]
To upgrade the former version MATWorX, you must
use the MATWorX Ver.2 or later version MATWorX
When the former version MATWorX has been
installed, the Setup program automatically overwrites
the MATWorX program and takes over the following
data/settings to the new version.
• Settings of application
-Whether the hint is indicated
when starting the MATWorX
-Whether the folder of the
system manual should be
specified when referring to the
-Path of the manual file
-Port number in the MP program
download Add-In
-Baud rate in the MP program
download Add-In
-Answer time-out value for
receiving the PBX data
-Whether the state of LAN
connection is supervised
-Whether the message is
indicated when the connection
to the PBX is established
4. Uninstalling MATWorX
The following procedure explains how to uninstall the
MATWorX program.
1. Launch Microsoft Windows on your PC.
5. Starting MATWorX
This procedure explains how to launch MATWorX
each time you want to run the program.
Starting MATWorX
MATWorX Taskbar
6. Connecting to PBX
Using PBX Configuration Wizard
The PBX Configuration Wizard enables you to
establish the proper communication settings between
your PC and the PBX. The Wizard asks you simple
questions and then uses the information to
automatically configure the connection for the PC and
PBX. For details, refer to the MATWorX User Guide
that is an online manual of MATWorX. Select Help/
Manual../User Guide from the MATWorX Taskbar.
Establishing Connection
Once you have established communication settings
between your PC and a PBX, you can connect to a
PBX and disconnect from a PBX using MATWorX.
For details, refer to the MATWorX User Guide.
Troubleshooting a Failed Connection
Refer to the MATWorX User Guide; that describes
possible reasons for a failed connection between your
computer and a PBX, as well as actions required to
correct the problem.
7. Exiting MATWorX
This procedure explains how to exit MATWorX when
you finish working in the program.
MATWorX Taskbar
Run Dialog
Welcome Dialog
Information Dialog