How Many Fire/overheat Detectors Does The Engine Fire/overheat Detection System Comprise Of? (Level 2)
How Many Fire/overheat Detectors Does The Engine Fire/overheat Detection System Comprise Of? (Level 2)
How Many Fire/overheat Detectors Does The Engine Fire/overheat Detection System Comprise Of? (Level 2)
8. Hot air for nacelle anti-ice system on PW1100G engineis supplied from(Level 1)
A. A/C bleed air system
B. Dedicated bleed air from LPC stage 3
C. Dedicated bleed air from HPC stage 6
10. On PW1100G engine, nacelle anti-ice duct leak or burst is monitored by(Level
A. A leak detector located in the core zone
B. 01 PT (Pressure Transducer)in the core zone, 01 PT in the fan zone and 01 dual
temperature sensor in the fan zone
C. A leak detector located in the fan zone
12. Regard to PW1100G engine anti-ice system, A/C can be dispatched with (Level
A. Two PRSOVs deactivated in OPEN position
B. One PRSOV deactivated in CLOSED position
C. One PRSOV deactivated in OPEN position
13. ENG anti-ice valve deactivated in the OPEN position through the Manual
Overridemechanism on the PRSOV, so A/c can (Level 2)
A. dispatch with 2 PRSOVS locked in open position
B. dispatch with 1 PRSOVS locked in open position
C. A & B are correct
14. Hot air for the Nacelle anti-ice system is supplied by a dedicated HP
Compressor (HPC) bleed: (Level 2)
A. on the PWl000G, 7th stage.
B. on the PWl000G, 6th stage.
C. on the PWl000G, 8th stage.
15. ln this NEO configuration, one BMC can (Level 2)
A. control& monitor both sides when the other BMC fails.
B. control& monitor both sides with degraded mode when the other BMC fails.
C. control& monitor both sides with limit function when the other BMC fails.
16. For the monitoring, the BMCs read (Level 2)
A. pressure transducers (upstream/downstream of the PRV), Precooler Differential
Pressure and downstream temperature with the Bleed Temperature Sensor (BTS)
B. pressure transducers (upstream/downstream of the PRV), Precooler Differential
C. pressure transducers (upstream/downstream of the PRV), and downstream
temperature with the Bleed Temperature Sensor (BTS)
17. The temperature regulation components are in the pylons : (Level 2)
A. Bleed Temperature Sensor (BTS), the Precooler, Fan air valve, Precooler
Differential Pressure
B. Bleed Temperature Sensor (BTS), the Precooler, Fan air valve.
C. Bleed Temperature Sensor (BTS), Fan air valve, Precooler Differential Pressure
18. Oil Shuttle Valve (JOSV) which modulates (Level 2)
A. the flow of oil to the No. l, 1.5, 2 and Fan Drive Gear System (FDGS) based on
engine power settings.
B. the flow of oil to the No. l, 1.5, 3 and Fan Drive Gear System (FDGS) based on
engine power settings.
C. the flow of oil to the No. l, 1.5 and Fan Drive Gear System (FDGS) based on
engine power settings.
19. The AODV is electrically controlled by the EEC to supply oil to the (Level 2)
A. damper during starting, acceleration and shut it off at high power
B. damper during starting and acceleration and shut it off at low power
C. damper during starting and acceleration and shut it off at minimum idle power
20. Each of Nacelle Anti-Ice Pressure Regulating Shutoff Valves (NAI PRSOV) can
be deactivated in _______ position according to MEL: (Level 2)
