NRC 74476 Trabajofinal Ingles Ii Avance

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The key takeaways are that the students will work in groups to create a video showcasing Peru's culture, history and biodiversity in under 100 seconds.

The final project involves students working in groups to create a video highlighting the most representative places in Peru similar to a National Geographic video.

The topics that will be covered in the video include the influence of Inca culture, Peru's diverse ecosystems and regions, and Peruvian food.


Inglés II

Escuela de Tecnologías
Segundo Semestre

TOPIC: Peru in 100 seconds


Demonstrate communicative competence through an exhibition.

Present in a video about Peru a tour of the most important places.

Final Project


Taking into account the National Geographic video for Unit 1, located in E-book 1,
students will work in groups (maximum 3) to plan a similar video a bout t he most
represe nt at ive p laces i n Peru.

Ideas Activities

The influence of the Incas culture in

Peruvian culture

The biodiversity of Peruvian ecosystems

Topics to talk in video
and regions

The food of our country

The video is going to have subtitles

Subtitles about what is being talked about so
that our exposition can be understood

Search photos that stand out from

Reference Images
what is exposes in the video.

Find a program for editing, audio

Editing and recording
enhancement and audio processing.

Prepare a script about what will be

Final video presentation exposed in the video using what has
been learned in the lessons.

They will present the exhibition using technological resources with a video of minutes
of explanation.
Final Project

Development of the final work

• Planning and Organization of the project:


• Explication of regions of our country and search images about this topic.


• Explication of the food of our country and search images and videos about

this topic. Editing video.


• Creation of the introduction of the video and editing the scrip of the video.


• Explication of diversity of our country and the influence of Incas culture and

search images about these topics.

Final Project


✓ Spanish:
La diversidad de nuestro país, que se observa a través de la regiones, cultura
e historia. De estas tres, por lo que se refiere nuestras regiones geográficas.
El Perú posee tres regiones: costa, sierra y selva; cada una con su propia
cultura, creencias y tradiciones. Y esto es lo que las hacen especiales y
diferentes entre ellas. En primer lugar, encontramos a la región de la costa,
cuyo territorio abarca toda parte cercana al océano pacifico, una gran franja
estrecha de tierra que comienza desde la frontera con el Ecuador hasta llegar
a la frontera de Chile.
Después tenemos a la región de la sierra, esta se caracteriza por ser una
región montañosa, con diversidad de paisajes, con cumbres nevadas o valles
vividos y fértiles. Finalmente llegamos a la región de la selva, dicho
territorio se extiende desde la sierra hasta Brasil, donde su paisaje
exuberante y tropical destacan del resto. Poseen una variedad de especies
animales y vegetales, que son difíciles o imposibles de ver en otras regiones.

✓ English:
The diversity of our country, which is observed through the regions, culture
and history. Of these three, as far as our geographic regions are concerned.
Peru has three regions: coast, mountains and jungle; each one with its own
culture, beliefs and traditions, and this is what makes them special and
different from each other.
In the first place we find the coastal region, whose territory covers all parts
close to the Pacific Ocean, a large narrow strip of land that starts from the
border with Ecuador until it reaches the border with Chile.
Then we have the region of the mountains, this is characterized by being a
mountainous region, with a diversity of landscapes, with snow-capped
peaks or vivid and fertile valleys. Finally, we arrive at the jungle region,
this territory extends from the mountains to Brazil, where its exuberant and
tropical landscape stands out from the rest. They have a variety of animal
and plant species, which are difficult or impossible to see in other regions.
Final Project


✓ Spanish:

• El chorizo ayacuchano: Este chorizo es parecido a la salchicha huachana;

carne de puerco sazonada con chile y vinagre. Además, a diferencia de
los chorizos tradicionales, éste no se sirve en tripa o embutido, sino en
forma de carne deshebrada. Un plato contundente que se acompaña con
patatas hervidas o doradas y ensalada Beterraga, lechuga y zanahoria.
• Chupe los viernes y domingos: El chupe de los viernes es un plato que
reúne pescados y mariscos, abundantes verduras, además de huevos y
cecina de pescado. Por su parte, el caldo blanco suele ser más medido,
aunque para las fiestas se le añade, además de la ternera, pollo.
• Malarrabia y sudado: Este plato se prepara especialmente en Catacaos,
aunque la tradición se ha extendido por todo Piura, y combina majada de
plátano macho cocido, sazonado con ají, ajo y cebolla, y queso de cabra
desmenuzado. Todo ello, acompañado de un pescado —en salmuera, o
tipo sudado— y un guiso, normalmente de garbanzos, alubias o lentejas.
Una buena síntesis de esa cultura compleja que es la piurana.

