Economics Model Questions

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Model Question (NEB) -2078

Subject : Economics
Time: 3 hours F.M.: 75

Group 'A'
Very short answer questions. (11×1 = 11)
1. Write any two features of mixed economy.
2. It total revenue of a firm is Rs. 4000 and total cost is Rs. 3300 then find the total profit.
3. What is government revenue?
4. Write any two differences between balance of trade and balance of payments.
5. Write any two basic components of Human Development Index.
6. What is Word Trade Organization?
7. Write any two productive uses of remittance in Nepalese economy.
8. Which one of the 17 goals of sustainable development is not directly relevant to Nepal?
9. Define statistics.
10. Primary data is more reliable. Why?
11. Find the value of 'X' if the mean of given data is 16
Income in 10 12 X 18, 26
Group 'B'
Short answer questions. (8×5=40)
12. What is division of labour? Explain its advantages.
What is socialist economy? Explain its features.
13. Explain the Classical Theory of Interest.
14. Answer the following questions based on the given table.

Units good Price in Total Marginal Average

sold Rs. revenue Income revenue
1 10
2 8
3 6
4 4
i) Complete the given table
ii) Draw average and marginal revenue curves from the completed table

15. Analyze the relationship between average cost and marginal cost based on a diagram.
16. Describe any five functions of Central Bank.
17. Evaluate the causes of increasing unemployment in Nepal.
18. What measures do you suggest to make plan formulation effective in Nepal? Give your opinion.
19. Find the standard deviation from the data and interpret the result.
Wages Rs. No. of Labor
15 4
22 5
26 3
32 6

35 2
Find Paasche's Price Index Number from the given data and interpret the result.
Types of Goods Per unit Quantity of Per unit Quantity of
price in Rs. goods in price in good in Kg.
Kg. Rs.
A 8 12 15 15
B 9 22 12 19
C 12 11 18 19
D 5 20 10 25

'Group C'
Long answer questions (3×8 = 24)
20. How equilibrium price and output are determined in the short-run by a firm using MR-MC
approach under perfect competition? Explain
21. Why government borrowing is important for Nepal's economy? Give reasons
22. What measures do you suggest to reduce trade deficits of Nepal? Explain.
“Foreign employment is not always beneficial for the developing country.” Justify.

Model Question-1
Subject: Economics XII
Time: 3 hours F.M.: 75
P.M.: 30
Group 'A'
Very short answer questions. (11×1 = 11)
1. Define opportunity cost.
2. Suppose a revenue function TR = 100Q – 2Q2 then find out MR function.
3. What is money market?
4. List the role of government finance.
5. Define inequality.
6. List out the principles of WTO.
7. Write the vision of current plan.
8. List out any two sustainable development goal of United Nations.
9. Define primary data.
10. Find quartile deviation (QD) if first quartile (Q 1 ) is 50 and third quartile (Q 3 ) is 80.
11. Find the range from the following data of apple buys in a week.
Days Sun Mon TUE Wed Thu Fri Sat
Apple (kg) 10 35 50 5 20 25 30
Group 'B'
Short answer questions. (8×5=40)
12. Write short note on allocation of resources.
Explain the concept of production possibility curve.
13. Consider the following table:
0 20 0
1 20 10
2 20 18
3 20 24
4 20 32
5 20 45
6 20 60
a) Complete the table.
b) Mention the relationship between AC and MC.
14. How are price and output determined under perfect competition in long run?
15. Explain the subsistence theory of wage.
16. Explain the characteristics of a good tax system.
17. What remedial measures do you suggest to reduce poverty in Nepal?
18. Explain the composition of Nepalese foreign trade.
19. Calculate standard deviation and coefficient of variance from the following data:
x 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80
f 3 5 8 7 9 7 4 3
Find the price index number from the following by using simple average of price relative method:
Commodities P0 P1
Rice 20 25
Wheat 15 20
Maize 12 15
Millet 10 15

'Group C'
Long answer questions (3×8 = 24)
20. Define monopoly. Show the relationship among TR, MR and AR under it.
21. Define foreign trade and explain the various problems of Nepalese foreign trade.
22. Define central bank and explain its various functions.
Explain the concept of progressive and proportional tax system with the help of table and
Model Question-2
Subject: Economics XII
Time: 3 hours F.M.: 75
P.M.: 30
Group 'A'
Very short answer questions. (11×1 = 11)
1. Define mixed economy.
2. Suppose a cost function TC = 100 + 5Q +Q2, find out total fixed cost function.
3. What is capital market?
4. Define balance of payment.
5. Define poverty.
6. List out the principles of SAFTA.
7. Write the goal of current plan.
8.Write very short notes on “no poverty and Nepal”.
9. Define statistics in singular sense.
10. Find coefficient of quartile deviation (QD) if first quartile (Q 1 ) is 50 and third quartile (Q 3 ) is 90
11. Find the range from the following data of apple buys in a week.
Days Sun Mon TUE Wed Thu Fri Sat
Apple (kg) 10 35 40 5 20 25 30

