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PerspecHve ManagemeniAssignment-1)

2WhatisBusinessEthics Exptaini t
Business ethics Tefers t o maal Lpinciples
anc Sàcial Vatues hat business Should
adopt1in its Code of Conductes
These are Jules that businesses. mus accep+
anc Folloinits day to day operations Fo
He eifare oE Societ Ancl all_i+sStakeholdee
Businessis dexmed asSocial.
xqan and

therefoxe it Should notindulgein_any acttui

ha is harmulto the interestOE all

c Stakehalders

AvartagesOt Business Ehics

Enhonte BusinessReputation
Business ehics heips in eahancinq the
Se putation OE he Orqanization in_he mazket
P r a c t i s i n qO ethics ensuzes h e loualitu O E

business and Provide betterSentice o CustomersS

Condmis allunfaiztracle practi.cesanc opezotes
al actiities_ethically T h e business 0pexates a
a louder pmit leueI and clelive 9squality 9oacds
This develops a positive Imaqe o he
a n c a4+3aCtS a large numbe OFheul Custo mezS-

2) Pasitive Worlc Envionmen+

4 heips in maintainin q a positive ork
enuimnment For business_Ethics Oeary- defines
theCocleoEConduct foxbusinessAid.rdizec+s
he imitsithin atdhichuit Shoulc0pesate
Emplayeesae raine clcto worleiefficientl

h ther
tepmand deivélop betheraelationsiip s
Sutbordinakes Gnd qran+ them Paoper autonomy
kox perfozminqheirt zolesetfectively

3 lmpmves CustomexHapAinessit-a
sikosiathicslea.clsto impanueustomed 5atisfaction
itstaebusinessampanies follau)thical: principles
Opexateaa iaeasonablepaFishaneEalkiL
henttweateduakaixls 9e+
heeds ofkeixri Customéas
CamnitedtoHe business faxthelong ierm The
ancliLalheix Comptain-s
get nperi dhesegpodethical
areedlzessec)dimely usiness ia
able obuild a loyal
inciples are
Retain Good Employees
Acdoptinqo£ ethical PaincipleS enable business
ln zetaininq gaoc emplouees For a
longex period.
tdork toith Such an oxqonizaion
Emplouees a n t t
hat 4reatshem aixlu and decognizes heir alent
Tney need to be CompenSated for heir darkers an ly
and Openlyare able to easily detain them

5 Guilcds Inuestor LoyaHy

investor dats to be associatec) wiA the
beter Teturn They look
ehical business ox eaaning9
Fo eputationethics and Social e sponsi bili-ts Of
to investheir
business before Chocsinq9- he One
hincs.Business tdokingci Onehical valuesare able
bamctlarae humberoEinveatzsinveshors
a zqanization
Knouduiithatii ethica alhesenable
ehoninq- heirprocucHi efficiec4ondpmfits

6)Avnidlegal poblemS*
Comollinq legal issues is Onotheximponlarr
advondaaeProviced bu: business ethics lmplementation
ensureshat orqaniza-tions
Oeicaleiprinciples Ondenvionmental
Comply itall labo%las
WeculeHonS &mplosees, 0repvidedGakeWoakinq
edvisonmentandqooc qualiHy madezials for Coruing

Out heOperations Campaniesmainta ininq paD per

ethicalStdnclazcdsavoids themselves om anu
Pine nd penaltiesCha qes by gpvemmen--
0 oendleS
A3:What is Planning_ Eeplain thei pmLesst ahi
an obiective For
Alanainqis dekine as Settinq
Vazious St3ate gies
giveh 4ime peziocd clevelopinq
themandthen Sclecting
ari methodsictoattain
dhebes+_passible aHernatives:omthe azious
uaMethodsavailable a

pracess Of planninq
LFöllouiinq Ore the
)Setinq up the Obiective have an
i l he manageri does
:Connotdo theplanninqiSo
goal ShoulciluousbeiClea.

2-Devetoping paemises.=i
Cetain tterefore
ASwe Futurein
okiysmadekeepinqu the
funcHon Of management, Certain.
mindHence in te assump-
Assumptions Tequlveddo be made These
premisesnameans making
Hons Ore knoun 0s paemises
The manaqer Can make He
assumphoônsor thetuture
aSsum pHgnby: SHanebinq
policiesLstudyinq, tte kacts ani existinqplans

5lisinq:evazious. AlHex notives For achieinqhe

Objectves make
After Setinqap 0bueCivesuthe manaqers
a ligt E alHecnatvieshanuqh Which Heli orqanizartion
Car Gchieve itsi obie c;Hves:
u Evaluation of0iFFerent AteTnatives
In this
SepoF -He Plonning Process,
manaqess eualudt@and: Ctosely xamine eacho
HeaHexnatveplansEWer alHesnaive will g0o
haouqnan: exáminaior where all 14s PS and
Cons Lsill be
o be examine
weianed The alternatve plans need
takinqinto accoun+He orqonizoticna
5 SelectHinq an AHexnatHve
Tnis iSheStaqe oE: plânninq in Ldhich
Ré mana ger ha_ to acto p+adecision Herei, he
manaae win Choose he best Oric most Feasible
plan implemen- he ideal alHernaive hat is
Selectecd buhe manager Ghouid be He. mo siH
potitable One Ldth e leas anmou OE
Conseqiaences' and, is also @dop-tableto dunamic

6)Implemen-t He plan
Thisis a Step Whese
hermana qerial
FunctionS0re alSoConsicdezedThe Step is
Concerned teithPutinqte Plan into
Clbing What is TequizedFor actHon. i:e
makes 0 plan
exampleif a manage
oIntteasePrDduthon hen moxe
labozand more
machine ry
dill be
hisStep oulc aequired Hence
dl6Oinptve aaanqino Fo labo
andHe purchaseOimachiners-

)Follod Up
To Finod out whe-the plans that are
FormulaHecd re being implemented And activitiesS
|are pexformec accoTdinqo Sc hedule is also pat GE
the pionninqprocess To SHck With the plan
is eguoll Impo1tant
Folloud i Î n a qiven ime rame
ObsectHresare attaine.
Ho_ensure tha- Orqoni2ation
Pomcess OF
LnSimple tems p1anninq is h e
foz an arqanizationto
Fomuloinq key decislons
aro SuccessEullu inhe nex+ Feud years:

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