✓ English:

• The Ayacucho chorizo: This chorizo is similar to the huachana sausage;

pork seasoned with chili and vinegar. Also, unlike traditional chorizos,
this one is not served in casing or sausage, but in the form of shredded
meat. A hearty dish that is accompanied with boiled or golden potatoes
and beetroot salad, lettuce and carrot.
• Chupe on Fridays and Sundays: Friday’s chupe is a dish that brings
together fish and shellfish, abundant vegetables, as well as eggs and fish
jerky. For its part, the white broth is usually more measured, although for
the holidays it is added, in addition to the veal, chicken.
• Malarrabia and sudado: This dish is specially prepared in Catacaos,
although the tradition has spread throughout Piura, and combines majado
of cooked plantain, seasoned with chili, garlic and onion, and crumbled
goat cheese. All this, accompanied by a fish —in brine, or sweaty type—
and a stew, usually chickpeas, beans or lentils.
Final Project


✓ Spanish:

- Tema 1: La influencia de los Incas en la cultura peruana

Concepto: Los Incas fueron una civilización avanzada y de gran
influencia en América Latina. Su influencia en la cultura peruana es
evidente en la arquitectura, la agricultura, la religión y en la cosmovisión
andina que aún prevalece en algunas comunidades. Explorar la influencia
de los Incas en la cultura peruana es una idea interesante que nos
permitirá conocer más sobre la historia e identidad del país.
- Tema 2: La biodiversidad de los ecosistemas peruanos
Concepto: Perú es uno de los países con mayor biodiversidad en el
mundo, gracias a sus ecosistemas únicos como la selva amazónica, los
Andes, la costa desértica y las Islas Galápagos. Explorar la biodiversidad
en los diferentes ecosistemas peruanos nos permitirá conocer las especies
endémicas, los esfuerzos de conservación y la importancia de proteger la
naturaleza para las generaciones futuras.

✓ English:

- Topic 1: The influence of the Incas in Peruvian culture

Concept: The Incas were an advanced and highly influential civilization
in Latin America. Its influence on Peruvian culture is evident in
architecture, agriculture, religion, and in the Andean worldview that still
prevails in some communities. Exploring the influence of the Incas in
Peruvian culture is an interesting idea that will allow us to learn more
about the history and identity of the country.
- Topic 2: The biodiversity of Peruvian ecosystems
Concept: Peru is one of the most biodiverse countries in the world, thanks
to its unique ecosystems such as the Amazon jungle, the Andes, the
desert coast and the Galapagos Islands. Exploring the biodiversity in the
different Peruvian ecosystems will allow us to learn about endemic
species, conservation efforts, and the importance of protecting nature for
future generations.
Final Project


✓ Spanish:

- Al momento de hablar nuestro país, podemos empezar a hablar desde

hace cientos de años desde el imperio incaico, la conquista de España y
todos los sucesos en los que el Perú estuvo presente. Aunque no solo eso,
sobre nuestro país, también podemos hablar sobre su diversidad en
cuanto animales, plantas, culturas e incluso comida. Todo esto lleva a
que hoy en día podamos decir con toda certeza que el Perú es uno de los
países más ricos en todos los aspectos: social, histórico, natural,
gastronómico, cultural, etc. Sin embargo, hablar de nuestro país no es tan
simple y por eso, a continuación, les presentaremos un video con algunos
de los datos más importantes para que conozcan a nuestro Perú en solo
600 segundos o menos.

✓ English:

- At the moment of speaking our country, we can begin to speak for

hundreds of years since the Inca empire, the conquest of Spain and all
the events in which Peru was present. Although not only that, about our
country, we can also talk about its diversity in terms of animals, plants,
cultures and even food. All this means that today we can say with
certainty that Peru is one of the richest countries in all aspects: social,
historical, natural, gastronomic, cultural, etc. However, talking about our
country is not that simple and that is why we will present a video with
some of the most important information so that you can get to know our
Peru in just 600 seconds or less.

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