Group 'B'
Short answer questions. (8×5=40)
12. Describe about scarcity & choice.
What are the advantages of division of labor?
13. Consider the following table.
Quantity sold Price (in Rs.) TR MR AR
1 10
2 9
3 8
4 7
5 6
6 5
7 4
a) Complete the table.
b) What type of market is this? Why?
14. Derive short run cost curves.
15. Critically explain the wage fund theory of wage.
16. Explain the various sources of government borrowing.
17. What remedial measures do you suggest to minimize unemployment in Nepal?
18. Explain the growth and trend of Nepalese foreign trade.
19. Calculate standard deviation from the following data:
x 4.5 14.5 24.5 34.5 44.5 54.5 64.5
F 3 7 12 17 8 6 4
Find the price index number from the following by using weighted average of price relative
Commodities Weight (W) Price in 2000 (P 0 ) Price in 2010 (P 1 )
A 3 20 40
B 2 40 60
C 4 60 80
D 1 80 100

'Group C'
Long answer questions (3×8 = 24)
20. How are price and output determined under monopoly in short run?
21. Describe the advantages and disadvantages of foreign employment of Nepal.
22. Explain various merits and demerits of direct tax.
Explain various advantages and disadvantages of free trade.

Model Question-3
Subject: Economics XII
Time: 3 hours F.M.: 75
P.M.: 30
Very short answer questions. (11×1 = 11)
1. What is command economy?
2. Suppose a cost function TC = 100 + 5Q +Q2, find out total variable cost function.
3. Define balance of trade.
4. What is a bank?
5. Define human resources.
6. List out the objectives of SAFTA.
7. Write any two quantitative target of current plan.
8. List out any two sustainable development goal of United Nations.
9. Define statistics in plural sense.

10. point out any four methods of collecting primary data.
11. Find the coefficient of range from the following data of apple buys in a week.
Days Sun Mon TUE Wed Thu Fri Sat
Apple (kg) 10 35 50 5 20 25 30

Group 'B'
Short answer questions. (8×5=40)
12. Explain the features of market economy.
Explain about the shift in production possibility curve.
13. The total revenue and total cost functions of a firm are given by:
TR = 30Q – Q2 and TC = 20 + 4Q
Where, Q is the output. Find the equilibrium output of the firm.
14. Critically explain the risk bearing theory of profit.
15. How are price and output determined under monopoly in long run?
16. Explain various disadvantages of protection policy.
17. What remedial measures do you suggest to reduce poverty in Nepal?
18. Explain the direction of Nepalese foreign trade.
19. Calculate the mean deviation from mean from the following data:
x 10 12 18 24 26
F 4 14 16 10 6
Find the price index number from the following data by using Laspeyre’s method:
Commodities Price Quantity
2004 2005 2004 2005
Rice 120 205 12 15
Wheat 100 202 12 21
Sugar 140 185 15 15
Pulses 160 180 18 28
Corn 185 209 30 15

'Group C'
Long answer questions (3×8 = 24)
20. Show the relationship among TFC, TVC, TC with the help of a table and diagram.
21. Define development plan. Explain the process of plan formulation in Nepal.
22. Critically explain the comparative cost theory of international trade.
Define commercial bank and explain its various major functions.

Model Question-4
Sub: Economics - XII
Time: 3 hrs. F.M.: 75
P.M.: 30
Group 'A'
Very short answer questions (11×1 = 11)
1. What is division of labor?

