Teks Biografi Mohammad Hatta Offiwiz - File

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Biography of Mohammad Hatta

Mohammad Hatta was born on August 12, 1902 in Bukittinggi. In this small and beautiful
city Bung Hatta was raised in a family environment, his mother named Siti Saleha,
Mohammad Hatta’s father named Muhammad Djamil died when he was eight months old.
Mohammad Hatta has six sisters. He is the only son. he began his education at the elementary
school ELS (Europeesche Lagere School). Since sitting in MULO (Meer Uitgebried Lager
Onderwijs) in the city of Padang, he has been interested in movement.
Since 1916, youth organizations such as Jong Java, Jong Sumatranen Bond, Jong Minahasa
and Ambon Ambon also emerged, Mohammad hearted into the Jong Sumatranen Bond
organization, as treasurer of Jong Sumatranen Bond, he realized how important financial
means to his life. But financial resources, both from members’ contributions and outside
donations, may be smooth if the members have a sense of responsibility and discipline, that
sense of responsibility and discipline is the hallmark of Mohammad Hatta’s character.
In 1921 Mohammad Hatta arrived in the Netherlands to continue his education by studying at
the Handles Hoge School in Rotterdam. He also registered as a member of the Indische
Vereniging. In 1922, the association changed its name to Indonesische Veregining, an
association which refused to cooperate with the Netherlands and later changed its name to the
Indonesian Association (PI).
He also sought that the magazine of the association, the Indies Poetra, was published
regularly as a basis for binding between members, and in 1924 the magazine was renamed
‘Merdeka Indonesia’.
Hatta passed the Handles Economie examination (Trade Economics) in 1923. At first he
intended to take the Doctoral examination in the field of Economics in 1925. Because in 1924
he was not active in the PI. However, when the new department books, namely State Law and
Administrative Law. Hatta also entered the department, driven from his great interest in
The extension of his study plan allowed Hatta to be elected as chairman of the PI on January
17, 1926. On that occasion he delivered the inauguration speech entitled “Economische
Wereldbouw en Machtstegenstellingen” or the Structure of the World Economy and Conflict
of Power.
He tried to analyze the structure of the world economy, based on pointing at the basis of non-
cooperative policies. from 1926 to 1930, successively Hatta was elected as chairman of the
PI. Under his leadership, PI developed from an ordinary student association into a political
organization that influenced the political path of the Indonesian people.
In 1926, with the aim of introducing the name of Indonesia, Hatta led the Delegation at the
International Democratic Congress for peace in Bierville, France. Without much opposition
“Indonesia” was officially recognized by the congress. The name “Indonesia” to refer to the
Dutch East Indies when it was truly known by international organizations.
Hatta and the Indonesian national movement gained important experience in the League
Against Imprealism and also the Colonial Oppression, an International congress which was
held in Brussels on 10-15 February 1927.
Together with Nazir St. Pamontjak, Ali Sastreoamidjojo and Abdul Madjid Djojoadiningrat,
Hatta was jailed for five and a half months. on March 22, 1928, the Hague court court
acquitted all four of the charges.
In this historic session, Hatta delivered an admirable defense speech, which was then
published with a brochure called “” Indonesia Vrij “and then translated into Indonesian as a
book with the title Indonesia Merdeka. Then, between 1930-1931, Hatta focused on his
studies and wrote essays for the magazine Daulat Ra’jat and sometimes De Socialist.
In 1932 precisely in July, Hatta successfully completed his studies in the Netherlands and a
month later he arrived in Jakarta. between late 1932 and 1933, the main preoccupation of a
Mohammad Hatta was to write various economic and political articles for the Ra’jat good
fortune, he was also active in various political activities.
Hatta’s harsh reaction to Sukarno in connection with his detention by the Dutch colonial
government, which ended with Soekarno’s exile in Ende, Flores Seen in his writings on
Daulat Ra’jat entitled “Soekarno Detained” (10 August 1933), “The Tragedy of Soekarno”
(Soekarno Tragedy “(August 10, 1933) November 30, 1933), and “Attitude of Leaders”
(December 10, 1933).
In February 1934, after Sukarno was killed in Ende, the Dutch Colonial Government turned
its attention to the Indonesian National Education Party. the leaders of the Indonesian
National Education Party were arrested and then banished to the Boven Digoel.
From the Jakarta office are Mohammada Hatta, Sutan Sjahrir, and Bondan. From the
Bandung Maskun Sumadiredja, Burhanuddin, Soeka, and Murwoto Offices, they were all
killed at the Boven Digoel.
Before going to Digoel, they were in prison for almost a year in Glodok and Cipinang