A. closed
B. open
C. either open or closed
21. Which statement below is correct? (Level 2)
A. Upper and lower NAI PRSOVs are not interchangeable
B. Upper and lower NAI PRSOVs are interchangeable
C. Upper and lower NAI PRSOVs are interchangeable with certain condition.
22. How can you operate the Nacelle anti-ice system? (Level 1)
A. By ENG ANTI-ICE push button, on ground
B. By ENG ANTI-ICE push button, on ground and in flight
C. By ENG ANTI-ICE push button, in flight only
24. What are the Nacelle anti-ice pressure regulating shutoff valves (NAI PRSOVs)
for? (Level 3)
A. Upper and lower NAI PRSOVs operate in tandem to control pressure and
airflow of LPC 3th stage air used for inlet anti-ice
B. Upper and lower NAI PRSOVs operate in tandem to control pressure and
airflow of HPC 6th stage air used for inlet anti-ice
C. Upper and lower NAI PRSOVs operate in tandem to control pressure and
airflow of HPC 9th stage air used for inlet anti-ice
25. What are the Nacelle anti-ice remote solenoids and manifold for? (Level 3)
A. To control the opening and closing of the NAI upper and lower PRSOVs
B. To control the opening of the NAI upper and lower PRSOVs
C. To control the closing of the NAI upper and lower PRSOVs
26. Where is Nacelle anti-ice pressure transducers located? (Level 3)
A. The downstream pressure transducer is located downstream of the two
NAI PRSOVs, as the primary role is to monitor NAI PRSOVs position
B. The upstream pressure transducer is located between of the two NAI
PRSOVs, as the secondary role is to figure out which NAI PRSOVs fail
C. The downstream pressure transducer is located downstream of the two
NAI PRSOVs, as the primary role is to monitor NAI PRSOVs position. The
upstream pressure transducer is located between of the two NAI
PRSOVs, as the secondary role is to figure out which NAI PRSOVs fail
27. How many Fan compartment thermocouples are there in the system? (Level 2)
A. One type K thermocouples, one for both EEC channel. To provide the
EEC with temperature measurement in the fan compartment
B. Two type K thermocouples, one for each EEC channel. To provide the
EEC with temperature measurement in the fan compartment
C. Two type K thermocouples, one for each EEC channel. To provide the
EEC with temperature and pressure measurement in the fan compartment
28. Nacelle anti-ice ducts is segment into: (Level 1)
A. Two sections
B. Three sections
C. Four sections
29. Where is Swirl nozzle attached? (Level 1)
A. Attached to the rear of the inlet cowl at 5:00
B. Attached to upper of inlet cowl at 1:00
C. Attached to the rear of the inlet cowl at 7:00
30. To dispatch aircraft under failure of two engine anti-ice valves? (Level 2)
D. Deactivate the valves in open position through the manual override
E. Deactivate the valves in closed position through the manual override
F. No dispatch allowed
7. How are the position of valves of engine PW1100G bleed system monitored?
(Level 1)
A. By micro switches
B. By pressure transducers
C. By control signal from BMCs
8. The conditioned bleed air supplied by engine PW1100G bleed system is: (Level 2)
A. 150 deg.C, 44 PSI
B. 200 deg.C, 51 PSI
C. 250 deg.C, 75 PSI
9. How does FAV (Fan Air Valve operate? (Level 2)
A. BMC controlled by torque motor based on bleed air temperature
B. Autonomously pneumatic operative based on the controlled temperature thermostat
C. BMC controlled based on the precooler outlet temperature thermostat
10. Which statement below is true? (Level 2)
A. The BMC controls the HPV and PRV in independent mode.
B. The BMC controls the HPV and PRV in order to make sure that the HPV will close when
PRV is controlled closed.
C. The HPV and PRV are pneumatically operated and their operation is independent from
each other.
11. How is the cross bleed valve controlled and operated? (Level 2)
A. Electrically controlled and pneumatically operated
B. Pneumatically controlled and operated
C. Electrically controlled and operate
12. When APU bleed P/B is selected ON with Cross Bleed Valve rotary selector in
AUTO position, lower ECAM BLEED page indicates: (Level 2)
A. APU bleed valve open then the cross bleed valve open.
B. APU bleed valve open but the cross bleed valve not open.
C. Cross bleed valve open then APU bleed valve open.
13. In NEO configure 1 BMC can control and monitor: (Level 2)
A. 1 side that relation to.
B. The both sides in sequent.
C. The both sides when the other BMC fails.
14. BMC has: (Level 2)
A. 01 Channel.
B. 02 Channels A and B which the same function.
C. Channel A Main control, Channel A Backup control, Chanel B.
15. PRV is closed when: (Level 2)
A. HPV failed open.
B. Dual BTS channels failed.
C. Either Associated Starer Air Valve (SAV not Closed, HPV failed open or Dual BTS
channels failed.