2. A business firm produces 6 units output. If its total fixed cost (TFC) and total cost (TC) are
Res. 60 and Rs. 300 respectively, find its AVC and AC.
3. What is capital market?
4. Mention the roles of banking system.
5. Write the meaning of property and inequality.
6. List out any four objectives of World Trade Organization.
7. List out any four objectives of SAFTA.
8. Defineforeign trade.
9. Define singular definition of statistics.
10. Find the range and the coefficient of range from the following data:
x 10 20 30 40 50 60
f 2 8 9 2 3 1

11. Find the price index number for the year 2010 taking 2005 as the base year by using simple
aggregative method.
Price (in Rs. ) per kg
Commodities 2005 2010
Tomato 12 20
Rice 16 25
Potato 10 12

Group 'B'
Short answer questions (8×5= 40)
12. Explain the concept of production possibility curve (PPC)
What is mixed economy? Explain its features.
13. Explain the subsistence theory of wage.
14. Answer the following question based on the given table
0 60 0
1 - 20
2 - 30
3 - 45
4 - 80
5 - 135
a) Complete the given table
b) Draw the TFC, TVC and TC curves by using table.
c) Mention the nature of TFC, TVC and TC curves.

15. What is perfect competition? How are equilibrium of price and output determined under it in
16. Explain the concept of balance of trade and balance of payment.
17. Evaluate why the government of Nepal has not been able to create employment opportunities
inside country?
18. Explain the process of plan formulation.
19. Calculate the standard deviation from the following data.
x 5 7 8 10 12
f 7 8 10 11 9
Construct the price index numbers from the following data by applying Paasche's method
Commodities Base year Current year
Price Quantity Price `Quantity
A 2 8 4 6
B 5 10 7 5
C 4 14 5 16
D 2 19 2 16

Group 'C'
Short answer questions (3×8=24)
20. Critically explain the Ricardian theory of rent.
21. What is direct tax? Explain its merits and demerits.
Define commercial bank. Explain its functions.
22. Explain the present situation of foreign employment and remittance in Nepal.

Model Question-5
Sub: Economics - XII
Time: 3 hrs. F.M.: 75
P.M.: 30
Group 'A'
Very short answer questions (11×1 = 11)
1. What do you mean by scarcity in economics?
2. If TR = 100 -20Q +30Q2 then find MR function.
3. Define money market.
4. Define tax.
5. What is WTO?
6. Define development plan.
7. What is inequality?
8. Define unemployment.
9. Define secondary data.
10. If the largest value is 60 and smallest value is 10, find the coefficient of range.
11. Find the price index number by using simple aggregative method.
Commodities Price in 2010 Price in 2015
A 15 20
B 20 28
C 25 32

Group 'B'
Short answer questions (8×5= 40)
12. Explain about the allocation of resources.
Explain various disadvantages of division of labor.
13. Explain the classical theory of interest.
14. Answer the following question based on the given table (1+2+2)
Quantity Price TR AR MR
1 10 0
2 9
3 8
4 7
5 6
6 5
7 4
a) Compute the following table
b) Draw TR, AR and MR from the completed table.
c) Show the relationship among TR, AR and MR.
15. How does a monopolist attain its equilibrium position in the long run?
16. Explain the problems of Nepalese foreign trade.
17. What are the causes of poverty in Nepal?
18. Explain the process of plan formulation in Nepal.
19. Find the standard deviation from the following:
Age 20-25 25-30 30-35 35-40 40-45 45-50
Frequency 120 170 180 110 70 60
Calculate the price index number by using Laspeyre's method and Paasche's methods.
Commodities 2013 2014
Frequency Po qo P1 q1
A 8 6 10 5
B 2 10 3 10

C 10 5 12 6
D 5 6 4 8

Group 'C'
Long answer questions (3×8=24)
20. Derive short run cost curves with the help of suitable table.
21. Define direct tax. Explain its merits and demerits.
Define central bank and explain its various functions.
22. What are the advantages and disadvantages of Nepalese foreign employment and remittance?
Model Question-6
Sub: Economics - XII
Time: 3 hrs. F.M.: 75
P.M.: 30
Group 'A'
Very short answer questions (11×1 = 11)
1. What is mixed economy?
2. Suppose that the market demand in a perfectly competitive industry is given by
Qd = 70,000 – 5000 P and market supply function Qs = 40,000 + 2500P. Find the market
equilibrium price.
3. Define bank.
4. Distinguish between public and private finance.
5. Give the meaning of human resource.
6. What do you mean by foreign employment?
7. Give two objectives set by current plan.
8. What do you mean by sustainable development?
9. Point out the importance of statistics.
10. Write very short notes on census method of data collection.
11. Define price index number.
Group 'B'
Short answer questions (8×5= 40)
12. Describe the concept of scarcity and choice.
What is market economy? Explain its features.
13. Define market. What are the different market structure?
14. From the following table, calculate TFC, TVC, AFC and AVC
Output TC (in Rs.) TFC TVC AFC AVC
0 120
1 180
2 200