prisons, Jakarta. in Glodok prison, Hatta wrote a book entitled “The Economic Crisis and
In January 1935, Hatta and his friends arrived in Tanah Merah, Boven Digoel (Papua). The
head of government there, Captain Van Langen, offered two choices, the first to pursue the
Dutch colonial government with a wage of 40 cents a day in the hope that it would later sent
to the island of origin, or become an outcast by receiving foodstuffs in natura, with no hope
of returning home
Hatta answered that if he wanted to work for the Colonial government while he was still in
Jakarta, he must have been a man with a large salary, so he didn’t need to go to Tanah Merah
to become a coolie with a salary of 40 cents a day.
In his construction, Hatta regularly wrote articles for the newspaper newspaper, his home in
Digoel was filled with books that he specially brought from Jakarta as many as 16 chests.
In December 1935, Captain Wiarda, Substitute Van Langen, informed them that the exile of
Hatta and Sjahrir had been moved to Bandaneira, and in January 1936 both of them left for
Bandanaeira, where they met with Dr. Tjipto Mangunkusumo and Mr. Iwa Kusumasumantri.
On 3 February 1942, Hatta and Sjahrir were taken to Sukabumi. On March 9, 1942, the Dutch
East Indies Government surrendered to Japan and on March 22, 1942 Hatta and Sjahrir were
taken to Jakarta.
During the Japanese occupation, Hatta was asked to work together as an advisor. Hatta said
about Indonesia’s ideals for independence, and he asked if Japan would colonize Indonesia.
Major General Harada said that Japan would not colonize, but Hatta knew that Indonesia’s
independence in Japanese understanding was different from its own understanding.
During the Japanese occupation, Hatta did not say much, but his speech delivered at Ikada
Field (Now Merdeka Field) on December 8, 1942 shocked many people. He said that
“Indonesia is independent of the Dutch colonial imperialism”. Therefore, he did not want
Indonesia to become a colony again, young and old felt this as hard as possible. For
Indonesian youth, he would rather see Indonesia drown in the ocean than have it as a colony
of people again.
On the night of August 16, 1945, the Indonesian Independence Preparatory Committee
prepared the Proclamation in a meeting at Admiral Maeda’s house on Jl. Imam Bonjol.
A small committee consisting of 5 people namely Sukarno, Hatta, Sorbardjo, Soekarni and
Sayuti Malik separated themselves into a room to compile the text of the proclamation of
independence. Soekarno asked Hatta to compile a brief text of the proclamation. Hatta
suggested that Sukarno write the words dictated by him.
Right on August 17, 1945, Indonesian independence was proclaimed by Sukarno and
Muhammad Hatta on behalf of the Indonesian people, at exactly 10:00 am on Jalan
Pegangsaan Timur 56 Jakarta.
On August 18, 1945, Ir Soekarno was appointed as the first President of the Republic of
Indonesia and Drs Mohammad Hatta was appointed Vice President of the Republic of
Indonesia, Indonesia must maintain its independence from the Dutch Government’s efforts to
re-colonize. The Government of the Republic of Indonesia moved from Jakarta to
Yogyakarta. two negotiations with the Netherlands resulted in the Linggarjati Agreement and
the Renville Agreement.
On December 27, 1949 in The Hague, Bung Hatta presided over an Indonesian delegation at
the Round Table Conference to receive recognition of Indonesian sovereignty from Queen
Juliana. Bung Hatta also became Prime Minister when the United Republic of Indonesia
(RIS) was independent. Furthermore, after RIS became the Unitary State of the Republic of
Indonesia, Bung Hatta again became vice president.
After the constituent had officially been opened by the president, the Vice President who was
held by Hatta told the chair of Parliament that on December 1, 1959 he would put his position
as the vice president of the Republic of Indonesia, President Soekarno tried to prevent it, but
Bung Hatta remained in its founding.
After laying down his answers as vice president Bung Hatta received several academic
degrees from various universities including, Padjajaran University in Bandung named Bung
Hatta as Professor in economic politics, Hasanuddin University in Ujung Pandang gave the
Doctor Honoris Causa degree in Economics. University of Indonesia awarded Doctor
Honoris Causa in the field of Law, Bung Hatta Inauguration Speech entitled “Towards a State
of Law”.
Hatta married Rahmi Rachim on November 18, 1945 in the village of Megamendung, Bogor,
West Java. They have three daughters, namely Meutia Farida, Gemala Rabi’ah and Halida
On August 15, 1972, President Soeharto conveyed to Bung Hatta the State’s gift in the form
of the highest mark of honor “Bintang Republik Indonesia Class I” at a state ceremony at the
State Palace.
On March 14, 1980 the Proclamator and First Vice President of Indonesia Mohammad Hatta
died at the hospital of Dr. Tjipto Mangunkusumo, Jakarta at the age of 77 years and was
grounded at Tanah Kusir TPU on March 15, 1980.

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