Paper 1: Mendaki P6 Maths Foundation Paper Preliminary Examination 2019 Answer Key

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Mendaki P6 Maths Foundation Paper

Preliminary Examination 2019

Answer Key

Paper 1
Multiple-Choice Questions ( 30 marks )

Q1 to Q10 carry 1 mark each. Q11 to Q20 carry 2 marks each.

1 mark each 2 marks each

1. 4 11. 3

2. 2 12. 3

3. 3 13. 4

4. 4 14. 4

5. 2 15. 1

6. 4 16. 2

7. 3 17. 1

8. 2 18. 3

9. 2 19. 2

10. 2 20. 2

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Short-answer Questions (20 marks)

Note :
Remarks Award
Correct answer and correct method/no 2 marks
method shown
Correct answer and wrong method 0 mark
Wrong answer
(check for evidence if applicable – refer to
answer table)
 correct working 1 mark
 no working 0 mark
 wrong working 0 mark
Partially correct answer Check remarks

No Answer Evidence Of Working Remarks

21. 8701
22. 5 (34-12-12)/2
23. 1.3 6.25/5=1.25
24. 31 30 ÷ 3 + 7 x (4 – 1)
= 10 + 7 x 3
= 10 + 21 = 31
25. a) False a) 800 x 2=1600m
b) True b) 200 + 400 + 800 = 1400m

26. 10 8.45 a.m. ---------9.45 a.m.


0945-0935=10 mins slower

27. a) 12 a) 48/4
b) 1/12 b) 19 + 12 + 13 = 44
48 – 44 = 4
4/48 = 1/12
28. April 4 + 12 + 8 + 18 = 42
3/7 x 42 = 18 (April)
29. a) 3500 3.5 km x 1000 = 3500 m
b) 2.865 3.5 km – 635/1000 km = 2.865 km
30. $11 12 x 5 =60

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Paper 2
Short-answer Questions (20 marks)

Note :
Remarks Award
Correct answer
 Q1 to Q10 2 marks
Correct answer but wrong method 0 mark
Wrong answer
(check for evidence if applicable – refer to
answer table)
 correct working 1 mark
 no working 0 mark
 wrong working 0 mark
Partially correct answer Check remarks

No Answer Evidence Of Working Remarks

1. 316 17 x 12 = 204
204 + 112 = 316
2. 18 multiples of 3: 3, 6, 9, 12,15,18, 21, 24, 27, 30
multiples of 9: 9,18, 27, 36, 45, 54, 63, 72, 81, 90
Common multiples: 9,18, 27 …
3. 14 cm3
4. $15 1 unit = 30
2 units = 60
60 / 4 = 15
5. $690 1 – 0.25 = 0.75
0.75 x 920 = $690
100%----------- $700
75%-------------75/100 X 700
= $690
6. 4.75 kg 48 - 43.25 = 4.75
7. 20 2
x 30 or 30 ÷ 3 x 2
8. 25 20+31+20+30+24 = 125
125 ÷ 5 = 25
9. 8h 30min 9.00 a.m. – 12.30 p.m. (3h 30min)
2.00 p.m. – 5.30 p.m. (3h 30min)
7.00 p.m. – 8.30 p.m. (1h 30min)
3h 30 min + 3h 30 min + 1h 30 min = 8h 30 min
10. 75 90 – 43 = 47
180 – 47 – 58 = 75

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Long-answer / Structured Questions ( 20 marks )

Note: Missing units ( units of measurement only – mass, volume, time, length,
distance, speed) – deduct up to mark per question
Transference error – deduct up to max 1 mark per question

11. 14.25 – 9.75 = 4.5 (M1)

4.5 / 5 = 0.9 (M1)

The mass of each can is 0.9 kg. ---------------- A1

12. 18 / 3 = 6 (M1)
7 x 6 = 42 (M1)
The perimeter is 42 cm. -------------------- A1

13. 10 + 12 + 13 + 5 = 40
12 + 13 = 25 ( M1)

x 100 = 62.5 (M1)
The percentage is 62.5% (A1)

14. 25 x 18 x 7 = 3150 (M1)

3150 / (35 x 20) = 4.5 (M1)
The height is 4.5 cm (A1)

15. (a) (40 x 8) + 30 = $350 (A1)

(b) Food – 5 x 350 = 210 (M1)
Remaining – 350 – 210 = 140
Drinks – 7 x 140 = 40 (M1)

350 – 210- 40 – 15= 85 (A1)

$85 was spent on prizes.

16. (a) (9 + 4) x 2 = 26 (M1A1)

(b) (78 / 2) – 4 = 35
35 + 1 = 36 (M1A1)


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Pattern Number of white dots Number of black dots

1 2 10

2 3 12

3 4 14

4 5 16

5 6 18
6 7 20
7 8 22
8 9 24
9 10 26

(b) 78-10= 68
68/2= 34 (M1)

35+1=36 (A1)

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