Basic Assumptions, Functions and Nature of Arts: Prof. Vida Torres

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Basic Assumptions, Functions

and Nature of Arts

Prof. Vida Torres
What is Art?
Art refers to a diverse range of human
activities, creations, and expressions that serve
as media for communicating ideas, emotions
and appreciation of things that enter human
Basic Assumption of Arts
Assumption is a thing that is accepted as true or as a certain to happen
Without proof. It is something that you accept as true without question
or proof. Many assumption has been written about arts and some of these

Art is universal Literally, art can be found in every corner of the world. Art
is everywhere and it is imbedded into the way of life of the people.
Basic Assumption of Arts

Art is cultural. Art is a work of humans and anything that has been
created by humans is part of culture. Art becomes cultural when it
depicts people’s way of life , religious practices, mores and traditions, etc.

Art is not nature, nature is not art? Art is made by man and nature by God.
However, nature can be enhanced by man. The enhanced beauty and
artistry of nature then, can be classified as an art.
Basic Assumption of Arts
Art involves experience. In order to experience something, you have to
make use of your five senses. Hence, there can never be appreciation
of art without having experienced it.

Art is a n expression The expression contained in the form is an attempt to

translate the unnamed and the unknown. Making meaning involves
understanding our surroundings and marking our experiences.

Art is form of creation It is the combination of already existing material

elements into new forms which become realization of a preconceived idea.
Nature of Arts
1. Art is a diverse range of activities

2. Art represent reality

3. Art is an expression

4. Art serves as a means of communication of emotions

5. Art matters

6. Art is universal

7. Art is creation
The Visual Arts
Visual Arts - refers to art works perceived
by seeing which are shown in 2-3
dimensional forms reflecting the cultural,
social and spiritual temper of an era. The
designs are influenced by the demands
from nature, man and the medium of This Photo by Unknown Author is
licensed under CC BY-NC-ND

available materials in the place.

Difference Between Two Dimensional and
Three Dimensional Art (Examples)
Painting/Drawing Carving/Weaving
(2-Dimensional medium) (3-Dimensional medium)

oil/acrylic engraving
charcoal/pastel woodcut
pencil drawing etching
watercolor stained glass
photograph/poster stage setting
silk-screen mosaic
cartoon/comic tapestry
Visual arts include the following

1. Filmmaking (Digital Arts/Analog)

• the process of making a motion-
picture, from an initial conception and
research, through scriptwriting,
shooting and recording, animation or
other special effects, editing, sound
and music work and finally distribution
to an audience: it refers broadly to the
creation of all types of films,
embracing documentary, strains of
theatre in film, and poetic or
experimental practices and is often
used to refer to video-based process
as well.
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Visual arts include the following

2. Performing Arts
• Those forms of art that use the artist’s
own body, face, and presence as a
3. Poetry-performance
• literary art in which language is
used for its aesthetic and
evocative qualities in addition to,
or in lieu of, its apparent meaning..
4. Architecture
• The art and science of designing
and erecting buildings and other
physical structures.
5. Dance
• art form of movement of the body.
6. Literature
• literary art in which language is
used for its aesthetic and
evocative qualities in addition to, or
in lieu of, its apparent meaning..

• collaborative form of fine art that

uses live performers to present the
experience of a real or imagined
event before a live audience in a
specific place.
8. Applied Arts (Fashion)

• Fashion Design. Covers the

design of dresses of all types.
8. Applied Arts (Furniture)

• Industrial Design. Refers to

design of objects for industrial
or commercial production.
Function of Arts
The functions of art normally fall into three categories.
These are personal, social and physical functions. These categories can,
And do, overlap in any given piece of art (Esaak, 2018).

1. The Personal Function

An artist may create out of a need for self-expression, or gratification.

He/She might have wanted to communicate a thought or point of view to
the viewer. A piece might have been meant to “merely” entertain others.
Sometimes a piece isn’t meant to have any meaning at all.
Function of Arts (Continuation)

2. The Social Function

One cannot conceive of a society without art, art is closely related to every aspect of
social life. Social functions of art are those that go beyond personal intrinsic value
to art’s social benefits. Individuals and their society are dynamically related.

Arts perform a social function when:

1. Influence Social Behavior (Political Function). It seeks or tends to influence the

collective behavior of a people. Example is the “Bayanihan”.

2. Display and Celebration. It is created to be seen or used primarily in public

situations like fiestas, parade etc.
Function of Arts (Continuation)

3. The Physical Function

The physical functions of art are often the easiest to understand.

Works of art that are created to perform some service that have physical

1. Form and Function. The function of an object is generally essential in the basic form that it

2. Architecture. The design of the building is determined primarily by its operational function.

3. Community Planning. A community is more than just a group of buildings. It is a group of

individuals and families living in a particular locality because of common interest and needs.
Community planning takes into consideration the assignment of
areas for proper land use. These are:

3.1 Residential districts. Special areas are assigned for residential

3.2 Industrial and Commercial areas. These areas are usually located near
the source of raw materials.
3.3 Civic centers. A community governs itself; therefore provide structures
where the functions of government can be efficiently carried out, and
which would, in appearance, be symbolic of community dignity and pride.

This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA

3.4 Parks, plazas and malls. The need for a balance between man-made
structures and natural areas is answered in the design of plazas and malls.

This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY

3.5 Streets and roads. Transportation must function with reasonable ease
and rapidity from one area to another. Streets are large or small, according
to their function.

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licensed under CC BY-SA
The Physical Function (Continuation)

4. Function and beauty. Many things remain the same in shape throughout
the years because their functional requirements do not allow for greater variations
in their form. Time has proved that their designs best enable them to accomplish
their purpose.
Photo Sources
closeup_34527522.htm#query=poetry&position=1&from_view=search&track=sph">Image by
pvproductions</a> on Freepik
• Free photo beautiful modern building- modern architecture

Free vector flat-hand drawn dance fitness class

Photo by Francesca Tosolini on Unsplash –furniture design

Photo by
tent=creditCopyText">Erik Mclean</a> on <a
Asynchronous Activity 1
What is art for you?
How do you describe it?
1. Create a quote. Design it into a
2. Submit it through uploading
in Gdrive

Originality of Thought: 10
Creativity of Design: 10
TOTAL: 20 points

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