3 210
4 225
5 260
6 330
15. Critically explain risk bearing theory of profit.
16. Describe the characteristics of good tax system.
17. Explain the causes of poverty in Nepal.
18. What the demerits of foreign employment? Explain.
19. Calculate the standard deviation from the following data
Marks 0-20 0-40 0-60 0-80 0-100
No. of students 8 20 50 70 80
Calculate the price index number for the following data by using simple aggregative method
taking 2072 as the base year and interpret the value of index number.
Commodities Price in Rs.
2072 2077
Rice 35 40
Milk 20 25
Oil 120 130
Egg 96 100
Meat 500 550

Group 'C'
Long answer questions (3×8=24)
20. How are price and output determined under perfect competition in short run?
21. Define free trade, explain its advantages and disadvantages.
Define commercial bank and explain its various functions.
22. Define foreign trade. Discuss the composition of Nepalese foreign trade.
Model Question-7
Sub: Economics - XII
Time: 3 hrs. F.M.: 75
P.M.: 30
Group 'A'
Very short answer questions (11×1 = 11)
1. What is command economy?
2. A firm's total revenue is Rs. 1200 and total cost is Rs. 1000. Find out total profit.
3. Define central bank.
4. Write any two importance of public finance.
5. What do you mean by human development index?

6. Give the meaning of remittance.
7. Give any two targets set by current plan.
8. What do you mean by decent work?
9. Define secondary data.
10. Find the range of the following wage rate.

Wage rate (Rs.) 200 250 300 350 400 450

No. of employees 7 16 20 13 12 10

11. What is index number?

Group 'B'
Short answer questions (8×5= 40)
12. What do you mean by allocation of resources?
What is mixed economy? Explain its characteristics.
13. Derive TR, MR and AR curves under monopoly.
14. Calculate AFC, AC and MC from the given information. TFC is Rs. 100
1 10 110
2 24 124
3 45 145
4 68 168
5 95 195
6 138 238
7 210 310
320 420
15. Critically explain uncertainty bearing theory of profit.
16. Define budget. How is it formulated in Nepal?
17. Explain the role of human resource in economic development of Nepal.
18. What are the merits of foreign employment? Explain.
19. Find out the standard deviation its coefficient and coefficient of variation.
Wages (x) 12 14 16 18 20 22 24
No. of works 6 12 18 26 16 10 8
From the following data, construct price index numbers for 2020 taking 2015 as the base year
by the weighted aggregative method using Laspeyre's formula.
Commodities 2015 2020
Price Quantity Price (p 1 ) Quantity
(p o ) (q o ) (q 1 )

A 8 12 10 15
B 5 10 8 10
C 3 8 5 12
D 10 5 2 15

Group 'C'
Long answer questions (3×8=24)
20. Define perfect competition with its features. How are price and output determined under it in
long run?
21. Describe various functions of commercial bank.
Explain the advantages and disadvantages of free trade.
22. Define development plan and explain the process of plan formulation in Nepal.
Model Question-8
Sub: Economics - XII
Time: 3 hrs F.M.: 75
P.M.: 30
Group 'A'
Very short answer questions (11×1 = 11)
1. Define opportunity cost.
2. The total revenue function of a coffee producer is R (Q) =1500Q – 50Q2, where Q is the
output and R (Q) is the revenue. Find the marginal revenue for an output 12.
3. List out the types of monetary policy.
4. Define proportional tax system.
5. Give the current population size and growth rate of population of Nepal.
6. What is SAFTA?
7. Point out the national strategies of current plan.
8. How is quality education defined?
9. What are the importance of statistics?
10. What do you mean by schedules sent through enumerators?
11. What do you mean by variance?
Group 'B'
Short answer questions (8×5= 40)
12. What are merits of division of labor? Explain.
Describe the concept of production possibility curve.
13. Critically explain wage fund theory of wage.
14. Define monopoly. Explain its features.
15. Consider the following table

quantity Price (P) TR MR AR
sold (Q)
1 10 110
2 24 124
3 45 145
4 68 168
5 95 195
6 138 238
7 210 310
8 320 420
a) Calculate the values of TR MR and AR.
b) What type of market is this? Why?
c) Draw the TR, MR and AR in one diagram.
16. Suggest the measures to reduce trade deficit in Nepal.
17. Give your remedies to eliminate economic inequality in Nepal.
18. What are the main problems of the Nepalese foreign trade?
19. Find the standard deviation from the following data:
Marks 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70
No. of Students 2 4 8 10 12 4
Construct the price index number from the following data by applying Paasche's method
Commodities Price Quantity
2014 2015 2014 2015
Rice 120 205 12 15
Wheat 100 202 12 21
Sugar 140 185 15 15
Pulses 160 180 18 28
Corn 185 209 30 15

