Mechanics of Materials: Torsion

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Seventh Edition in SI Units

3 Ferdinand P. Beer
E. Russell Johnston, Jr.
John T. DeWolf Torsion
David F. Mazurek
Sanjeev Sanghi

Lecture Notes:
Brock E. Barry
U.S. Military Academy
Sanjeev Sanghi
Indian Institute of Technology Delhi

Copyright © 2015 McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display.

in SI Units
Seventh Edition
MECHANICS OF MATERIALS Beer • Johnston • DeWolf • Mazurek • Sanghi


Torsional Loads on Circular Shafts Statically Indeterminate Shafts

Net Torque Due to Internal Stresses Sample Problem 3.4
Axial Shear Components Design of Transmission Shafts
Shaft Deformations Stress Concentrations
Shearing Strain Plastic Deformations
Stresses in Elastic Range Elastoplastic Materials
Normal Stresses Residual Stresses
Torsional Failure Modes Concept Application 3.8/3.9
Sample Problem 3.1 Torsion of Noncircular Members
Angle of Twist in Elastic Range Thin-Walled Hollow Shafts
Concept Application 3.10

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in SI Units
Seventh Edition
MECHANICS OF MATERIALS Beer • Johnston • DeWolf • Mazurek • Sanghi
Torsional Loads on Circular Shafts

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in SI Units
Seventh Edition
MECHANICS OF MATERIALS Beer • Johnston • DeWolf • Mazurek • Sanghi
Torsional Loads on Circular Shafts

• Stresses and strains in members of

circular cross-section are subjected
to twisting couples or torques

• Turbine exerts torque T on the shaft

• Shaft transmits the torque to the


• Generator creates an equal and

opposite torque T’

Fig. 3.2 ( a) A generator provides power at a constant

revolution per minute to a turbine through shaft AB.
( b) Free body diagram of shaft AB along with the
driving and reaction torques on the generator and
turbine, respectively.

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in SI Units
Seventh Edition
MECHANICS OF MATERIALS Beer • Johnston • DeWolf • Mazurek • Sanghi
Net Torque Due to Internal Stresses

• Net of the internal shearing stresses is an

internal torque, equal and opposite to the
applied torque,
Fig. 3.3 Shaft subject to torques and a
section plane at C. T = ò r dF = ò r (t dA)

• Although the net torque due to the shearing

stresses is known, the distribution of the stresses
is not.

• Distribution of shearing stresses is statically

indeterminate – must consider shaft

Fig. 3.24 ( a) Free body diagram of section • Unlike the normal stress due to axial loads, the
BC with torque at C represented by the
representable contributions of small elements distribution of shearing stresses due to torsional
of area carrying forces dF a radius r from loads cannot be assumed uniform.
the section center. ( b) Free- body diagram
of section BC having all the small area
elements summed resulting in torque T.
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in SI Units
Seventh Edition
MECHANICS OF MATERIALS Beer • Johnston • DeWolf • Mazurek • Sanghi

Axial Shear Components

• Torque applied to shaft produces shearing

stresses on the faces perpendicular to the

Fig. 3.5 Small element in shaft showing how • Conditions of equilibrium require the
shear stress components act.
existence of equal stresses on the faces of the
two planes containing the axis of the shaft.

• The existence of the axial shear components is

demonstrated by considering a shaft made up
of slats pinned at both ends to disks.

• The slats slide with respect to each other

when equal and opposite torques are applied
to the ends of the shaft.
Fig. 3.6 Model of shearing in shaft
( a) undeformed; ( b) loaded and deformed.

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in SI Units
Seventh Edition
MECHANICS OF MATERIALS Beer • Johnston • DeWolf • Mazurek • Sanghi

Shaft Deformations

• From observation, the angle of twist of the

shaft is proportional to the applied torque and
to the shaft length.
f µT
Fig. 3.7 Shaft with fixed support and line
AB drawn showing deformation under • When subjected to torsion, every cross-section of
torsion loading: ( a) unloaded; ( b)
a circular shaft remains plane and undistorted.

