Septuagesima Sunday

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5, 2023

Processional: purpose; I so fight as not beating the air;

Praise to the Holiest in the height, but I chastise my body and bring it into
And in the depth be praise: subjection, lest perhaps after preaching to
In all His words most wonderful others I myself should be rejected. For I
Most sure in all His ways.
would not have you ignorant, brethren,
O loving wisdom of our God, that our fathers were all under the cloud,
When all was sin and shame, and all passed through the sea, and all
A second Adam, to the fight were baptized in Moses, in the cloud and
And to the rescue came. in the sea. And all ate the same spiritual
food, and all drank the same spiritual
O wisest love! that flesh and blood drink (for they drank from the spiritual
Which did in Adam fail, rock which followed them, and the rock
Should strive afresh against their foe, was Christ). Yet with most of them God
Should strive and should prevail. was not well pleased. DEO GRATIAS.
Gradual (Ps.9:10-11;19-20)
Introit (Ps.17:5-7) A stronghold in times of distress; they
The terrors of death surged round trust in Thee who cherish Thee; for Thou
about me; the cords of hell enmeshed me. forsake not those who seek Thee, O Lord.
In my distress I called upon the Lord; from V. For the needy shall not always be
his holy temple he heard my voice. V. forgotten; nor shall the hope of the
(Ps.17:2-3) I love Thee, O Lord, my afflicted forever perish; rise, O Lord, let
strength, O Lord, my rock, my fortress, my not man prevail. Tract (Ps.129:1-4) Out of
deliverer. V. Glory be to the Father. The the depths I cry to Thee, O Lord; Lord,
terrors. (Kyrie 11 without GLORIA) hear my voice! V. Let Thy ears be attentive
to the prayer of Thy servant. V. If Thou, O
Collect Lord, mark iniquities, Lord, who can stand
O Lord, in Thy kindness hear the it? V. But with Thee is forgiveness, and by
prayers of Thy people. We are being justly reason of Thy law I have waited for Thee,
punished for our sins but be merciful and O Lord.
free us for the glory of Thy name. Through
Jesus Christ… AMEN. Gospel (Mt.20:1-16)
At that time Jesus spoke to his
Epistle (1Cor.9:24-27;10: 1-5) disciples this parable: "The kingdom of
Brethren: Do you not know that those heaven is like a householder who went out
who run in a race, all indeed run, but one early in the morning to hire laborers for
receives the prize? So run as to obtain it. his vineyard. And having agreed with the
And everyone in a contest abstains from laborers for a denarius a day, he sent them
all things; and they indeed to receive a into his vineyard. And about the third
perishable crown, but we an imperishable. hour, he went out and saw others standing
I, therefore, so run as not without a in the marketplace idle; and he said to
them, 'Go you also into my vineyard, and I Preface of the Holy Trinity
will give you whatever is just.' So, they It is truly right and just, proper and
went. And again, he went out about the helpful toward salvation, that we always
sixth, and about the ninth hour, and did as and everywhere give thanks to Thee, O
before. But about the eleventh hour he Lord, holy Father, almighty and eternal
went out and found others standing about, God; for with Thy Only Begotten Son and
and he said to them, 'Why do you stand the Holy Ghost Thou art one God, one
here all day idle?' They said to him, Lord, not in the unity of a single person,
'Because no man has hired us.' He said to but in the Trinity of one substance. For
them, 'Go you also into my vineyard.' But what we believe of Thy glory, through
when evening had come the owner of the Thy revelation, that we also believe of
vineyard said to his steward, 'Call the Thy Son, and of the Holy Ghost, without
laborers, and pay them their wages, difference or distinction. So that in
beginning from the last even to the first.' confessing the true and eternal Godhead,
Now when they of the eleventh hour we adore the distinction of persons,
came, they received each a denarius. And oneness in being, and equality in majesty.
when the first in their turn came, they This the Angels and Archangels, the
thought that they would receive more; but Cherubim and Seraphim praise, and
they also received each his denarius. And unceasingly chant each day, saying with
one voice:
on receiving it, they began to murmur
against the householder, saying, 'These Communion (Ps.30:17-18)
last have worked a single hour, and thou Let Thy face shine upon Thy servant;
hast put them on a level with us, who have save me in Thy kindness. O Lord, let me
borne the burden of the day's heat.' But not be put to shame, for I call upon Thee.
answering one of them, he said, 'Friend, I
do thee no injustice; didst thou not agree Postcommunion
with me for a denarius? Take what is thine O Lord may the faithful be
and go; I choose to give to this last even as strengthened by the reception of Thy
to thee. Have I not a right to do what I sacramental gifts. And having received
choose? Or art thou envious because I am them, may they hunger after them still;
generous?' Even so the last shall be first, and through hungering may they come
and the first last; for many are called, but constantly to be nourished by them.
few are chosen." LAUS TIBI CHRISTE. Through Jesus Christ… AMEN.
(Credo 1)
Immaculate Mary, thy praises we sing, who
Offertory Antiphon (Ps.91:2) reignest in splendor with Jesus, our King.
It is good to give thanks to the Lord,
and to sing praise to Thy name, Most High. [Refrain] Ave, ave, ave, María! (2X)
In heaven the blessed thy glory proclaim; on
Prayer in Secret earth we, thy children, invoke thy sweet
Accept our offerings and prayers, O name. [Ref.]
Lord. Cleanse us by this heavenly rite and We pray for God’s glory may His kingdom
in Thy mercy hear our petitions. Through come. We pray for His Vicar, our father and
Jesus Christ… Amen. Rome. [Ref.]
Just like the Gloria, the Alleluia is
omitted from today until Easter. But
it is replaced by the Tract. Today, it is
the prayer of combatants, who cry to
the Lord from their hearts and not just
from their lips.