16. Which Pneumatic leak detection is NOT double loop: (Level 2)
A. Wing loop.
B. Pylon loop.
C. APU loop.
17. IAW MEL, the aircraft can be dispatched with the defective High Pressure Valve
(HPV is deactivated in the following position: (Level 2)
A. Open.
B. Close.
C. Open or close depending on ice condition forecast during flight.
18. The OPV is: (Level 2)
A. Pneumatically operated, torque motor controlled and monitored by BMC.
B. Pneumatically operated, solenoid controlled and monitored by BMC.
C. Pneumatically operated.
19. On NEO aircrafts, to detect the hot air leakage in pylon there is(are: (Level 2)
A. Single loop that connected to the related BMC.
B. 2 loops and monitored by both BMCs.
C. 2 loops that connected to the related BMC for redundancy.
20. Hot air for nacelle anti-ice system on PW1100G engines supplied from (Level 2)
A. A/C bleed air system
B. Dedicated bleed air from LPC stage 3
C. Dedicated bleed air from HPC stage 6
21. For PW 1130 Engine, HPV is: (Level 2)
A. Electric control and Bleed Pressure open
B. Bleed Pressure control and open
C. Electric control and open
22. For PW 1130 Engine, when one BMC has failed(Level 2)
A. Remain BMC can control & monitor both side
B. Related PRV close
C. Related PRV open
23. What condition causes the engine PRV to close pneumatically? Level 3
A. Respective fire pushbutton guarded
B. Cross bleed valve in manual mode and engine PRV in auto-mode
C. In case of impending reserve flow to the engine1
25. When an APU duct leak is detected during engine start from APU bleed: (Level 3)
A. APU bleed and cross feed valves remain open
B. APU bleed and cross feed valves close
C. APU bleed valve closes and cross feed opens
27. What is the design principle of the bleed leak detection loop? (Level 1)
A. Resistance.
B. Pressure.
C. Capacitor.
28. IP Check Valve connect to: (Level 3)
A. HPC Stage HP3.
B. HPC Stage HP6.
C. LPC Stage LP2.
29. BMC was finding about reverser flow by: (Level 3)
30. System pressure monitoring by BMC base on: (Level 3)
31. BMC used Temperature to position FAV from: (Level 3)
32. HP Valve connect to: (Level 3)
A. HPC Stage HP4.
B. LPC Stage LP2.
C. HPC Stage HP8.
33. Customer bleed for engine PW1100G are: (Level 3)
A. 3th and 8th stage of HPC
34. How can you operate the Nacelle anti-ice system? (Level 3)
A. By ENG ANTI-ICE push button, on ground
B. By ENG ANTI-ICE push button, on ground and in flight
C. By ENG ANTI-ICE push button, in flight only
35. How is the Engine anti-ice work? (Level 3)
A. Electrically controlled and operated by 3th stage high pressure compressor air
B. Electrically controlled and operated by 6th stage high pressure compressor air
C. Electrically controlled and operated by 9th stage high pressure compressor air
36. In this NEO configuration, one BMC can: (Level 2)
A. Control and monitor both sides when the other BMC fails
B. Report the failure independently of each other
C. Both answers are correct
37. Which Engine Bleed Air System sensor is used by BMC for overpressure alarms?
(Level 2)
A. Bleed Pressure Sensor (BPS)
B. Bleed Monitoring Pressure Sensor (BMPS)
C. Differential Pressure Sensor (DPS)
ATA 71
5. Nacelle system components provide the engine with the capabilities: (Level 3)
A. An aerodynamic for engine mounted components
B. An aerodynamic and protective enclosure for engine mounted components;
Collection and discharge of oil, fuel and hydraulic fluid from the engine and its
C. An aerodynamic and protective enclosure for engine mounted components;
Collection and discharge of oil, fuel from the engine and its components.
