DBL 80
DBL 80
DBL 80
35 mm²
1SNC700504 1SNC160513V00
F0000 14
General Information
The following information must be strictly adhered to in order to guarantee the terminal block electrical, mechanical and environmental performance.
Protection IEC 60947-1 IP20 NEMA 1
Rail TH 35-7.5,
TH 35-7.5, TH 35-15
TH 35-15
Mounting Instructions
Circuit 1 Circuit 2
Operating tool Allen key Allen key
Circuit 3
Circuit 4
Operating tool Posidriv - flat screwdriver
5.5 mm 0.2145 in
Material Specifications
Insulating material Polyamide
CTI 600 V
Flammability UL94 V0
NF F 16101 I2F2
As part of its on-going product improvement, ABB reserves the right to modify the characteristics or the products described in this document.
The information given is not contractual. For further details please contact the ABB company marketing these products in your country.
Cross section
Rated cross section IEC60947-7-1 35 mm² UL1059 2 AWG
Maximum Cross section Manufacturer data 35 mm² Manufacturer data 2 AWG
Electrical characteristics
Rated current IEC60947-7-1 125 A
Field and factory wiring Cat.2 UL 1059 115 A
Factory wiring Cat.1 UL 1059
CSA-C-22.2 n°158 115 A
Maximum Exe current IEC/EN 60079-7
Rated short-time withstand current 1 s (Icw) IEC60947-7-1 4000 A
Short-time withstand current 0.5 s Manufacturer data
5s Manufacturer data
10 s Manufacturer data
30 s Manufacturer data
1 min Manufacturer data
Rated short-circuit withstand current UL 1059
Max. current (45° temperature increase) / Max. cross section (mm²) Manufacturer data 125 A 35 mm²
Maximum short circuit current (1s) Manufacturer data 4000 A
Rated voltage IEC 60947-1 1500 V DC / 1000 V AC V
Rated voltage UL 1059 1000 V
Use Group UL 1059 E
Rated voltage CSA-C-22.2 n°158 1000 V
Rated voltage Ex e IEC/ EN 60079-7
Rated impulse withstand voltage IEC 60947-1 8000 V
Dielectric test voltage IEC 60947-1 2200 V
Pollution degree IEC 60947-1 3
Overvoltage category IEC 60947-1 III
As part of its on-going product improvement, ABB reserves the right to modify the characteristics or the products described in this document.
The information given is not contractual. For further details please contact the ABB company marketing these products in your country.
Dissipated power
Maximum dissipated power at rated current IEC 60947-1 4 W
Maximum dissipated power at maximum Exe current IEC 60079-7
As part of its on-going product improvement, ABB reserves the right to modify the characteristics or the products described in this document.
The information given is not contractual. For further details please contact the ABB company marketing these products in your country.
1SNC166013B0201 - PDF
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