Area of Triangles Lesson

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Area of Triangles - Day 1

Content Standards

6.G.1 Find the area of right triangles, other triangles, special quadrilaterals, and polygons by
composing into rectangles or decomposing into triangles and other shapes; apply these
techniques in the context of solving real-world and mathematical problems (Michigan Math
Standards, n.d., p. 46).

Standards for Mathematical Practice

MP. 5 Use appropriate tools strategically MP (Michigan Math Standards, n.d., p. 9).

Student Learning Objectives

Students will be able to calculate the area of right triangles.

Prior Knowledge

Students need to know what the area represents. Students should be able to calculate the
area of rectangles and parallelograms using the area formula (area=length*width). Students
need to have the skills needed to multiply whole numbers, fractions, and decimals.

Materials Vocabulary

Grid Paper Rectangles Area

Interactive TV Length
Document Camera Width
Chromebooks Base
Kahoot! Game Height
Exit Ticket Congruent
Right Triangle
Isosceles Triangle
Equilateral Triangle
Obtuse Angle
Right Angle
Acute Angle

Lesson Sequence

Review Area of Rectangles: Give students a set of 12 rectangles that have 3 different areas.
Have the students sort the rectangles. Once students have sorted the rectangles, have them
share how they sorted the rectangles. If it doesn't come up in the discussion, ask the students
if they could have sorted the rectangles by area, review area, and then have them sort the
rectangles using the area.

Review Triangles: Give students a set of 12 triangles. Have the students sort the triangles.
Once the triangles are sorted, have them do a gallery walk on each different sort. Have a
discussion about how each group sorted the triangle and use this opportunity to review types
of triangles and triangle vocabulary. The purpose is to review the language so students can use it
when identifying triangles throughout the lesson sequence.

Students will discover/prove the area of triangles formula using pieces of paper cut into
rectangles. Split the students into pairs and give each pair of students a different size
rectangle on a paper grid.
1. Have each pair find the area of their rectangle (provided on grid paper). Ask the
students to share the area of their rectangles and their strategy for finding it. I wouldn't
prompt strategies.
2. Challenge the pairs to cut their rectangle into 2 congruent triangles. Give them an
opportunity to share their rectangles and strategies.
3. Have the students find the area of each of the triangles. Ask them to find connections
between the area of their rectangle and the area of their 2 triangles. Facilitate a
○ Do your triangles have the same area? Why do they have the same area?
○ How does the area of your triangles relate to the area of your rectangles?
○ Can we use this connection to modify the area for rectangles to be the area of

Students will practice finding the area of right triangles by playing Kahoot! Assign this Kahoot!
For students to complete independently or in groups. Then have them play the Kahoot! Live to
check their answers and ask questions. This is the link to the Kahoot:

Students will complete an exit ticket to demonstrate their understanding of calculating the
area of right triangles. Finding Area of Right Triangles Exit Ticket 02-26.pdf (Write in the
base and height before copying because instruction on using grids is in the next lesson)

Students who incorrectly answer 2 or more (they receive 60% or less) of the questions will
participate is a small group reteaching the concept during W.I.N. (what I need) time at the end
of the day.

If the class average is less than 60% on the exit ticket, a lesson will be added to reteach
finding the area of right triangles.

Area of Triangles - Day 2

Content Standards

6.G.1 Find the area of right triangles, other triangles, special quadrilaterals, and polygons by
composing into rectangles or decomposing into triangles and other shapes; apply these
techniques in the context of solving real-world and mathematical problems (Michigan Math
Standards, n.d., p. 46).
Standards for Mathematical Practice

MP. 5 Use appropriate tools strategically (Michigan Math Standards, n.d., p. 9).

Student Learning Objectives

Students will extend their understanding of the area of right triangles to find the area of all
types of triangles.

Prior Knowledge

Students need to be able to find the area of right triangles. Students need to understand and
be able to identify the differences between types of triangles. Students should be familiar with
using grids to calculate area. Students should be able to multiply whole numbers, fractions,
and decimals.

Materials Vocabulary

Chromebooks Area
Sankaku Puzzles (Desmos) Base
Geoboards (Desmos) Height
Practice Worksheet
Exit Tickets

Lesson Sequence

Have students complete Sankaku puzzles by assigning them on Desmos
( Give
students 5 minutes to complete as many puzzles as they can. [I have students who struggle to
get started and have found that setting a timer will get them going. I will add time if they are all
working at need it.] This will allow students to build their reasoning skills, visualize areas of
triangles, and justify their answers. After 5 minutes, facilitate a discussion with students:
● How did you decide which points to use in your triangle?
● Did you have a strategy when solving the puzzles?
● Was there more than one solution to any of the puzzles?
● Were all of the solutions right triangles? If the triangle wasn’t right, how did you know
the area of the triangle?