6. The Aft Engine Mount Assy supports : (Level 3)
A. The engine fore-aft, side, vertical, and roll loads.
B. The engine vertical, and roll loads.
C. The engine side and vertical loads.
7. The aerodynamic station 2.5 locates at : (Level 2)
A. Outlet of LPC
B. Outlet of HPC
C. Outlet of LPT
8. To alert the maintenance staff to fan cowl’s not closed position: (Level 2)
A. Each fan cowl latch has a proximity switch
B. The middle fan cowl latch has a proximity switch
C. Each fan cowl has a proximity switch
9. The primary thrust control parameter of the engine PW1100G is: (Level 2)
A. N1
B. N2
10. ENG PW110G Equips with Aircraft Model: (Level 1)
A. A321 only.
B. A320 only.
C. A319, A320, A321.
11. PW1100G highest Thrust could be set up to: (Level 1)
A. 33.000lb.
B. 23.000lb.
C. 43.000lb.
12. Proximity sensors are installed on each latch of fan cowl doors which sends its
position signal to (Level 2)
A. the Engine lnterface Unit (EIU) & the EEC
B. the EEC
C. the Engine lnterface Unit (EIU)
13. How many Bearing PW1100G has: (Level 1)
A. 8
B. 7
C. 4
14. How many Bearing Compartment PW1100G has: (Level 2)
A. 5
B. 3
C. 7
15. The Fan rotor contributes to approximately (Level 1)
A. 70% of the thrust.
B. 80% of the thrust.
C. 90% of the thrust.
16. How many fan blades are there at the fan rotor? (Level 1)
A. 20
B. 24
C. 36
17. Each half of C ducts includes one translating sleeves, two actuators, (Level 2)
A. ten blockers doors and cascades.
B. five blockers doors and cascades.
C. five blockers doors and pivoting doors.
18. How many preservation methods are used for the protection of out-of-service
engines? (Level 3)
A. 3: Preserve the engine for 30 days, or 60 days, or 90 days.
B. 2: Preserve the engine for 30 days, or 60 days.
C. 2: Preserve the engine for more than 60 days or for 60 days or less.
19. Each fan cowl door is manually opened, and held open with: (Level 1)
A. Two telescopic hold open rods.
B. One telescopic and one fix hold open rods.
C. Two fix hold open rods.
20. Each thrust reverser cowl door can be opened: (Level 2)
A. By hand and held open with two hold open rods.
B. Using the Door Opening System (DOS) by means of hydraulic hand pump and
held open by one fix hold open rod.
C. Using the Door Opening System (DOS) by means of hydraulic hand pump and
held open by two fix hold open rods.
21. The Engine Drain System collects and discharged fluids from engine and pylon
through drain outlets located: (Level 2)
A. On the sides of the drain mast.
B. On the bottom of the drain mast.
C. On the side and bottom of the drain mast.
22. For PW 1130 Engine, The ENG Drain mast gives a leak path exit for hydraulic, oil
and : (level 3)
A. Fuel component
B. Reverser system actuators
C. Permanent Magnet Altenator (PMA)
23. The PW1000G engine unique design features: (Level 1)
A. An engine fan separated from the low pressure rotor, so that each module
operates at optimal speeds.
B. The engine makes use of a number of composite components including a
composite fan blade, to achieve a significant weight reduction.
C. The unique debris rejection system provides the best erosion protection,
preventing sand, dirt, and other harmful items from reaching the core.
24. Proximity sensors are installed on each latch of fan cowl doors which sends its
position signal to (Level 1)
A. The Engine lnterface Unit (EIU) & the EEC
the EEC
B. The Engine lnterface Unit (EIU)
25. The inlet cone is made of composite material and is anti-iced with a continuous
airflow from (Level 1)
A. The HP compressor stage
B. The 2.5 compressor stage
C. The ram air inlet
26. The FDGS permits the LPC to rotate at a higher speed and (Level 1)
A. Helps in reducing the fan rotating speed .
B. Helps in increasing the fan rotating speed .
C. Helps in remaining the fan rotating speed constant.
27. The forward mount assembly bears (Level 1)
A. The engine thrust, vertical and lateral loads
B. The engine vertical and radial loads
C. The engine thrust and radial loads
28. The fan rotational speeds being lower (Level 1)
A. Helps in reducing rotational loads and bird strike fan damage.
B. Helps in increasing rotational loads and bird strike fan damage.
C. Helps in reducing rotational loads.
29. The geared turbo fan engine reduces the CO2 and NOx emissions and provides
improved(Level 1)