Our Gospel is the parable of the

Dear faithful and friends, workers in the vineyard. God is the
owner of the vineyard which is the
Today we start the transition
Church. And He calls all men: some
period towards Lent. Septuagesima very early in life, others in their
means that around 70 days from now, middle-age, while others at the last
we will celebrate the feast of all feasts: hour. It does not matter really when
Easter Sunday. He called us. What is important is that
we persevere in answer correctly.
But, for some ANNOUNCEMENTS: this Only then, can we hope to be among
week’s Masses are as normal: 6.15AM His chosen few. By the Credo, we
and 6.00PM. Next Sunday, will be the profess to continue our efforts to win
Confirmation and Pontifical High the imperishable crown.
Mass by Bishop Bernard Fellay. Our
Monthly Requiem Mass will be on 13 The Offertory reminds us to be
February. grateful to God both for our joys and
sorrows. The Secret begs Him to
As a short REFLECTION, today’s purify us and grant our petitions. By
Introit reminds us of the insecurity of the Preface, we give thanks to the
our life here on earth, encircled by the Holy Trinity, who not only hired us as
terrors of death and the cords of hell. workers, but also adopted us as
That is why, in our Collect, we ask the
Lord to hear our prayers and free us
The Communion seeks God’s
from the just punishments of our sins. kindness and assistance so that we
may not be confounded by all our
The Epistle compares our spiritual life enemies. The Postcommunion begs
to a marathon. An athlete must today’s sacramental graces of
undergo training and abstain from spiritual strength and hunger for Holy
many things to win. Similarly, we Communion.
must deny our body and subject it to
our soul. The Gradual urges us to May the Blessed Virgin Mary, obtain
hope in the Lord, who never forsakes for us the grace to mortify our bodies
those who seek Him sincerely. and to sanctify our souls.
WEEKLY MASS Fr. Benoit Wailliez (Prior & District Assistant)
Fr. Carlo Magno Saa (Parish Priest)

SCHEDULE Fr. Emerson Salvador

Fr. Peter Fortin (School Principal)
Br. James Mary
Br. Anthony
FEBRUARY 6 - Monday Br. Tharsicius
St. Titus of Crete
6.15AM - Low Mass CONTACT US:
5.30PM - Rosary Priory: (02) 8725-5926
6.00PM - Low Mass Email: [email protected]
School: (02) 8527-6064
FEBRUARY 7 - Tuesday Email: [email protected]
St. Romuald of Ravenna
5.30PM - Rosary (0977) 231 0527
6.00PM - Low Mass
FEBRUARY 8 - Wednesday
St. John of Matha WEBSITE:
6.15AM - Low Mass FACEBOOK:
5.30PM - Rosary
6.00PM - Low Mass & Novena INSTAGRAM: olvc.sspx
FEBRUARY 9 - Thursday
St. Cyril of Alexandria CONFESSIONS
6.15AM - Low Mass During all the Masses of
5.30PM - Rosary Sundays and Wednesdays
6.00PM - Low Mass
FEBRUARY 10 - Friday
St. Scholastica of Nursia One Mass: 500 Php
6.15AM - Low Mass Novena Masses: 5,000 Php
6.00AM - Low Mass
• for the School (1st Sunday of the month)
FEBRUARY 11 - Saturday • for the Church maintenance & repairs
Our Lady of Lourdes (3rd Sunday)
6.15AM - Low Mass
6.00PM - Low Mass BPI Peso acct.: The Philippine
FEBRUARY 12 - Sunday Superior of the Society Account number: xxxxxxx576

Sexagesima of St. Pius X, Inc.

7.15AM - Low Mass Acct. no.: 2723-0085-76
9.00AM - Confirmation GCash/PayMaya:
& Pontifical Mass 09052218069
*NO 11.00AM Mass Cheque Donations:
5.30PM - Low Mass 4 SOCIETY OF ST. PIUS X.

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