• Cross-sections for hollow and solid circular

shafts remain plain and undistorted because a
circular shaft is axisymmetric.
• Cross-sections of noncircular (non-
axisymmetric) shafts are distorted when
subjected to torsion.
Fig. 3.8 Comparison of deformations in
circular ( a) and square ( b) shafts.

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in SI Units
Seventh Edition
MECHANICS OF MATERIALS Beer • Johnston • DeWolf • Mazurek • Sanghi

Shearing Strain

• Consider an interior section of the shaft. As a

torsional load is applied, an element on the
interior cylinder deforms into a rhombus.

• Since the ends of the element remain planar,

the shear strain is equal to angle of twist.

• It follows that
Lg = rf or g =
• Shear strain is proportional to twist and radius
cf r
g max = and g = g max
Fig. 3.13 Shearing Strain Kinematic definitions L c
for torsion deformation. ( a) The angle of
twist f ( b) Undeformed portion of shaft of
radius r with ( c) Deformed portion of the
shaft having same angle of twist, f and strain,
angles of twist per unit length, g.

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in SI Units
Seventh Edition
MECHANICS OF MATERIALS Beer • Johnston • DeWolf • Mazurek • Sanghi

Stresses in Elastic Range

• Multiplying the previous equation by the
shear modulus,
Gg = Gg max
From Hooke’s Law, t = Gg , so
J = 12 p c 4 t = t max
Polar moment of inertia J of the cross The shearing stress varies linearly with the
section with respect to its center O.
distance r from the axis of the shaft.
• Recall that the sum of the moments of the
elementary forces exerted on any cross
section of the shaft must be equal to the
magnitude T of the torque:
t max 2 t max
T = ò rt dA = ò r dA = J
J = 12 p c24 - c14 ) c c
• The results are known as the elastic torsion
Fig. 3.14 Distribution of shearing stresses
in a torqued shaft; ( a) Solid shaft, ( b) formulas,
hollow shaft. Tc Tr
t max = and t =
Copyright © 2015 McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. 3-9
in SI Units
Seventh Edition
MECHANICS OF MATERIALS Beer • Johnston • DeWolf • Mazurek • Sanghi
Shear and Torsion on Bridge Piers

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in SI Units
Seventh Edition
MECHANICS OF MATERIALS Beer • Johnston • DeWolf • Mazurek • Sanghi

Normal Stresses
• Elements with faces parallel and perpendicular
to the shaft axis are subjected to shear stresses
only. Normal stresses, shearing stresses or a
Fig. 3.17 Circular shaft with stress elements at combination of both may be found for other
different orientations. orientations.
• Consider an element at 45o to the shaft axis,
F = 2 (t max A0 ) cos 45° = t max A0 2
F t max A0 2
s 45o = = = t max
A A0 2
Fig. 3.18 Forces on faces at 45° to shaft axis.
• Element a is in pure shear.
• Element c is subjected to a tensile stress on
two faces and compressive stress on the other
• Note that all stresses for elements a and c have
Fig. 3.19 Shaft elements with only shear the same magnitude.
stresses or normal stresses.

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in SI Units
Seventh Edition
MECHANICS OF MATERIALS Beer • Johnston • DeWolf • Mazurek • Sanghi

Torsional Failure Modes

Movie: torsion test of mild steel

Photo 3.2 Shear failure of shaft subject to torque.

• Ductile materials generally fail in shear. Brittle

materials are weaker in tension than shear.
• When subjected to torsion, a ductile specimen breaks
along a plane of maximum shear, i.e., a plane
perpendicular to the shaft axis.
• When subjected to torsion, a brittle specimen breaks
along planes perpendicular to the direction in which
tension is a maximum, i.e., along surfaces at 45o to
the shaft axis.

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