A. Fuel efficiency and low cost
B. Fuel efficiency and reduces engine noise.
C. Fuel efficiency and reduces flight range
30. Each half of reverser cowl doors: (Level 2)
A. Is held closed by 4 latches
B. Is held open by a hold open rod and an opening actuator
C. Is held open by two hold open rods
31. To open the PW1100G engine’s thrust reverser cowls (Level 2)
A. Slats must be fully retracted
B. Slats must be fully extended
C. Slats can be at any position
ATA 72
11. How the Engine main gearbox (MGB) are driven by? (Level 3)
A. N1 rotor.
B. N2 rotor via the transfer gear box
C. The Angle gearbox (AGB) extracts power from HPC and provides it to the MGB
through a series of gear shafts
ATA 73
1. Power supplies to EEC: (Level 2)
A. From the Permanent magnet alternator (PMA) only
B. From the aircraft or from the Permanent magnet alternator (PMA) as a backup
C. From the Permanent magnet alternator (PMA) or from the aircraft as a backup
2. What is Integrated fuel pump and control (IFPC) for? (Level 3)
A. IFPC supplies metered fuel flow to the engine as scheduled by the EEC
B. IFPC supplies pressurized fuel to engine component actuators
C. Both answer are correct
3. How is Return to tank (RTT) valve controlled? (Level 3)
A. The RTT valve is controlled by EEC (12)
B. The RTT valve is controlled by EEC, and is actuated based on aircraft altitude,
ambient temperature and fuel flow
C. The RTT valve is controlled by FQIC and EEC, and is actuated based on
aircraft altitude, ambient temperature and fuel flow
4. The fuel metering valve located in IFPC and controlled by: (Level 2)
5. To minimize the build-up of carbon in the combustion chamber and to reduces
toxic gas emissions at engine shutdown: (Level 3)
A. Remaining fuel from the primary and secondary lines is collected and
discharged overboad through drain mast.
B. Remaining fuel from the primary and secondary lines is purged into combustion
C. Remaining fuel from the primary and secondary lines is drained and collected in
recovery tank and reused at next startup.
13. The PHMU (Prognostics and Health Management Unit ) communicates with EEC
via: (Level 3)
A. ARINC 429 data bus
B. CAN (Control Area Network ) data bus
C. Ethernet bus
ATA 74
10. During an autostart on the ground, exciters are alternated as follow: (Level 3)
11. During an auto start on the ground, exciters are alternated as follow: (Level 3)
12. The ignition system has the following number of Ignition Exciter Boxes and
Igniter Plugs: (Level 2)
A. One Ignition Exciter Box and two Igniter plugs
B. Two Ignition Exciter Box and two Igniter plugs
C. One Ignition Exciter Box and one Igniter plugs
O. During normal engine operation, the valve is closed at start and ATA 75
1. How many start bleed valve on PW1100G? (Level 1)
A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
2. Which stage the start bleed valve install on? (Level 2)
A. 6th
B. 7th
C. 8th
3. The operating LP compressor stator vane actuator (LPC SVA), if there is a loss of
electrical power? (Level 3)
A. The actuator positions vanes in the full close position for inhibited airflow
through the LPC
B. The actuator positions vanes in the full open fail safe position for maximum
airflow through the LPC
C. Neither A nor B
5. Which is bleed air system used to improve engine startup performance? (Level 3)
A. The HPC Bleed air system bleeds 6th stage HPC air
B. The HPC Bleed air system bleeds 8th stage HPC air
C. The LPC Bleed air system bleeds 8th stage HPC air
6. At start, how are the HPC active and passive bleed valve operate? (Level 3)
A. Mechanically spring loaded (fail safe) open
B. Electrically control to close
C. Electrically control to open
10. What is the fail safe position of 2.5 Bleed valve actuator? (Level 3)
A. Fully Close
B. Fully open
C. 30% open
11. The HPC Stator Vane Actuator can control how many stage of HPC? (Level 1)
A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
12. What is the purpose of Buffer air heat exchanger? (Level 3)
A. Provides discrete (on/off) control of HPC 3rd Stage bleed air supply to the Bearing
Ventilation System
B. Use station 2.5 bleed air to cool HPC 3rd Stage Air before its delivery to the No4
Bearing housing.
C. Provide cooling buffer air to the engine main bearing compartment and prevent oil
13. What is the purpose of LPBSOV - Low pressure buffer shutoff valve? (Level 3)
A. Provides discrete (on/off) control of HPC 3rd Stage servo pressure sent
to the LPBSOV
B. Direct buffer air to the Bearing Ventilation System)
C. Provides discrete (on/off) control of HPC 3rd Stage bleed air supply to
the Bearing Ventilation System.
