Water-In-Oil Emulsions Separation Using An Ultrasonic Standing Wave Coalescence Chamber
Water-In-Oil Emulsions Separation Using An Ultrasonic Standing Wave Coalescence Chamber
Water-In-Oil Emulsions Separation Using An Ultrasonic Standing Wave Coalescence Chamber
Ultrasonics - Sonochemistry
journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/ultson
Keywords: The offshore extraction of crude oil produces stable water in oil emulsion. To separate this emulsion into oil and
Ultrasonic coalescer water phases, the oil/water interfacial film is commonly destroyed by the addition of chemical demulsifiers. The
Water-in-oil emulsion use of an ultrasonic standing wave force field could be an alternative to reduce the dosage of chemical de-
Frequency tracking mulsifiers in the coalescence process. In this work, an ultrasonic separator of water in crude oil emulsions is
investigated through the use of a high frequency ultrasonic standing wave coalescence chamber. The coalescing
chamber uses the acoustic radiation force to induce the coalescence of water droplets at the pressure nodes of a
standing wave field. Due to temperature fluctuations, the excitation frequency is controlled to maintain the
resonance in the coalescence chamber and the voltage amplitude is controlled to deliver a given acoustic power.
Experimental tests using standardized emulsions of water in oil were carried out in a laboratory processing plant.
The effects of ultrasound application, flow rate, initial water content, demulsifier dosage and chamber inlet
temperature were analyzed. The results show that the use of the acoustic radiation force improves the emulsion
separation in all the conditions analyzed, when compared with the gravitational separation technique.
Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (J.C. Adamowski).
Received 15 July 2018; Received in revised form 23 April 2019; Accepted 29 April 2019
Available online 29 April 2019
1350-4177/ © 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
C.M.G. Atehortúa, et al. Ultrasonics - Sonochemistry 57 (2019) 57–61
2.1. Acoustic radiation force Fig. 1. (a) Coalescing chamber operation principle and (b) illustration of the
ultrasonic coalescing chamber.
The acoustic separation of water-in-oil emulsion is based on the
phenomenon of the acoustic radiation force [18]. When a small droplet force [20,21]). This force originates from the wave scattering by the
of volume V is immersed in a fluid medium in the presence of a plane neighboring droplets. The interparticle force between two droplets can
standing wave of pressure amplitude p0 , it experiences a primary be either attractive or repulsive depending on their orientation in re-
acoustic radiation force, given by [19] spect to the standing wave field. Yet when they are located at the
pressure nodes, the interparticle force is attractive. As pointed out by
πV ⎞ 2
F = −⎛⎜ 2⎟
ϕp0 sin (2kx ), Pangu and Feke [15], once the droplets are located at the pressure node
⎝ 2λρ0 c0 ⎠ (1) due to the action of the primary force, secondary forces induce ag-
glomeration of the droplets, thus improving the separation efficiency.
where x is the droplet position in relation to a pressure node, λ is the
acoustic wavelength, k is the wavenumber, and ρ0 and c0 are, respec-
tively, the density and sound velocity of the fluid in which the droplet is 2.2. Ultrasonic coalescing chamber
immersed. In Eq. (1), ϕ is the acoustic contrast factor, defined as [19]
5ρd − 2ρ0 ρ0 c02 The separation of water-oil emulsion in a continuous flow is per-
ϕ= − , formed in an ultrasonic coalescing chamber formed by two ultrasonic
2ρd + ρ0 ρd cd2 (2)
transducers and an opposing planar reflector. The working principle of
where ρd and cd are the droplet density and the sound velocity in the the ultrasonic coalescing chamber is illustrated in Fig. 1a. The emulsion
droplet, respectively. Droplets with positive contrast factor gather at enters the chamber at the upper inlet and then goes through an ultra-
the pressure nodes while droplets with negative contrast factor ag- sonic standing wave field. In this region, the acoustic radiation force
gregate at the pressure antinodes. Water droplets in an oil medium have drives the water droplets towards the pressure nodes, inducing its
a positive contrast factor and, therefore, they agglomerate at the pres- coalescence and thus increasing the average droplet size. The emulsion
sure nodes of the standing wave field. exits the chamber at the bottom outlet and the final separation of water
In addition to the primary force, multiple droplets may also ex- and oil takes place in a separator vessel. The coalescing chamber op-
perience interparticle forces (the so-called secondary acoustic radiation erates at a frequency of approximately 1 MHz, the acoustic cavity has
C.M.G. Atehortúa, et al. Ultrasonics - Sonochemistry 57 (2019) 57–61
C.M.G. Atehortúa, et al. Ultrasonics - Sonochemistry 57 (2019) 57–61
Table 2 higher than that of test setup 1. Although the concentration of water
Final water content in the processed emulsion. was higher in test 5, the final water content was lower than that in
Test setup number [Mass percent] test setup 1. The comparison between test 1 and test 5 shows that
the increase in the water content of the emulsion interfered posi-
Ultrasound on Ultrasound off tively with the coalescence of the water droplets, both with ultra-
sound on and off. Probably, a greater number of water droplets fa-
1 2.6 4.0
2 5.0 15.1 cilitate flocculation and subsequent coalescence.
3 1.9 2.5
4 2.4 4.2 5. Conclusions
5 1.5 2.3
C.M.G. Atehortúa, et al. Ultrasonics - Sonochemistry 57 (2019) 57–61
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