Group 'C'
Long answer questions (3×8=24)
Attempt all questions
20. Derive AFC, AVC, SAC and MC curves with the help of a suitable table.
21. Critically explain comparative cost theory of international trade.
Describe the advantages and disadvantages of direct tax.
22. Describe the merits and demerits of foreign employment of Nepal

Model Question-9
Sub: Economics - XII
Time: 3 hrs F.M.: 75
P.M.: 30
Group 'A'
Very short answer questions (11×1 = 11)
Attempt all the questions
1. Define opportunity cost.
2. A business firm produces 10 units of output. If its total fixed cost (TFC) and total cost (TC)
are Rs. 1000 and Rs. 2500 respectively, find its AVC and AC.
3. Define direct tax with example.
4. What is public finance?
5. What is poverty?
6. Define foreign trade.
7. What do you mean by protection trade?
8. What is trade deficit?
9. Define plural definition of statistics.
10. Find the range and coefficient of range of the following wage rates.
Wage rate (Rs.) 200 250 300 350 400 450
No. of employees 7 16 20 13 12 10

11. Define price index number.

Group 'B'
Short answer questions (8×5= 40)
Answer all the questions
12. Explain about the shift in production possibility curve.
What is command economy? Explain its features.
13. Explain the classical theory of interest.
14. Compute TC, AFC, AVC, AC and MC with information given in the following table.
Output 1 2 3 4 5 6
TFC 60 60 60 60 60 60
TVC 22 42 60 100 160 240
15. How are price and output determined under perfect competition in long run? Explain.
16. What are the sources of government revenue? Explain.
17. Suggest different measure for poverty alleviation in Nepal.
18. What are the principles and objectives of SAFTA?
19. Find the standard deviation from the following data.
Marks 0-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50
Frequency 9 12 13 11 8

Construct price index numbers from the following data by using Paache's method.
Commodities 2013 2014
po qo p1 q1
A 8 6 10 5
B 2 10 3 10
C 10 5 12 6
D 5 6 4 8

Group 'C'
Long answer questions (3×8=24)
Attempt all questions
20. Show the relationship among TR, MR and AR under perfect competition with the help of a table and
21. What is commercial bank? Explain its functions.
Write various advantages and disadvantages of protection policy.
22. Foreign employment is not always beneficial for Nepal. Justify it.
Model Question-10
Sub: Economics - XII
Time: 3 hrs F.M.: 75
P.M.: 30
Group 'A'
Very short answer questions (11×1 = 11)
Attempt all the questions
1. What is division of labour?
2. Find TFC from the following total cost function.
TC = 250 + 8Q + Q2
3. Define capital market.
4. Define government revenue.
5. What is SAFTA?
6. What is foreign trade?
7. What is the goal of current plan?
8. What do you mean by zero hunger?
9. Define primary data.
10. If standard deviation = 7.47 and mean = 1.17.
Find coefficient of variation (CV)
11. Define statistics.
Group 'B'
Short answer questions (8×5= 40)
Answer all the questions
12. Explain the concept of PPC.
What are the advantages of division of labour?
13. Derive TR, MR and AR curves under perfect competition.
14. Consider the following table:
0 60 0
1 60 22
2 60 42
3 60 60
4 60 100
5 60 160
6 60 240
a) Complete the table
b) Draw TFC, TVC and TC curves.
c) Draw AFC, AVC, AC and MC curves.
15. Explain the uncertainty bearing theory of profit.
16. Explain the importance of Nepalese foreign trade.
17. Explain the role of human resource for the economic development of the country.
18. Write the concept of sustainable development goal of UN.
19. Find the standard deviation from the following
Marks 0-5 0-10 0-15 0-20 0-25
Frequency 10 15 27 32 40
Calculate the price index number by using Laspeyre's method and Paasche's methods
Group Price Quantity
2010 2020 2010 2020
A 12 20 50 120
B 10 12 100 80
C 14 15 60 70
D 16 18 30 50
F 18 20 40 40

Group 'C'
Long answer questions
Attempt all questions: (3×8=24)
20. Define monopoly. How are price and output determined under it in short run?
21. Define budget. Explain the process of budget formulation in Nepal.
Define commercial bank. Describe various functions of commercial bank.
22. Foreign employment is not always beneficial for Nepal. Justify it.


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