14. How is the inlet cone anti-iced ? (Level 2)
A. The inlet cone is not anti-iced at all.
B. The inlet cone is anti-iced when engine anti-ice pushbutton is pushed on
C. The inlet cone is anti-iced with a continuous flow of 2.5 bleed air.
15. The VVS (Variable Vanes System) actuators of LPC and HPC are : (Level 2)
A. Electrically controlled by EEC and actuated by servo fuel.
B. Electrically controlled by EEC and actuated by P3 pneumatic motive air.
C. Electrically controlled and actuated by EEC .
16. The 2.5 bleed valve actuator commanded by the EEC and actuated: (Level 3)
A. By P3 pneumatic motive air
B. Electrical motor
C. Servo fuel
17. What is the fail-safe position of LPC Stator Vane System ? (Level 3)
A. Full closed
B. Full open
C. Preselected partially open
18. What is the fail-safe position of 2.5 Bleed Valve ? (Level 3)
A. Full closed
B. Full open
C. Preseted partially open
19. How to improve engine startup performance by the HPC Air System? (Level 3)
A. By 2.5 bleed air valve
B. By two HPC bleed valves
C. By three HPC bleed valve
20. What is the function of HPC bleed valves? (Level 3)
A. Allow HPC 6th Stage air to bleed directly into the core compartment during
engine start
B. Allow HPC 6th Stage air to bleed directly into fan flow during engine
C. Allow HPC 3rd Stage air to bleed directly into the core compartment
during engine start
21. How does EEC monitor the position of HPC bleed valves? (Level 3)
A. By thermocouple sensors
B. By pressure sensors
C. There is no position feedback to EEC
22. The ACC (Active Clearance Control) System uses fan air to : (Level 3)
A. Cool turbine’s blades and vanes
B. Cool turbine cases to improve the fuel efficiency
C. Cool bearing compartments
23. What is the fail-safe mode of the ACC(Active Clearance Control) valve and
actuator ? (Level 3)
A. Closed
B. Full open
C. Partially open
24. 2.5 Stage Bleed Valve locates at: (Level 1)
A. Low Pressure Compressor
B. Compressor Intermediate Case
C. High Pressure Compressor
25. The engine inlet cone is anti-iced with (Level 1)
A. Continuous airflow from the 2.5 compressor stage
B. Continuous airflow from the 3 compressor stage
C. Continuous airflow from the 6 compressor stage
26. A single stage Variable Inlet Guide Vanes (VIGVs) which direct the air to the LP
Compressor at the correct angle and (Level 1)
A. Are controlled by the PHMU
B. Are controlled by the EEC
C. Are not controlled by the EEC
27. No.4 bearing compartment is cooled and sealing by: (Level 1)
A. Buffer air (HPC 3rd stage air cooled by 2.5 bleed air)
B. Buffer air (HPC 3rd stage air cooled by fan air)
C. Buffer air (2.5 bleed air cooled by fan air)
28. To maintain the proper air pressure at bearing compartment Nos. 1,2, 3, and 5/6 for
carbon seals: (Level 3)
A. HPC 3rd Stage air is supplied to archive the function.
B. 2.5 bleed air is used for this function.
C. Depending on power setting 2.5 bleed air or HPC 3rd stage air is used for
bearing compartments sealing/ pressurizing.
20. The engine oil quantity parameters are displayed on? (Level 1)
A. The Upper ECAM
B. The Lower ECAM engine page
C. The Lower ECAM engine page or Cruise page
21. The IGN indication is displayed on? (Level 2)
A. The Upper ECAM during engine start
B. The Lower ECAM engine page during engine start
C. The Lower ECAM engine page or Cruise page
35. What are purposes of Prognostics and Health Management Unit (PHMU)? (Level 2)
A. Monitor and process levels for engine oil debris and rotor vibration
B. Calculate fan trim balance solutions
C. Respond to requests from avionics system that are received through EEC
D. All of above
36. Which sensor is used by the EEC to measure compressor discharge temperature
for total temperature calculation : (Level 2)
A. T2 sensor
B. T2.5 sensor
C. T3 sensor
1. For PW 1130 Engine, When slats are extended, can you fully open reverser cowls?
(Level 3)
A. Yes
B. No, you must not open the reverser cowl when the slats are extended
C. Yes, if open by hand
2. Where is HCU Inhibit Lever located in? (Level 2)
B. On RH fan case
C. On LH Fan case
3. How many Hold Open Rod on each Reverser half? (Level 1)
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
4. How many blocker door on each reverser half? (Level 1)
A. 5
B. 6
C. 4
5. How many latches are used to fully closed reversers? (Level 1)
A. 7
B. 5
C. 6