Tomas Claudio Colleges
Tomas Claudio Colleges
Tomas Claudio Colleges
Morong, Rizal
What is Metaphysics?
It deals with questions about the essence and the existence of things. What is
the true nature of reality. It is the philosophy of being which seeks to answer questions
about existence. It is study of questions about the world left unanswered by the natural
sciences, such as those regarding First Causes; Laws of the Universe; Mind/Body;
Metaphysical Questions
What is reality? Why is there something and not nothing? What is a being? What
is a person? Am I free? Is there a supreme being? Who am I? Why am I here?
Where did I come from? Where am I going?
What is God?
In philosophy we are not talking about a God of a particular religion but God as a
word that means creator, causer, intelligence, sustainer of the universe. The arguments
that philosophers consider, examine whether it is reasonable to suppose there is such a
A priori - These are arguments we can make independently of our experiences. They
don’t have to be confirmed by our experience.
A Posteriori - These are arguments from our experiences and our senses. They have
to be confirmed by our experience. These arguments come after experience.
Foundational Principles
Principle of non-contradiction - no real being can both be and not be at the same
time and in the same respect.
Principle of sufficient reason: every being has the sufficient reason for existence in
itself or in another. It is not possible for something to be its own cause (otherwise it
would violate the Principle of non-contradiction). Every being that does not possess the
sufficient reason for its own existence in itself must have an efficient cause (necessarily
extrinsic to itself).
Theories of Metaphysics
Common Sense Realism - What people perceive under ordinary conditions is reality.
Idealism - George Berkeley 18th Century. It denies existence of material things. Reality
is ideas and the minds that hold these ideas. “Esse est percipi” (“to be is to be
perceived”). Objects are ideas that God placed in humans
Platonic Realism - Reality is ideal forms or ideas that are timeless, unchanging,
immaterial, and more perfect than the world of changeable things.
Materialism or Physicalism - Pre-Socratic Philosophers. Everything is physical;
Reality consists of matter. Matter – particles in motion and forces like gravity.
Monism - Reality is one all-encompassing thing. All particular things are expressions of
this one thing. Things can be material or mental. Baruch Spinoza argued it could also
be divine.. String Theory – everything is composed of one-dimensional strings of
Dualism - Descartes . Reality consists of two things: Mind and Matter. Interactionism is
a common version of dualism. Mind and Body co-exist as separate entities.
The Natural Tendency to the Good. - This tendency is best explained as: Will as
Object. This type of good is an object of natural desire. This tendency is to possess
things. This is HUMAN.
The Moral Choice of what is Reasonable - This tendency is best explained as: The
Will as Reason. This type of good is an object of reasonable love. This tendency is to
know and love another person. This is MORAL.