Solar Panel Cleaning System
Solar Panel Cleaning System
Solar Panel Cleaning System
E-ISSN: 2321-9637
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Abstract - Energy is one of the major issues that the world is facing in India the supply of energy has been one of the
major problems for both urban and rural households. About 60% to 70% of the energy demand of the country is met by
fuel, wood and agriculture residues. Solar energy is a renewable source of energy, which has a great potential and it is
radiated by the sun. Renewable energy is important to replace the use of electric energy generated by petroleum. Solar
power has become a source of renewable energy and solar energy application should be enhanced. The solar photo-
voltaic modules are generally employed in dusty environments e.g. tropical countries like India. The dust gets
accumulated on the surface of the module and blocks the incident light from the sun. So it reduces the power generation
capacity of the module. The power output is reduces by 50% if the module is not cleaned for a month. The cleaning
system designed cleans the module by arduino programming control. The main objective is to remove the dust in the
photo-voltaic modules to improving the power generating efficiency of the solar power generation system.
International Journal of Research in Advent Technology, Special Issue, Convergence 2019
E-ISSN: 2321-9637
Available online at
periodically cleaning, maintained performance losses Needs regular checking for the water and soap
between 2 to 2.5%. [1]. It provided EDS (Electro dynamic residue build up.
screen) understanding for the automated and unceasing 3.2 Electrostatic Cleaning
removal of dirt without water or shifting elements. There This cleaning technology was first developed by
are several strategies are advised such as rain fall, washing scientists in order to solve the problem of dust deposits on
with beverages of various type, wind clearing, shacking, the surfaces of PV. This technology can also be used in dry
air blowing, Wiping, rotating, Nano era containing sun dusty areas on Earth.
sheet coat are suggested and surface vibration to put off
the dirt particles from the surface of sun panel [2]. Dust
accumulation on the solar panels being investigated for a
long period of time that is approximately for one year. The
experiments had done in different countries which have
climate conditions of the dusty weather. Those countries
are Iraq, Egypt and UAE. The solar panels were never
cleaned, initially for one month and then for two months
and so on. The results showed there was a decreasing in
the transmittance of the solar panels, which is emphasize
the effect of accumulated dust, even though the changing Figure 3.2.1:- Structure of PVs system that uses
in the tilt angle which is in concurrence with the dust electrostatic cleaning
deposition on the panels. [3] This method is not safe for homeowners who are using
solar panels because the panel shakes which may loosen its
3. METHODS OF CLEANING connection to the roof and it could fall down and cause
Currently PV panels can be cleaned manually and injury.
automatically. Over time, manual cleaning is more costly 3.3 The Sun Brush Robot
compared to automatic cleaning. This project considered The Sun Brush is a similar fixed cleaning robot
some different cleaning technologies available on the primarily designed for cleaning snow from PV panels. It is
market today, such as; the Heliotex rinse, electrostatic a automated cleaning system for the PV panels.
cleaning and the Sun Brush robot system. These cleaning
methods were chosen to review, so as to determine
whether the cleaning robot will work on a PV panel’s
surface. Furthermore, the use of PV panels cleaning
robotics has been expanding over the last few years to
reduce the need for manual cleaning (Anderson, 2012).
The cleaning methods are explained below.
3.1 Heliotex Technology Figure 3.3.1:- Sun Brush full automatic cleaning over solar
Heliotex is an automatic cleaning system which washes panels.
and rinses solar panel surfaces. The cleaning system can be The disadvantages of using the Sun Brush robot systems
programmed whenever it is necessary, depending on the are that they are expensive and difficult to install over a
environment (Heliotex, 2013). large PV area.
3.4 Manual Cleaning
This method require human operator to clean
manually with the help of mop or any wipers with suitable
support structures.
International Journal of Research in Advent Technology, Special Issue, Convergence 2019
E-ISSN: 2321-9637
Available online at
International Journal of Research in Advent Technology, Special Issue, Convergence 2019
E-ISSN: 2321-9637
Available online at
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supply. Panel”, International Journal of Latest Trends in
It affected by environmental conditions. Engineering and Technology (IJLTET) ISSN: 2278-
621XVol. 5, Issue 4, July 2015.
The performance analysis of the experimental setup is
purely based on the amount of power generated on the
dusty panel and a cleaned panel. The output power may
reduce due to the large amount of dust accumulation on the
panel. Dry-cleaning can eliminate the dust particles on the
surface. The assembly is found to be lightweight. In
comparison of costs in manual operation cleaning and
automatic cleaning, the cost for automatic cleaning is
demonstrated to be more economic and significantly less
burden particularly in the system having large number of
solar panels. The power output is varying for the different
weather conditions. A regular periodic cleaning of solar
panel shows the significant performance of the cleaning
It is observed that power reduction takes place because
of dust accumulated on the panel and it can be improved
by using the cleaning method, there is increase in power
up to 35%.
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[3] Kutaiba-Sabah, Sabah Nimma Faraj, “Self Cleaning
Solar Panels to Avoid the
Effects of Accumulated Dust on Solar Panels
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[4] R. Sharma, C. A. Wyatt, “Performance Analysis of
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[5] Chandima Gomes, “Impact of Dust on Solar Energy
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International conference Power & Energy (PECON),