Students will continue exploring the area of triangles using Desmos online geoboards
(Exploring Triangle Area With Geoboards • Activity Builder by Desmos). Students will work
through 3 problems that review their knowledge of finding area of right triangles and extend it
to non-right triangles. Students will have the opportunity to create and complete their own

When students have completed the activity, take time to highlight using the grids to determine
area and connect the triangles to the rectangle proof in the previous lesson.

Students will practice applying the area of a triangle formula to triangles with decimal and
fraction side lengths. Use the “I do, we do, you do” strategy to scaffold direct instruction.
Students may need reminders on how to multiply decimals and fractions.
● Use this practice to teach students how to find the height of a triangle when applying
the area formula.
● Allow students to have access to grid paper, geoboards, and any other manipulatives
that would be helpful while practicing.
Area of Triangles with Decimals.pdf
Area of Triangles with Fractions.pdf

Students will complete an exit ticket to demonstrate their understanding of calculating the
area of non-right triangles. Finding Area of Triangles Exit Ticket 02-26.pdf I choose not to
address decimals and factions in this case because I want to make sure that I am assessing their
understanding of area and not fractions/decimals. My 6th graders are really struggling with
fractions/decimals and I am currently running interventions to help them. My concern is that they'd
answer incorrectly not because of area, but because of the operations with fractions and

Students who incorrectly answer 2 or more (score 60% or below) of the questions will
participate is a small group reteaching the concept during W.I.N. (what I need) time at the end
of the day.

If the class average is less than 60% on the exit ticket, a lesson will be added to reteach
finding the area of right triangles.

Area of Triangles - Day 3

Content Standards

6.G.1 Find the area of right triangles, other triangles, special quadrilaterals, and polygons by
composing into rectangles or decomposing into triangles and other shapes; apply these
techniques in the context of solving real-world and mathematical problems (Michigan Math
Standards, n.d., p. 46).

Standards for Mathematical Practice

MP. 3 Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others (Michigan Math
Standards, n.d., p. 8).

Student Learning Objectives

Students will be able to find the area of triangles in real-world contexts and justify their

Prior Knowledge

Students need to know who to use a ruler correctly. Students need to know how to multiply
whole numbers, fractions, and decimals.

Materials Vocabulary

Rulers Area
Math Notebook Base
Interactive TV Height
Chart Paper Justify
Practice Problem Copies

Lesson Sequence (60 minutes per day)

Review finding areas of triangles by having students go on a triangle hunt. Have the students
find 2 different triangles in the classroom. Students should measure the triangle to the nearest
cm and then calculate the area. Students can use the area formula or they could trace the
area onto grid paper to practice using tools to solve problems.

Students should record their work, the triangle location, and the triangle area in their math

Randomize students into groups of 3 (using a deck of cards works well for this). Assign each
group of students a section of white or chalk board to complete their work. Each group should
only receive 1 writing utensil. Ask the groups to solve the problem in the blue box below.
Project the problem so students can revisit it while working. Give the students 5-10 minutes to
solve the problem using any method. If groups finish before others, encourage them to come
up with additional strategies.

When groups have finished, have the students do a gallery walk of their peer’s work. Have
individual groups share the strategies they used to solve the problem. As a class, come to a
consensus of the answer and then model writing a justification of the answer on a piece of
chart paper for students to reference.
Students will practice solving real-world problems that involve finding areas of triangles. Use
direct instruction to ensure that students are successful with writing their justifications. [My
grade-level team is working on justification and our instructional coach emphasizes modeling. The
modeling would be more for the writing than the math. I'd have the groups do the math and then
model the writing. I updated my language.} Students will find the area independently or in
groups and then the writing will be taught with direct instruction. Write the justification for the
first problem as a whole group, the second problem as small groups, and the last two
problems independently.
Area of Triangles Practice

Student’s responses on the 2 independent practice problems will be used to assess their

Students who do not correctly answer both questions correctly will participate is a small group
reteaching the concept during W.I.N. (what I need) time at the end of the day.

Students who struggle with justification will also receive small group instruction.

If the class as a whole does not show mastery, a lesson will be added to reteach either finding
the area of triangles or justification based on their responses.

*Problems in the explore and practice are from a set of task cards by Route 22 Educational

Number and Operations domains from: Common Core State Standards Initiative (CCSSI).
(n.d.). Mathematics standards. Mathematics Standards | Common Core State Standards

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