Operation Management Questions

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1. What is the relationship between the forecasting time horizon and the choice of forecasting models?

2. Explain how forecasting helps an organization handle uncertainties.

● Forecasts will provide you with the opportunity to compare the foreseeable results of possibly
drastic decisions before their effects impact the company. This will allow you to make correct
decisions and avoid missteps.

● Business forecasting consists of tools and techniques used to predict changes in business, such as
sales, expenditures, profits and losses. The goal of business forecasting is to develop better
strategies based on these informed predictions; helping to eliminate potential failure or losses
before they happen.

● Forecasting gives visibility into data, allowing businesses to adjust and adapt to future
predictions by optimizing resources. There are various tools that enhance a business’s ability to
gain information as well as have an overview of how operations, processes, budget and more are
running currently and what should be changed and/or improved in order to reach future goals and

● EXAMPLE: A sales forecast helps businesses estimate potential future sales. It also allows your
business to anticipate its future needs such as workforce, resources, cash flow, inventory, and
investment capital. A sales forecast will show the sales revenue that you might expect over a
specific future time frame

3. Is there a relationship between the choice of data and the type of forecasting model that one
wishes to use?

● The appropriate forecasting methods depend largely on what data are available. If there are no
data available, or if the data available are not relevant to the forecasts, then qualitative
forecasting methods must be used.

● Qualitative forecasting is a method of making predictions about a company's finances that uses
judgment from experts. Expert employees perform qualitative forecasting by identifying and
analyzing the relationship between existing knowledge of past operations and potential future

● Qualitative forecasting is an estimation methodology that uses expert judgment, rather than
numerical analysis.
I. Delphi technique: In this method, panels of experts are selected and are individually questioned
about the upcoming events. They do not form a group. For long-range forecasting, this method is
beneficial and very effective. The main disadvantage of this method is that from the returns there
is a lack of and low reliability.

II. Salesforce polling: In this method, the forecast is done based on the opinions of salespeople who
have steady interactions with the clients. As they are closest to the customers, they can better
predict the requirements of the customers for the future market. The main advantage of this
forecasting method is that it is very simple to use and understand. The information can be
segregated easily into different categories. But the drawback is that the salespeople can be either
optimistic or pessimistic about their predictions and this could lead to inaccurate forecasting.

III. Consumer surveys: In this method, the survey is conducted directly on the customers on their
purchases. The surveys can be done through telephone contacts, personal interviews or
questionnaires to obtain data from the customers. This method requires extensive statistical
analysis to test consumer behavior.

4. Suppose an organization wishes to forecast the demand for the next financial year to prepare its
annual budget.

5. What sources of data are useful for this exercise?

6. What factors influence the choice of an appropriate fore- casting model?

● The selection of a method depends on many factors—the context of the forecast, the relevance
and availability of historical data, the degree of accuracy desirable, the time period to be forecast,
the cost/ benefit (or value) of the forecast to the company, and the time available for making the

A number of factors influence the selection of a forecasting model.

● Amount and type of available data. Quantitative forecasting models require certain types of
data. If there are not enough data in quantifiable form, it may be necessary to use a qualitative
forecasting model. Also, different quantitative models require different amounts of data.
Exponential smoothing requires a small amount of historical data, whereas linear regression
requires considerably more. The amount and type of data available play a large role in the type of
model that can be considered.
● Degree of accuracy required. The type of model selected is related to the degree of accuracy
required. Some situations require only rough forecast estimates, whereas others require precise
accuracy. Often, the greater the degree of accuracy required, the higher is the cost of the
forecasting process. This is because increasing accuracy means increasing the costs of collecting
and processing data, as well as the cost of the computer software required. A simpler and less
costly forecasting model may be better overall than one that is very sophisticated but expensive.

● Length of forecast horizon. Some forecasting models are better suited to short forecast horizons,
whereas others are better for long horizons. It is very important to select the correct model for the
forecast horizon being used. For example, a manufacturer that wishes to forecast sales of a
product ...

7. What are the different methods available for assessing the accuracy of forecasts? How should one
select an appropriate measure?

8. Visit http://www.k2b.net/pdfs/k2b_resourcelibrary_for- rester.pdf. Read the article, “Demand

Forecasting Done Right.”

(a) What are the challenges in demand forecasting? How can you overcome some of them?
(b) How do organizations benefit from accurate demand forecasting data?

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